
15.Jupiter(木星) is the fifth planet from the sun and it is the largest one in the solar system.It is about 11 times bigger than the earth.Jupiter's strangest thing is its huge red spot.Pictures taken from space tell us that the red spot is probably a hurricane.It is so big that the earth would fit right in the middle of it.Sometimes the hurricane looks like a huge oven with orange-red waves.Other time the color almost disappears.
On the earth,hurricanes move.We can watch them travel across water to land.Jupiter's red spot also moves.Scientists say it"walks".It is carried along by air in Jupiter's atmosphere.
So far,Jupiter has been visited by four spacecrafts.All of them flew byJupiter very quickly.On the next trip to Jupiter,spacecraft will stay near the planet much longer.New information will be sent back to the earth.Soon scientists will know much more about this strange red spot in the atmosphere.

29.According to the passage,Jupiter's huge red spot is probablyD.
A.a big stone                     
B.a huge ocean
C.red soil                          
D.a hurricane
30.Compared(比较)with the size of the earth,Jupiter's red spot isD.
B.the same size
C.11times bigger                 
31.Earth's hurricanes are like Jupiter's red spot because they bothD.
A.have the same colour              
B.have the same size
C.move at the same speed           
32.According to the passage,it would be right to say thatA.
A.spacecraft trips help scientists learn more about Jupiter
B.Jupiter is much smaller than the earth
C.scientists have learned everything about Jupiter
D.Jupiter is a star just like the sun.

分析 本文主要讲述了木星这一行星的特征.

解答 29.D  细节理解题. 由第一段第四句"Pictures taken from space tell us that the red spot is probably a hurricane"可知红色的斑点可能是飓风.故选D.
30.D  细节理解题. 由第一段第二句"It is about 11 times bigger than the earth"和第五句"It is so big that the earth would fit right in the middle of it"可知木星上的飓风比地球上大很多.故选D.
31.D  细节理解题.由第一段第三句"Jupiter's strangest thing is its huge red spot"可知木星的最奇怪的事情是其巨大的红斑,结合选项故选D.
32.A  细节理解题.由最后一段最后两句"New information will be sent back to the earth.Soon scientists will know much more about this strange red spot in the atmosphere."可知宇宙飞船能帮助科学家们了解更多关于木星的知识.故选A.

点评 本文是一个科教类阅读理解,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.

10.There is no doubt that teens today are extremely busy.Homework piles up and extra-curricular (课外的) activities are time-consuming.Often,teens have to take part in a sport or activity after school,and they are up until 10:00or later doing homework.Getting teenagers involved in volunteer opportunities can give them a sense of accomplishment that is not connected with sports or school.
Teenagers are often in their own little world.Helping them get involved in volunteering opportunities is the perfect way for them to open up that world and give their time to a good cause.
The key to getting teens involved in volunteer work is to find an opportunity that will fit into their schedule and find something that interests them.Also,keep it close to home.If they have to travel a long distance to volunteer,it's less likely to be accomplished.
My son has helped with the local library's reading program for two summers.It is close to home and the schedule is very elastic.We go in and choose days that work with his schedule and he volunteers for about 2hours at a time.He is responsible for helping kids get signed up for the summer reading program and helping them record the hours they read.It is only a one-week time commitment,but it is very rewarding.
When teens volunteer they often see that there are others more needy than themselves.They also learn time management.Your teen will become a more rounded,less self-centred individual.
Colleges see thousands of students applying for admission every year.If your teen has shown the devotion to volunteer in the community,it can give him the advantage for college admission or scholarship opportunities.So,volunteering is good for their present and their future!

33.What is the text mainly about?C
A.The heavy loads faced by teens toady.
B.The author's son's volunteering experience.
C.The benefits of volunteering for teens.
D.The requirements of volunteering.
34.We can infer from the last paragraph thatC.
A.scholarship opportunities are only offered to excellent students
B.volunteering can help a teen stand out as an excellent student
C.colleges show more preference for students with volunteering experiences
D.one can't become an excellent student without volunteering experience
35.The underlined word"elastic"in the fourth paragraph can be best replaced by"D".
2.It was my birthday last year.Every year,my parents prepared abirthday giftfor me.So that day I was expecting a birthday gift,too.After I came back from school,I sawmy motherwatching TV in the sitting room.
"Mom,where is my birthday gift?"I asked.Hearin g that,my mother looked up at me.She looked surprised.Then she said,"Sorry,I totally forgot it's your birthda y today.I haven't got a birthday gift for you."I was very sadto hear that.I went to my room and shut the door.
About half an hour later,my mother came and knocked on the door.She told me supper was ready.
"Come out to eat quickly,"she said as if nothing had happened.After I went out,I saw my mother and father sitting at the table.I came to the table,unhappy.
"So how is everything going in school?"while eating,my father asked.
"Nothing special,"I said in a low voice.
   After supper,my father said,"Let's go out and enjoy a ride."
   I wasn't in a good mood,so I said,"I don't feel like going anywhere."
   My father smiled and said,"Follow me.You won't get disappointed."
   Looking at the smile on my father's face,I suddenly cheered up.I was sure my parents had prepared a surprise for me.So I followed.
   Then we went out of the house and got onmy father's car.I thought they were taking me to the downtown area to get a birthday gift or watch a show at a theater.
However,after a while,I realized we were not heading to the downtown area.Instead,we were going in the opposite direction.I became very curious.About half an hour later,my father stopped the car on a farm.The owner of the farm came out to greet us.The air was sweet and warm.There were many goats there.The farmer's daughter gave me a baby goatto hold.I suddenly knew it was my birthday gift.
Paragraph 1:
The other day,while I was reading a book,I looked at a picture of a baby goat.      .
Paragraph 2:
I held the baby goat in my arms and touched it.      .

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