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I took the Harvard Summer School program in my vacation£®During my stay there£¬I spend a lot of time studying in the main library Widener£®I enjoyed myself in the ocean of knowledges£¬either doing research for my papers or read special edition books£®The library£¬which it is named after its donor Harry Widener£¬stands right next to the Emerson building of philosophy£®Opening a pair of heavy yet elegant metal doors£¬I was immediate bathed in warm light£®I wandered around the library£¬fascinating to find one treasure after other£®
The library is a amazing place£®One can fully experience the academic atmosphere only he visits the library£®For me£¬the library as well as the courses explain Harvard's place as the home of devoted scholars£®
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½â´ð I took the Harvard Sumner School program in my vacation£®During my stay there£¬I spend a lot of time studying in the main library Widener£®I enjoyed myself in the ocean of knowledges£¬either doing research for my papers or read special edition book£®The library£¬whichit is named after its donor Harry Widener£¬stands right next to the Emerson building of philosophy£®Opening a pair of heavy yet elegant metal doors£¬I was immediate bathed in warm light£®I wandered around the library£¬fascinating to find one treasure after other£®The library is a amazing place£®One can fully experience the academic atmosphere only¡Ähe visit the library£®
For me£¬the library as well as the courses explain Harvard's place as the home of devoted scholars£®
1£®spend--spent£®¿¼²éνÓﶯ´ÊµÄʱ̬£®¸ù¾ÝÉϾäI took the Harvard Sumner School program in my vacation£®ºÍ±¾¾äµÄʱ¼ä×´ÓïDuring my stay there£¬¿É֪νÓﶯ´ÊÓùýȥʽspent£®
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4£®È¥µôit£®¿¼²é¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä£®´úÖ¸ÏÈÐдÊThe library£¬Òýµ¼¶¨Óï´Ó¾ä is named after its donor Harry Widener£¬×ö´Ó¾äµÄÖ÷ÓÓÃwhich£¬ËùÒÔit¾ÍºÍwhichÖظ´ÁË£¬Òò´ËÈ¥µôit£®
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2£®otherÆäËûµÄ£¬ÁíÍâµÄ£¬·ºÖ¸ÁíÒ»¸öÁíһЩ£®×÷¶¨Óïʱ£¬³£Óë¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê¸´ÊýÁ¬Óã¬ÈçBut other creditors have refused the terms£¬µ«Èç¹ûÇ°ÃæÓÐthe£¬some£¬any£¬each£¬every¼°ÐÎÈÝ´ÊÐÔÎïÖ÷´ú´Êʱ£¬¿ÉÓë¿ÉÊýÃû´Êµ¥ÊýÁ¬Óã¬Èçevery other day
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A£® | It | B£® | This | C£® | What | D£® | There |
A£® | was asked | B£® | asked | C£® | was asking | D£® | is asked |