


The GREATEST Journey

I had lunch last week with a high-ranking business woman for a fortune 500 company. I asked her what tips she would give to someone early in their career. Without hesitation she jumped right into four keys to her professional climb:

Know your business. Never get satisfaction with your industry or your position. In most cases, the knowledge you hold now is not good enough to stand the test of time. Thus, you must keep working to stay on top of what’s new and what’s coming down the pipeline. This is what really counts, especially early in a professional career, as many entry level associates are content to be gainfully employed.

Pick careers with care. Again, early in your career it is easy to run after the job that offers the most money. In the case of a life-long career money cannot answer all things. If you are going to be an entrepreneur then you’ll probably start with a budget of zero. Yet, if you have the discipline, working for yourself could be the best choice you’ve ever made.

If you are going to work for a company you have to do your homework. If you find a company that consists with your values and produces a product that you 100% believe in, then you’ll have an easy time giving that organization your all.

Be personable. If everyone hates to be around you at the office, it’s time to check your attitude. We’ve all heard at least one anecdote about a great thinker with great skills who drove coworkers crazy. Someway, somehow many of the brightest and best lack the “people skills” to advance beyond an entry-level position.

In short, you must have the interpersonal insight to interact with internal and external contacts. If not, you may find that you are unimportant once someone with soft-skills joins the organization. Why? People have to buy you before they ever buy the product you’re selling.

Be willing to move. This is where I got puzzled. She shared how she lived in seven states still working for the same organization.

Much is made of moving in today’s attempts to climb the corporate ladder. As more and more companies extend to have a global reach, it is easy to understand why new opportunities birth in various locations.

Whatever the path, outline in your heart what destination you hope to reach and this will be a key indicator as to which journey will be greatest for you.

Title: The Greatest Journey

Passage Outlines

Supporting Details

Information about a business woman

●She held a high【1】 in a fortune 500 company.

●She worked for the same organization2 the fact that she lived in seven states.

3 on professional climb

Know your business

●Don’t fix eyes on the financial4 in the initial stage.

●Be modest about your performance in the position, for you need to better your knowledge so as not to lag behind.

Pick careers 5

●Don’t run after well-paying jobs early in your career.

●Work in an ideal company and you are willing to be6 to that organization.

Be personable

7 driving coworkers crazy for lack of social skills.

●Try to8 others both internally and externally so that no one can shake your foundations in the organization.

Be willing to move

●As an increasing number of companies9 their business globally, new opportunities arise accordingly.


With your dreaming destination 【10 in mind, you will be navigated through the greatest journey.













试题分析: 本文讲述的是作者通过与一位成功女士的交谈,给了关于成功的四条准则。

【1】rank/position 根据第一段提到I had lunch last week with a high-ranking business woman for a fortune 500 company上周我在吃饭和一个财富五百强公司工作的高级职业的女士一块吃饭,故填写rank/position

2despite 根据倒数第三段She shared how she lived in seven states still working for the same organization.她分享她曾经在七个州居住过为同一个公司工作的经历,故填写despite.

3Tips/Suggestions/Advice 根据 I asked her what tips she would give to someone early in their career. Without hesitation she jumped right into four keys to her professional climb可知给出的四个建议。

4interest/gain/profit 根据段提到Again, early in your career it is easy to run after the job that offers the most money.可知在起步阶段不要把眼睛盯在钱上即利益上

5carefully 根据第三段标题Pick careers with care谨慎选择职业,故用carefully.

6committed/devoted/dedicated 根据第四段提到If you find a company that consists with your values and produces a product that you 100% believe in, then you’ll have an easy time giving that organization your all.如果你找到理想的公司,你就要全身心地投入,故填committed/devoted/dedicated

7Avoid/Stop 根据第五段提到 We’ve all heard at least one anecdote about a great thinker with great skills who drove coworkers crazy. Someway, somehow many of the brightest and best lack the “people skills” to advance beyond an entry-level position.我们都听说了一个思想家把同事逼疯的故事。总之,不管怎么说,其中不少聪明优秀的人才缺乏超越初级职位时的人际交往技能可知用Avoid/Stop

8contact 根据倒数第四段提到In short, you must have the interpersonal insight to interact with internal and external contacts简而言之你必须有人际洞察力,看到与内部和外部的联系,故用contact

9extend/expand/grow 根据倒数第二段提到As more and more companies extend to have a global reach, it is easy to understand why new opportunities birth in various locations随着越越多的公司开始全球的拓展业务,所以很容易理解新的机会在各地会就此诞生。

【10outlined/kept/borne/born 根据最后一段提到Whatever the path, outline in your heart what destination you hope to reach and this will be a key indicator as to which journey will be greatest for you不管什么路径,在你心勾勒出你希望到达的目的,这将是你伟大旅程一个关键的指明灯

考点 任务型阅读


【题目】It’s great fun to explore(探索)new places---it feels like an adventure, even when you know you’re not the first to have been there. But make sure not to get lost or waste time going round in circles.

● Do the map reading if you're being driven somewhere. It'll be easier if you keep turning the map so it follows the direction you' re traveling in. Keep looking ahead so that you can give the driver lots of warning before having to make a turn, or you'll have to move to the back seat.

● Get a group of friends together and go exploring. You'll need a good map, a compass (指南针), a raincoat, a cell phone to call for help in case you get lost, and a bit of spare cash for emergencies (应急现金). Tell someone where you're going before you set out and let them know what time you expect to be back. The test is in not getting lost, not in seeing how fast you can go, so always stick together, waiting for slower friends to catch up.

● See if your school or a club organizes orienteering activities, in which you need a map and a compass to find your way. This can be done as a sport, with teams trying to find the way from A to B (and B to C, etc. ) in the fastest time, or simply as a spare-time activity. Either way, it's not only good fun, but a great way to keep fit.

1Sitting beside the driver, you should ________.

A. direct the driver when necessary

B. look ahead to see where there's a turn

C. move to the back seat if feeling uncomfortable

D. keep looking at the map to find a place to go to

2Why do you need to tell someone your exploration plan before setting out?

A. To get information when in danger.

B. To be saved in case of an accident.

C. To share the fun with him/her in exploration.

D. To tell him/her what's going on with the group members.

3Orienteering activities can ________.

A. make people work fast

B. help people stay healthy

C. help people organize other activities

D. make people get prepared for sports

4The text mainly talks about________.

A. the fun of exploration

B. what to bring for exploration

C. the way to use the map in exploration

D. how to prevent getting lost in exploration

【题目】The Best Time to Visit Sydney

If you prefer the cold to heat,especially if seeking to escape the northern summer,the best time to visit Sydney could be in the Australian winter from June 1 to August 31.

The Sydney winter isn’t really harsh and the weather’s generally pleasant.It’s great for touring the city on foot and for bushwalking.And the ski slopes are not too far away.

Holiday time

You get the Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend in June and the school holidays in July.Aside from within those periods,accommodation costs in the city will generally be lower.

Winter weather

Expect generally cool conditions.The average temperature should range from around 8(46) at night to 16(61) in the daytime in midwinter.Expect from 80mm to 131mm of rain in a month,with the most rain in June tapering into August.

Winter accommodation

Outside of the holiday periods,Sydney accommodation will usually be available and should be relatively cheaper.

Winter activities

·The weather’s fine for a walking tour of Sydney.Visit the Rocks,the Sydney Opera House,the Royal Botanic Gardens,Art Gallery of New South Wales,Australian Museum,Hyde Park,Chinatown,Darling Harbour.

·Go on a harbor cruise.At the very least,take a Sydney ferry and cross the harbor to Manly.

·Take a day trip north,south and west of Sydney.

·Spot the whales as they travel north in the whale migration season.

·Go bushwalking at the Royal National Park.

1Considering weather and accommodation,the best time to visit Sydney is in .

A. June B. July

C. August D. December

2Which of the following activities is NOT recommended in the passage?

A. Going skiing near Sydney.

B. Hunting whales in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

C. Touring Sydney on foot.

D. Bushwalking at the Royal National Park.

【题目】Many Western people are not used to sitting on the floor any more. In Japan, however, sitting upright on the floor is common in different situations. For example, meals are traditionally had when people sit on the tatami (榻榻米) floor around a low table. Also during the tea ceremony and other traditional events, one sits on the floor.

The formal way of sitting for both men and women is kneeling upright. People who are not used to sitting in this style may feel uncomfortable after a few minutes, and their legs may go numb. However, foreigners are not usually expected to be able to sit in this style for a long time, and an increasing number of Japanese people themselves aren’t able to do so, owing to a more westernized lifestyle.

In other situations, men usually sit cross-legged, while women sit on their knees laying both legs to one side. The former sitting style is considered wholly male, while the latter is considered completely female.

The most important guest sits on the honored seat which is set farthest from the entrance. If there is a tokonoma (壁龛) in the room, the guest should be seated in front of it. The host or the least important person is supposed to sit next to the entrance. Of course, there are other things to be considered in each particular case.

【1】Which of the following situations is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. When traditional events are held.

B. When a tea ceremony is held.

C. When men and women meet.

D. When meals are traditionally had.

2According to the passage we can learn that ______.

A. more and more Japanese sit in the formal way

B. foreigners should always sit in the formal style in a Japanese home

C. men and women in Japan sit in the same informal way

D. men shouldn’t sit on their knees laying both legs to one side

3When some guests are in a Japanese home, _______should sit nearest to the entrance.

A. the most important guest

B. both the host and the hostess

C. the host or the least important person

D. the host himself

4What is the passage mainly about?

A. How foreigners should sit in Japanese homes.

B. How and where to sit in Japanese homes.

C. How foreigners should behave in Japanese homes.

D. Where to sit in Japanese homes.

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