
【题目】The Best Time to Visit Sydney

If you prefer the cold to heat,especially if seeking to escape the northern summer,the best time to visit Sydney could be in the Australian winter from June 1 to August 31.

The Sydney winter isn’t really harsh and the weather’s generally pleasant.It’s great for touring the city on foot and for bushwalking.And the ski slopes are not too far away.

Holiday time

You get the Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend in June and the school holidays in July.Aside from within those periods,accommodation costs in the city will generally be lower.

Winter weather

Expect generally cool conditions.The average temperature should range from around 8(46) at night to 16(61) in the daytime in midwinter.Expect from 80mm to 131mm of rain in a month,with the most rain in June tapering into August.

Winter accommodation

Outside of the holiday periods,Sydney accommodation will usually be available and should be relatively cheaper.

Winter activities

·The weather’s fine for a walking tour of Sydney.Visit the Rocks,the Sydney Opera House,the Royal Botanic Gardens,Art Gallery of New South Wales,Australian Museum,Hyde Park,Chinatown,Darling Harbour.

·Go on a harbor cruise.At the very least,take a Sydney ferry and cross the harbor to Manly.

·Take a day trip north,south and west of Sydney.

·Spot the whales as they travel north in the whale migration season.

·Go bushwalking at the Royal National Park.

1Considering weather and accommodation,the best time to visit Sydney is in .

A. June B. July

C. August D. December

2Which of the following activities is NOT recommended in the passage?

A. Going skiing near Sydney.

B. Hunting whales in the Royal Botanic Gardens.

C. Touring Sydney on foot.

D. Bushwalking at the Royal National Park.




【解析】试题分析: 本文讲述的是去悉尼最佳的旅行时间及可以从事的活动。

1C考查细节理解题。根据第the best time to visit Sydney could be in the Australian winter from June 1 to August 31最佳时期是六月到八月。再根据第二段提到You get the Queen’s Birthday holiday weekend in June and the school holidays in July. Aside from within those periods, accommodation costs in the city will generally be lower可知除了六月和七月,住宿很便宜,故选C项。

2B 考查细节理解题。根据Winter activities中提到Spot the whales as they travel north in the whale migration season在迁徙的季节当鲸鱼游到北方时,可以发现鲸鱼,而不是猎杀鲸鱼,故B没有提到。

考点 :日常生活类阅读


【题目】It is amazing to note that the Internet is still such a new device,and yet it is one of the fastest and most powerful media tools. But think about it for a moment. On the Internet,a big online company can be run by only two guys in their garage. So it is only reasonable then,that people shopping online would be a little leery of the security levels.

Internet giants such as Microsoft knew consumer confidence was the key to getting virtual(虚拟的) shopping off the ground,and they work hard to make people feel safe to shop online.

Credit card companies,too,quickly saw the potential for online shopping,and have installed things like online shopping insurance for people. If you ever have a problem with your online credit purchases,many credit card companies will happily refund(退还) your money and then set their claws on the company that wronged you. Now that’s buying power!

There are other bonuses for online shoppers,of course. No lineups,for one. No annoying mall shopping carts with broken wheels and kids crying because their parents won’t get them what they want.

When shopping online,consumers can sit down,have a coffee,and wear their slippers,not having to worry about their hair or parking,and just clicking through sale after sale. Comparison shopping couldn’t be any easier. And thanks to courier companies(快递公司) getting in on the act,you never need to wait longer than a day or two to get those all important purchases delivered right to your door.

No wonder so many companies are shaking their heads at traditional advertising and instead looking to the“virtual” world to attract online shoppers.

1What’s the meaning of the underlined word “leery” in the first paragraph?

A. confident

B. doubtful

C. hopeful

D. disappointed

2Consumer confidence in online shopping mainly relies on .

A. freedom of shopping

B. shopping convenience

C. security in shopping

D. Internet access

3The following have made contributions to the popularity of online shopping EXCEPT .

A. Internet giants

B. traditional advertisers

C. courier companies

D. credit card companies

4What does the author think of the current online shopping?

A. Safe,fast but unrealistic.

B. Cheap,convenient but unsafe.

C. Reliable,popular but slow.

D. Safe,convenient and fast.

【题目】For anyone still doubting the belief that our emotions influence our physical health, a new study from New Zealand should be able to settle the matter. It reports that the physical wounds of healthy seniors healed more quickly if they wrote about their most upsetting experiences.

This confirms the results of a 2010 study, and extends those findings to cover older adults—a group that is likely to suffer wounds (as from surgery), and one with less access to other ways of lowering tension (such as exercise).

Reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, a research team led by the University of Auckland’s Elizabeth Broadbent made a study featuring 50 healthy adults ranging in age from 64 to 97. They were asked to write for 20 minutes per day for three consecutive(连续的) days.

Half were asked to write about the most upsetting experience in their life, describing their deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the events, ideally not previously shared with others. The others were asked to write about their daily activities without mentioning emotions, opinions or beliefs.

Two weeks after the third day of writing, all participants received a standard 4mm skin biopsy(皮下活体组织检查) on their inner arm. The very tiny wounds caused by the biopsy were photographed regularly over the following days to determine the rate at which they healed.

On the 11th day after the biopsy, the wounds completely healed on 76.2 percent of those who had done the expressive writing. That was true of only 42.1 percent of those who had written about everyday activities.

“The biological and psychological mechanisms(机体) behind this effect remain unclear,” the researchers wrote, noting that those who had done the expressive writing did not report lower stress levels or fewer depressive symptoms than the others in the control group. Even if they weren’t consciously aware of feeling more relaxed or positive, the expressive writing appeared to have caused some sort of bodily reaction—probably involving their immune systems—that hastened their recovery.

【1】What was the difference between the two groups of participants in the study?

A. What they wrote.

B. Where they wrote.

C. When they wrote.

D. How often they wrote.

【2】According to the text, the experiment lasted .

A. about three days B. about a month

C. about two weeks D. about ten days

【3】The underlined word “hastened” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. speeded B. showed C. limited D. ruined

【4】 What would be the best title of the text?

A. Sharing with others can reduce stress.

B. Skin biopsies are likely to cause wounds.

C. Expressive writing heals physical wounds.

D. Upsetting experiences influence our emotions.








Nowadays many singers and bands have little to do with good music.They know little about what good music mean.What is the cause? So far most of these singers have see music as a “job” because it is a good source of making money.And if you have good appearance and some expensive clothes to show off at your concerts, then you voice is not so important as it should be.The public will prefer to admire more about the most interested parts of your body and even forgot that you are there to show your music skills, not your dancing, which is important too, but not at such a high level.However, the young generation should be understand talent and a good voice matter more in their musical career.All the performances which have little to do with good music fail in be welcomed on stage.If a young man has a great voice and wants to become a successfully singer, he should take some special courses in this area because they will help him improve singing abilities.



The GREATEST Journey

I had lunch last week with a high-ranking business woman for a fortune 500 company. I asked her what tips she would give to someone early in their career. Without hesitation she jumped right into four keys to her professional climb:

Know your business. Never get satisfaction with your industry or your position. In most cases, the knowledge you hold now is not good enough to stand the test of time. Thus, you must keep working to stay on top of what’s new and what’s coming down the pipeline. This is what really counts, especially early in a professional career, as many entry level associates are content to be gainfully employed.

Pick careers with care. Again, early in your career it is easy to run after the job that offers the most money. In the case of a life-long career money cannot answer all things. If you are going to be an entrepreneur then you’ll probably start with a budget of zero. Yet, if you have the discipline, working for yourself could be the best choice you’ve ever made.

If you are going to work for a company you have to do your homework. If you find a company that consists with your values and produces a product that you 100% believe in, then you’ll have an easy time giving that organization your all.

Be personable. If everyone hates to be around you at the office, it’s time to check your attitude. We’ve all heard at least one anecdote about a great thinker with great skills who drove coworkers crazy. Someway, somehow many of the brightest and best lack the “people skills” to advance beyond an entry-level position.

In short, you must have the interpersonal insight to interact with internal and external contacts. If not, you may find that you are unimportant once someone with soft-skills joins the organization. Why? People have to buy you before they ever buy the product you’re selling.

Be willing to move. This is where I got puzzled. She shared how she lived in seven states still working for the same organization.

Much is made of moving in today’s attempts to climb the corporate ladder. As more and more companies extend to have a global reach, it is easy to understand why new opportunities birth in various locations.

Whatever the path, outline in your heart what destination you hope to reach and this will be a key indicator as to which journey will be greatest for you.

Title: The Greatest Journey

Passage Outlines

Supporting Details

Information about a business woman

●She held a high【1】 in a fortune 500 company.

●She worked for the same organization2 the fact that she lived in seven states.

3 on professional climb

Know your business

●Don’t fix eyes on the financial4 in the initial stage.

●Be modest about your performance in the position, for you need to better your knowledge so as not to lag behind.

Pick careers 5

●Don’t run after well-paying jobs early in your career.

●Work in an ideal company and you are willing to be6 to that organization.

Be personable

7 driving coworkers crazy for lack of social skills.

●Try to8 others both internally and externally so that no one can shake your foundations in the organization.

Be willing to move

●As an increasing number of companies9 their business globally, new opportunities arise accordingly.


With your dreaming destination 【10 in mind, you will be navigated through the greatest journey.

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