
【题目】 Dangwal was a teacher in Bankholi village from December 2016 till August 21th this year. The school is attended by about 200 children of seven villages. “I had spent nearly three years teaching children in this school and spending time with the villagers. They always considered me as a member of their own family. That is why when I told them that I have been sent to another school, they could not believe it,” said Dangwal.

On learning his leaving, the villagers told him that they would like to organize a “Goodbye” party for him, on which he agreed but placed a condition that “It should be a small one.” However, on the final day I was surprised to see a large number of villagers gathered near the school with drums. As soon as I stepped out of the school, children and women started crying by hugging me while asking me not to go. The love brought tears to my eyes as well,” Dangwal said.

Remembering his early days in the school, Dangwal said it was not easy for him to adjust but gradually he managed it. “In the six months, I faced some problems as the culture and language of the villagers in the area was different from mine. I learnt it, which helped me to get along with the children and villagers,” Dangwal recalled.

“He was not just a teacher of our children but one of us. He always stood with every villager in the hour of need. His leaving the school is a big loss for us,” one of the villagers, Mamta Rawat, said while praising Dangwal.

He was one of the few teachers who decided to live in the village where the school was located while most of the teachers would live at more comfortable places away from the village. This really touched us,” said another villager Harish Uniyal. “He would always be in our hearts,” Uniyal further added.

1What is Dangwal’s requirement about the “Goodbye” party?

A.Villagers should gather near the school.B.Only a few people should be involved.

C.Drums should be brought there.D.Students shouldn’t cry.

2What difficulty did Dangwal meet with at first?

A.He found it hard to get along with his students.B.The food there didn’t agree with him.

C.He had to teach about 200 students.D.He couldn’t understand the local language.

3What does the underlined word “This” in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Dangwal was ready to help others.

B.Dangwal couldn’t hold back tears saying “goodbye”.

C.Dangwal didn’t mind the uncomfortable living conditions.

D.Dangwal made friends with the villagers.

4What’s the text mainly about?

A.Students and villagers unwillingly part with Dangwal.

B.Dangwal’s working experience as a village teacher.

C.Dangwal feels culture shock in Bankholi village.

D.Another school welcomes Dangwal.









细节理解题。根据第二段中On learning his leaving, the villagers told him that they would like to organize a “Goodbye” party for him, on which he agreed but placed a condition that “It should be a small one.”可知临走时,村民告诉他,他们想为他组织一个“告别”晚会,他同意了,但提出了一个条件,“应该是一个小的晚会”。由此可知,Dangwal要求“告别”晚会规模要小,即参与的人要少。故选B


细节理解题。根据第三段中“In the six months, I faced some problems as the culture and language of the villagers in the area was different from mine. I learnt it, which helped me to get along with the children and villagers,” Dangwal recalled.可知“半年来,由于当地村民的文化和语言跟我的不太一样,我遇到了一些问题。我学会了这一点,这有助于我与孩子和村民相处,” Dangwal回忆说。由此可知,刚开始Dangwal不懂当地语言。故选D


词义猜测题。根据上文He was one of the few teachers who decided to live in the village where the school was located while most of the teachers would live at more comfortable places away from the village.可知他是为数不多的几个决定住在学校所在的村子里的泪人之一,而大多数老师都会住在离村子更远更舒适的地方。“这真的让我们很感动,”另一位村民说。由此可知,Dangwal就住在学校所在地的村子,他不介意那里不舒服的生活条件。故This指的是“Dangwal并不介意不舒适的生活条件”。故选C


主旨大意题。根据第一段中Dangwal was a teacher in Bankholi village from December 2016 till August 21th this year. The school is attended by about 200 children of seven villages.可知201612月至今年821日,DangwalBankholi村担任教师。这所学校有来自7个村庄的大约200名儿童。结合文章主要记叙了Dangwal在班科利村当乡村教师的经历。刚开始Dangwal不懂当地语言,但是他很快学会了当地语言,与当地的孩子们和村民们友好相处,多数老师都会住在离村子更远更舒适的地方,而Dangwal就住在学校所在地的村子,他不介意那里不舒服的生活条件,而且时刻与孩子们和村民在一起。由此可知,文章的主旨是Dangwal作为乡村教师的工作经历。故选B


【题目】Stewart Island Ferry Services

While most visitors spend at least one night on Stewart Island, it is also readily accessible by ferry as a day excursion(远足) from Invercargill and Bluff. Experience Foveaux Strait in comfort and style on board our express catamarans(快艇). During the one-hour crossing between Bluff and Stewart Island keep a lookout for wildlife, especially seabirds.

Free tea and coffee on board.

Interpretation handouts are available (English only).

Wheelchair access available.

Personal baggage is carried free on the ferries—max. two bags per person. Additional baggage is by advance arrangement.

Vehicle parking available at Bluff (extra cost—reservations recommended).


Depart Bluff

All year 9:30 a.m.

Sep—May 5:00 p.m.

Oct—Apr 11:00 a.m.

Jun—Aug 4:30 p.m.

Late Dec—mid Jan 8:00 a.m.


Depart Stewart Island

All year 8:00 a.m.

Sep—May 3:30 p.m.

Oct—Mar 6:00 p.m.

Apr 5:00 p.m.

Jun—Aug 3:00 p.m.

Late Dec—mid Jan 9:30 a.m.

Other departures as locally advertised

Duration 1hr

Check in 30 minutes before to the scheduled departure time. (Check-in and boarding gates are closed 10 minutes before to times stated above.)


Buy 2 or more different excursions and SAVE 20% off all lower priced!

Kids Go FREE on selected departures during NZ School Holidays!

Kids Go FREE for travel 20 April—5 May 2020!

1If leaving a car at Bluff, a traveler had better _____.

A.refer to the handouts firstB.use wheelchair access

C.make a reservationD.park it 30 minutes before departure time

2On Dec. 28th, John got to the ferry dock at 7:55 a.m. When did he most probably leave Bluff for Stewart Island?

A.At 8:00 a.m..B.At 9:30 a.m..

C.At 11:00 a.m..D.At 3:00 p.m..

3Which of the following is not mentioned about the ferry services?

A.Tea and coffee are free for passengers.

B.Children go free for travel for about 15 days.

C.Travelers can see some seabirds during the crossing.

D.Passengers have to pay extra cost for extra pieces of luggage.

【题目】 Recently, I was interviewed by a parenting magazine for a story it was running on eco-parenting (环保式育儿).

The reporter explained that it was expensive to be an eco-parent, with organic baby food and clothing to buy.

But I told her, “I’m sorry, but eco-parenting isn’t about buying ecologically-produced versions of products we think we may need. It’s about discovering what we don’t need.” I told the reporter about my daughter Sarah’s simple wish for a pink balloon on her birthday, but she felt that things would inevitably (不可避免地) change as Sarah grew up and adopted more materialistic desires.

I agreed that Sarah may not always be interested in such simple gifts as balloons, but I couldn’t agree that a birthday needs to be about materialistic desires. To me, a birthday is an opportunity to celebrate the life and the development of person. Do we need to see a table covered with gifts to know that our family and friends love us? Somewhere in our consumer culture, we’ve confused material items with expressions of love and gratitude.

My own birthday was just a few days ago. It came and went in the middle of a snow storm, and my birthday party was canceled. While my husband and I spent much of the day clearing the snow, Sarah made some little dolls for me.

And when we came in to rest, Ula climbed onto my lap and sang Happy Birthday. Throughout the day, my friends called to wish me a happy day, and my mother called, upset that she couldn’t visit.

Later, my husband apologized that he was unable to do anything special for me that day. “I had a fantastic birthday,” I replied, as thought of all the love I’d felt.

1What does the author think eco-parents should do according to the article?

A.Buy organic foods and clothing for their kids.

B.Teach their kids to protect the environment.

C.Try to avoid buying useless things for their kids.

D.Allow their kids to make their own choices in life.

2What does the author intend to express with Sarah’s story?

A.A pink balloon is the best birthday gift for girls.

B.Kids’ material desires will change as they grow up.

C.We don’t have to express our love with expensive gifts.

D.A birthday is a good occasion for us to seek new experiences.

3Why did the author think that her birthday was fantastic?

A.Her husband did something special for her.

B.Many friends came and celebrated it with her.

C.She received meaningful gifts from her children.

D.She felt a lot of love from her family and friends.

【题目】Taking off a mask

To avoid being infected with the virus, it’s important to take off the protective masks in a proper way after using it.


Depending on what you were doing with your hands before you remove your mask, you may need to wash your hands. Or you may need to remove medical gloves, wash your hands, then remove the mask.

*Remove the mask carefully.

In general, remove the mask by only touching the edges, straps, loops(环形), ties or bands. 2.

Ear Loops — Use your hands to hold the ear loops and remove them from around each ear.

Ties/Straps — Use your hands to untie the bottom straps first, then untie the top straps. Remove the mask while holding onto the top ties.

Bands — Use your hands to bring the bottom band up and over your head, then use your hands to do the same with the top band. Remove the mask from your face while holding the top elastic band.

* Dispose of your mask safely.

Medical masks are designed to only be used once. 3.

In medical settings there is most likely a garbage bin specifically for items like used masks and gloves.

In a non-medical setting where the mask could be contaminated(污染), place the mask inside a plastic bag. 4.

*Wash your hands again.

Once you've disposed of the mask safely, wash your hands once more. 5

A.Tie the plastic bag closed and then throw the plastic bag in the garbage bin.

B.You must ensure they're clean and didn't get contaminated by touching the dirty mask.

C.Check the medical mask.

D.Clean your hands.

E.Do not touch the front part of the mask which may be contaminated.

F.Therefore, when you take the mask off, place it in the trash immediately.

G.Ensure the proper side of the mask faces outwards.

【题目】 It was a red-letter day in the history of medicine—“Target Zero Day”, May 8th, 1980, marking the complete removal of smallpox, a terrifying disease. It was untreatable but, luckily, it turned out that vaccination(接种疫苗) provided good protection— and that mass immunization(免疫) could wipe out the smallpox virus by blocking its spread.

According to legend, vaccination was invented by Dr Edward Jenner. Jenner showed that healthy children vaccinated with cowpox, a mild infection of cattle, could not catch smallpox. He was supposedly inspired by a comment from a local milkmaid, but there is evidence that the idea came from a medical friend, John Fewster, who had experimented with cowpox. Nevertheless, Jenner deserves credit for introducing vaccination into the medical mainstream with his paper published in 1798.

In 1966, 160 years after the prediction that vaccination would clean off the disease, the World Health Organization launched its Smallpox Eradication Programme. This heroic 11-year drive was directed by two’ American public health doctors, DA Henderson and Bill Foege. Their hardships were enormous. One WHO official even promised to eat a tyre if smallpox was removed. Henderson promised to send him the tyre and wished him good appetite. But Henderson and Foege’s hard work paid off— three years after the last smallpox case was informed (to make sure no outbreaks had been missed) Target Zero Day was declared.

40 years on, why should we remember Target Zero Day? First, to celebrate victory of preventative medicine and freedom from a cruel disease. Then, we must remember the victims of smallpox. It had previously killed 1 in 12 worldwide. In 1914, a Canadian professor warned against forgetting smallpox, which was fast disappearing from North America. It went on to kill at least another 250 million people— three times more than both world wars combined. Target Zero Day also reminds us of undefeated infections, including polio, measles, malaria, and of course the coronavirus Covid-19. Let’s recognize Target Zero Day for what it isa milestone in world history and a monument to the art of the possible.

1What inspired Jenner to invent the vaccination?

A.A medical friend.B.A local milkmaid.


2What is the writer’s purpose of mentioning the WHO official’s promise?

A.To introduce the support from the WHO.

B.To stress the importance of good appetite.

C.To suggest the difficulty in removing smallpox.

D.To show his determination to carry on the drive.

3From the last paragraph we can infer that _______.

A.Covid-19 will be conquered soon

B.world wars are worse than infections

C.Canadians benefit from the vaccine most

D.smallpox is a terrifying disease

4What message does the text convey?

A.Every dog has his day.

B.A good beginning is half the battle.

C.A trouble shared is a trouble halved.

D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

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