

假定你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:









Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



Double Angels

It was Christmas Eve, and the stores were going to be closing pretty soon.I was trying to ____ my way through the crowds when a guy in a black coat came up to me , told me that he had lost his brown leather ____and shoved his gray business card into my hand.

Please call me at the number on the card if you happen to find it," he said.I looked at him, shrugged my shoulders and ____, "Yeah, no problem.I'll do that."

Suddenly, I noticed a flat, green box ____under some wrapping paper.I opened it up to find an amazing ____plate with a Nativity scene on it.There it was.I smiled____, gathered it up and headed____ the cash register.As the cashier was ringing up my ____, I reached into my pocket to get my money.____my pocket was empty! I began to scramble around searching every pocket when I ____I had left my wallet at home.

So I did the only thing I could think of at that moment: I ran outside the store and started to beg people for ___.Some looked at me like I was crazy; others just____me.Finally, giving up, I slumped down on a cold bench feeling totally ____.

I reached down to tie my shoe when I spotted a ____ wallet lying next to the front leg of the bench.I wondered if it ____ be the wallet that the man in the black coat had lost.I opened it and read the name on the driver's license inside.Yep.It was his.Then my mouth dropped in awe ____ I discovered three hundred dollars inside.

I never even questioned what I should do.I found a nearby pay phone and made a/an____call to the number on the gray business card.The man was so excited that he thanked me over and over .Then he opened up the wallet and ____ me four twenty-dollar bills, thanking me again and I hurried to get my mom a present before the mall closed.

I bought the glass plate and started skating home, ____that everything had worked out.I realized that I had been sort of a Christmas angel for the man who had lost his wallet, and that he had been the same for me when I'd ____ mine.Double angels! I thought.

1.A.take B.make C.set D.get

2.A.scarf B.purse C.wallet D.glove

3.A.told B.said C.replied D.answered

4.A.lain B.hidden C.sleeping D.staying

5.A.glass B.silver C.wood D.china

6.A.proudly B.heavily C.widely D.broadly

7.A.back B.into C.for D.down

8.A.cash B.purchase C.charge D.cost

9.A.But B.And C.So D.For

10.A.thought B.supposed C.realized D.confirmed

11.A.advice B.money C.coffee D.bread

12.A.ignored B.refused C.missed D.hated

13.A.attracted B.confused C.frightened D.defeated

14.A.black B.blue C.brown D.green

15.A.could B.must C.may D.would

16.A.after B.when C.before D.while

17.A.urgent B.brief C.collect D.distant

18.A.paid B.handed C.shared D.showed

19.A.grateful B.helpful C.amazed D.delighted

20.A.forgotten B.missed C.found D.remembered


Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone's life? If yes, don't care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you'll make it!

Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant

(No Pay with Free Meals)

Place: Manchester

Hours: Part Time

We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left.Don't miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!


You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives.You will help them to develop new skills.You will help them to protect their rights and their safety.But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.

Skills and Experience Required:

You will have the right values and great listening skills.You will be honest and patient.You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.

1.The text is meant to ______ .

A.leave a note

B.send an invitation

C.present a document

D.carry an advertisement

2.What does the underlined part mean?

A.You'll make others' lives more meaningful with this job.

B.You'll arrive home just in time from this job.

C.You'll earn a good salary from this job.

D.You'll succeed in getting this job.

3.The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities ______ .

A.to get some financial support

B.to properly protect themselves

C.to learn some new living skills

D.to realize their own importance

4.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer?

A.The one who can drive a car.

B.The one who has done similar work before.

C.The one who has patience to listen to others.

D.The one who can use English to communicate.

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.A girl can’t apply for the position.

B.You can get salaries from the position.

C.Free meals are available.

D.You can get the position in 5 days.


What is a big dream ? 1.________ Or , is a big dream something that provides only entertainment? Children dream big dreams, but there are three barriers to realizing dreams. They often kill them before they ever have a chance to grow.

The Self

Immediately following the birth of a big dream, a negative self-talk takes over and gives all the reasons why it cannot happen. This inside voice is the ego(自我). It’s there for protecting and should be listened to. 2.________ Most people are influenced by the inside voice. That’s why only a handful of people make their dream come true.


Family and friends are a lot like the ego. They want to protect those they love, so they will often list all the reasons why the big dreams won’t come true. Sometimes, family and friends destroy dreams of those they love most, out of their own fear of being left behind.

The World

If one gets past the first two barriers, one has to face the world. 4. ________ In the past, big dreamers were locked up and sometimes even killed when they were shown to the world. Fortunately, in most of the world today, big dreamers just get laughed at.

The way to realize a big dream is with confidence and action. When children have confidence and then take action, they will be ready to accept any failure. The truth is that every great dreamer whose dreams have never seen the light of success knows failure well.


A. Family and Friends

B. How Big Dreams Die

C. Does a big dream show one’s future ?

D. They simply fail until they succeed.

E. It is the last and the most terrible barrier.

F. Sometimes it is right, but more often it is wrong。

G. And their big dream is to be a rock star or a famous artist.


In France, there once lived a famous man named the Marquis de Lafayette. When he was a little boy, his mother called him Gilbert.

Gilbert’s father and grandfather had both been ________ men in his village. He was proud of them, and he ________ that he might grow up to be like them.

Gilbert’s home was near a ________. One day word came that a cruel ________ had been seen in the woods. Men said it had killed many of the villagers’ sheep. Gilbert was only seven, but all his ________ were about the cruel animal.

“Shall we take a ________ ?” asked his mother.

“Oh, yes!” said Gilbert. “We may see that wolf in the forest. But don’t be ________.”

His mother smiled, ________ she felt quite sure that there was no ________ .

They did not go far into the woods. The mother sat down under a tree and began to ________ . Seeing Mom interested in her book, Gilbert decided to ________ the animal. He walked quietly into a wilder place. He looked ________ around, but saw only a rabbit.

Then, ________ , he heard footsteps. He stood still and ________, When the animal was very ________ to him, he jumped out of his hiding place and held it round its neck. It did not try to bite. But it threw Gilbert upon the ________ .

Gilbert was soon on his feet again. He was not ________ at all. He looked at the animal: It was not a wolf but a calf(牛犊).

The boy felt very ________ . He hurried back to his mother, tears in his eyes. He told her what had happened.

His mother said, “You were very ________ . You are my hero because you ________ what you thought was a great danger and you were not afraid.”

1.A. famous B. wise C. brave D. generous

2.A. wished B. guessed C. realized D. believed

3.A. mountain B. forest C. farm D. river

4.A. tiger B. lion C. bear D. wolf

5.A. thoughts B. questions C. plans D. complaints

6.A. bath B. picture C. walk D. break

7.A. tired B. afraid C. cruel D. surprised

8.A. so B. once C. but D. for

9.A. danger B. wonder C. use D. point

10.A. sing B. read C. sleep D. draw

11.A. give up B. worry about C. look for D. ask about

12.A. angrily B. hurriedly C. proudly D. carefully

13.A. finally B. suddenly C. gradually D. strangely

14.A. listened B. cried C. waited D. watched

15.A. close B. familiar C. blind D. harmful

16.A. stone B. wall C. tree D. ground

17.A. defeated B. bothered C. frightened D. hurt

18.A. annoyed B. ashamed C. nervous D. excited

19.A. smart B. curious C. courageous D. lucky

20.A. faced B. avoided C. chose D. accepted

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