

Do you want to get home from work knowing you have made a real difference in someone's life? If yes, don't care about sex or age! Come and join us, then you'll make it!

Position: Volunteer Social Care Assistant

(No Pay with Free Meals)

Place: Manchester

Hours: Part Time

We are now looking for volunteers to support people with learning disabilities to live active lives! Only 4 days left.Don't miss the chance of lending your warm hands to help others!


You will provide people with learning disabilities with all aspects of their daily lives.You will help them to develop new skills.You will help them to protect their rights and their safety.But your primary concern is to let them know they are valued.

Skills and Experience Required:

You will have the right values and great listening skills.You will be honest and patient.You will have the ability to drive a car and to communicate in fluent written and spoken English since you'll have to help those people with different learning disabilities.Previous care-related experience will be a great advantage for you.

1.The text is meant to ______ .

A.leave a note

B.send an invitation

C.present a document

D.carry an advertisement

2.What does the underlined part mean?

A.You'll make others' lives more meaningful with this job.

B.You'll arrive home just in time from this job.

C.You'll earn a good salary from this job.

D.You'll succeed in getting this job.

3.The volunteers’ primary responsibility is to help people with learning disabilities ______ .

A.to get some financial support

B.to properly protect themselves

C.to learn some new living skills

D.to realize their own importance

4.Which of the following can first be chosen as a volunteer?

A.The one who can drive a car.

B.The one who has done similar work before.

C.The one who has patience to listen to others.

D.The one who can use English to communicate.

5.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A.A girl can’t apply for the position.

B.You can get salaries from the position.

C.Free meals are available.

D.You can get the position in 5 days.


Many years ago, I went through a tough time.One afternoon, I picked my girls up.It was late when we returned home.I went to unlock the door and found my key wouldn’t go in.I kept trying while my daughter went to get a flashlight.When she returned with it we found somehow the lock had been “stuffed” with sunflower seed shells.Thinking that one of the neighborhood children had been up to no good, I really didn’t give it much consideration.

I found all windows were locked up tight.So I returned to the back door.Oh my God, I will never forget the shock of that moment.The house was empty!Other than a few things remaining on the back porch, everything was gone!Then I heard a car pull into the driveway and found two policemen walking up.They inquired why I had broken into the house.They then asked me for proof that I lived at that address, so I asked them to wait a minute while I went to get my rent receipt and identification from inside the house.I explained the matter to them and showed them the door lock.

At this point they were not buying any of my story.I could tell from their actions and tone of voice that they thought I was breaking into an empty house for somewhere to sleep.

I asked a neighbor for the phone number of house owner and the officer made a call.The owner was quite shocked to hear my story.She said that my roommate had been going through an eviction(驱逐)process with the court when I moved in with her and had lost the case.She had been ordered to move by 10 am on that date.The court order had been issued the same day I had paid her 1/2 of the rent and a deposit of $300,000.

The owner was very kind and understanding but there was nothing she could do.The house had been rented already and the people were to move in the following weekend.

The officers let me go and I went to gather my girls into the car.They were both exhausted and old.Also very frightened, because they thought their mamma was going to jail.I had to pull over because the tears took control.I couldn’t believe it!Everything we owned was gone, I had used up all our money moving in and paying my “friend” our share of costs.I knew very few people in town, as we had just moved there recently.

I went to sit back in the car with the girls, I talked to the girls, explaining our situation to them so that they wouldn’t be afraid.During this time there was a “street person” with a bag, looking in the garbage for cans, bottles, and anything that might bring him some cash.But I didn’t pay much attention to him.I decided to get the girls something to eat for breakfast.We grabbed some bread, and chips and returned for a “picnic”.When we got there, I noticed that the man was not alone.He was with a small group of others like him and they were passing a hat amongst themselves.

I was busy setting up our little “picnic” when I heard a voice saying, “MaAm, please excuse… but…well…I overheard the situation you are in, and well… I and the fellows took up a collection for you and your little girls.It’s not very much, but maybe it’ll help a little.” I looked up at this man---dirty, needing a shave ----and saw the face of an angel.I started crying.The man tried to hand me $30.I folded his hand back over the money and just hugged him as tight as I could.I told him, “Thank you for your more than generous offer, but we are going to be just fine.” He didn’t believe me at first, but I convinced him that it was okay.

Later that afternoon I went to the market and bought the making for a barbecue and off to that little park.It didn’t take us very long to find those gentlemen and invite them to join us for lunch.I had a wonderful afternoon that day, sitting there with those old guys, singing songs.They had some of the most entertaining stories and they shared the dreams they once had.They shared themselves… from the heart.

1.The writer couldn’t open the door because ________

A.she didn’t have the right key

B.there was something else in the lock

C.someone had changed the lock

D.the owner of the house refused her living there

2.How did the writer come into the house?

A.She came in with the help of the policemen

B.She came in by breaking the glass

C.She came in with the help of a flashlight

D.She came in from the back door

3.When the writer came into her house, she must feel _____

A.excited B.confused C.shocked D.frustrated

4.The writer was not allowed to stay at the house because ____

A.she was cheated by her roommate and the house had been rented to others

B.the house owner was angry about her breaking the glass of the house

C.she hadn’t paid her share of rent

D.she was ordered to move out by the court

5.The underlined sentence "At this point they were not buying any of my story."may mean__________

A.the policemen didn't have enough money

B.the policemen didn't believe the writer's words

C.the policemen helped the writer to break the window

D.the policemen wanted to get the rent receipt

6.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A.The street person was poor and didn't dress well

B.The writer accepted the money the street person gave her

C.The street person didn't know the writer before

D.The writer got along well with the street person and his fellows

The following is something about extreme sports: Dangerous as they are, extreme sports remain appealing among many Australian young people! Camp extreme sports is the perfect test of your heart.

Kite Surfing

It’s the exciting mixture of kite, board and waves. The idea of using a kite to accelerate speed seems like a new challenge, yet the art of kite flying dates back to the 13th-century Chinese when it was used as a simple means of transport.

Catch a wind and you’re moving — up, down and across the surf. “It’s always exciting. You’d jump 5 feet or 35 feet. You never know if you’re going to go up in the air, and your heart is just going boom, boom, boom.”


It is by far the best activity and the event that everyone is still talking about. This is exploring the coastline without worrying about a coastal path or finding a rocky bay blocking your route. You climb, dive and swim from one place to another. With Coasteering, you don’t have to be able to swim as the wet suit and buoyancy(浮力) aid will keep you floating when you are in the water.

Sky Diving

Traditional parachuting(跳伞) doesn’t sound risky enough. So now sky diving is the name for jumping from a plane and listening to your heart beating heavily as you move fast towards earth before you open your parachute at the last moment.

Mountain Biking

It’s been around so long that bikers are no longer satisfied with just going up and down a mountain. Mountain biking is a sport which consists of riding bicycles off-road, often over rough land, using specially adapted mountain bikes. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but include features designed to improve strength and performance in rough areas.

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1.All the four extreme sports are intended to test one’s _____.

A. potential strength B. physical health

C. sports skills D. courage

2.The underlined word “it” refers to _____.

A. kite flying B. kite surfing

C. a kite D. the art of kites

3.Which of the following sports can be the most risky?

A. Kite surfing. B. Coasteering.

C. Mountain biking. D. Sky diving.

4.We can infer from the passage that _______.

A. kites were the main means of transport in China

B. swimming skills play a key role in Coasteering

C. mountain biking requires more than riding common bikes

D. parachuting is the least popular sports at present

Ottawa is the capital of Canada. It is the second largest city in Ontario and the fourth largest city in the country.

The Centre Block is the main building on Parliament Hill (国会山). It is also the location of several ceremonial spaces, such as the Hall of Honor and the Memorial Chamber. The present Centre Block is the second iteration of the building, after the first was destroyed by fire in 1916, and it is one of the most recognizable buildings in Canada.

Downtown Ottawa is the commercial and economic centre of the city. Most of the buildings are office towers. While most of Ottawa’s high tech industry is based elsewhere, it has a significant presence in the downtown core (中心部分). The downtown also contains a number of apartments, hotels, and the older single family homes and townhouses along its edges.

The National Gallery of Canada is one of Canada’s premier (首位的) art galleries. The Gallery has a large and varied collection of paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. Although its focus is on Canadian art, it also holds works by some noted American and European artists.

The Rideau Canal is the oldest continuously operated canal system in North America. At the very beginning, the purpose of the Rideau Canal was military, as it was intended to provide a secure supply and communication route between Montreal and the British naval (海军的) base in Kingston. It remains in use today primarily for pleasure boating, with most of its original structures still exsiting. The locks on the system open for navigation (通航) in mid-May and close in mid-October.

1.What does underlined word “iteration” probably mean in the 2nd paragraph?

A. copy B. repair C. design D. picture

2.If you pay a visit to the core of Downtown Ottawa, you can see ______.

A. a large number of tall towers

B. a lot of apartments and hotels

C. the older single family homes and townhouses

D. head offices of Ottawa’s high tech industry

3.The main collections in the National Gallery of Canada are ______.

A. paintings and drawings

B. works of art by Canadian artists

C. sculpture and photographs

D. works by American and European artists

4.What can we know about the Rideau Canal from the passage?

A. The original structures remain unchanged.

B. People can only go boating from May to October.

C. It was originally for the military purpose.

D. It is the oldest canal system in North America.

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