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Ìáʾ£º³õÖÐjunior high school¡¡¸ßÖÐsenior high school
Dear Mr£®Li£¬
I'm glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English study since I became a senior high school student£®
Yours£¬Li Hua£®

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   When I started senior English in the beginning£¬I found it much more difficult than what we learned in junior school and I almost lost heart£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©
Later£¬I realized the importance of English£¬so I got up early every morning£¬recited English words£¬listened to English tapes and did a lot of exercises£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©

½â´ð Dear Mr£®Li£¬
    I'm glad to tell you that I have made great progress in my English study since I became a senior high school student£®
    When I started senior English in the beginning£¬I found it much more difficult than what we learned in junior school and I almost lost heart£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£©Later£¬I realized the importance of English£¬so I got up early every morning£¬recited English words£¬listened to English tapes and did a lot of exercises£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£© I also asked my teachers and classmates for better ways of learning English£®
    Now£¬I'm improving my English greatly£®And I'm getting more and more interested in learning it£®£¨¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ£© Thank you so much for your great help in your class£®
    Wish you all the best£®
    Li Hua

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16£®Identity theft is arousing increasing attention from the public£®£¨36£©D When your identity is stolen£¬the thief often does fraud£¨Õ©Æ­£©with that£®He may get a credit card in your name and spend it carelessly without paying the bills£®He may get a driver's license in your name£¬and you will be held responsible for the traffic accidents he causes£®
Why is identity theft becoming SO common£¿£¨37£©A And the wealth of private details people post on social networks such as Facebook also makes it easier for identity thieves to obtain private information£®
Many people are not aware of the problems caused by the crime£®£¨38£©E
£¨39£©F This is why it is of importance that every person should become cautious when using the Internet£®The following tips may prevent you from identity theft£®
First£¬make sure your computer has an updated anti-virus and firewall system installed£®Second£¬£¨40£©BYour date of birth£¬names of schools attended£¬phone number or the names of your parents are often required to verify an identity£¬and thieves can use this information£¬too£®Last but not least£¬create complex passwords using a combination of numbers and keyboard symbols£¬and change your passwords on a regular basis£®

A£®A gateway is offered for the identity theft by the popularity of the Internet and computers£®
B£®Give away your private information on social networking sitesлҲthe utmost caution£®
C£®There is one solution to solve the problem£®
D£®This is a crime in which your private information is stolen by someone and is used in all illegal    way£®
E£®They wake up from their carefree attitude only when they become a victim and suffer the damages caused by the crime£®
F£®There is no cure for identity theft except prevention£®
G£®They may borrow money from the bank in your name£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
