
【题目】 When it comes to green buildings, we tend to think of new ones – the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. 1They are the witness of the country. And it would be incredibly wasteful to tear them all down and replace them with greener versions. 2What’s more, it would take an average of 65 years for the reduced carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. 3

But there is an unavoidable fact that nearly half of U. S. carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and powering those aged houses. "You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings," says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust. With some exceptions, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy- efficient. 4Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000.

5Historic ones like Lincoln's Cottage can be transformed through efficiency upgrades. They can not only help protect property owners from rising power costs; They can save the earth.

A.But how to change their conditions?

B.But the U.S. has more than 100 million existing homes.

C.Some effective measures should be taken by government.

D.So some people say that the greenest way is to maintain old ones.

E.Fortunately, some relatively simple changes can green older homes.

F.Vast energy and resources went into the construction of those houses.

G.The main cause is the cracks that expand over time and let outside air in.









1根据上文When it comes to green buildings, we tend to think of new ones the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines.可知说到绿色建筑,我们往往会想到新建筑——那种出现在建筑杂志封面上的高科技、太阳能面板的杰作。再结合后文主要在说明美国住房过多的问题,由此可知,本句与上文发生转折,表明与那些高科技的新建筑不同的是,美国目前有超过1亿套住房。后文中they可对应到B选项中100 million existing homes。故B选项“但美国现有超过1亿套住房”符合上下文语境。故选B

2根据上文And it would be incredibly wasteful to tear them all down and replace them with greener versions.可知如果把它们都拆了,换成更环保的,那就太浪费了。由此可知,本句应当说明这些房屋所投入的大量能源和资源,不应当直接拆除换成更环保的。故F选项“大量的能源和资源被用于建造这些房屋”符合上下文语境。故选F

3根据上文What’s more, it would take an average of 65 years for the reduced carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one.可知更重要的是,一个节能的新房子所减少的碳排放平均需要65年才能弥补因破坏旧房子而损失的资源。由此可知,美国目前的住房投入了大量的能源和资源,同时一个节能的新房子需要耗费很长时间才能弥补因破坏旧房子而损失的资源,由此可知,有些人会认为最环保的方法就是维护这些旧的房子。故D选项“所以有些人说最环保的方法是维护旧的”符合上下文语境。故选D

4根据上文With some exceptions, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy- efficient.可知除了一些例外,最古老的房子往往是最不节能的。由此可知,本句应当承接上文说明老房子不节能的原因。故G选项“主要原因是随着时间的推移,裂缝会扩大,让外面的空气进来”符合上下文语境。故选G

5根据后文Historic ones like Lincoln's Cottage can be transformed through efficiency upgrades.可知像林肯小屋这样的历史建筑可以通过提高能效来改造。由此可知,本段是在说明解决对这些旧房子的方案,即通过一些改变来让这些老房子变得更加环保节能,故E选项“幸运的是,一些相对简单的改变就可以绿化老房子”符合上下文语境。故选E



Thousands of workers are busy preparing pavilious(展览馆)and gardens for the International Horticultural Exibition(世园会)2019 in Beijing , as fewer than 30 days remain until the opening.

The expo park(展会园区)1 locateat the foot of the Great Wall in Beijing’s northwestern Yanqing district. More than 110 countries and international organizations have confirmed their 2(participate) in the event, as well as more than 120 unofficial exhibitors. Exhibition curators(管理人)said 41 outdoor parks will open to 3public, including 34 independent 4 (one), and seven joint gardens.

So far, China’s 31 provincial-level regions, plus Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, have been divided into eight exhibition areas based5 their locations.

Environmental protection is the key element that provincial exhibits will stress. Channels have been built around the park 6(collect) rainwater. Some special stones from around the country will also stand on a grand square 7 connects different gardens. The stone from Jiangxi province is blue and white, 8 (represent) the famous blue and white porcelain(瓷器) of the province’s Jingde town.

This is the second time China9 (host) a high-level horticulture expo. Kunming , Yunnan province , hosted the expo in 1999. Visitors can enjoy more than 2,500 10 (culture) activities throughout the expo.

【题目】 I was born and raised in England in a culture where privacy and “keeping yourself to yourself” were valued traditions. Speaking to strangers was not encouraged. People were most hospitable(好客的) and friendly—but only once they had been introduced to new people.

However, I have been lucky enough to spend some time in both Italy and the US, where I found traditions of hospitality and politeness to be very different.

I experienced Italian hospitality firsthand on a crowded railway carriage travelling, one afternoon, from Genoa to Florence. Sinking gratefully into an empty seat, I was berated(斥责) in rapid Italian by a gentleman who was returning to this seatit had not been “spare” after all. I apologized in English, and got up to allow him back into the seat. The gentleman obviously had no understanding of the English language, but he, too, realized my genuine mistake. He smiled and gestured for me to remain in the seat, and he himself remained standing in the corridor for the remainder of the journey. The other occupants of the carriage smiled and nodded at me and made me feel quite welcome amongst them. I feel that if this had been in England, a foreigner who made a mistake would not always be so kindly treated.

Transport also featured in the differences I noticed between English and American culture. I flew to New York on a plane with mainly English passengers. We sat together in near silence. Nobody spoke to me nor, as I expected, to anyone else they did not know. They felt it was not polite to intrude on someone else's privacy. However, when I travelled across the United States, whether by plane or Greyhound bus, I was never short of conversation. Conversation was going on all around me and whoever sat next to me was happy to introduce themselves and ask me about myself. They obviously felt it would have been rude not to speak to another person, whether they were strangers or not.

1What do we know about the occupants of the carriage when the author was travelling in Italy?

A.They all laughed at the author for his mistake.

B.They would not bear a mistake like the author's in public.

C.They were all on the side of the gentleman.

D.They all showed their understanding of the author's mistake.

2The author probably believes the Italian people are________.



3According to the last paragraph, English passengers sat in near silence because________.

A.they were all strangers to each other

B.they were too tired to speak

C.privacy was a valued tradition in England

D.everybody had their own share of privacy

4The purpose of the author is to tell us ________.

A.his travelling experience

B.cultural differences to show hospitality and politeness

C.the culture shock he experienced in Italy and the US

D.how to adapt ourselves to a new culture

【题目】 US News & World Report recently ranked the best countries for adventure, based on each country’s scores across four aspefcts: fun, friendliness, climate and scenery. Here are four of them.


With its sky-high scores in friendliness and fun, adventure in Spain is always as close as the nearest street. The most important thing for you is to identify what kind of adventure suits you best: if you love winter, head for Madrid, while warm-weather lovers are better off in beachfront Barcelona.


Combining high scores in both scenery and fun, Thailand attracts a mix of people that make for an adventurous atmosphere. This can best be experienced on the island of Koh Phangan. Visitors looking for more traditional exciting adventure should head to Chiang Mai to try whitewater rafting(漂流), or attempt waterfall abseiling(沿绳索滑下) at Doi Inthanon National Park.


High scores in scenery and climate make Greece a perfect destination for adventurers. The water for swimming here is the best of the best. Sailing and kayaking around the Cyclades are popular water sports while land-living visitors to the islands have abundant hiking options. Host to the first Olympics, Athens has long held sporting events at the Panathenaic Stadium. Visitors are welcome to join the morning jog in the stadium from 7: 30 am to 9: 00 am as a warm-up for the day’s adventures.


While Italy might be best known for its food, art and architecture, the country has a more actively adventurous side, too. In Sicily, you can swim in the deepest blue sea and after a few hours lie on the top of the highest active volcano in Europe The ever-changing landscape(风景) also provides a chance for different types of adventures.

1Where are visitors advised to go if they love worm weather and beaches?


C.Sicily.D.Chiang Mai.

2What can visitors do in Thailand?

A.Meet with the friendliest locals.B.Jog freely under huge waterfalls,

C.Enjoy adventurous water sports.D.Appreciate its world-famous art.

3What do the last two countries have in common?

A.They are attractive for swimming lovers.

B.They allow visitors to sail around islands.

C.They arc best known for their unique food.

D.They have Europe’s highest active volcanoes.

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