
2.Getting on the school bus,like the possible dangers around the home,getting on the school bus can also bring its own set of dangers.There are several important safety measures that parents should be aware of when it comes to bus safety.
Parents should always make sure that someone is taking charge of children at the bus stop to make certain clear ground rules which are in place and are being followed-particularly rules that forbid horseplay in and around the street.
Teach children to ask the bus driver for help in picking up anything they may have dropped around the bus,as children getting dropped articles are often hit by the bus or another vehicle because they are not seen by the bus driver or by oncoming traffic.
Children should be asked to take five large steps away from the bus when they get it off,and make sure that the bus driver can see you and look you directly in the eyes to signal it is OK to cross the street.It is still very important that children also look both ways as they cross the street.
Inform children that they must never speak to any stranger who talks with them first and that they must never accept a ride from any person unless their parents tell them directly that it is OK.Teach kids that adults should ask other adults for help,not kids.If an adult asks a kid for help,that child should get another adult.
If for any reason a child feels uncomfortable or unsafe at the bus stop they need to bring it to a parent's or caregiver's attention.
Remember,planning ahead is always the best safety measure.Follow these rules and your family will be off danger!

32.The underlined word"horseplay"in Paragraph 2has the similar meaning asB.
A.stay in order
B.chase each other
C.play game on horse
D.ride a horse around
33.Which of the following should a child do when his book falls around the bus?B
A.Pick it up quickly by himself.
B.Turn to the bus driver.
C.Keep silent without telling others.
D.Ask other children for help.
34.What is the main point of Paragraph 5?A
A.It's about tips on how to avoid dangers from strangers.
B.It's about tips on how to deal with strangers on the road.
C.It's about tips on how to escape from dangerous strangers.
D.It's about tips on how to refuse to talk with strangers.
35.The best way to make your children safe isDaccording to the passage.
A.warning them of various dangers
B.asking them to go to school by bus
C.sending them to school yourself
D.making preparations in advance.

分析 本文是一篇科教类阅读,属于说明文,乘坐校车,像家里可能的危险,上公车也可能带来危险.本文以此展开谈论,主要讲述了父母在公共汽车安全方面应该注意几个重要的安全措施.

解答 32.B.词义猜测题.根据上下文内容可知,Parents should always make sure that someone is taking charge of children at the bus stop to make certain clear ground rules which are in place and are being followed-particularly rules that forbid horseplay in and around the street.句意为父母应该始终确保有人正在公共汽车站负责小孩的工作,制定一些明确的合适的基本规定,并遵守,特别是禁止在街上互相追逐.故horseplay意为互相追逐打闹.故选B.
33.B.细节理解题.根据Teach children to ask the bus driver for help in picking up anything they may have dropped around the bus可知,教孩子寻求公共汽车司机帮忙当在公共汽车上掉落东西时.故选B.
34.A.段落大意题.根据Inform children that they must never speak to any stranger who talks with them first and that they must never accept a ride from any person unless their parents tell them directly that it is OK.Teach kids that adults should ask other adults for help,not kids.If an adult asks a kid for help,that child should get another adult.可知,本段主要讲述了怎样避免来自陌生人的危险.故选A.
35.D.细节理解题.根据Remember,planning ahead is always the best safety measure.可知,提前规划始终是最好的安全措施.故选D.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

1.In this digital age,we search almost everything online before we decide what to do.According to a US-based business reviewing website,the top searches at different times of the night in different European countries vary a lot.Below are some of the more interesting findings.Take a look.
Italy:While most Europeans are searching for restaurants or bars around 6p.m.,the Italians are searching for messages,shoes and job agencies.
Germany:Coming from perhaps the most organized and efficient country,the average German is attracted to food and drink.Having looked up restaurants and bars earlier in the evening,they have already been searching for breakfast and brunch by 9p.m.
UK:Karaoke is one of the most popular pastimes in Asia,but in Europe,the UK seems to be the only nation to look first for Karaoke bars in its Internet searches,roughly around 9p.m.Later into the night,Britons are going to 24-hour pharmacies (药房)by 10p.m.,and then there is a steady interest in 24-hour food stores and delivery,until 1a.m.
France:The French call it a day online quite early,at about 10p.m.But they don't do it until they've had a chance to put their dancing shoes on,after searching for"night club"and"dance".
Spain:The Spanish seem to be quite practical.They search for elementary schools and dermatology(皮肤科) at 10p.m.,followed by swimming lessons at midnight.

21.A man searching for education information online often probably comes fromA.
22.What can we learn from the text?D
A.The Italians don't like restaurants or bars.
B.UK is considered the most organized country.
C.Asian people often look for Karaoke first online.
D.Usually French people end their online search early.
23.In which section of a magazine does this text probably come from?B
13.Here's this week's list of four open jobs throughout the local area.Whether you're unemployed and need a job or you are just sick of the one you have,Roswell Patch wants to help.We know new jobs can be hard to come by these days,which is why we'll try to post a selection of jobs we've found in the area on the site each week.Happy hunting!
Parttime Spanish Instructor-World Language Institute,Inc.-Roswell.
World Language Institute,Inc.in Roswell,is currently hiring a parttime,nativespeaking Spanish instructor.Applicants must be able to pass a background check and drive a 15passenger bus to pick up students from several schools,from 2 p.m.-6 p.m.Monday-Friday.The position pays $10 per hour.More information about the job is available online.
Experienced Servers-Chili's-Alpharetta
Chili's in Alpharetta is seeking experienced servers to add to its team.Qualifications will include being clean and neat and having great attitude and customer service skills.The pay is $2.13,plus tips.Stop by the store to fill out an application.More information about this position is available online.
Registered Nurse-North Fulton Regional Hospital-Roswell
North Fulton Regional Hospital is looking for a RN/Registered Nurse to fill a 12hour night shift.Applicants must be registered and previous hospital experience is preferred.More information about the position is available online.
Software Engineer-ControlScan-Alpharetta
ControlScan in Alpharetta is hiring a software engineer.Applicants should have five or more years of relevant experience,as well as advanced knowledge of computer technology.Pay is commensurate(相称) with experience.More information about the position can be found online.

56.Who will mainly work at night?D
A.Sally,hired by Chili's.
B.Robert,hired by ControlScan.
C.John,hired by World Language Institute.Inc.
D.Jane,hired by North Fulton Regional Hospital.
57.Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage?B
A.We can most probably read the passage in a newspaper.
B.World Language Institute is looking for a parttime teacher.
C.You can apply for the job by sending an Email or in person if you want to work in Chili's in Alpharetta.
D.ControlScan in Alpharetta wants to hire an experienced software engineer with a good knowledge of English.
11.Making homemade jam may sound discouraging,but anyone can do it using basic kitchen skills.Follow these steps with your family to enjoy your own homemade strawberry jam.
1. Buy or pick your fruit.A visit to a pick-your-own farm brings you directly to the source.It also ensures the freshest produce for canning.Most farms are kid-friendly so everyone can take part in picking.
For those who live too far from strawberry farms,a quick trip to a nearby farmer's market or the local supermarket also works.
2. Prepare the fruit.Wash berries quickly under cool water.In a large bowl,mash(捣烂) the fruit,a small amount at a time using a potato masher.Children particularly enjoy this part of the process!
3.Prepare containers.Wash jars and lids in hot soapy water.To prevent jars from breaking,bring water in your canning pot to a low boil.Turn off heat.Then submerge(浸没) clean jars for 10minutes.
4. Cook jam.Transfer mashed berries to a pot in quantity indicated in pectin(果胶) instructions.Add pectin.Heat till boiling,and then add sugar according to pectin manufacturer's recommendations.Stir until it is dissolved and return to rolling boil.Cook for one minute,stirring constantly.
5. Remove the foam on top.Once the jam has cooked,turn off the heat,remove the foam from the surface of cooked jam with metal spoon and transfer to a separate bowl.Set aside.
6. Jar the jam.Pour water out of each heated jar just prior to using.Then,put the jam into the jars,leaving a gap between the top of the jar and the jam.Carefully wipe lip of the jar clean,and then put on the lid,closing tightly.
7.Process in hot water bath.Place jars in canning pot as soon as they are filled and capped.Return to boiling and boil for 15 minutes.Turn off heat.Carefully remove jars from pot.
8. Celebrate.Your jam is made.Spread it on bread.Enjoy!

9.Which part may kids enjoy according to the text?D
A.Cooking jam.
B.Washing jars.
C.Buying strawberries.
D.Mashing strawberries.
10.While putting the jam into the jars,we shouldD.
A.get rid of the foam
B.pour the jam quickly
C.leave some water in the jars
D.make sure the jars are not full
11.Which of the following should be done first?C
A.Heat the jam.
B.Add sugar to the jam.
C.Add pectin to the jam.
D.Remove the foam on top.

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