
【题目】 Elephant, horse and cow wastes could be endless sources for a key element needed to make paper. It is good news for some nations where trees are scarce while animal wastes come in especially handy.

The idea for the unusual use of elephant and cow wastes first came to mind when researcher Dr Alexander Bismarck noticed something strange about goat wastes while vacationing in Greece. He observed some goats eating summer-dry grass and came to an interesting conclusion about what they digest.

Dr Bismarck said “I realized what comes out in the end is partially digested plant matter so there must be cellulose (纤维素)there". Animals eat dry grass containing cellulose, chew it and digest it in their stomach and then produce wastes. Up to 40 percent of those wastes are cellulose, which is easily accessible. Therefore, making paper from the partially digested material would take much less energy than using raw wood. Additionally, it would require fewer chemical treatments.

This supply of raw material is plenty parks in Africa that are home to hundreds of elephants produce tons of wastes every day, and enormous cattle farms in the US and Europe produce mountains of wastes.

In order to make paper, the material must be processed with a special method. But it requires little because there is no need to break it down into small parts for use in paper, in contrast to conventional methods which need a lot of energy to break down wood.

Using wastes, we can reduce the number of steps needed in papermaking, simply because the animal already chewed the plant and attacked it with acid in their stomachs. You inexpensively produce a paper staff that has the same or even better properties than that from wood, with lower energy and chemical consumption.

1What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?

A.The observation of goat wastes.B.The usage of animal wastes.

C.The origin of the unusual idea.D.The vacation spent in Greece.

2Animal wastes can be used to make paper mainly because ________.

A.they will never run outB.they are easy to access

C.they are partly digestedD.they contain much cellulose

3What is the advantage of making paper from animal wastes?

A.It is more profitable.B.It is energy-saving.

C.It needs less material.D.It fits all parts of the world.

4What is the probable explanation of the underlined word “attack"?









这是一篇说明文,研究者发现,大象, 山羊,牛等的排泄物里含有大量纤维素,可以用来造纸,比用木头造纸更经济,而且原料充足。


主旨大意题。本段第一句The idea for the unusual use of elephant and cow wastes first came to mind when researcher Dr Alexander Bismarck noticed something strange about goat wastes while vacationing in Greece.(研究人员亚历山大·俾斯麦博士在希腊度假时注意到山羊粪便的奇怪之处,于是他产生了使用大象和奶牛粪便的不寻常想法。)为主题句,主要讲述了用动物排泄物造纸这一想法的产生。 故选C


细节理解题。根据第一段Elephant, horse and cow wastes could be endless sources for a key element needed to make paper.(大象、马和牛的粪便可能是造纸所需的一种关键元素的无尽来源。) 以及第三段Up to 40 percent of those wastes are cellulose, which is easily accessible. Therefore, making paper from the partially digested material would take much less energy than using raw wood. Additionally, it would require fewer chemical treatments(这些废物中高达40%是纤维素,很容易获取。因此,用部分消化的材料造纸所消耗的能量要比用原木少得多。此外,它需要更少的化学处理)可知,纤维素 是造纸必需的元素,而动物粪便里含有40%的纤维素,由此判断,D选项符合题意,故选D。


细节理解题。根据第三段中Therefore, making paper from the partially digested material would take much less energy than using raw wood(因此,用部分消化的材料造纸所消耗的能量要比用原木少得多。)可知,用动物的排泄物造纸可以比用木头造纸节省能源。故选B


词义猜测题。根据最后一段Using wastes, we can reduce the number of steps needed in papermaking, simply because the animal already chewed the plant(利用排泄物,我们可以减少造纸所需的步骤,仅仅因为动物已经咀嚼了植物)可知,用动物排泄物造纸省却了造纸必需的一些过程;再根据上段But it requires little because there is no need to break it down into small parts for use in paper(但它的要求很少,因为不需要把它分解成小的部分用于造纸)可知,省却的这个过程就是将原料粉碎的过程,也就是动物胃里的食物是经过咀嚼和用胃酸浸泡和腐蚀过的,由此推知划线部分的意义接近处理,故选A


【题目】 Something’s happening at the lowest point on our planet.

The Dead Sea, a salt lake bordered by Jordan to the east and Israel and Palestine to the west, is shrinking at an alarming rate - about 3. 3 feet per year, according to the environmentalist group Eco Peace Middle East. And human actions are largely to blame.

"It's not just like one country is punishing the Dead Sea: it's more like the whole area,” said photographer Moritz Kustner, who visited the area in February to work on his series "The Dying Dead Sea”.

The Dead Sea needs water from the other natural sources surrounding it, such as the Jordan River basin. But around the 1960s, some of the water sources it relied upon were diverted. Israel, for instance, built a pipeline during that time so it could supply water throughout the country.

Mineral extraction industries are another main reason the water levels are falling, experts say. The Dead Sea's minerals have been used as medicine and can often be found in cosmetics and other consumer products.

And then, of course, there's the Middle East's hot, dry climate, which makes it difficult for the lake to replenish itself. Last year, Israel and Jordan signed a $900 million deal in an effort to keep the Dead Sea's water levels stable. It includes building a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea which would be able to not only supply water to Israel and Jordan but also to pump water into the Dead Sea.

But for now, Kustner shows us that the Dead Sea remains very much a place of interest, with people from all over the world going there to swim in its salty waters

The Dead Sea, known as the Salt Sea in the language of Hebrew, is one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. And because of what has been happening over the years, the salt is only getting saltier.

1How many reasons for the Dead Seas shrinking does the author mention in the text?



2What can we learn about the Dead Sea 's minerals?

A.They have practical value.

B.They are controlled by Israel.

C.They can be extracted very easily.

D.They are mainly used in heavy industry.

3What does the underlined word "replenish” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.To clean something.B.To improve something.

C.To fill something again.D.To find something again.

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.What we should do to save the Dead Sea.B.More people travel to the Dead Sea.

C.Why the Dead Sea is salty.D.The Dead Sea is drying out.

【题目】 Chef Jeremy Pang and a team of helpers are on a task to help feed London’s homeless and those facing food shortage in London. Pang and about 180 volunteers wore aprons and sharpened their cooking skills to make 4,000 dumplings, 700 noodle stir-fries, and 700 liters of curry in just four hours on a cold morning in Borough Market.

Now in its third year, the aim of the event, which is called Wok for 1,000, is to raise awareness of food waste and food shortage throughout the United Kingdom. Pang, who founded School of Wok in London’s Covent Gardenled a team of experienced chefs in teaching volunteers how to cook the dishes. The hot meals were then packed up and loaded into trucks so they could be distributed to those in need.

The event was part of Pang’s work to support the charity (慈善组织) Plan Zheroes, which aims to help connect food businesses with charities in order to redistribute surplus (过剩的) food and support measures to help prevent food waste. “1,300 meals get distributed to around 10 charities across London who are fighting food shortage,” Pang said. “The idea is that with ‘small steps for big changes’, an event like this can show people that one person can easily cook for 10 people and feed a lot of people in need.”

The food materials used at the event were donated by School of Wok^ suppliers as well as from stallholders (摊主) in Borough Market.

“As soon as we met Plan Zheroes, it was clear to me that it was a charity we wanted to raise money for,” said Pang. “So, not only are we creating thousands of meals but, at the same time, we are raising around 5,000 to 6,000 pounds for a very small charity doing a huge job.’’

1Why did Jeremy Pang hold the event Wok for 1,000?

A.To improve Pang’s food businesses.

B.To win a good reputation for himself.

C.To show his kindness to homeless people.

D.To raise people’s awareness of food problems.

2What can we know about the event Wok for 1,000?

A.It has been carried out for three years.

B.It is held in London’s Covent Garden.

C.It directly distributes meals to the homeless.

D.It is part of the charity Plan Zheroes’s activity.

3Where did the food materials used at the event come from?

A.They were offered by volunteer chefs.

B.They were donated by generous people.

C.They were provided by some charities.

D.They were bought from suppliers.

4What’s the best title of the text?

A.A Charity Plan Zheroes

B.A Celebrity Chef Jeremy Pang

C.Volunteers Cooked Meals for the Homeless

D.Experienced Chefs Taught Volunteers How to Cook

【题目】 It was Halloween(万圣节), which is a big deal when you’re seven. I was sitting in my Sleeping Beauty costume, eagerly waiting for my dad to come home so he could take me to go trick or treating. My father had been away on a business trip. He was supposed to return earlier that day, but it was midnight…Finally I nodded off.

The next morning I guessed that my mom had already known something I didn’t find out for another couple of days. It was my dad who had a new identity(身份): plane crash survivor. He told us about it later. It had been raining as he got on the plane for home. The plane was cleared for taking off on one runway but turned too far and ended up taking off on another runway, which was closed. Because of the rain, the pilot couldn’t see the heavy construction equipment(施工设施)blocking the runway, and the plane crashed right into it. The left wing was torn off, the fuselage(机身)split in two, and fire shot through the plane. Nearly half of the passengers died, but amazingly, my dad was unhurt. He couldn’t breathe because of the smoke, so he ran toward the exit and walked out.

My father told me when the plane crashed, he first thought of us. As sad as he felt at the thought of never seeing us again, he also felt a sense of relief(解脱)that all his business and financial(财务的)worries would be over. When he survived, he saw it as a second chance. He valued his second life, so he sold his business and started a new one. Now he is a successful businessman. I’m so proud of my dad for this.

1The author was waiting for her father to return home so she could ________.

A.share his business trip story.B.buy a Sleeping Beauty costume with him.

C.listen to his trick-or-treating stories.D.celebrate Halloween with him.

2The plane crashed mainly because ________.

A.a fire broke out in it.B.the pilot couldn’t see the runway clearly.

C.it turned onto a wrong runway.D.it hit a building while taking off.

3Why did the author’s dad feel a sense of relief as the plane crashed?

A.He thought everyone would die.

B.He thought he wouldn’t be troubled by his business problems.

C.He thought he wouldn’t have to be controlled by his boss.

D.He thought he could escape the quarrels with his wife.

4Which saying does the experience of the author’s father match?

A.You are blessed if surviving a disaster.

B.Life is short and time is flying.

C.Where there is a will, there is a way.

D.Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

【题目】 Reading a book can enlarge the imagination, support independent thinking and widen a person’s world. Writing a book can do even more. Educators now are using book-writing to help students develop creativity and a love of reading at an early age.

This is a third grade classroom at Taylor Elementary school in Arlington, Virginia. The students of eight or nine years old are busy writing, making pictures and talking with their teacher. And today, each student is working on writing a story.

Creating a book begins with the children finding the ideas that interest them. Then they write the first version (版本). After that, they edit their work, which means to make corrections and changes. In the process? students learn to think like real writers.

Holly Karapetkova writes children’s books and teaches literature at Marymount University in Arlington. She says she is happy that her 8-year-old son K. J. and his classmates are writing books at school. She thinks creating books sends them back to books. It encourages them to read more, both the books they are creating and other books.

Creating books is one of her favorite activities at home with K. J. and his 3-year-old sister, Kalina. “We have made books about animals? about weather, a lot of books about letters and numbers to reinforce skills. One of our favorite kinds of books to make is an alphabet book, just with a simple letter, then pictures, either pictures that we print out from our real photos or pictures that the children draw to match those letters.” She says the way to keep children interested in creating books is to give them freedom of choice.

K. J. has written more than 12 books on different subjects. His mother hopes the skills he and Kalina are developing-writing, reading, thinking, imagining-will help them succeed in the 21st century job market.

1What’s the first step to write a book for the children?

A.Writing the first description.B.Deciding on an interesting subject.

C.Changing some details in the book.D.Correcting the mistakes in the story.

2What’s Holly Karapetkova’s attitude to the book-writing method?



3The underlined word “reinforce” in Paragraph 5 means “________”



4In the opinion of Holly Karapetkova, writing books can help children ________.

A.find a good job in the futureB.gather experience in social life

C.form the skills of writing storiesD.make money for college education

5What does the text mainly talk about?

A.Some child writers.B.Several interesting books.

C.A teaching method.D.Debates about education.

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