

How to Motive Teens to Read

With lots of studies showing the benefits of reading, how can teachers motivate their students to open a good book or power up their e-reader?

Lead by Example

Require students to spend at least 20 minutes in dependent reading every day. By taking part in this regular activity themselves ,teachers show that they consider reading very important. 1.

Freedom to Choose

2. For those who forget their books ,provide them with access to novels, magazines or newspapers during required reading time.Consider allowing students to use their personal e—readers

Share Your Excitement

Teachers’ excitement for a particular book may have a huge influence on their students . 3. Then when it comes time for them to choose a new book, suggest your favorite.

Visit the Library

Make time to visit the school library and require students to borrow at least one book of interest. 4. By doing so, they can make sure the book fits their interests.

Stay Informed

Teachers can help motive students by finding out the latest popular young adult reading matter, such as “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins and the “Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld.

With varied activities competing for students’ time and attention, it can be difficult to encourage youngsters to read. 5.

Teachers who make independent reading a daily part of the classroom experience and find creative ways to motivate their students may be on the way to writing a success story.

A. They can read books in silence.

B. Give students a taste of what the book is about.

C. There is science fiction that they are interested in.

D. Encourage them to spend some time reading the book before borrowing.

E. However ,there is little doubt that reading can help with students’ studies

F. Therefore, they always find time to read even though they are terribly busy.

G. Allow students to pick their own literature ,as long as it is suitable for school reading.



阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C, D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Long ago, there were a mother and a son living a hard life in a small house. The mother worked ______ every day, but the family was always ______.

One day, her son ______ his friend's bag. "Mom, what do you ______ of this bag?" His mother praised her son rather than _____ him. "It looks ______!"

The next time, he stole a(an) ______. She praised him again and she put it on.

His desire got ______ each day. He stole ______ and brought them to his mother. "How beautiful!" This time, she ______ and kissed her son.

Then, because he was ______ by his mother, he started to steal even more ______ things. One day, the police ______ him. Before putting him in ______, he ______ the police to meet his mother.

"You should not have done that. What's the matter with you? " The woman cried as soon as she saw her son. Her son ______. "If you had given me a(an) ______ like that when I stole the first bag, I could not have become a thief."

She felt ______ as she looked at her son heading to prison. "If I only could turn back time, I would have punished him ______." She ______ that she always praised him, whatever he did.

1.A. carelesslyB. diligentlyC. happilyD. sadly

2.A. weakB. wealthyC. healthyD. poor

3.A. broughtB. gotC. stoleD. saw

4.A. thinkB. hearC. dreamD. inform

5.A. lovingB. punishingC. calmingD. aiding

6.A. terribleB. uglyC. greatD. old

7.A. umbrellaB. horseC. overcoatD. oil lamp

8.A. smallerB. biggerC. louderD. brighter

9.A. shoesB. glassesC. vasesD. jewels

10.A. kickedB. huggedC. staredD. stood

11.A. encouragedB. educatedC. hatedD. forced

12.A. expensiveB. beautifulC. usefulD. colorful

13.A. searchedB. suspectedC. caughtD. ignored

14.A. dangerB. hospitalC. prisonD. shelter

15.A. advisedB. requiredC. demandedD. begged

16.A. repliedB. requestedC. doubtedD.remembered

17.A. lessonB. admirationC. feelingD.determination

18.A. shockedB. hopelessC. satisfiedD. homeless

19.A. slightlyB. dailyC. regularlyD. severely

20.A. remindedB. repeatedC. recalledD. regretted

I regularly train at a local boxing gym and I’m lucky enough to meet an amazing man, Adrian Charter. Adrian comes to the gym to train, just like me. The difference is, I’m 31 years old, and Adrian is 72!

I watched Adrian as he was training, early on a Sunday morning, and he was hitting the punching bag harder and quicker than most men in their twenties would. Adrian was a former boxer whose last professional fight was in 1972. Even though he has stopped competing as a boxer, his discipline(纪律) still makes him stick to a training rule.

It simply amazed me as to how a 72-year-old man could train so hard. Believe me, boxing is one of the most difficult sports on the earth, needing much patience,skill, and effort.

What surprised me even more was that a few days earlier he did some running. He ran 9 kilometers. He does this on a regular basis. For me, I can run 5 kilometers at most.

When I questioned him about how he kept such discipline, he calmly replied, “It is all in my mind.”

I thought about it for a moment. If discipline can push a 72-year-old man to train so hard and enjoy it, could I imagine how discipline could serve every single human being on the earth? Right at this point, as you read this story, please pause and ask yourself, “What is my level of discipline?”

Adrian’s example told me that the power of discipline will get us to the finishing line! The bigger the challenge is, the more our discipline can serve us and the sweeter the taste of success will be!

1.The author noticed Adrian Charter mostly because Adrian Charter _______ .

A. was a famous former boxer

B. was the oldest in the boxing gym

C. acted faster even than young people

D. didn’t want to compete any longer

2.What does the author think of boxing?

A. It has high requirements.

B. It has strict training rules.

C. It has a limit to people’s age.

D. It makes people become quick and strong.

3.The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means “______ ”.

A. Rome was not built in a day

B. no pains, no gains

C. failure is the mother of success

D. early birds can catch worms

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Grasp every chance to keep fit

B. An unforgotten experience

C. The power of discipline

D. An amazing boxer

Art Beat in January 2016


Youth choir to perform

The youth choir of China National Symphony Orchestra will soon perform classics including the Mexican folk song, The Golden Nightingale, and the Blue Danube, adapted from a waltz by Johann Strauss II. Pianists Zhao Lin and Wang Tianyang will join in the show.

7:30 pm, Jan 23. Forbidden City Concert Hall, inside Zhongshan Park, west of Tian'anmen Square, Xicheng district. 010-6559-8285.

Orchestra recitals

The China National Center for the Performing Arts Orchestra led by conductor Lyu Jia will give two recitals, featuring works including Beethoven's Coriolanus Overture and Mozart's Symphonies No 40 & No 41 Jupiter. Cellist Wang Jian will join in the performances, playing Schumann's Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 and Saint-Saens' Cello Concerto No 1 in A minor, Op 33.

7:30 pm, Jan 15; 2:30 pm, Jan 16. China National Center for the Performing Arts, No 2 West Chang'an Avenue, Xicheng District. 010-6655-0000.

Ballet from Paris

Paris Opera Ballet will present two gala performances in the city. Besides highlights of classical ballet, such as Swan Lake and Manon, the program will also include modern pieces from the company's repertoire. The leading etoiles are Ludmila Pagliero and Karl Paquette.

7:15 pm, Jan 15-16. Shanghai Oriental Art Center, 425 Dingxiang Road, Pudong district. 021-6854-1234.

Ensemble of swans

Shanghai Ballet will present two performances of Swan Lake. The production choreographed by British artist Derek Deane has just completed a tour in 26 cities of the Netherlands. The spectacular production features an ensemble of 48 dancers.

7:15 pm, Jan 22-23. Shanghai Grand Theater, 300 Renmin Avenue, Huangpu district. 400-106-8686.

1.If you only spare some time in the afternoon, you can enjoy ________.

A. Beethoven's Coriolanus Overture

B. Classical ballet Manon

C. The Golden Nightingale

D. Classical ballet Swan Lake

2.According to the text, we know that Ludmila Pagliero and Karl Paquette are ________.

A. Pianists B. ballet performers

C. cellists D. violinists

3.If you are interested in ballet performances, which of the following places can you go to enjoy yourself?

A. Forbidden City Concert Hall and China National Center

B. Forbidden City Concert Hall Shanghai Grand Theater

C. Shanghai Oriental Art Center and Shanghai Grand Theater

D. China National Center and Shanghai Oriental Art Center


Snow falls in the Earth’s extreme North and South throughout the year. However, the heaviest snowfalls have been reported in the mountains of other areas during winter. Snow is even known to fall near the Equator (赤道), but only on the highest mountains.

Snow contains much less water than rain, but much of the water the world uses comes from snow. 1. In the western United States, mountain snow provides up to seventy-five percent of all surface water supplies.

Snowfall helps to protect plants and some wild animals from winter weather. Fresh snow is made largely of air trapped among the snow crystals (晶体). Because the air has trouble moving, the movement of heat is limited. 2. The surface of the snow takes in, or absorbs, sound waves. As snow grows older or if there have been strong winds, it can become hard and flat. Then, the snow’s surface will help to send back sound waves.

3. It is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people. Many people die in traffic accidents on roads covered with snow and ice or from being seriously stuck in the winter storm. 4. .

People may not be able to avoid living in areas where it snows often. However, they can avoid becoming victims of snowstorms. People should stop driving and stay at home until the storm has passed. People living in these areas should carry emergency supplies in their vehicle. 5. .

A. These include food, emergency medical supplies, and extra clothing to stay warm and dry.

B. Snow also influences the movement of sound waves.

C. Melting snow provides water for rivers, electric power stations and agricultural crops.

D. Mountain snowfall is heavier than that in the South and the North Poles.

E. In many places, streets were blocked; houses fell down and supplies were short.

F. Others die from heart attacks caused by too much physical activity out in the cold.

G. Snow may be beautiful, but it can be deadly.

Mr. Baker lived in an old and low house. His wife was blind in both eyes and the two children were very young. All his family often went hungry. He had nothing but a small piece of field. One autumn he grew some wheat in his field. He hoped it would do well because all family would depend on it. The whole winter it often snowed. And the next spring the wheat was doing well. Mr. Baker was happy. One day Mr. Baker went to watch his wheat. To his surprise, a lot of crops were eaten up by a horse. He became angry but could not find out whose horse had eaten them. He thought the horse would go there again. So he decided to stay in his field and tried to catch the horse.

A few days later a yellow horse came in his field again and began to eat the wheat. Mr. Baker ran after it quickly, with a stick in his hand. But the beast ran much faster than he. He tried his best, but could not catch up with it.

The next morning, when Mr. Baker was working in his field, he saw the yellow horse pulling carriage on the road. He picked up a stick at once, ran closer to the horse and began to beat it up.

The driver was surprised and stopped him. He asked, “Why are you beating my horse?”

“It has nothing to do with you,” Mr. Baker said angrily. “The beast knows why I’m beating him!”

1.What was Mr. Baker?

A. A driver B. A farmer

C. A keeper D. A doctor

2.Why was Mr. Baker happy at first?

A. Because he found out the beast that ate up his wheat.

B. Because he would soon get a good harvest.

C. Because wheat was doing well.

D. Because his family would not grow any more wheat.

3.Mr. Baker tried his best to catch the horse to ____________.

A. sell it for some money

B. beat it up

C. make it work for him

D. find out the owner of the horse

4.Which of the following is true?

A. The horse knew that it had done wrong.

B. The horse had nothing to do with the driver.

C. The horse belonged to the driver.

D. The horse knew whose wheat it had eaten up.

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