
Mr. Baker lived in an old and low house. His wife was blind in both eyes and the two children were very young. All his family often went hungry. He had nothing but a small piece of field. One autumn he grew some wheat in his field. He hoped it would do well because all family would depend on it. The whole winter it often snowed. And the next spring the wheat was doing well. Mr. Baker was happy. One day Mr. Baker went to watch his wheat. To his surprise, a lot of crops were eaten up by a horse. He became angry but could not find out whose horse had eaten them. He thought the horse would go there again. So he decided to stay in his field and tried to catch the horse.

A few days later a yellow horse came in his field again and began to eat the wheat. Mr. Baker ran after it quickly, with a stick in his hand. But the beast ran much faster than he. He tried his best, but could not catch up with it.

The next morning, when Mr. Baker was working in his field, he saw the yellow horse pulling carriage on the road. He picked up a stick at once, ran closer to the horse and began to beat it up.

The driver was surprised and stopped him. He asked, “Why are you beating my horse?”

“It has nothing to do with you,” Mr. Baker said angrily. “The beast knows why I’m beating him!”

1.What was Mr. Baker?

A. A driver B. A farmer

C. A keeper D. A doctor

2.Why was Mr. Baker happy at first?

A. Because he found out the beast that ate up his wheat.

B. Because he would soon get a good harvest.

C. Because wheat was doing well.

D. Because his family would not grow any more wheat.

3.Mr. Baker tried his best to catch the horse to ____________.

A. sell it for some money

B. beat it up

C. make it work for him

D. find out the owner of the horse

4.Which of the following is true?

A. The horse knew that it had done wrong.

B. The horse had nothing to do with the driver.

C. The horse belonged to the driver.

D. The horse knew whose wheat it had eaten up.



How to Motive Teens to Read

With lots of studies showing the benefits of reading, how can teachers motivate their students to open a good book or power up their e-reader?

Lead by Example

Require students to spend at least 20 minutes in dependent reading every day. By taking part in this regular activity themselves ,teachers show that they consider reading very important. 1.

Freedom to Choose

2. For those who forget their books ,provide them with access to novels, magazines or newspapers during required reading time.Consider allowing students to use their personal e—readers

Share Your Excitement

Teachers’ excitement for a particular book may have a huge influence on their students . 3. Then when it comes time for them to choose a new book, suggest your favorite.

Visit the Library

Make time to visit the school library and require students to borrow at least one book of interest. 4. By doing so, they can make sure the book fits their interests.

Stay Informed

Teachers can help motive students by finding out the latest popular young adult reading matter, such as “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins and the “Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld.

With varied activities competing for students’ time and attention, it can be difficult to encourage youngsters to read. 5.

Teachers who make independent reading a daily part of the classroom experience and find creative ways to motivate their students may be on the way to writing a success story.

A. They can read books in silence.

B. Give students a taste of what the book is about.

C. There is science fiction that they are interested in.

D. Encourage them to spend some time reading the book before borrowing.

E. However ,there is little doubt that reading can help with students’ studies

F. Therefore, they always find time to read even though they are terribly busy.

G. Allow students to pick their own literature ,as long as it is suitable for school reading.

Two teachers are greatly needed in Zejiang Province!

8000-9000 RMB / month (25 lessons / week) plus benefits!

The school is located in Yuhang Town, which is only two hours away from Hangzhou City by bus.


Native English speakers from Australia, Canada, UK, etc. Bachelor' s degree and teaching experience

We offer:

Airfare reimbursement & Travel bonus

A spacious, private and on-campus apartment with the following items included:

Computer with free Internet access; Telephone; Color TV; Heater; Washing machine; Refrigerator; Microwave; Cooking facilities (plates, glasses, cups, pots and pans, etc.)

Water dispenser; Western-style toilet; Bath-tub; Non-stop hot water

To apply for the job, please send your resume to zlO120@163.com.


To apply for the job, please don’t forget to include the following information:

Personal data (age, place of birth, etc.)

Description of your academic history and teaching experience

A recent picture

Scanned documents, such as diploma(s), passport and current visa (if already in China)

A phone number where we can reach you

For inquiries, call +86 (871)3803085; 13700641813

1.This advertisement is planned to ____________.

A. take on English teachers B. introduce a school

C. attract foreign students D. arrange the subjects

2.What is Not needed for you to apply for the job?

A. your resume

B. your personal data

C. your academic history

D. a recommendation letter

3.If you are employed, you may___________.

A. live far away from the campus

B. share a room with another teacher

C. surf the Internet for free

D. enjoy three free meals every day

4.Where are you likely to read the advertisement?

A. In a telephone book. B. In a newspaper.

C. In a travel guide. D. In a textbook.

The Sands of Time

St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is much more than just golden sands and beautiful flowers. The area has a long human history too. From Stone Age hunters to amazing pioneers, discover the daring deeds and sad stories from St Cyrus' past.

Date: 23rd August 2010

Time. 2 p. m.—3:45 p. m.

Type of event. Guided walk

Between the Tides

A celebration of the world between the tides. Join local salmon (大马哈鱼) fisherman Jim Ritchie on a fascinating walk to learn how local folk have made a living from the world between the tides, harvesting salmon from the beach at St Cyrus for hundreds of years.

Date: 25th August 2010

Time: 2 p. m.—4 p.m.

Type of event: Family event

Ice & Fire

St Cyrus National Nature Reserve has had an eventful life! From its days near the equator (赤道) to volcanic eruptions and ice ages. Celebrate the start of Scottish Geology Month with a walk through the reserve and travel back in time to uncover the clues to St Cyrus' past hidden in the cliffs.

Date: 31st August 2010

Time: 2 p. m.—3:45 p. m.

Type of event: Guided walk

Scary Stories

It's getting darker at nights... it's almost Halloween, when the ghosts (鬼怪) come out to play. Join us for some spooky stories of Dinnet and Deeside long ago... and listen out for things that sound strange in the night!

Date: 25th October 2010

Time: 7 p. m.—9 p. m.

Type of event: Family event


* All under 18's must be accompanied by an adult

* Pets allowed: No

* Cost: Free

* Phone: 01674?830736

* Location: SNH Visitor Centre, St Cyrus National Nature Reserve

1.Which of the following events may help you learn about the local people's way of life?

A. Between the Tides.

B. Scary Stories.

C. The Sands of Time.

D. Ice & Fire.

2.The underlined word “spooky” in the text probably means ________.

A. interesting B. frightening

C. real D. funny

3.What do the four events have in common?

A. They are held in August.

B. They are held in the evening.

C. People can't take their pets with them.

D. People need to be guided during the journey.

4.According to the text, ________.

A. you need to pay to join in the activities

B. a ten?year?old child can attend these events only in adults' company

C. St Cyrus National Nature Reserve is famous for salmon

D. St Cyrus National Nature Reserve was set up not long ago



Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week.When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop, she would drive quickly along the emergency lane.While driving she usually ______ on her cell phone. Drinking a soda or eating a sandwich----her hands,legs,and mouth were always______ while she was driving.

Last night she got ______ in Friday evening rush hour.She was going to be______for her date.She was already______ when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped.Elaine drove ______over to the emergency lane.Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to ______her car.A good-looking officer walked up.“Officer, I’m pregnant.I have constant morning sickness.I’m just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my______” She looked at the officer with ______eyes.

He looked at her pitifully, then said______.“Okay,ma'am. Take the first exit you come to.I hope you'll be feeling better.”

The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that ______had worked for her.She had one more thing to do before she got home. She had to mail a package.When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was ______ ,except for the handicapped(残疾人的)space. Elaine drove right into it.It would only be a minute,and she told______.All she had to do was______ the mailbox store,get the package ______,and pay the clerk.

Fortunately,there was no______in the store.Everything was done so______that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car.Then she stopped______.There was an envelope on the windshield.She opened it slowly.She knew ______ it was,but not how much it was.She screamed when she saw the______. A dog started barking.

1.A.depended B.carried C.talked D.sold

2.A.full B.open C.free D.busy

3.A.hurt B.stuck C.annoyed D.punished

4.A.late B.ready C.excited D.mad

5.A.satisfied B.angry C.exhausted D.calm

6.A.unwillingly B.immediately C.guiltily D.gratefully

7.A.stop B.start C.discard D.speed

8.A.gas B.ticket C.medicine D.package

9.A.proud B.aggressive C.addicted D. innocent

10.A.softly B.rudely C.strictly D.skeptically

11.A.officer B.excuse C.driver D.mistake

12.A.adoptable B.accessible C.acceptable D.available

13.A.the clerk B.the guard C.the worker D.herself

14.A.take out B.get out C.run into D.push into

15.A.weighed B.bought C.repaired D.paid

16.A.car B.line C.police D.service

17.A.quickly B.slowly C.strangely D.quietly

18.A.talking B.driving C.thinking D.whistling

19.A.how B.why C.what D.that

20.A.letter B.order C.amount D.invitation

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