
15.You       the day off from work,which created a burden for everyone else.(  )
A.shouldn't have takenB.mustn't have taken
C.couldn't have takenD.wouldn't have taken

分析 你本不应该请假,这给其他人都带来了负担.

解答 答案:A 句意表达的是对过去事实的相反假设,要用情态动词加完成时态;shouldn't不该,mustn't不准,couldn't不能,wouldn't不会;句意表达的是不应该,含有责备的语气.故选A.

点评 虚拟语气是表示与事实相反的假设,构成方式有:对现在或将来,条件句中用一般过去时态,主语用情态动词加动词原形;对过去,条件句中用过去完成时态,主语用情态动词加完成时态.学习时,要牢记构成方式.

5.I cheated on a unit test in math class this morning during second period with Mr Burke Afterward,I was too sick to eat lunch just thinking about it.
I came straight home from school,went to my room,and lay on the floor trying to decide whether it would be better to run away from home now or af ter supper.Mostly I wished I was dead It wasn't even an accident that I cheated. It wasn't even an accident that I cheated.
Yesterday Mr.Burke announced there'd be a unit test and anyone who didn't pass would have to come to school on Saturday,most particularly me,since I didn't pass the last unit test I did plan to study just to prove to him that I'm plenty smart-which I am.mostly-except in math.
Anyway,I got my desk ready to study on.Just when I was ready to work,Nicho came into my room with our new rabbit and it jumped on my desk and knocked the flashcards all over the floor.What a mess!Nicho and I finally took the rabbit outside but then Philip came to my room and also Marty from next door and before long it was dinner.
After dinner my father said I could watch a special on television if I'd done all my homework.Of course I said I had.That was the beginning.I felt terrible telling my father a lie about the homework.
It was nine o'clock when I got up to my room and that was too late to study for the unit test so I lay in my bed with the light off and decided what I would do the next day when I was m Mr.Burke's math class not knowing the 8-and 9-times tables.
So,you see,the cheating was planned after all.
The next day,I'd go into class as usual,acting like things were going just great.I'd sit down next to Stanley Plummer-he is so smart in math it makes you sick-and from time to time,I'd glance over at his paper to copy the answers.Everything was okay except that my stomach was upside down and I wanted to die.
The fact is,I couldn't believe what I'd done.in cold blood.I began to wonder about myself.I've never been a wonderful kid that everybody in the world loves.I have a bad temper and I like to have my own way and I argue a lot.Sometimes I can be mean.But most of the time I've thought of myself as a pretty decent kid.Mostly I work hard,I care for little kids,and I tell the truth.Now all of a sudden I've turned into this criminal.It's hard to believe I'm just a boy.And all because of one stupid math test.
Lying on the floor of my room,I begin to think that probably I've been bad all along.It just took this math test to clinch it.I'll probably never tell the truth again.
I tell my mother I'm sick when she calls me to come down for dinner.She doesn't believe me,but puts me to bed anyhow.1lie there in the early winter darkness wondering what terrible thing I'll be doing next when my father comes in and sits down on my bed.
"What's the matter?"he asks."I've got a stomachache,"I say.Luckily,it's too dark to see his face."Is that all?""Yeah.""Mommy says you've been in your room since school.""I was sick there too,"I say."She thinks something happened today and you're upset."That's the thing that really drives me crazy about my mother.She knows things sitting inside my head the same as if I was turned inside out.
"Well,"my father says.I can tell he doesn't believe me."My stomach is feeling sort of upset."I hedge."Okay,"he says and he pats my leg and gets up.
Just as he shuts the door to my room I call out to him in a voice I don't even recognize as my own."How come?"he calls back not surprised or anything.So I tell him I cheated on this math test.To tell the truth,I'm pretty much surprised at myself.I didn't plan to tell him anything.
He doesn't say anything at first and that just about kills me.I'd be fine if he'd spank me or something.And then he says I'll have to call Mr.Burke.It's not what I had in mind."Now?"I ask surprised."Now,"he says.He turns on the light and pulls off my covers."I'm not going to,"I say.
But I do it.I call Mr.Burke,and I tell him exactly what happened,even that I decided to cheat the night before the test.He says I'll come on Saturday to take another test,which is okay with me,and I thank him a whole lot for being understanding and all.
"Today I thought I was turning into a criminal,"I tell my father when he turns out my light.
Sometimes my father kisses me good night and sometimes he doesn't.I never know.But tonight he does.

55.After the author cheated on the math test,he feltD.
A.pleased that nobody knew it
B.excited that he had succeeded
C.frightened because he might be caught
D.unhappy because he had done something wrong
56.By saying"It wasn't even an accident that I cheated",the author means thatC.
A.he had planned not to study before the test
B.he had planned to cheat with Plummer before the test
C.he decided to cheat after he had wasted the whole evening
D.he decided to cheat when he knew there was going to be a test
57.Before the cheating,the author thought thatD.
A.he was a bad boy in everything         
B.he always did what he was told
C.he was a boy that everyone loved       
D.he was a decent child but not perfect
58.The author thinks his mother often drives him crazy becauseC.
A.she is very strict with him
B.she doesn't care for him actually
C.She always knows what he is thinking
D.she always tells him to look after himself
59.After he was informed of what he had done,the fatherD.
A.scolded the author severely             
B.didn't say anything and left
C.called Mr.Burke immediately           
D.let the author make a call to Mr.Burke
60.The author's father kissed the author good night becauseD.
A.he had done something unusual
B.he promised to study math harder
C.he was willing to take a make-up test
D.he realized his mistake and had the courage to admit it.
3.There is an English saying that goes,"he who laughs last,laughs the hardest."High School Musical star Zac Efron is laughing a lot these days.
As a young boy,Efron waspicked on in school because he was always the smallest in his class and teased because he had a big space between his teeth.In sixth grade,Efron's basketball team made it to the league championships.In double overtime(两个加时赛),with three seconds left,he rebounded the ball and passed it-to the wrong team!They scored and his team lost the game.
But history,as they say,is a thing of the past. Now at 21,Efron is one of People magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People,appears on the cover of Entertainment Weekly,Hollywood's most influential magazine,and is traveling the world promoting the third High School Musical film.Director Adam Shankman described Efron as"arguably the biggest teen star in America right now."Simply geogle"Zac Efron"and you get more than 14 million responses.Yes,it seems Efron has a lot to smile about these days.
Efron was born and raised in California.He took school seriously.According to Efron,"he would go mad if he got a B and not an A in school,and that he was a class clown."It was his father who encouraged him to act.He took part in school performances and with a local theater group.He also took singing lessons.He graduated high school in 2006 and was accepted at the University of Southern California to study film.But he postponed it-why study movies when you can star in them.
Now he has signed on to star in the romantic comedy Seventeen Again and to play in the remake of the hugely popular movie,Footloose.Efron is also earning more than $3 million for his role in High School Musical 3.Not bad for a 21-year-old.But Efron still remembers those bullies(欺人者).
"You always have to remember that bullies want to bring you down became you have something that they admire,"Efron said."Also,when you get made fun of,when people point out your weaknesses,it's an opportunity for you to rise above".
Efron has risen all the way to the top of the movie business.And he can now laugh all the way to the bank.
61.The English saying is used at the beginning to show EfronC.
A.has achieved worldwide fame      B.still has a long way to go
C.has a not so smooth past          D.is optimistie all the way
62.The underlined phrase"picked on"in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaming toB.
A.sung high praise for          B.treated unfairly
C.run after                   D.talked about
63.We know from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 thatD.
A.We'd better let the past be the past
B.Efron is bound to go down in history
C.history plays an important role in Efron's life
D.different from his past,Efron is quite popular now
64.Why did Efron put off his university study?A
A.Beeause he didn't want to lose the chance to star in films.
B.Because he had learned all the things about film.
C.Because he wanted to mke more money.
D.Because he showed no intorest in it.
65.What's the reaction of Efron to those bullies?D
A.Taking no notice of it.
B.Fighting back immediately.
C.Finding opportunities to fight back..
D.Regarding it as a motivation to move on.
4."Over the years the unthinkable has become thinkable and today we sense we are close to being able to alter human heredity(遗传)."These were the words of David Baltimore of the California Institute of Technology,on December 1st,when he opened a three-day meeting in Washington to discuss the morality and use of human gene editing.Dr Baltimore is an old hand at these sorts of discussions,for he was also a participant in the Asilomar conference,in 1975,which brought scientists together to discuss a safe way of using the then-new tcchnology of recombinant DNA,and whose recommendations influenced a generation of biotechnology researchers.
Four decades on,the need for a similar sort of chin-wag has arisen.The International Summit on Human Gene Editing has been held by the national scientific academies of three countries-America,Britain and China.They are particularly concerned about whether gene editing should be used to make heritable changes to the human germ line,something Dr Baltimore described as a deep and troubling question.Like those of Asilomar,the conclusions of this meeting will not be binding.But the hope is that,again like Asilomar,a mixture of common sense and peer pressure will create a world in which scientists are trusted to regulate themselves,rather than having politicians and civil servants do it for them.The meeting is being held against a backdrop of rapid scientific advance,Since 2012 research into a new,easy-to-use editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 has blossomed.This technique involves a piece of RNA (a chemical messenger,which can be used to recognise a target section of DNA) and an enzyme (酶) called a nuclease that can snip unwanted genes out and paste new ones in.
Public interest was aroused in April,when Chinese scientists announced they had edited genes in non-viable ( 无活力的) human embryos,and again in November when British researchers said they had successfully treated a one-year-old girl who had leukaemia ( 白血病),using gene-edited T-cells.T-cells are part of the immune system that attack,among other things,tumour cells.The researchers altered T-cells from a healthy donor to encourage them to recognise and kill the patient's cancer,to make them immune to her leukaemia drug,and to ensure they did not attack her healthy cells.
In another recent development,a firm called Edit as Medicine,which is based in Cambridge,Massachusetts,has said it hopes,in 2017,to start human clinical trials of CRISPR-Cas9 as a treatment for a rare genetic form of blindness known as Leber congenital amaurosis (伯氏先天性黑蒙).Though other companies are already testing gene-editing therapies,these employ older,clunkier forms of the technology that seem likely to have less commercial potential.Moreover,researchers at the Broad Institute,also in Cambridge,said this week that they had made changes to CRISPR-Cas9 which greatly reduce the rate of editing errors-one of the main obstacles to the technique's medical use.
On the subject of germ-line editing,Eric Lander,the Broad's head,told the meeting it would be useful only in rare cases and said it might be a good idea to"exercise caution?before making permanent changes to the gene pool.The need for caution is advice that might also be heeded by those pursuing work in animals other than people,and in plants-subjects not being covered by the summit.
61.Which ofthe following is TRUE about CRISPR-Cas9?B
A.It has fewer side effects.
B.It can modify human gene.
B.It can protect immune system.
D.It has less commercial potential.
62.The underlined word"chin-wag"in Paragraph 2 can be replaced byA
A.discussion    B.negotiation  C.argument D.comparison
63.What can be inferred from the passage?D
A.Dr.Baltimore started his research on modiffing gene in 1975.
B.Scientists'opinions about the use of gene editing are consistent.
C.CRISPR-Cas9 has been applied to cure Leber congenital amaurosis.
D.More research should be made before the technology comes into wide use.
64.This passage is most probably aB.
A.science fiction  
B.scientific report
C.conference summary 
D.commercial advertisement.

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