
7.When it comes to mental health,the fact is sometimes neglected ______ more and more
teachers are under great pressure.(  )

分析 当说到精神健康,有一个事实有时被人们忽略了,那就是越来越多的教师处在巨大的压力之下.

解答 答案:D
题干中more and more teachers are under great pressure解释前面fact的内容,是一个同位语从句;句意表达的是客观事实,故选D.

点评 同位语从句属于名词性从句,大多由从属连词that引导,常常跟在fact,idea,opinion,news,hope,belief等名词后面.同位语从句一般用来解释或说明这些名词的具体含义或内容,在逻辑上表现为同位关系.

17.The recent gang-rape(轮奸)of a young woman in India has caused major protests.The woman later died of her injuries.The crime has also brought attention to the issue of women's rights in India.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has repeated that the government will bring to justice those guilty of the violent rape,and that he and ruling Congress Party leader Sonia Gandhi share the country's anger over the crime.
Police have arrested six people accused of the attack which took place on December 16.The driver of the bus was also seized.The victim was a twenty-three-year-old medical student.She and a male friend received a ride on the private bus where a group of men severely beat her for an hour and then threw her off.Her male friend was also beaten.
After receiving treatment in a hospital in the capital,the victim was taken by air to Singapore where she died at Mount Elizabeth Hospital.Doctors said the woman suffered severe brain injury.
Prime Minster Singh told a conference Thursday that attacks against women happen in all states and areas.I le said"The safety and security of women is of the highest concern to our government.A commission of inquiry is being set up to look into precisely these issues in the capital."
Officials say two committees will be set up in reaction to the protests.One group is to investigate the possibility of faster trials in cases of sexual violence.Another will examine police reaction to the crime and suggest measures to improve women's safety.
India's junior home minister announced another new measure.The official said people who have been found guilty of rape will be publicly dishonored.They are to have their names and pictures placed on a ministry Website.
Last year,New Delhi alone reported more than 570rapes.More than 600of the crimes have been reported this year.Some lawmakers in India have now suggested that rape should be punished by death.

43.What was people's reaction to the gang-rape in India?A
A.They were angry and held massive protests.
B.They despaired of their safety and future life.
C.They wanted the problem to be solved quickly.
D.They felt disappointed about their officials.
44.What can we learn about the victim from the passage?B
A.She was studying at New Delhi Normal University.
B,She later died of severe injuries in Singapore.
C.Her boyfriend ran away when the attack happened.
D,Her treatment in New Delhi was very successful.
45.According to the passage,we can conclude thatD
A.the suspects'names have already been placed on websites
B.no measures have been taken to improve women's safety
C.the women in India don't have any right and freedom
D.in New Delhi the cases of sexual violence arc on the increase
46.What's the main idea of the passage?D
A.India is making new laws to punish sexual crimes.
B.India is trying its best to deal with the protests.
C.India is taking measures to improve women's safety.
D.India is looking for answers after the deadly rape.
19.U.S.President Barack Obama said Friday on campaign trail he can make the case for a second term,and voters will come to see him as the candidate best prepared to serve as president by next year's elections,according to an interview he gave to the U.S.media.
In an exclusive interview he gave the Associated Press,Obama acknowledged that the state of the economy could be his biggest hurdle to clear in winning  reelection.
"I think the economy's going to continue to improve,and I think I'm going to be able to make an effective case that…I am the person who is best prepared to finish the job so that we are on track to succeed in the 21st century,"Obama said in the video interview conducted in Chicago,where he attended fund-raising events the previous night.
"I think I can make that case,and I think that,in the debates that take place over the next 18 months,the American people will feel that I deserve a second term,"he said.
Chicago is Obama's home,and the president's reelection campaign headquarters is also located there.He made the reelection announcement on April 4.According to a Gallup poll released on Friday,Obama's approval rating stood at 41 percent,an all time low.Gallup said the figure was fueled by economic dissatisfaction.
53.The best headline for this article is"A".
A.Obama says he deserves a second term
B.Obama becomes the American president again
C.Obama has planned to resign from president
D.There are lots of hurdles in front of Obama
54.The underlined word‘case'in paragraph one meansA.
A.a success             B.a failure            C.a pleasure       D.a sorrow
55.The biggest problem that Obama might meet with in the president's reelection isC.
A.that all the people object to him         B.that his competitor is stronger than him
C.the economic problem                      D.that he didn't do well at his last post
56.Who probably writes this passage?B
A.an official        B.a journalist       C.a secretary     D.the common people.
16.Life for Ron and Joanne Wickham used to be full of soccer games,birthday parties,school plays,and parent-teacher conferences.For most of the past 20 years,they spent their evenings reminding their children to do homework and helping them complete it.Now the evenings are empty except for TV,and the weekends seem to last forever.The children whose activities used to fill their time have moved away and have left empty spaces.The Wickham parents have what is usually called Empty-Nests Syndrome.
Ron and Joanne both work for the Heritage Insurance Company in Ukiah,California.In their mid-50s,they have two children,Anne and Josh.Anne just graduated from California State University-Fullerton and is looking for a banking job in the Bay Area.Josh is still a junior at Claremont McKenna College near Los Angeles,but he can only rarely make the 460-mile trip home to visit his parents.Back in Ukiah,Ron and Joanne often feel the house is too big."It doesn't really echo,"says Ron,"but it feels like it should.Where is everybody?"
Empty-nesters everywhere know the feeling.They are entering a new stage of life,but they remain tied to their former stage.They are typically between the ages of 48 and 60-still working,still involved in their communities,still rooted.This means they aren't free to travel for entertainment or to pull up stakes and move elsewhere.Generally,they live in the homes where they raised their children.Their daily routines may still echo their full-nest days,with wake-up times meant for driving kids to school or meals that include the children's favorite foods.Therapists point out that Empty-Nest Syndrome doesn't last forever."Eventually,a so-called empty nest starts to feel normal and new routines develop,"says UCLA psychology professor Jaswant Singh."Most parents complete this journey just fine,but it usually feels pretty lonely."

66.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Ron and Joanne?D
A.Their house is so big that it echoes when their children are not at home.
B.Their health condition doesn't allow them to eat steak and move elsewhere.
C.They can now do nothing to kill time but help Josh complete his homework.
D.Their son,a college student,occasionally travels a long distance to visit them.
67.The underlined word"This"in paragraph 3 refers toD.
A.having entered middle age                            B.their former stage
C.their community                                      D.being tied to a place
68.People with Empty-Nest SyndromeB.
A.usually feel fine when they are on a journey
B.usually lead a normal life but feel quite lonely
C.need psychologists'help to develop new routines
D.can hardly recover from it without taking medicine
69.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?C
A.Ungratefulness of Grown-up Children
B.Adjustment to Brand New Life
C.Emptiness of Empty-Nesting
D.Sacrifice Made for Children.

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