
10.-I waited for an hour but he didn't ______.
-Perhaps he forgot where he was supposed to meet you.(  )
A.hold upB.pick upC.take upD.turn up

分析 -我等了一个小时,可他没有出现.

解答 答案:D
hold up举起,支撑;pick up捡起,学会;take up占据,从事;turn up出现,露面.句意表达的是他没来,没出现,故选D.

点评 动词短语是一个比较难的语言点,搭配较多,用法灵活.学习时,要注意积累.尤其是相似或相近的用法,要注意区分和掌握.

19.U.S.President Barack Obama said Friday on campaign trail he can make the case for a second term,and voters will come to see him as the candidate best prepared to serve as president by next year's elections,according to an interview he gave to the U.S.media.
In an exclusive interview he gave the Associated Press,Obama acknowledged that the state of the economy could be his biggest hurdle to clear in winning  reelection.
"I think the economy's going to continue to improve,and I think I'm going to be able to make an effective case that…I am the person who is best prepared to finish the job so that we are on track to succeed in the 21st century,"Obama said in the video interview conducted in Chicago,where he attended fund-raising events the previous night.
"I think I can make that case,and I think that,in the debates that take place over the next 18 months,the American people will feel that I deserve a second term,"he said.
Chicago is Obama's home,and the president's reelection campaign headquarters is also located there.He made the reelection announcement on April 4.According to a Gallup poll released on Friday,Obama's approval rating stood at 41 percent,an all time low.Gallup said the figure was fueled by economic dissatisfaction.
53.The best headline for this article is"A".
A.Obama says he deserves a second term
B.Obama becomes the American president again
C.Obama has planned to resign from president
D.There are lots of hurdles in front of Obama
54.The underlined word‘case'in paragraph one meansA.
A.a success             B.a failure            C.a pleasure       D.a sorrow
55.The biggest problem that Obama might meet with in the president's reelection isC.
A.that all the people object to him         B.that his competitor is stronger than him
C.the economic problem                      D.that he didn't do well at his last post
56.Who probably writes this passage?B
A.an official        B.a journalist       C.a secretary     D.the common people.

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