

Our story began in 1768 in Madrid, Spain. The king of Spain, Charles the Third, had recently received reports that worried him. The reports said Russian explorers were in the northern part of the territory (领土) called California. 【1】__ But Spain had no settlements in California. King Charles knew if the Russians began to settle the area, Spain might lose control of California forever.

King Charles decided the best way to keep the Spanish claim (主权要求) to California was to build settlements there. So he decided to order the creation of a series of small farming communities along the Pacific Ocean coast of California. 2____

Spanish citizens might want to settle there. Therefore, the Spanish claim to California would be safe.

3______ King Charles and his advisors decided that the farming settlements would begin with churches called missions. Missions were places where Roman Catholic religious leaders converted people to the Christian religion. 4_____

King Charles decided Roman Catholic priests would build the missions and settlements with the help of Native American Indians. The priests would teach the native people the Christian religion, the Spanish language and how to farm.

A religious group within the Catholic Church called the Franciscans would build the settlements. 5_____ Serra was born in 1713 on the island of Mallorca, Spain. After he became a Franciscan priest, he taught at a university in Mallorca.

A. The settlements would provide trade and grow into larger cities.

B. Spain had claimed most of that area more than 200 years earlier.

C. But there was no one on the coast of California to begin the work.

D. King Charles decided to fight against Russia as quickly as possible.

E. Visiting the beautiful missions along California’s coast can learn history.

F. The Franciscans chose a young priest named Junipero Serra to begin the work.

G. They taught the religion to people who wanted to become members of the church.








试题分析:西班牙国王查尔斯3世最近得到一个令他忧心的报告。 报告说俄罗斯探险家已经找到一个被叫做加利福尼亚的土地,但是200年前西班牙就宣称这片土归自己所有,但是西班牙从来没有在加利福尼亚建立定居点。查尔斯国王认为保住加利福尼亚的方法是定居。并采取了一系列的措施。





【5】F根据上一句:一个被叫做圣芳济会的天主教会团体想要建立定居点。再根据空格后:Serra于1713年出生在西班牙Mallorca岛上,因此可知这里表达的是:他们们选出一个叫Junipero Serra年轻的牧师开始了这项工作。故选F。



Just over six months ago, I saw an advertisement in the Morning Mail for a set of the complete works of William Shakespeare. Your company, Cosmo books Ltd., offered this set (eight books of plays and two books of poetry) at what was claimed to be a ‘remarkable’ price: fifteen pounds and fifty pence, including postage and packing. I had wanted a set of Shakespeare’s plays and poems for some time, and these books, in red imitation leather, looked particularly attractive; so I sent for them.

Two weeks later, the books arrived, together with a set of the complete works of Charles Dickens which I had not ordered. So I returned the Dickens books to you, with a cheque for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of Shakespeare. Two more weeks passed. Then there arrived on my door step a second set of the works of Shakespeare, the same set of novels by Dickens and a six book set of the plays of Moliere, in French. Since I do not read French, these were of no use to me at all. However, I could not afford to post all these books back to you, so I wrote to you at the end of August of last year, instructing you to come and collect all the books that I did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further notice.

You did not reply to that letter. Instead you sent me a bill for forty two pounds, and a set of the plays of Schiller, in German. Since then, a new set of books has arrived every two weeks, the works of Goethe, the poems of Milton, the plays of Strindberg; I hardly know what I have. The books are still all in their boxes, in the garage, and my car has to stand in the rain outside.

I have no room for any more books, and even if I read from now until the Last Judgment, I should not finish reading all the books that you have sent me.

Please send no more books, send no more bills, send no more angry letters demanding payment. Just send one large lorry and take all the books away, leaving me only with the one set of the complete works of Shakespeare for which I have paid.

Yours faithfully,


【1】Simon Walker wrote the letter to ________

A. show his anger to Cosmo Books Ltd..

B. complain about getting books he didn’t want.

C. advise readers not to order books from Cosmo Books Ltd..

D. urge for the final solution to the problem with the unwanted books.

【2】The advertisement that Mr. Walker saw in the Morning Mail was for ________

A. unlimited number of Cosmo Books.

B. a set of 10 books of the works of Shakespeare.

C. fifteen pounds and fifty pence.

D. a book containing all the plays and poems of Shakespeare.

【3】Mr. Walker answered the advertisement because ________

A. he wanted a set of Shakespeare’s works which was a good bargain

B. he claimed that the books were being offered at a remarkable price.

C. he had ordered the set and had been waiting for them to come for some time.

D. the set he already had was not particularly attractive.

【题目】The US will seek to expand its own oil production in an attempt to reduce dependence on imported oil and bring down fuel prices, President Obama says. New contracts for exploration will be signed in non-protected areas of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico.

In his weekly speech, the President insisted the US could reduce its need for imported oil and improve safety. Using his speech to tell Americans that he understood their concerns about rising prices, President Obama focused particularly on the price of fuel, which has risen in recent months.

US consumers have historically enjoyed cheap fuel, but have seen prices rise in recent months even though US oil production in 2010 reached its highest level for seven years.

Although the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was serious, Mr. Obama said the Gulf remained a key part of the country’s future energy supply.

The President’s proposals (议案) come after Republicans (共和党人) introduced a series of proposals that would expand and speed up oil and gas production.

The White House has criticized the Republican proposals for safety reasons, but Mr. Obama was clear in his speech that he felt safety and environmental standards could be maintained even though production might rise.

“I believe that we should continue to expand oil production in America even as we increase safety and environmental standards,” he said.

“As a nation, we should be investing in the clean, renewable sources of energy that are the solution to high gas prices.”

Mr. Obama has previously called for a step-change in energy policy, saying the US must move towards getting 80% of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2035.

【1Which of the following is NOT included in Mr. Obama’s speech?

A. The dependence on imported oil.

B. Improving safety standards.

C. The reason for the rising oil prices.

D. Expanding oil production.

【2Mr. Obama thinks the Republican proposals are ______.

A. not safe enough

B. not environmentally friendly

C. practical

D. clear

【3】What can we learn from the text?

A. The US has got most of its electricity from clean energy.

B. US oil production is too small to keep the present low fuel prices.

C. The US produced the most oil in 2010 in its history.

D. The Gulf is still important in energy supply in spite of the oil spill in 2010.

【4】Which of the following can serve as the title?

A. Obama: US will seek oil in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico

B. Obama: US will import less oil to improve safety and environmental standards

C. Obama: the time of high fuel prices will be gone

D. Obama: clean, renewable sources of energy are the solution to high gas price.

【题目】Earlier this month, California police cleared what was said to be the largest homeless encampment in the United States. About 200 homeless people were living at the camp in San Jose, California. Officials said police officers and city workers acted because the area was unclean.

The homeless people were living near Silicon Valley, the country's high technology center. Some people there have made millions, even billions of dollars from high-tech devices and services. But others have no money and no place to live.

Federal officials believe there are hundreds of thousands of homeless people nationwide on any given day. Each one lacks a permanent place to live. Reasons for homelessness can include the high cost of housing, poverty and unemployment. Other reasons are mental health problems and just plain bad luck.

In Los Angeles, a group called PATH searches along flood channels and major roads for homeless camps.. Its workers look for people who have no permanent shelter.

Jorge Guzman was one of the people hoping to help the homeless. He says they make their camps where they are not seen -- behind buildings or in forests or parks.

"They just don't want to be noticed. They're doing their thing out here and, you know, they're just trying to survive."

City workers periodically clear away small trees and plants, uncovering homeless campers. Workers in Whittier try to move people out of homeless camps and into a home of their own. But housing is costly. Still, worker Tomasz says he has been able to help some people.

"It's really good to see the steps when people are leaving their encampments and they're transitioning to either transitional housing, and after when they obtain their own housing."

But there are many other homeless people still living on the streets or in camps, moving when their campsites are taken down.

【1】Why did California police clear the homeless encampment?

A. Because the area was unclean.

B. Because the homeless people often fight.

C. Because the government has built new houses for them.

D. Because they badly affected the image of the city.

【2】Which is NOT the reason causing homelessness?

A. Mental health problems B. Plain bad luck

C. Being abandoned. D. The high cost of housing,

【3】According to the passage ,where may the homeless live?

A. In buildings behind parks.

B. In camps in forests.

C. In apartments near Silicon Valley

D. In permanent shelters.

【4】We can describe Tomasz as ____.

A. generous B. honest

C. grateful D. helpful

【5】Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase take down?

A. Write down. B. Break down.

C. Pull down. D. Set down.

【题目】请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

Once there lived a very rich and powerful king. All the people in his kingdom were afraid of him. But was he happy? No, he was always ill and unhappy. His money and his power could not help him. The doctors in his kingdom could not cure him either. He was so angry with them that he cut off their heads.

One day two famous doctors from another kingdom came to his palace.

If you can cure me and make me happy, said the king.I will give you all the gold you can carry.

The first doctor examined the king. He found nothing wrong with him so he said to the king,You only think you are ill and so make yourself unhappy.

The king was very angry when he heard this. He told his soldiers to cut off the doctor's head.

The second doctor knew he had to be careful. Oh, King, you will be well if you wear the shoes of a man who is always happy,he said. The king was pleased with his answer and thought that the doctor was very wise. He gave the doctor a bag of gold.

The king asked hundreds of people if they were always happy. They all said they were sometimes happy and sometimes sad. At last he met a beggar who said that he was always happy.

Give me your shoes quickly, said the king, and I will make you a very rich man. The beggar laughed, I am sorry,he answered,I never wear shoes!


1. 用约30 个单词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 用约120 个单词就“财富与幸福”这一话题发表自己的看法,内容包括:





1. 阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。



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