
【题目】The US will seek to expand its own oil production in an attempt to reduce dependence on imported oil and bring down fuel prices, President Obama says. New contracts for exploration will be signed in non-protected areas of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico.

In his weekly speech, the President insisted the US could reduce its need for imported oil and improve safety. Using his speech to tell Americans that he understood their concerns about rising prices, President Obama focused particularly on the price of fuel, which has risen in recent months.

US consumers have historically enjoyed cheap fuel, but have seen prices rise in recent months even though US oil production in 2010 reached its highest level for seven years.

Although the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was serious, Mr. Obama said the Gulf remained a key part of the country’s future energy supply.

The President’s proposals (议案) come after Republicans (共和党人) introduced a series of proposals that would expand and speed up oil and gas production.

The White House has criticized the Republican proposals for safety reasons, but Mr. Obama was clear in his speech that he felt safety and environmental standards could be maintained even though production might rise.

“I believe that we should continue to expand oil production in America even as we increase safety and environmental standards,” he said.

“As a nation, we should be investing in the clean, renewable sources of energy that are the solution to high gas prices.”

Mr. Obama has previously called for a step-change in energy policy, saying the US must move towards getting 80% of its electricity from clean energy sources by 2035.

【1Which of the following is NOT included in Mr. Obama’s speech?

A. The dependence on imported oil.

B. Improving safety standards.

C. The reason for the rising oil prices.

D. Expanding oil production.

【2Mr. Obama thinks the Republican proposals are ______.

A. not safe enough

B. not environmentally friendly

C. practical

D. clear

【3】What can we learn from the text?

A. The US has got most of its electricity from clean energy.

B. US oil production is too small to keep the present low fuel prices.

C. The US produced the most oil in 2010 in its history.

D. The Gulf is still important in energy supply in spite of the oil spill in 2010.

【4】Which of the following can serve as the title?

A. Obama: US will seek oil in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico

B. Obama: US will import less oil to improve safety and environmental standards

C. Obama: the time of high fuel prices will be gone

D. Obama: clean, renewable sources of energy are the solution to high gas price.








【1】C 细节题:从第一段的句子:The US will seek to expand its own oil production in an attempt to reduce dependence on imported oil and bring down fuel prices , President Obama says可知奥巴马在讲话中提到要扩大石油的生产,从第二段的句子:In his weekly speech , the President insisted the US could reduce its need for imported oil and improve safety.可知奥巴马在讲话中提到减少进口石油,提高安全,没有说石油价格上升的原因。选C。

【2】C 细节题:从第六段的句子:but Mr Obama was clear in his speech that he felt safety and environmental standards could be maintained even though production might rise.可知奥巴马认为共和党的提议是实用的,选C。

【3】D 细节题:从第四段的句子:Although the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 was serious, Mr Obama said the Gulf remained a key part of the country’s future energy supply.可知虽然墨西哥湾的石油泄漏,海湾在石油供应方面还是很重要的,选D。

【4】A 主旨题:从第一段的句子:New contracts for exploration will be signed in non-protected areas of Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico.可知这篇文章讲的是奥巴马的演讲内容:主要是美国将要在阿拉斯加和墨西哥湾寻找石油。选A。



Our story began in 1768 in Madrid, Spain. The king of Spain, Charles the Third, had recently received reports that worried him. The reports said Russian explorers were in the northern part of the territory (领土) called California. 【1】__ But Spain had no settlements in California. King Charles knew if the Russians began to settle the area, Spain might lose control of California forever.

King Charles decided the best way to keep the Spanish claim (主权要求) to California was to build settlements there. So he decided to order the creation of a series of small farming communities along the Pacific Ocean coast of California. 2____

Spanish citizens might want to settle there. Therefore, the Spanish claim to California would be safe.

3______ King Charles and his advisors decided that the farming settlements would begin with churches called missions. Missions were places where Roman Catholic religious leaders converted people to the Christian religion. 4_____

King Charles decided Roman Catholic priests would build the missions and settlements with the help of Native American Indians. The priests would teach the native people the Christian religion, the Spanish language and how to farm.

A religious group within the Catholic Church called the Franciscans would build the settlements. 5_____ Serra was born in 1713 on the island of Mallorca, Spain. After he became a Franciscan priest, he taught at a university in Mallorca.

A. The settlements would provide trade and grow into larger cities.

B. Spain had claimed most of that area more than 200 years earlier.

C. But there was no one on the coast of California to begin the work.

D. King Charles decided to fight against Russia as quickly as possible.

E. Visiting the beautiful missions along California’s coast can learn history.

F. The Franciscans chose a young priest named Junipero Serra to begin the work.

G. They taught the religion to people who wanted to become members of the church.


During all those summers as a kid when I worked at Indian Jan’s Taco Stand, I like working with an old Indian woman named Darlene. She would tell me about our heritage. It is important that my white skin doesn’t overpower my native , according to her.

I the importance of my heritage. It’s one of the things I’ve learned from Darlene. 39 I’m a half Native American, you would never guess it by looking at me. On the , I look like my mother—I have her light hair, German eyes, and pale skin. My father is the native one, and I grew up fully aware of the between his skin and mine. People in the small Nebraska town where I grew up often seemed of his dark skin and shiny black hair. He often wore it long and in ponytail(马尾辫), something that men in our just didn’t do.

I grew up feeling like I didn’t belong to either of my-parents’ and that I couldn’t ever be anything in-between. When I was at home in Nebraska, people would say “Broken Rope? What kind of a name is that , in the summer, when we visited the reservation(美洲印第安人居住地)where my father grew up, I would always be the whitest person around, sticking like snow.

I Darlene all of these when I was thirteen. She stopped kneading(揉)the bread and kept for a minute, just looking span>at me. she leaned closely to my ear and said, “We are all one people.”

I looked at her, “It doesn’t matter what your skin color is,” she said. “It doesn’t matter who your parents are, or where you live, or what you . You matter because you .You’re the past. You’re the future. You both heritages inside you, and you keep them alive forever. Thats whats .

【1A.preserved B. accepted C. shared D. proved

【2A.language B. blood C. ability D. charm

【3A.believe in B. take in C. burst in D. cut in

【4A.When B. If C. Since D. Although

【5A.outside B. screen C. way D. contrary

【6A.chaos B. balance C. connection D. difference

【7A.concerned B. tried C. frightened D. disappointed

【8A.hearts B. parts C. villages D.alleys

9A.cases B. accents C. cultures D. dreams

10A.hear B. change C. write D. give

11A.Then B. Thus C. However D. Otherwise

12A.around B. out C. together D. up

13A.offered B. showed C. told D. reminded

14A.calm B. awake C. quiet D. occupied

15A.Wildly B. Luckily C. Typically D. Finally

16A.confused B. amazed C. bored D. ashamed

17A.miss B. like C. want D. have

18A.care B. exist C. prepare D. insist

19A.defend B. choose C. distinguish D. carry

【20A.innocent B.alternative C.important D.ambiguous

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