
Check Engine Light

As I turned from the parking lot, heading for home, I noticed a yellow light on my dashboard(仪表板)had come on. The symbol indicated that I was to the engine. I noted the water temperature and the oil light quickly to see there were problems that would an overheated engine. Noticing these two gauges (仪表) were okay, I I could ignore the little yellow light that caused such great for at least the moment.

After I reread my owner manual(用户手册), I the check engine light comes on to indicate that there is a problem and that is required. Malfunctions(故障)will often be indicated by the before any problem appears, which may more serious damage to the vehicle. This system is to assist you and your technician in diagnosing any malfunction.

Reading the manual made me think of how we need in our lives to be our “check engine light”. We need to know when a(n) occurs and when service is required in our lives. We need to correct our problems before serious damage surfaces. We need a light to in our minds to help us avoid conflict, pain or disaster. We need a(n) to come on to tell us not to give in to temptation. We need to be that we shouldn’t ignore good and work to make life better for all of us.

God makes a magnificent “check engine light”. He gives you an awareness to keep your pathway . He shows you the beauty of the earth to you to him. He brings people who care about you to help your living. He has provided his word to point the . No one can deny there are many helpful people like “God” around you to lead your pathway from the problems that could damage your living.

1.A. replace B. heat C. repair D. check

2.A. if B. when C. why D. unless

3.A. cool B. cause C. protect D. hide

4.A. wondered B. reasoned C. imagined D. appreciated

5.A. strength B. difference C. anxiety D. risk

6.A. found B. believed C. felt D. thought

7.A. patience B. balance C. performance D. service

8.A. sight B. situation C. system D. event

9.A. protect B. accumulate C. prevent D. increase

10.A. charged B. arranged C. achieved D. designed

11.A. truly B. simply C. correctly D. slowly

12.A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one

13.A. problem B. incident C. argument D. accident

14.A. run away B. work out C. come on D. turn up

15.A. cube B. alarm C. flash D. light

16.A. reminded B. applied C. recognized D. guaranteed

17.A. similar B. straight C. tough D. changeable

18.A. adapt B. rush C. apply D. lead

19.A. guide B. finish C. make D. affect

20.A. use B. way C. time D. sign


Success is often measured by the ability to overcome adversity. But, it is often the belief of others that gives us the courage to try.

J. K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter book series,began writing at the age of 6. In her biography, she remembers with great fondness when her good friend Sean, whom she met in secondary school, became the first person to encourage her and help build the confidence that one day she would be a very good writer.

“He was the first person with whom I really discussed my serious ambition to be a writer. He was also the only person who thought I was bound to be a success at it, which meant much more to me than I ever told him at the time.”

Despite many setbacks, Rowling persevered in her writing, particularly fantasy stories. But it wasn't until 1990 that she first conceived the idea about Harry Potter. As she recalls,it was on a long train journey from London to Manchester that the idea of Harry Potter simply fell into her head.“To my immense frustration (沮丧), I didn't have a functioning pen with me, and I was too shy to ask anybody if I could borrow one. I think, now, that this was probably a good thing, because I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my brain, and this scrawny, black?haired, bespectacled(戴眼镜的) boy who didn’t know he was a wizard became more and more real to me.”

That same year, her mother passed away after a ten?year battle with multiple sclerosis, which deeply affected her writing. She went on to marry and had a daughter, but separated from her husband shortly afterwards.

During this time, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression. Unemployed, she completed her first novel in area cafes, where she could get her daughter to fall asleep. After being rejected by 12 publishing houses, the first Harry Potter novel was sold to a small British publishing house.

Now with seven books that have sold nearly 400 million copies in 64 languages, J. K. Rowling is the highest earning novelist in history. And it all began with her commitment to writing that was fostered by the confidence of a friend !

1.Rowling first came up with the idea about Harry Potter________.

A. at the age of 6

B. on a train journey

C. after her mother’s death

D. in her secondary school

2.It can be concluded from Paragraph 5 and 6 that Rowling is________.

A. open?minded B. warm?hearted

C. good?natured D. strong?willed

3.The text mainly tells us________.

A. hardship makes a good novelist

B. the courage to try is a special ability

C. you can have a wonderful idea everywhere

D. encouragement contributes to one’s success

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