
【题目】After my divorce, Ann was the only one ________ to listen to my problems, and I am forever in her debt.

A.preparingB.preparedC.to prepareD.having prepared



考查固定短语。句意:我离婚后,安是唯一的一个愿意听我诉苦的人,我永远欠她的情。此处the only one“唯一的一个”在此处作插入成分,表示强调,可以去掉,所以空处变为Ann was _______ to listen to my problemsbe prepared to do sth.固定短语,符合题意。故选B项。


【题目】 Whether you volunteer at an animal shelter or in a hospital, volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to bring good into the world and support your community. There are a lot of different volunteer opportunities. 1 Here are some tips on how to be an even better volunteer.

Volunteer for something you love. 2 If your passion is helping those with cancer, volunteer to raise money for research. If you’re passionate about improving the environment, volunteer to pick up trash in public places. Your passion will keep you motivated, so put your effort into something you treasure.

3 You are probably not best suited for directing traffic if you are shy. Be respectful to those organizers, but let them know your strengths and show them how your strengths can be beneficial in your volunteer work. Find the balance that brings your talents to the table and really helps the organization.

Be on time. This is a simple but important idea. Think about being late for your work; your boss, coworkers and customers would be upset. The same applies to volunteering. 4

Mix your volunteer jobs. If you become bored, it may be time for a schedule change in your life. 5 It is volunteering, so you aren’t stuck in one place.

A.Offer what you can do best.

B.Ask what’s expected of volunteers.

C.So if such a thing does happen, just call and let them know.

D.It doesn’t matter what it is, but it does matter what you like.

E.Therefore, everyone can find a volunteering opportunity that suits their skills and interests.

F.However, you will volunteer longer in an organization that supports a cause you care about.

G.Volunteer on different days or ask for different tasks to see what other opportunities are out there.

【题目】 We often hear such statements: “I spilled (洒出) juice, but it wasn’t my fault.”, “I got in trouble at school, but it wasn’t my fault.” or “I was in a car accident, but it wasn’t my fault.” That “It’s not my fault.” is a go-to response for so many people and especially teenagers.

Parents complain they are tired of the “excuse”. The reason why variations of “It’s not my fault.” are so popular is that it lets us off the hook from guilt and blame. I’m a fan of not owning responsibility for things that I can’t control. Teens who often say “It’s my fault.” when something bad happens tend to be highly self-critical, perfectionistic and more easier to be troubled by anxiety and depression.

While it is important to recognize lack of reason to blame oneself, many teens over-rely on “It’s not my fault.” When trying to get them to take responsibility, parents usually attempt to convince their teens that something is their fault. The approach tends to be ineffective and turn into a power struggle. No one wins. A more effective approach can be to stress significant drawbacks to consistently focusing on removing our responsibility with this phrase.

Overuse of the phrase can result in feelings of lack of ability to control their own lives. This sense has been shown to cause low motivation. Besides creating feelings of lack of ability, overuse of “It’s not my fault.” focuses a teen’s attention on what is done as opposed to what needs to be done.

People may not have caused all their problems but they have to solve them anyway. The example I frequently share with teens is the question of what one will do if he is pushed into a deep lake. One can certainly stay in water, yelling, “It’s not my fault.” However, that won’t get him out of water. He needs to swim to the shore, regardless of the fault.

If you take a proper approach to communicating with your teens, you can help them avoid over-reliance on “It’s not my fault.”

1What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 1?

A.The teenagers’ dislike for school life.

B.The common trouble faced by teenagers.

C.The reasons for blaming others for accidents.

D.The tendency for people not to be responsible for mess in life.

2What type of teens tends to suffer great mental pressure according to the text?

A.Those lacking confidence and ambition.

B.Those allowing others to find excuses.

C.Those unable to get along well with others.

D.Those often blaming themselves for some incidents.

3What’s the author’s attitude to parents’ usual way of guiding children?



4What lesson is conveyed in the example often shared by the author?

A.We should try to avoid troubling others.

B.We should focus on how to solve problems.

C.We should dare to point out others’ mistakes.

D.We should be self-critical as much as possible.

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