
7.It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes,The (1)argumentshas been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by (2)learning situation that has designed for the (3)average children.
     There can be little doubt that (4)specialclasses can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner.However,to take these (5)childrenout of the regular classes may create serious problems.
     I observed a number of (6)intelligentchildren who were taken out of a special class and placed in a (7)regular  class.In the special class,they showed little ability to use their own judgment,relying (8)slightly on their teachers'directions.In the regular class,having no worry about ke(http://www.unjs.com)eping up,they began to reflect (9)quicklyon many problems,some of which were not on the school program.
      Many are concerned that gifted children become (10)boredand lose interest in learning.However this (11)concernis more often from parents and teachers than from students,and some of these(12)adults simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are(13)talented.Some top students do feel bored in class,but why they (14)feel so goes far beyond the work they have in school.Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious.The gifted child whop is bored is an (15)anxiouschild.


分析 本文是一篇议论文,长久以来不少人都肯定地认为如果让尖子生留在普通班里学习,那无疑是对人才的埋没.因此许多拔尖的学生也都被送入了这些特长班发展,培养神童.家长、老师们都希望通过特长班这一途径可以让这些学生业成绩突出、发展更超前.然而作者经过详细的观察研究却发现在特长班中竟然有相当一部分学生们表现的不尽人意.不但没有把尖子生的天赋发挥出来,反而抑制个性发展.然而他们却又忽视了一个现实:许多尖子生在焦虑中学习生活,因而他们的学习和生活充满焦虑.

解答 1.C  考查名词辨析.承上启下.A项principle"原理;主义"和B项theory"理论;原理"角度太高,与话题不符;D项classification"分类;类别"不符合语境和逻辑,只有arguments与前面argue相呼应.
2.C  考查动词辨析.根据本文主题可以看出,这里强调的situation"环境"应该指学习环境.
3.D  考查形容词辨析.语境考查.通过对比看出有天赋的孩子在普通班在智力方面会受到遏制"holdback".average"平均的;平常的;普通的;一般的",average children"普通的孩子"与前句的giftedchildren相对应.
4.B  考查形容词辨析.通过下文can help the gifted childrento graduate earlier可以看出此处所指的班级应该是特长班.
5.A  考查名词辨析.把这些有天赋的孩子们"giftedchildren"从普通班里选走可能会造成严重的问题."".
6.A  考查形容词辨析.通过上下文,尤其是who weretaken out of a special class看出,这儿所指的孩子应该是intelligent"聪明的;理解力强的"孩子.
7.B  考查形容词辨析.从该句前面信息看出,这里所指的班级是regularclass"普通班".
8.D  考查副词辨析.从逻辑推出看,此处指学生在特长班,处处依赖老师,遏制个性发展.heavily表示程度"严重地",relyheavily on sb."过度地依赖某人".
9.C  考查副词辨析.如果在普通班,他们…reflectvoluntarily on many problems"自发地思考许多问题",与前面的"relyheavily on"相对应.voluntarily意思是"自动地;自发地".
10.B  考查形容词辨析.通过从后面的"lose interest"和"dofeel bored"以及"who is bored"可知.
11.A   考查名词辨析.承上文看出,通过前句的"Many areconcerned that…"提示,表语部分是在说明那些人的concern"担心",concern既是动词又是名词.
12.B  考查名词辨析.从these看出指的是上文的parents和teachers,adult具有概括性.
13.A  考查形容词辨析.A talented与gifted同义,表示"天资卓越的".
14.D  考查形容词辨析.承上文看,从本句的"so"及前句的"Sometop students do feel bored in class"可知.此处在说明学生的这种感受.
15.C  考查形容词辨析. 从前句"Studieshave shown that to be bored is to be anxious."可知,C项符合语境,故选C.

点评 解答此类题目可遵循以下步骤:第一步,通读全文,了解文章大意,获得整体印象,同时初选出一批较有把握的答案.第二步,边核对初选答案边补填留下的空格.如果短文难度较大,则可复读几遍,核对和确定答案.有些空一时决定不了,可作个记号,待复查时再确定. 第三步,复查定稿.从整体理解角度出发,仔细审核答案,确保意义上、语法上没有错误,同时对遗留下来的少数几个空格作最后选择.


Where should an adventurous tourist go? After you’ve done sightseeing in London, shopping in New York, enjoyed the local food in Paris, and danced to your heart’s content at the Brazilian carnival, where else can you go? What attractive tourist destination awaits you?

Well, Antarctica sounds like the holiday of a lifetime! It's considered the last great wilderness on Earth. Just a few scientists in research stations share the icy landscape with penguins and other animals which can struggle with the low temperatures.

Tourism began in Antarctica in the 1950s and it's still small part. About 37,000 tourists are expected there this season, but many won't even leave the boat.

The BBC’s Juliet Rix visited the frozen continent and asked herself if she should be there at all, causing potential problems to such a sensitive environment. Her tour guide admitted that all visitors leave a footprint and they all go to the same places, the accessible coastline, which is also where the penguins and seals go to raise.

But some people believe that if carefully controlled, tourism can be good for Antarctica. It has no native population and it needs advocates. Visitors to the icy continent might be ready to support and even to fund its preservation. And they're likely to engage in the discussion about global warming, which has led to the melting of glaciers.

According to Rix, guidelines are followed when you’re about to set foot in Antarctica and tourists have to disinfect(消毒)their boots to make sure no alien species are introduced.

And once on land, there's no eating or smoking. Rocks, bone fragments—nothing should be taken as a souvenir and nothing should be left behind.

Tourists fortunate enough to visit the Antarctic must be aware that this is not their home and keep their fingers crossed that future generations will also be able to enjoy such breathtaking views.

1.Who lives in Antarctica?

A. 37,000 tourists.

B. The BBC's Juliet Rix.

C. A few scientists and animals.

D. People in London and Paris.

2.Why can tourism be good for Antarctica?

A. People can bring some animals into it.

B. People may take interest in the protection of it.

C. People can give advice to the native population.

D. People will go to the coastline to play with the seals.

3.What are the guidelines when you go on the shore?

A. You can leave rubbish on the shore.

B. You can smoke and eat on the shore.

C. You can take something as souvenirs.

D. You can help to protect the environment.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the tourists going to Antarctica?

A. Positive. B. Ambiguous.

C. Subjective. D. Negative.

Do you spend your time working towards that “one day when...”? One day, when I have _____ money I will be happy. One day, when I have the house _______, I will be able to _______ and enjoy myself more. One day, when I get a job... These may all seem like good destinations and _______, waiting to live the life we have always wanted sometime in the future.________ when we arrive at one destination it doesn’t seem enough; somehow we are just not as _______ as we thought we would be and we start going after the next _______ .

If we live in this way, one night we will _______ in a cold sweat ______ where our life has gone--- _______ we feel so tired, lonely and _______ . Was life really meant to be ______ ?

So what can you do to bring some joy back into your life? Start enjoying the _____.No matter what you do, do it to the best of your ability with your ______ on what you are doing. If you are walking from the house to the car, don’t hurry your ______on something else. _______ down a bit, take a deep breath, look around and see what is going on in the outside world. We spend so much time ________ in our heads and we become _______ of what is going on around us.

To really start to enjoy your life now--- _______ you are doing, you need to learn slow your racing minds down and become fully aware of the ________ moment. Do yourself a favour and dedicate (奉献于) today to enjoying the journey.

1.A. extra B. valuable C. enough D. special

2.A. paid off B. paid for C. paid back D. paid out

3.A. devote B. relax C. apply D. please

4.A. lifestyles B. views C. ideas D. desires

5.A. But B. And C. Then D. So

6.A. bored B. excited C. satisfied D. disappointed

7.A. fashion B. spirit C. purpose D. goal

8.A. put up B. keep up C. wake up D. stay up

9.A. suggesting B. wondering C. knowing D. realizing

10.A. how B. that C. why D. what

11.A. stressed B. forced C. frightened D. scared

12.A. hard B. fearful C. sad D. blank

13.A. road B. life C. result D. journey

14.A. act B. focus C. effect D. aim

15.A. duty B. talent C. mind D. explanation

16.A. Calm B. Put C. Get D. Slow

17.A. lost B. wasted C. passed D. given

18.A. sensitive B. unaware C. uncertain D. addicted

19.A. however B. whichever C. wherever D. whatever

20.A. past B. previous C. present D. wonderful



As I drove my blue Buick into the garage, I saw that a yellow Oldsmobile was ___________ too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the ___________ space. That left ___________ enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home ___________ , and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space — too close to my car, ___________ . At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had ___________ and I shouted at her, “Can’t you see you’re not ___________ me enough space? Park farther over.” Banging(猛推) open her door into ___________ , the driver shouted back: “Make me!” ___________ this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my ___________ . Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found___________. The next day the woman ___________ a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I’m sorry my mistress(女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while ___________3 . It wasn’t like her to scream ___________. Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I ___________you and your mistress will ___________ her.

Your neighbor,

Blue Buick

When I went to the ___________ the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick,

My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so ___________ because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be ___________ now.

Your neighbor,

Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Blue Buick ___________ Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.

1.A. driven B. parkedC. stoppedD. stayed

2.A. complete B. close C. narrow D. fixed

3.A. quite B. nearly C. seldom D. hardly

4.A. hurriedly B. first C. finally D. timely

5.A. as usual B. as plannedC. as well D. as yet

6.A. run into B. run about C. run out D. run off

7.A. keeping B. saving C. offering D. leaving

8.A. mine B. hers C. itself D. ours

9.A. For B. With C. From D. Upon

10.A. room B. area C. front D. side

11.A. an instructionB. a result C. an answer D. a chance

12.A. put B. wrote C. sent D. discovered

13.A. working B. driving C. returning D. cooking

14.A. on end B. so long C. like that D. any more

15.A. hope B. knowC. suppose D. Suggest

16.A. comfort B. help C. forgive D. please

17.A. office B. flat C. place D. garage

18.A. crazily B. eagerly C. noisily D. early

19.A. neighbors B. friendsC. drivers D. writers

20.A. followed B. passed C. found D. greeted

I fell in love with Yosemite National Park the first time I saw it,when I was 13.My parents took us there for camping.On the way out,I asked them to wait while I ran up to E1Capitan,a(16)B rock of 3,300feet straight up.I touched that giant rock and knew(17)A I wanted to climb it.That has been my life's passion (钟爱) ever since---(18)D the rocks and mountains of Yosemite.I've long made Yosemite my (19)B.
About 15years ago I started seeing a lot of(20)C,like toilet paper,beer cans,and empty boxes,around the area.It's(21)A me why visitors started respecting the place(22)C and treated such a beautiful home-like place this way.
I tried (23)B trash(垃圾)myself,but the job was too big.I would (24)Dan hour or two on the job,only to find the area trashed all over again weeks later.Finally,I got so(25)C it that I decided something had to change.
As a rock-climbing guide,I knew(26)Dabout organizing any big event.But in 2004,together with some climbers,I set a date for a(27)A.On that day,more than 300people (28)B.Over three days we collected about 6,000pounds of trash.It was amazing how much we were able to(29)C.I couldn't believe the(30)D we made---the park looked clean!
Each year volunteers come for the cleanup from everywhere.In 2007alone,2,945people picked up 42,330pounds of trash and(31)C 132miles of roadway.
I often hear people(32)B about their surroundings.If you are one of them,I would say the only way to change things is by(33)A rather than complaining.We need to teach by (34)C.You can't blame others(35)D you start with yourself.

23.A.throwing awayB.picking upC.breaking downD.digging out
25.A.satisfied withB.delighted inC.tired ofD.used to
28.A.dropped outB.showed upC.looked aroundD.called back

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