

My family moved to Norfolk Virginia from SanDiego, as my father had been transferred(调动)to Naval Station Norfolk(诺福克海军基地).

I wouldn’t have picked up that dusty card without seeing those big words: DON'T FORGET. I was _________ Don’t forget what? Under the words were three numbered items. l. Snow peas (嫩豌豆). 2. Shakespeare. 3. Sadira Kirmani. What was my name doing on someone’s list?

Yesterday was my first day here. Since Mrs. Allison _________ me, nobody except the boy with glasses spoke to me and asked if he could have my cake at lunch the next day. I tried to _________ on the lessons, but my mind went _________ . Snow peas, Shakespeare, and me? “Sadira.” I _________ when Mrs. Allison called my name. “It’s time to line up for _________ . ”

As I moved through the line, I heard a girl with braces (牙齿矫正器) ask, “What’s that?”, _________ at a pan. “Snow peas,” the lady answered. “I’ll try some snow peas,” the boy behind me _________ . Snow peas! Number l on the list.

After lunch, Mrs. Allison _________ that it was “rhyme time”. The boy who’d asked for snow peas stood up. “OK, Wyatt.” Mrs. Allison nodded. “To be or not to be…”, Wyatt began. When he _________ , Mrs. Allison added, “Shakespeare wrote sonnets, a special of _________.” Shakespeare? Number 2 on the list. I started to _________ , wondering what would happen next.

_________ school, I sat alone on the bus. It was quite a while before I _________ Wyatt. He smiled in a _________ way, saying “I wanted to talk to you. I almost forgot.”

“Forgot what?”

“You’re number 3 on my list.”

So now I _________ what was going on. “My mom’s _________ . I’m supposed to try three new things every day.” continued Wyatt.

That night, I made my own _________.l. Try the spinach(菠菜) quiche(开口馅饼).2. Offer my _________ to the boy with glasses. 3.Say _________ to the girl with braces. Then I smiled before adding one more entry: Thank Wyatt.

1.A. enthusiastic B. grateful C. curious D. optimistic

2.A. introduced B. encouraged C. recommended D. nominated

3.A. bring B. carry C. rely D. concentrate

4.A. weak B. blank C. excited D. pale

5.A. shouted B. laughed C. jumped D. greeted

6.A. class B. supper C. sports D. lunch

7.A. pointing B. glaring C. knocking D. coming

8.A. worked out B. checked out C. shouted out D. figured out

9.A. predicted B. announced C. responded D. reported

10.A. finished B. copied C. prepared D. returned

11.A. theatre B. novel C. article D. poetry

12.A. disappoint B. panic C. calm D. annoy

13.A. At B. Before C. After D. In

14.A. knew B. remembered C. understood D. noticed

15.A. strict B. friendly C. sad D. voluntary

16.A. pointed out B.referred to C. found out D. appealed to

17.A. idea B. invitation C.command D. preference

18.A. meal B. list C. rhyme D. cake

19.A. card B. peas C. homework D. cake

20.A. please B. sorry C. goodbye D. hello



Children who read for pleasure at the age of 10 have far higher vocabulary scores by the age of 42.

Researchers at the Institute of Education(IOE)have found that the most crazy childhood readers score far higher on vocabulary tests 30 years later.The new study suggests that children who read for pleasure carry the intellectual(智力的)benefits with them far into adulthood.

“The long-term influence of reading for pleasure on vocabulary that we have identified may be because the frequent childhood readers continued to read throughout their twenties and thirties,”says lead author Professor Alice Sullivan at the IOE.Researchers followed 9,400 British people from the age of 10 up to 42.Their vocabulary was tested using a simple quiz which asked participants to match up words to the most similar meaning.

Those who had regularly read for pleasure at 10 scored 67 percent at the age of 42,while infrequent childhood readers scored only 51 percent.

The IOE study also found that what people chose to read as adults mattered as much as how often they read.The greatest improvements between ages 16 and 42 were made by readers of ‘elegant’ fictions such as Booker Prize winning novels.And they found that readers of quality newspapers,including online versions,made more progress in vocabulary throughout their lives than those who read tabloids.

In addition,generally speaking,the adult readers who especially read broadsheets(宽幅印刷品)scored 76 percent on the assessment compared to 57 percent amongst those who didn’t.

1.Why did frequent childhood readers have higher vocabulary scores?

A.Because they are born intelligent.

B.Because they formed the consistent reading habit.

C.Because they were crazy about pleasure.

D.Because they had a comfortable childhood.

2.What may not affect the adult readers’ vocabulary scores?

A.The contents of reading.

B.The design of the page.

C.Versions online or not.

D.The frequency of reading.

3.What does the underlined word“tabloids”mean in the text?

A.Newspapers of low quality.

B.Newspapers of high quality.

C.Elegant fictions.

D.Large vocabulary.

4.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.Intelligence has a great influence on vocabulary.

B.Reading materials matter much for children.

C.Broadsheet newspapers are best for boosting vocabulary.

D.Children who read for pleasure have larger vocabulary when they grow up.

Rebecca, who is a 25-year-old woman, has a rare condition. She can remember all the events she has experienced in her life. The events are so vivid, as if they happened just moments ago. But her vivid memories often become a reality. Rebecca said, “When I relive memories, the emotions come back. So if it’s something that happened when I was younger, my emotions are about what I felt then. I also re-experience pain. For example, I remember falling over and hurting my left knee when I was three. When talking about it now, I’m getting pain in my left knee.”

However, there are times when Rebecca’s memories prove to be too overwhelming, and she has learnt relaxation and mindfulness(聚神) techniques to solve. “At school, it is a hindrance. I’m not very quick at processing things, so there is always so much going through my mind. At night, I have to sleep with the radio on and a soft light. If it’s too dark or quiet, my mind just recalls all these memories and I can’t sleep,” Rebecca said.

In addition, Rebecca has no control over whether the memories she recalls will be positive or negative – recalling painful experiences with such vividness that she has suffered from post-traumatic (创伤后的) stress disorder. Rebecca said, “Recently, I went back to my old school for my sister’s high school graduation. Being in that building again brought all those memories flooding back. I burst into tears and had to leave.”

Rebecca and her mother Mrs. Barnes got in touch with the University of California in 2011. It was there that Rebecca knew she had Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). It’s reported that Rebecca is one of just 80 people worldwide, who have HASM. “Finding out about HASM has been such a positive experience. Now, Rebecca has been more positive and able to do things independently, which has been excellent,” Mrs. Barnes said.

1.What’s wrong with Rebecca?

A. She hardly sleeps well at night.

B. She usually gets hurt easily by others.

C. She can’t distinguish between reality and dreams.

D. Her vivid memories lead her to experience sufferings.

2.What does the underlined word “hindrance” mean in Paragraph 2?

A. Priority B. Difficulty.

C. Advantage. D. Opportunity.

3.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A. Rebecca had a strong dislike of going to school.

B. Rebecca was moved to tears at her sister’s graduation.

C. Rebecca and her sister once studied in the same school.

D. Rebecca enjoyed a happy life during her high school years.

4.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Rebecca_____.

A. has got her life improved gradually

B. was influenced by her mother to be positive

C. was admitted into the University of California

D. became well-known due to her rare condition


NARRATOR: As soon as Goneril has got all she can from her father, she begins treating him disrespectfully. When Lear wants to speak to her, Goneril tells her servant, Oswald, to say she is sick. She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear and begins complaining about the hundred soldiers Lear has brought with him. However, King Lear soon has a friend by his side. The Duke of Kent, who Lear ordered to leave Britain, cannot abandon his king. He therefore comes to Lear disguised as a servant called Caius and asks for a job.

(Enter Lear, several of Lear's soldiers and Kent disguised as a servant.)

LEAR: OK, Caius. I'll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I'll keep you on as my servant. (Oswald enters.) Hey, you there. Where's my daughter? (Oswald ignores the king and hurries out of the room.) Hey. What's going on? Call him back. Is he deaf? (A Soldier rushes out after Oswald.) It's as though the whole world has gone to sleep. (Soldier reenters.) Where's that servant? Why didn’t he come back when I called?

SOLDIER: Sir, he answered me very rudely and said he would not come back.

LEAR: I don’t believe it!

SOLDIER: Sir, I am sorry, to tell you this, but it seems to me that you are not being treated with the respect due to a king. Everyone here, including your daughter, is behaving very coldly towards you.

LEAR: Mmm. I suspected the same, but I kept telling myself it was my imagination. Please tell my daughter I wish to speak with her. (Soldier bows and leaves. Oswald enters.) Ah, come here my man and answer me. Who am I?

OSWALD: My lady's father.

LEAR: Your lady's father? Is that all I am to you, you dog, you slave! (Lear raises his arm as though to strike Oswald.)

OSWALD: I'll not be hit, my Lord.

KENT: (Kent kicks Oswald's feet out from under him.) And you won't be laid flat on your back either, I suppose. Now get up and get out of here. (Oswald leaves.)

LEAR: My thanks, Caius. I can see you will be a most valuable servant.

(Enter Goneril.) What's up, daughter? You always seem to be frowning lately.

GONERIL: Is it any wonder that I frown when your soldiers are continually drinking and fighting? I thought when I told you about their behaviour you would make them behave, but now I hear you have insulted Oswald. I do believe you are encouraging your soldiers in their bad behaviour.

LEAR: Is this my daughter scolding me?

GONERIL: I have had enough of your soldiers. They are expensive to keep and you don't need them. Besides, their drunken behaviour and bad manners are disgusting. You will send half of them away. And unless you want me to get rid of the rest of them too, I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.

LEAR:That's a lie. My soldiers are good men who know how to behave properly. I won't stay here to be insulted. I still have one more daughter. She'll scratch out your eyes when she hears how you've treated me. Men! Get my horses ready and collect my baggage. I'll leave immediately. I won't stay where I'm not welcome. (Lear and companions leave.)

NARRATOR: Lear sends Kent on ahead to the castle of his other daughter, Regan, to tell her that he will soon be arriving. Goneril sends her servant Oswald to Regan to tell her side of the story.

1.Why did the Duke of Kent disguise himself as a servant?

A. To find a chance to meet Goneril.

B. To share some of the king’s wealth.

C. To find a job in the court.

D. To serve and help his king— Lear.

2.From the passage, what is the relationship between Goneril and Regan?

A. Sisters. B. Couple.

C. Sister and Brother. D. Brothers.

3. Which of the following best describe the character of King Lear in this passage?

A. A wise king and father.

B. A cold-hearted father.

C. A cruel and selfish king.

D. A stupid and a bit stubborn man.

Moscow Sheremetyevo International Airport

If You’ve Lost Personal Belongings

●On Board —Contact the airline’s representatives

●At the Airport —Contact:

—Sheremetyevo Police Department ……+7(495)578-22-55

—Unclaimed luggage storage room in Terminal C ……+7(495)578-23-26

—Unclaimed luggage storage room in Terminal D

……+7(499)500-65-52(domestic flights)

……+7(495)753-86-41(international flights)

When collecting Lost and Found items, you shall have an identification document, a boarding pass or a ticket, and also indicate the place where the items were lost and prove they are yours.

If Your Luggage Is Lost or Damaged

Before leaving the arrival area, please turn to the Lost and Found counter to file a report. The written claim shall be submitted to the airline company not later than seven days from the time when the luggage was to be collected.

If your luggage is not found within twenty-one days of the time when the claim was filed, you have the right to claim damages in the amount of not more than 600 rubles per kilogram. Amount refunded(退款) for the hand luggage lost through the fault of an airline is not more than 11, 000 rubles regardless of its weight. Amount refunded for damaged luggage is calculated based on the same tariffs(关税).

Keep your flight documents (a ticket, boarding pass, luggage tag, and delayed luggage report filed at the airport) until the end of the procedure for searching for your luggage.

Current information on luggage-tracing results ……+7(495)578-76-65

Lost and Found service of Aeroflot Russian Airlines

……+7(495)544-33-25(from 9:00- 20:00)

+7(495)753-86-41(24 hours)

For further information please contact the airline.

1.What should you do if you find your personal possessions lost on board?

A. Submit a claim to the company.

B. Go to the Lost and Found counter.

C. Contact the airline’s representatives.

D. Contact the unclaimed luggage storage room

2.How much money can you claim if your 20-kilomgram hand luggage is lost?

A. 600 rubles.

B. 11,000 rubles at most.

C. 12,000 rubles at least.

D. 12,000 rubles at most.

3.Which number will you probably dial to see whether your lost luggage has been found?

A. 7(495)578-76-65

B. 7(495)544-33-25

C. 7(499)500-65-52

D. 7(495)753-86-41

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
