
David: Where would you live if you could choose?
Jane: It’s very difficult to say.         小题1:      
David: What would you do if you lived in Paris?
Jane:        小题2:      
David: You’d soon get tired of it.        小题3:    
Jane: I wouldn’t live in New York. It is too noisy.
David: How about Los Angeles?
Jane:        小题4:     
David: It is said the sun shines every day in Los Angeles. I’d like to live there.
Jane:        小题5:     
David: I would also like to live in a city with a lot of good friends.
A.I’d like to live there, too
B.And what about the United States?
C.Los Angeles wouldn’t be a bad idea.
D.Would you like to live alone?
E. If I were very rich, I’d certainly choose Paris. 
F. As a matter of fact, I’d live in any city where I had friends.
G. Oh, I’d have a house by the Seine, and I could enjoy the scenery.


小题1:从后面的句子:What would you do if you lived in Paris?可知说话人想住在巴黎。选 E
小题2:从前面的句子:What would you do if you lived in Paris?可知回答是在巴黎可以做什么。选G
小题3:从后面的句子:I wouldn’t live in New York. It is too noisy.可知是问住在美国怎样。选B
小题4:从问句:How about Los Angeles?可知回答是洛杉矶也不错。选C
小题5:从后面的句子:I would also like to live in a city with a lot of good friends.可知是说我想住在有朋友的地方。选F
Andy is the most unreasonable, pigheaded life form in the world, and he makes me so angry I could scream! Of course, I love him like a brother. I have to because he is my brother. More than that, he is my twin! That’s right. Andy and Amy(that’s me) have the same curly(卷曲的) hair and dark eyes and equally stubborn character. Yet, though we may look alike, on most issues(事情)  we usually take completely opposite positions. If I say day, you can count on Andy to say night.
Just this week, the hot topic in school was all about the PTA’S proposal(提议) to adopt a school dress principle. Every student would be required to wear a uniform. Uniforms! Can you imagine? Oh, they would be uniforms in color. The dress style would be sort of loose and free.
I think a dress principle is a good idea. The reason is simple. School is tough enough without worrying about looking cool every single day. The fact is, the less I have to decide first thing in the morning, the better. I also wouldn’t mind not having to see guys wearing oversized jeans and shirts. And I certainly would welcome not seeing kids showing off designer clothes.
Andy is surprised at my opinion. He says he can’t believe that I would be willing to give up my all-American teenage birthright by dressing like — well, like a typical teenager. Last night, he even dragged out Mom and Dad’s high school photo albums. What a couple of peace-loving hippies(嬉皮士) they were!
The vote for or against uniforms took place later that day. The results of the vote and the headmaster’s decision will be announced next week. I wonder what it will be. I know how I voted, and I’m pretty sure I know how Andy voted.
How would you vote—for or against?
小题1:The story is about___________.
A.a school policy decision that will affect parents and students
B.a personal experience and is told in the first person
C.a historical event and is told in the third person
D.a conflict of opinions between boys and girls
小题2:Amy’s position on school uniforms is most likely based on________.
A.logical conclusions drawn form her own observation and personal experience
B.an aggressive reaction to what she has been told by people in authority
C.her preference for designer-labeled clothes
D.not liking anything her brother likes
小题3:Which of the following is the best statement of Andy’s position?
A.School clothing should reflect parents’ values.
B.Teenagers should never follow the latest fashions in dress.
C.How one dresses should be an expression of one’s individuality.
D.Wearing school uniforms means one less decision every morning.
小题4:What is the best title for the text?
A.A School Dress Principle.
B.My Stubborn Twin Brother
C.Endless Fights with My Brother
D.For or Against?--- That Is the Question
As a child, I was afraid of everything. At the age of 8, I even became  1   of getting Halloween candy.  2  , on October 31, my twin brother and I went out and  3  to every house in the neighborhood. Most of the houses only had a few steps to the door. It was easy. However, when we   4   one of the bigger houses with 10 tall steps  5  to the front door, which were known to have the best candy, my fear  6   me. My brother was already up the stairs, while I stood   7   at the bottom.
It was  8   that I’d be able to climb all that way, for I was afraid that I might fall over in the dark and  9  my bag of candy. I might  10  my clothes on something. I wanted the candy, but there was no  11   I would go up those stairs to get it. I failed. I lost more than just candy. I lost my  12  .
Fear of the unknown  13  me for a long time. After six years in nursing, I was  14    with the career I had chosen. I faced a  15  : step out into the unknown or  16   the rest of my life at the bottom of those steps, never  17  the best candy.
Finally, with only $100 in my savings account, I started my own business. Whenever I would lose a client (客户), the old fears  18   . However, I’d tasted the candy, and now I don’t   19  when I face difficulties. I believe that, though   20   things can happen when we step out, worse things happen when we don’t.
A.afraidB.happy C.fondD.tired
A.knockedB.escaped C.reachedD.entered
A.encouragedB.spread C.preventedD.attracted
A.saveB.spendC.change D.escape
A.disappearedB.warned C.returnedD.reminded
Four simple keys to transform your life
The power of choice.
Every one of us makes countless choices every day. Every choice we make has an impact on our lives. Even insignificant choices can affect what we experience and how we feel. When hunger strikes, we can reach for a healthy, nutritious snack, or we can choose the sugar high of junk food. The more important the decision, the greater its effect. For instance, how do I act towards that person who treated me badly? Do I generally choose to be passive, or do I actively set clear intentions and create what I want in my life? Every choice we make, however big or small, affects us in some way.
How do you make choices?
If you are interested in living a richer, fuller life, there is a foundation upon which you can base all of your decisions which can make life better not only for you, but also for those around you. This foundation is to choose based on what’s best for all. Imagine a world where every parent, spouse(配偶), friend, teacher, businessperson, and politician truly did their best to choose what’s best for all involved in every decision they made. We would certainly live in a more caring, supportive world.
It’s the intention.
“But how do I know what is really best?” you might ask. The answer is simple. It doesn’t matter. What matters is not the choice you make, but rather the intention behind your choice. What matters is that whatever decision you make, you are clear in your intention of choosing based on what’s best for all. If it later turns out that you made what appears to have been a bad choice, there’s no need for guilt. Knowing that you did your best to choose with a sincere desire for what’s best for all, your conscience stays clear and open. This then allows you to more easily learn from your mistakes, and to live with a clear heart and mind.
What’s best for me, too!
Choosing what’s best does not mean you have to always sacrifice yourself for other. An overly(过度的) exhausted mother can lose her temper easily. Some time off for this mother might seem selfish, yet in the long run, it can help her to be a better mother to her children. So as we move through each day of our lives, let us remember to include ourselves as we do our best to choose what’s best for all.
小题1:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Every one of us makes countless choices every day.
B.Every choice, however big or small, has an influence on us.
C.People act differently towards the person who treated them badly.
D.People tend to reach for a junk snack when hunger strikes.
小题2:How should we make choices?
A.To be interested in a richer, fuller life.
B.To make life better for ourselves.
C.To base our choices on what’s best for all.
D.To imagine a world where everyone did their best.
小题3: According to the author, what is really best?
A.The choice you make.B.The intention behind your choice.
C.The mistake you learn from.D.The consequence of your choice.
小题4:To choose what is best for us, we’d better ________.
A.try to be selfish all the timeB.sacrifice ourselves for others
C.set aside some time for ourselvesD.control our temper before children
In 1978, I was 18 and was working as a nurse in a small town about 270 km away from Sydney, Australia. I was looking forward to having five days off from duty. Unfortunately, the only one train a day back to my home in Sydney had already left. So I thought I’d hitch a ride(搭便车).
I waited by the side of the highway for three hours but no one stopped for me. Finally, a man walked over and introduced himself as Gordon. He said that although he couldn’t give me a lift, I should come back to his house for lunch. He noticed me standing for hours in the November heat and thought I must be hungry. I was doubtful as a young girl but he assured(使…放心) me I was safe, and he also offered to help me find a lift home afterwards. When we arrived at his house, he made us sandwiches. After lunch, he helped me find a lift home.
Twenty-five years later, in 2003, while I was driving to a nearby town one day, I saw an elderly man standing in the glaring heat, trying to hitch a ride. I thought it was another chance to repay someone for the favor I’d been given decades earlier. I pulled over and picked him up. I made him comfortable on the back seat and offered him some water.
After a few moments of small talk, the man said to me, “You haven’t changed a bit, even your red hair is still the same.”
I couldn’t remember where I’d met him. He then told me he was the man who had given me lunch and helped me find a lift all those years ago. It was Gordon.
小题1:The author had to hitch a ride one day in 1978 because __________.
A.her work delayed her trip to SydneyB.she missed the only train back home
C.the town was far away from SydneyD.she was going home for her holidays
小题2:Which of the following did Gordon do according to Paragraph 2?
A.He watched the girl for three hours. B.He gave the girl a ride back home.
C.He bought sandwiches for the girl.D.He helped the girl find a ride.
小题3:The reason why the author offered a lift to the elderly man was that______.
A.she was going to the nearby townB.she had known him for decades
C.she wanted to repay the favor she once got D.she realized he was Gordon
小题4:What does the author want to tell the readers through the story?
A.Those who give rides will be repaid.B.Giving sometimes produces nice results.
C.Good manners bring about happiness.D.People should offer free rides to others.
Beat the Burglar
Don’t invite crime---take basic, sensible precautions. Your house and possession are valuable and must be properly protected. When you buy a lock, you buy time. The best prevention is delay and noise which could mean discovery. 
When you leave it---lock it!
First of all, fit security locks to all doors and windows and a safety chain on the front door. Secondly, use them!
If you have any ladders or tools, don’t leave them lying about in the garden, lock them away.
“Safe” or “secret” places for keys and valuables are not reliable --- nine times out of ten, they are the first place a thief will look.
When you move house…
When you move into a new home even if it is fitted with security locks, change them. You don’t know who else may have keys.
Never let strangers into your house. An official-looking cap is not enough, ask for proof of identity and look at it carefully --- if you are still not satisfied, don’t let the person in.
Valuables need special protection
Valuables should really be given special protection --- preferably by leaving them with your bank. A small security safe works too, but not to the most determined burglar. It is also important to keep an up-to-date list of valuables and their descriptions. In the case of fine art, paintings, or jewelry, color photographs can sometimes be of assistance to the police if you are unfortunate enough to have them stolen. Enter the details on the back of the pictures. But don’t keep such documents in your house, keep them at the bank or with your insurance company.
Going on holiday?
Don’t talk about your holidays and future plans loudly in public. Do remember to cancel the milk and newspapers and also to draw curtains back.
Operate a “Good Neighbor” program to ensure that mail is taken in, the house is checked regularly and that lights are put on.
Call at your local police station and tell them you are going away. Make sure that they know how to contact you in case of trouble.
Don’t leave cash or valuables in the house --- take them with you or put them in the bank.
小题1:When moving into a new house, you are supposed to __________.
A.buy a safeB.change the locks
C.visit your neighborsD.stay away from strangers
小题2:Which is the safest way to protect your valuables?
A.Taking pictures of your valuables.
B.Putting your valuables in your safe.
C.Keeping your valuables at the bank.
D.Giving a list of your valuables to the police.
小题3:When you are away for holidays, you __________.
A.should cancel your mail
B.shouldn’t leave your keys to your neighbors
C.shouldn’t make it known that your home is empty
D.should ask the police to check your house regularly
小题4:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To inform people of safety standards.
B.To introduce the advantages of banks.
C.To prove the importance of security locks.
D.To educate people on prevention of burglars.

FFather was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes,hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better. paid job. Except. for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best that money could buy.
Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.
Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing,fine food and vacation abroad.
However, the family still did not get to see Father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthily candidate for the promotion, he took another course in an open university.
Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Happily, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough. It would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a condominium.  Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients.
 Over again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
As expected, Father's hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take any more courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to
his family, and it was a promise.
Father did not wake up the next day.
小题1:Father worked and studied very hard because ________.
A.he had to support his family
B.he was enthusiastic in attending classes
C.he wanted to bring his family a better lire
D.he had to so as to reduce his family’s complaint
小题2:What CAN’T Father get through his hard work?
A.Family time.B.Higher education.C.Better housing.D.Vacation abroad.
小题3:How would the family feel when “Father did not wake up the next day”?
A.To their joy, Father can have a good rest in the end.
B.They should have stopped Father from working so hard.
C.Thank God, Father can stay home with them.
D.There is no point working hard for a better life.
小题4:What is the function of the italicized(斜体)paragraphs in this passage?
A.To make readers show sympathy for Father.
B.To show how stubborn Father was.
C.To make readers fee l how hard Father worked.
D.To imply a sad ending to the story.
My name is Amy. I’m a 25-year-old graduate student who likes yoga, home-decorating shows and eating spoonfuls of peanut butter   1  from the jar. Oh yeah, and I’m an iPhone addict.
I wasn’t always an addict. In fact, for many years I told myself I didn’t want a   2       cellphone. They seemed like too much work, always beeping, ringing and   3  attention. I was   4  content with my simple antique (古董,此处指旧手机), and I didn’t expect to change my mind any time soon.
However, about a year ago, I found myself envious of all those proud iPhone owners, cradling their shiny new phones and   5  all their friends. I started listening secretly to conversations about “iPhone apps”, feeling like a   6  listening to a language I couldn’t speak.
Eventually I couldn’t   7  my iPhone instinct (本能) any longer, and I welcomed my new iPhone into my life.
To my surprise, I suddenly found myself with a whole new circle of friends. They   8     my iPhone-related inquiries when my other friends couldn’t, and didn’t   9  when I bragged about (吹嘘) all the things little Eloise (yes, I named her) could do.
However, I realized I had a problem when one day I found myself Google-mapping my way to my mailbox, which happens to be right outside my front door.
When I   10  the past few months, I couldn’t believe I didn’t see this coming. All the   11  signs were there. Eloise slept right beside me and was the first thing I   12 in the morning. I   13  my e-mail about 20 times a day. I also experienced   14  when I left poor Eloise in the change room at the gym.   15  she beeped and needed my response?
Okay, so I was addicted to my iPhone.
I decided   16  had to be done. But, as I quickly realized, iPhones are like   17  and not easy to quit.
Then, while taking the bus to work one day, I was   18  forced to quit—at least   19 . When I reached into my purse to grab Eloise, (to refer to my e-mail for only the seventh time that morning), I found her   20  by fever. She was so hot that I dropped her immediately back into my bag. When I picked her up again, she was gone.
A.straight B.excitedlyC.hurriedlyD.randomly
A.showing them off toB.impressing them on
C.discussing them withD.recommending them to
A.turned downB.laughed atC.comment onD.responded to
A.roll their eyesB.open their mouths
C.wave their handsD.nod their heads
A.rest onB.reflect upon
C.settle downD.concentrate on
A.dream ofB.came across
C.glanced throughD.reached for
A.checkedB.wrote C.deliveredD.deleted
A.How whenB.How aboutC.What if D.In case
While I was on a trip to Papua New Guinea to take underwater photographs, I asked a local dive guide to help me find a pygmy sea horse(侏儒海马). I wanted to take a picture of it. These sea horses can be red or yellow-and-orange. The red pygmy sea horse lives on only one type of coral, a red sea fan that grows at depths below ninety feet.
This depth made the job even tougher. As the pressure on my body increased, I had to breathe harder, which used my air supply faster. So the deeper I dived, the shorter my time underwater.
I had a lot to do. First, I had to find the pygmy sea horse’s special type of fan .Then I had to look over the whole fan with my magnifying glass(放大镜) to see if a sea horse lived on it. If not, I had to find another fan—all the while keeping an eye on my oxygen supply. The second fan rewarded me with a find. The dive guide held the magnifying glass so I could have my first look at the tiny fish.
My next challenge was to focus my camera on such a small subject. The dive guide pointed at the tiny creature. I looked through the viewfinder(取景物) on my large underwater camera housing(相架), found the guide’s finger, and followed it to the sea horse.
It was hard to hold ourselves steady because both of us were floating in mid-water, but our system worked. I could hardly contain my excitement as I focused on the eyes of the cutest sea horse imaginable.
小题1:What do we learn about the red pygmy sea horse?
A.It lives on red sea fans only. B.It swims very quickly.
C.It lives nine feet deep. D.It usually floats in mid-water.
小题2:From Paragraph 3 we learn        .
A.how the author swam under waterB.how the author found a sea horse
C.why the author dived with a guideD.why the author used a magnifying glass
小题3:While the author was taking pictures of the sea horse,        .
A.she felt extremely nervousB.her camera didn’t work well
C.the guide helped focus the cameraD.the sea horse was swimming away
小题4:Why did the author write the passage?
A.To study the natural habitat of sea animals.
B.To explain why sea horses are endangered.
C.To tell us how to be an underwater photographer.
D.To show us how she took pictures of a sea horse.

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