
FFather was a hardworking man who delivered bread as a living to support his wife and three children. He spent all his evenings after work attending classes,hoping to improve himself so that he could one day find a better. paid job. Except. for Sundays, Father hardly ate a meal together with his family. He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best that money could buy.
Whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
The day came when the examination results were announced. To his joy, Father passed, and with distinctions too! Soon after, he was offered a good job as a senior supervisor which paid handsomely.
Like a dream come true, Father could now afford to provide his family with life’s little luxuries like nice clothing,fine food and vacation abroad.
However, the family still did not get to see Father for most of the week. He continued to work very hard, hoping to be promoted to the position of manager. In fact, to make himself a worthily candidate for the promotion, he took another course in an open university.
Again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
Father’s hard work paid off and he was promoted. Happily, he decided to hire a maid to relieve his wife from her domestic tasks. He also felt that their three-room flat was no longer big enough. It would be nice for his family to be able to enjoy the facilities and comfort of a condominium.  Having experienced the rewards of his hard work many times before, Father resolved to further his studies and work at being promoted again. The family still did not get to see much of him. In fact, sometimes Father had to work on Sundays entertaining clients.
 Over again, whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, he reasoned that he was doing all this for them. Though he often longed to spend more time with his family, he weighed his contribution to his family above everything else.
As expected, Father's hard work paid off again and he bought a beautiful condominium overlooking the coast of Singapore. On the first Sunday evening at their new home, Father declared to his family that he decided not to take any more courses or pursue any more promotions. From then on he was going to devote more time to
his family, and it was a promise.
Father did not wake up the next day.
小题1:Father worked and studied very hard because ________.
A.he had to support his family
B.he was enthusiastic in attending classes
C.he wanted to bring his family a better lire
D.he had to so as to reduce his family’s complaint
小题2:What CAN’T Father get through his hard work?
A.Family time.B.Higher education.C.Better housing.D.Vacation abroad.
小题3:How would the family feel when “Father did not wake up the next day”?
A.To their joy, Father can have a good rest in the end.
B.They should have stopped Father from working so hard.
C.Thank God, Father can stay home with them.
D.There is no point working hard for a better life.
小题4:What is the function of the italicized(斜体)paragraphs in this passage?
A.To make readers show sympathy for Father.
B.To show how stubborn Father was.
C.To make readers fee l how hard Father worked.
D.To imply a sad ending to the story.


小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段的He worked and studied very hard because he wanted to provide his family with the best that money could buy.可知应选C。
小题2:推理判断题。根据whenever the family complained that he was not spending enough time with them, 可知他无法和家人一起度过快乐的时光,故选A。
Dear Jenny,
How’s it going? Are you busy with your study these days?
I’ve been back at school   1  nearly four weeks. I am very glad to tell you that great   2  have taken place in our school this term. First of all, we’re asked to “clear our plates(餐盘)” when having our meals and say   3  to wasting. Some of us used to order more than what we could eat. That was a big waste of food. Now we need to   __4  the food we order. We should also stop wasting in some other ways. For example, we should turn off the lights when we   5  the classroom. And our school has opened up (开辟) some fields for us to learn how to grow vegetables. Each class is given a small garden and our class has decided to grow some tomatoes and beans(豆类)in our   6  time. I think that’ll be very interesting. Maybe I will be able to   7  you some beans we’ve grown by ourselves next time! What’s more, we have only two classes in the afternoon   8  we have more time for after-school activities. I’m one of the traffic safety(交通安全) volunteers in our school. After school, we take turns to go to the streets near school and ask people to   __9  the traffic rules.
I think we are having a different school life now!
Please write back soon and tell   10  more about your school.
Wang Wei
A.in B.for C.on D.at
A.changes B.things C.interests D.lessons
A.yes B.hello C.no D.thanks
A.clean B.pay C.cook D.finish
A.leave B.reach C.open D.build
A.busy B.free C.happy D.sad
A.plant B.buy C.post D.lend
A.because B.when C.before D.so
A.follow B.make C.break D.think
A.him B.her C.you D.me
It’s such a happy-looking library, painted yellow, decorated with palm-tree stickers and sheltered from the Florida sun by its own roof. About the size of a microwave oven, it’s pedestrian-friendly, too, waiting for book lovers next to a sidewalk in Palm Beach country Estates, along the northern boundary of Palm Beach Gardens.
It’s a library built with love.
A year ago, shortly after Janey Henriksen saw a Brian Williams report about the Little Free Library organization, a Wisconsin-based nonprofit that aims to promote literacy and build a sense of community in a neighborhood by making books freely available, she announced to her family of four, “That’s what we’re going to do for our spring break!”
Son Austin, now a 10th-grader, didn’t see the point of building a library that resembles a mailbox. But Janey insisted, and husband Peter unwillingly got to work. The 51-year-old owner of a ship supply company modified a small wooden house that he’d built years earlier for daughter Abbie’s toy horses, and made a door of glass.
After adding the library’s final touches (装点), the family hung a signboard on the front, instructing users to “take a book, return a book,” and making the Henriksen library, now one of several hundred like it nationwide and among more than 2,500 in the world, the only Little Free Library in Palm Beach County.
They stocked it with 20 or so books they’d already read, a mix of science fiction, reference titles, novels and kids’ favorites. “I told them, keep in mind that you might not see it again,” said Janey, a stay-at-home mom.
Since then, the collection keeps replenishing (补充) itself, thanks to ongoing donations from borrowers. The library now gets an average of five visits a day.
The project’s best payoff, says Peter, are the thank-you notes left behind. “We had no idea in the beginning that it would be so popular.” (317 words)
小题1:In what way is the library “pedestrian-friendly”?
A.It owns a yellow roof.B.It stands near a sidewalk.
C.It protects book lovers from the sun.D.It uses palm-tree stickers as decorations.
小题2:Janey got the idea to build a library from __________.
A.a visit to Brian WilliamsB.a spring break with her family
C.a book sent by one of her neighborsD.a report on a Wisconsin-based organization
小题3:The library was built __________.
A.by a ship supply companyB.on the basis of toy horses
C.like a mailboxD.with glass
小题4:What can we infer about the signboard?
A.It was made by a user of the library.B.It marked a final touch to the library.
C.It aimed at making the library last long.D.It indicated the library was a family property.
小题5:The passage tells us that the users __________.
A.donate books to the library
B.get paid to collect books for the library
C.receive thank-you notes for using the library
D.visit the library over 5 times on average daily
Since the pre-historic times, man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger, shelter or search for a mate, he has always controlled the situations to his advantage. Probably this might be the reason why we humans are the most developed of all living species on the earth. As we climbed the steps of development, we somehow left behind common sense and logical thinking -- we forgot that we have stopped thinking ahead of time.
If you are hungry, what do you do? Get a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet. Just like your stomach, even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such things. So it silently began to care about your needs and never let itself grow. When mind looses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think "What happens next?", "Why can't I think?" "Why am I always given the difficult problems?" Well, this is the result of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things.
Hunger of the mind can be actually satisfied through reading. Now why reading and not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to turn to reading. You have innumerable number of books in this world which will answer all your "How to?" questions. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed, if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, of which you would have never thought in your wildest dreams! This is nothing but creativity. More the number of books you read, your mind will open up like never before.
小题1:What is the function of the first paragraph?
A.To show humans are the most developed.
B.To introduce the topic of the passage.
C.To indicate people have different needs to satisfy.
D.To explain why people need to read.
小题2:What does the author mean by saying "When mind looses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop."
A.When mind keeps growing, creativity fully stops.
B.When freedom is lost, creativity gets a full stop.
C.When mind stops growing, creativity fully stops.
D.When growing is lost, creativity gets a flail stop.
小题3:The paragraph following the passage is probably about ______.
A.how the pre-historic man feeds his mind
B.what other advantages reading brings
C.how to develop creativity
D.how to satisfy your mind by watching TV
小题4: The author tends to tell us ______.
A.reading can satisfy your all needsB.reading can result from creativity
C.reading can feed your mindD.reading can realize your dreams
Motorists over the age of 75 face compulsory tests of their eyesight and ability to drive under proposals being considered by ministers.
The biggest overhaul of motoring law in a generation could also lead to all drivers having to give assurances(保证)of their fitness to get behind the wheel every 10 years.
Other changes under consideration include issuing(发放)daylight driving licenses for motorists with night blindness, together with stricter checks on all drivers whose medical condition brought a threat to other road users.
It is understood that the proposals will be part of a review of the law governing the medical fitness of drivers that will be announced publicly by the summer.
The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency is dealing with a rising number of motorists who are concerned that they have conditions---from failing eyesight to epilepsy---that could affect their driving.
In 2006, the DVLA dealt with 600,000 motorists whose physical ability to drive needed to be recertified(重新认证), a 20 per cent rise on the previous year. With an ageing population, the biggest challenge is dealing with the rising number of elderly motorists. By 2021, there will be an estimated three million drivers over the age of 70 on Britain’s roads.
Drivers must renew their licenses at the age of 70 and every three years thereafter. The applicant is legally required to tell the DVLA of any conditions that could weaken their ability behind the wheel.
Ministers have ruled out a compulsory maximum age for driving but will instead rely on tightening up the checks on motorists over the age of 75. The most likely option would be tests to ensure motorists were fit to drive. They would include an eyesight test and a cognitive(认知) test that would prove a driver's ability to react to road signs, driving conditions, pedestrians and vehicles.
However, checks are likely to be tightened at all ages. The strictest controls are expected to be imposed(强制) on motorists of any age who have had a heart attack or stroke. They could have to produce a doctor's approval to resume(重新得到)driving. Anyone making a false declaration would be guilty of a criminal offence.
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The new motoring law will come into effect by the summer.
B.Drivers over the age of 75 must renew their licenses every three years.
C.Doctors will decide whether one can get their driving licenses.
D.Drivers at all ages will be expected to provide their medical condition.
小题2:What is the biggest challenge to the traffic safety in Britain according to the writer?
A.Ageing population. B.Increasing number of cars.
C.Increasing number of elderly motorists.D.Driving conditions.
小题3:The underlined word “overhaul” in Paragraph 2 means _______.
小题4:What can be learned from the passage?
A.There will be more and more aged drivers in Britain.
B.Anyone can get a driving license as long as he/she is in good health.
C.Health tends to decline as one gets old
D.It will be guilty to make a false declaration.
Catherine and I were on our way to our nephew’s birthday party one rainy Saturday morning, driving along what some people call moose(驼鹿) alley. It was early, there were few other cars on the road and we were looking forward to a good day with the family. Suddenly, a moose rushed across our path. Fortunately, a quick swerve(突然转向) to the other lane prevented a full impact, with only a small collision on the right side of our car ripping off the mirror and knocking the moose to the pavement.
By the time I stopped and looked back in my rear view mirror, the moose was getting up. It ran into the bush. Shaken but unharmed, we both looked at each other shocked by what had happened. We knew that moose accidents had claimed many lives throughout the years, and that we had been very fortunate to escape with no personal injury or worse. After a quick check of our vehicle, we drove off.
Even though the moose accident lasted just a few seconds, we still remember it to this day. Why?
We had often talked about the frailty of life, the here today and gone tomorrow potential we all face, but it had never felt so real. And it wasn’t that we hadn’t had friends, relatives and colleagues die before, it was that this experience was much more personal. In a matter of seconds, lives can easily change.
The effect of that one near miss with death has been positive, and made us appreciate life. Each one of us has only a limited time on this Earth; no one can predict when your time will end. We should give thanks for each day, to see the sun rise again, and to know that you can accomplish and assist others to appreciate their life if they are caught in the “poor-me” syndrome(综合症状).
小题1:What can we learn about the accident form the first two paragraphs?
A.Fortunately, they didn’t hit the moose.
B.They themselves were slightly injured.
C.Many people have died from similar accidents.
D.The author should be blamed for the accident.
小题2:What did the accident teach the author?
A.Being open to unexpected turns in life is important.
B.Life is long if you know how to use it.
C.Life is measured by thoughts and actions, not by time.
D.Life is unpredictable, so we should treasure every moment.
小题3:How should we spend every day according to the author?
a. being thankful and helpful
b. appreciating the natural beauty of the world
c. being confident
d. making every effort to succeed
A.abB.bc C.abcD.bcd
My mother is a diligent and kind woman. She is very busy from morning till night. As a teacher, she works hard.   小题1:    Both my brother and I love her dearly as she loves us.
My mother has been teaching math at a middle school in my hometown. She goes to work early in the morning and does not return home until late in the afternoon.    小题2:  She treats them with patience and teaches them well. For her excellent quality and very good teaching results, she has been elected as a model teacher several times.
  小题3:    Every day, when she comes back home from work, she sets about doing housework, sweeping the living room and bedrooms or cleaning the furniture, and putting everything in good order. She seems to be busy all the time. As she has been very busy working every day, she looks older than her age. But she looks as cheerful and happy as ever. Mother never buys expensive dresses for herself, but she often buys some inexpensive but high quality clothes for us.  小题4:    She just eats a plain meal outside when she is too busy to cook herself. She lives a busy yet simple life, without any complaints.
Often she says to us, “work while you work, and play while you play. That is the way to be happy and gay. If you do not work, you will become lazy and be of no use to society”. What a piece of good advice this is!   小题5: This advice of hers will always serve as a guide to my behavior. My mother is great indeed, and I always feel proud of her.
A.She enjoys listening to classic music.
B.As a mother, she takes good care of us and gives us every comfort.
C.She loves her students and cares for them.
D.She never goes to expensive restaurants to enjoy meals.
E. My mother is hard-working and never wastes money.
F. I never forget it and always bear it in my mind.
When you run, you put force that is equal to three times your body weight on your feet. The human foot contains twenty muscles(肌肉). This means that there is a lot that can go wrong when you run.
Most sports have some kind of running or jumping. So experts(专家) at many shoe companies work hard to design good sport shoes. First, a designer enters a plan for a shoe into a computer. Engineers then improve the design. A second computer designs a model for the shoe. Then a few pairs are made. Next, the shoe is tested.
Different kinds of sports shoes are made for different uses. Some are made to help marathon runners save energy during a race. Some are made for the stop-and-go kind of running tennis players. But all sport shoes have one thing in common: they are designed to help people’s feet comfortable during sports. Today, nearly every sport has its own special shoe designed for just the kind of running that sport requires.
小题1:The first in making a new shoe is to ______.
A.make a computerB.design a shoe model
C.test several pairsD.put a design plan into a computer
小题2:Why are good sport shoes welcome to people?
A.Because they help to change body weight.
B.Because they help to develop leg muscles.
C.Because they are both good and cheap.
D.Because they are comfortable to wear.
小题3:What is NOT talked about in the passage?
A.The number of the bones of a human muscle.
B.The effect of shoes upon sports.
C.The materials (材料)of sport shoes.
D.The design for a shoe model.
小题4:Different kinds of sport shoes _______.
A.are designed for people of the different weight.
B.meet the needs of different sportsmen.
C.are made in different shoe companies.
D.are of the same price.

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