
People who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds. It’s possible that being full of vim and vigor helps the body fight illnesses, say the researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) in Pittsburgh.
“We need to take more seriously the possibility that a positive emotional style is a major player in disease risk,” says psychologist Sheldon Cohen, the study’s lead researcher. 
In a previous study, Cohen and his colleagues found that people who tended to be cheerful and lively were least likely to develop sniffles, coughs, and other cold symptoms(症状).   
Those findings were interesting, but they didn’t prove that a person’s attitude affects whether he or she gets sick. Instead, it was still probable that a person’s underlying personality is what matters.
Evidence suggests, for instance, that certain people are naturally more likely to be outgoing and optimistic, with high self-respect and a sense of control over life. This would mean that who we are, not how we feel, finally decides our chances of catching colds.
To figure out which mattered more (personality or emotions), the CMU team interviewed 193 healthy adults. The researchers talked to each person over the phone every evening for 2 weeks. They told the researchers about the positive and negative feelings they had experienced that day.
The results showed that everyone in the study was equally likely to get infected. Their symptoms, however, differed depending on the types of emotions that they had reported over the previous 2 weeks.
Among those who reported good moods and had been infected with the flu virus, for example, 28 percent developed coughs and stuffy(堵塞)noses. On the other hand, those symptoms struck 41 percent of people who had been less positive. Scientists argue about whether negative emotions or positive emotions have a stronger effect on how healthy we are. For now, it can’t hurt to look on the bright side more often than not!
小题1:What is the text mainly about?
A.how to get rid of coldsB.Attitude determines life
C.Smiles turn away colds D.Different opinions about colds
小题2:The word “full of vim and vigor” underlined in Paragraph 1 probably means_______.
A.ignorantB.well-informedC.energeticD.in low spirits
小题3:According to the finding a leading factor of catching colds should be one’s _______.
小题4:By saying the last paragraph, the writer intends to suggest_______.


小题1:C主旨大意题。本文是一篇科学研究类短文,文章开头提出中心People who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds.,然后在下文进行详细讲述,所以文章主要是关于快乐能够抵抗感冒的问题,答案选C。
小题2:C 词义猜测题。根据文章首句People who are cheerful and relaxed are less likely to suffer from colds和第二段的首句We need to ……. a positive emotional style is a major player in disease risk,”可知文章主要介绍快乐、积极的情绪对健康的作用,由此判断full of vim and vigor指精力充沛,积极乐观,答案选C。
小题3:B细节理解题。从文章第二段带头从事这项研究的Sheldon Cohen 所说的“We need to take more seriously the possibility that a positive emotional style is a major player in disease risk,” 可以判断人的性格是人们是否容易患感冒的主要因素,答案选B。
小题4:C细节理解题。在文章末段作者给出了一些数字来证明积极乐观的心态对感冒的影响,而且最后提出it can’t hurt to look on the bright side more often than not! ,由此判断作者的目的是要建议人们为了健康的缘故要保持愉悦的心情,答案选C。
The triathlon(铁人三项运动) promises to be one of the most popular Olympic sports.Recently it has drawn huge crowds attracted by athletes swimming 1,500m,cycling 40km,then running 10km without stopping.But what makes an attractive 17­year­old girl give up everything for the doubtful pleasure it offers?
Melanie Sears has not yet learnt those often­repeated phrases about personal satisfaction,mental challenge and higher targets that most athletes use when asked similar questions.“You swim for 1,500m,then run out of the water and jump on your bike,still wet.Of course,then you freeze.When the 40km cycle ride is over,you have to run 10km,which is a long way when you’re feeling exhausted.But it’s great fun,and all worth it in the end,” she says.
Melanie entered her first triathlon at 14 and she won the junior section.Full of confidence,she entered the National Championships,and although she had the second fastest swim and the fastest run,she came nowhere.“I was following this man and suddenly we came to the sea.We realised then that we had gone wrong.I ended up cycling 20 kilometres too far.I cried all the way through the running.”
But she did not give up and was determined that she never will.“Sometimes I wish I could stop,because then the pain would be over,but I am afraid that if I let myself stop just once,I would be tempted(诱惑) to do it again.”Such doggedness draws admiration from Steve Trew,the sport’s director of coaching.“I’ve just been testing her fitness,” he says, “and she worked so hard on the running machine that it finally threw her off and into a wall.She had given it everything,and she just kept on.”
Melanie was top junior in this year’s European Triathlon Championships,finishing 13th.“I was almost as good as the top three in swimming and running,but much slower in cycling.That’s why I’m working very hard at it.” She is trying to talk her long­suffering parents,who will carry the £1,300 cost of her trip to New Zealand for this year’s world championships,into buying a £2,000 bike,so she can try 25km and 100km races later this year.
But there is another price to pay.“I don’t have a social life,”she says.“After two hours’ hard swimming on Friday night,I just want to go to sleep.But I phone and write to the other girls in the team.” What does she talk about?Boys?Clothes?“No,what sort of times they are achieving.”
小题1:How does Melanie differ from other athletes,according to the writer?
A.She worries less than they do.
B.She expresses herself differently.
C.Her family background is not like theirs.
D.Her aims are different from theirs.
小题2:What upset Melanie during the National Championships?
A.She was tricked by another competitor.
B.She felt she had let her team­mates down.
C.She made a mistake during part of the race.
D.She realized she couldn’t cycle as fast as she thought.
小题3:What is Melanie trying to persuade her parents to do?
A.Buy an expensive bike for her.
B.Give her half the cost of a bike.
C.Let her compete in longer races.
D.Pay for her to go to New Zealand.
小题4:What does Melanie say about her relationships with her team­mates?
A.She would like to see them more often.
B.She only discusses the triathlon with them.
C.She thinks they find her way of life strange.
D.She dislikes discussing boys or clothes with them.
LONDON — Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent(永久的) fast-forward.
Their full school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough. But Hanger also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.
Often, the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 pm. There is just time for a quick supper before homework. In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line.
Parents take their children from activity to activity in order to make their future bright. It seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.
“Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress,” says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota.
Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom. It's a very serious problem. Many children attend after-school clubs by necessity. But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities. They include sports, language, music and math classes for children as young as four.
“There is a new parenting trend(趋势) under way which says that you have to tap all your child’s potential(潜能) at a young age; otherwise you will let him down,” says Terry Apter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist(青少年精神病专家).
“It isn't entirely new: there have always been pushy parents. But what was previously(以前) seen as strange behaviour is now well accepted.”
小题1: From the second paragraph of this passage we can find that _______.
A.Hagner wastes much time helping her children's lessons
B.Hagner doesn't spend much time on her full-time job
C.Hagner is interested in sports and music
D.Hagner busies herself by following a trend
小题2:British parents, as the writer described in this passage, _______.
A.treat their children as sports players
B.pay no attention to their children's lessons
C.bring up their children in a simple way
D.give their children little time to develop freely
小题3:The writer's opinion about after-school clubs is that ________.
A.activities in the country are too competitive
B.children should attend four clubs at a time
C.some clubs result in competitive pressures
D.clubs should have more subjects for school children
小题4:The last paragraph tells us that in Britain _______.
A.parents used to take their children to every club
B.parents used to be wise on how to raise children
C.parents have all benefited from children’s clubs
D.parents have come to know the standard of education
There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:
I’ll never lose weight --- I come from a fat family
Wrong! While we can’t change the body type we are born with, we can’t blame our genes for making us fat. There’s plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercise too little.
I am fat because I burn calories slowly
Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism(新陈代谢). If fact, although fat people consume more energy that slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake more accurately.
Exercise is boring
Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively. The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that’s fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different route. If you do Yoga, try a tai chi class. If you like swimming, set yourself a distance or time challenge.
No pain, no gain
Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is your body telling you something’s wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly. If you don’t, rest and seek medical advice.
小题1:What does the author think about being fat?
A.It is the family genes that make people fat.
B.People are fat because they consume too little energy.
C.A diary of exercise can prevent people from becoming fat.
D.It is the consequence of people’s unbalanced lifestyle.
小题2:According to the author, how can we make exercise more interesting?
A.By taking varied exercise.
B.By choosing simple exercise.
C.By doing regular exercise.
D.By sticking to outdoor exercise.
小题3:What is the author’s opinion about “No pain, no gain” in exercising?
A.Keeping fit is essentially a painful experience.
B.Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.
C.Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.
D.Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.
小题4:What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To declare the importance of keeping fit.
B.To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.
C.To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.
D.To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.
Cell phones:  is there a cancer link?
Could your cell phone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, some people are worrying about the possibility that phones, power lines and Wi-Fi could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.
Some say there is evidence to support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health sciences at the university at Albany, in New York, thinks there’s a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia(白血病). Also there’s a greater than 90 percent chance that cell phones can cause brain tumors. “It’s apparent now that there’s a real risk, ” said Carpenter.
But others believe these concerns are unjustified. Dr Martha Linet, the head of radiation epidemiology(流行病学) at the US National Cancer Institute, has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a different conclusion. “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” said Linet. “We don’t have the evidence that there’s much danger. ”
Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs(电磁场) and illness— so weak that it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cell phones and brain cancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. It’s funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cell phone industry group. The final report should come out later this year, but data so far don’t suggest a strong link between cell phone use and cancer risk.
小题1:From the passage we can learn that some people are worried because _______.
A.they have evidence that the use of cell phones can lead to cancer
B.they make a fuss over cell phone use
C.some experts have given a warning
D.cell phones are responsible for brain tumors
小题2:By saying “I don’t support warning labels for cell phones, ” Dr Martha Linet has the idea that _______.
A.the worrying is unnecessary
B.cancer-warning labels should be on cell phones
C.there is a link between cell phones and cancer
D.cell phones have nothing to do with cancer
小题3:Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards the debate?
A.Optimistic. B.Objective.
C.Opposite. D.Casual. ]
Eco City Farms(生态城市农场) are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the Unites States.
Eco City Farms in Edmonton, Maryland, is located near shopping centers, car repair shops and homes. The neighborhood is a working-class community(社区). People do not have very much money. And they have limited access to fresh food in markets.
Over the past two years, the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark. She schools her four children at home. On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson. Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable.“I like coming out here,”he says,“You know, you connect with the earth, where your food comes from. You appreciate the food a little bit more.”
Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms. She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives. “Growing food in a community brings people together,”she continues,“Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration(示范) to show people everything about how to have an eco-friendly community.”she says. From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees, but improving the soil with compost(肥料)made from food waste.
Eco City Farms is an experimental operation. The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks, but from the sun with solar panels. In winter, the green house use a geothermal(地热)system.
Vegetables can be grown all year. So once a week, all winter long, neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.
“I like eating the vegetables ”say five-year-old Owen Moss.
小题1:What is mainly talked about in the passage?
A.Eco City Farms save a lot of energy.
B.Eco City Farms are gaining popularity.
C.Eco City Farms are influencing community life.
D.Eco City Farms helps the working-class live better.
小题2:According to the passage, Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPT______.
A.shopping centers B.car repair shops
C.fast-food restaurantsD.working-class community
小题3:What is the author’s attitude toward Eco City Farms?
小题4:In which column(专栏) of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?
People born in winter are more likely to suffer mental health disorders, according to a recent study carried out by researchers at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee.
Researchers raised baby mice from birth to weaning (断奶) in either “summer” light cycles of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark or “winter” cycles of 8 hours of light and 16 hours of dark. A third group experienced 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark a day.
Then half the winter mice stayed in a winter cycle, while half switched to a summer schedule. The summer mice were similarly split. The mice raised in equal periods of light and dark were split into three groups, one of which stayed on the 12­hour schedule, one of which joined the winter group, and one of which joined the summer group.
After 28 days, it turns out the summer­born mice behaved the same whether they stayed on the summer cycle or switched to winter. But among the winter­born mice, those stayed in winter kept their previous schedule, while those that switched to summer stayed active for an extra hour and a half, which indicates that mice born and weaned in a winter light cycle showed dramatic disruptions in their biological clocks.
The finding is the first of its kind in mammals, and it could explain why people born in winter are at higher risk for mental health disorders including bipolar depression, schizophrenia and seasonal affective disorder.
“We know that the biological clock regulates mood in humans,”said study researcher McMahon. “If the mechanism (机制) similar to the one that we found in mice operates in humans, then it could not only have an effect on a number of behavioral disorders, but also have a more general effect on personality.”
小题1:How many groups of mice are there finally in all in the experiment?
A.Four.B.Five.C.Six. D.Seven.
小题2:What's the main idea of the text?
A.The biological clock regulates mood in humans.
B.People born in winter are at higher risk for physical health disorders.
C.Being born in winter has a negative effect on people's mental health.
D.The length of light will influence the behavior of the mice.
小题3:The underlined word “split”(Paragraph 3) can be replaced by ________.
小题4:Who is the appropriate reader of the passage?
A.A job­hunter.B.A student in the university.
C.A newly­married couple.D.An experienced dentist.
Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation.
Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it, partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can’t be seen or heard, or touched or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio waves are all around us but we can’t detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can’t sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.
At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs. But even the lowest levels can do serious damage. There is no levels of radiation that is completely safe. If the radiation does not hit anything important, the damage may not be serious. This is the case when only a few cells are hit, and if they are killed immediately. Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones. But if the few cells are only damaged, and if they reproduce themselves, you may be in trouble. They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.
This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation. Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred. A person can be irradiated(辐射)and feel fine, then die for cancer five, ten, or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.     
Radiation can hurt us. We must know the truth.         
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?                   
A.Nuclear radiation is just like common radio waves.
B.Nuclear radiation can cause cancer to human beings.
C.Nuclear radiation can be detected by human senses.
D.Nuclear radiation can be safe to human beings if its level is low.
小题2:How can nuclear radiation kill an animal?                    
A.By damaging its heart.B.By killing a few cells.
C.By hitting any place in its body.D.By killing many cells in important organs.
小题3: If a human being is hit by nuclear radiation, he may _______.
A.die of cancer after many yearsB.die immediately
C.have a child who may be born weak D.all of the above
Although there is no possibility of living completely free of stress , it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can’t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for the ways to deal with stress.
Try physical activity
When you are nervous, angry or upset, try reducing the pressure through exercise of physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try. Physical exercise will relieve your anxiety and worry and help you to relax. Your body and your mind will work together to ease the stress in your life.
Share your stress
It helps to talk to someone about your anxiety and worries. Perhaps a friend, family member, teacher or even your leader can help you a better view of what is troubling you. If you feel your problem is serious, you might seek professional help from psychologist or a doctor. Knowing when to ask for help is an important step in avoiding serious problem later
Take care of yourself
You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you are not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor
Make time for yourself
Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don’t forget, play can be just as important to your over-all well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.
Make a list of things you need to do
Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “there is so much to do, and not enough time.” Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the more important tasks first.
Go ahead and cry
A good cry can a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety. It might even help you avoid a headache or other physical effect of anxiety and stress
小题1:What is most probably the writer’s purpose in writing the article?
A.To release his or her working pressure
B.To help solve the universal problem of stress
C.To reduce her or his own anxiety
D.To help more people cry out
小题2: Physical activity can help people release stress in that ______
A.only your body movement can help you relax
B.your mind can work better to free you of anxiety
C.your body and mind can cooperate(合作) in releasing your stress
D.physics can always play in important part in reducing nervousness
小题3:What is the similarity between “Share your stress” and “ Go ahead and cry”?_____
A.They both help you let out your feelings
B.They both need physical movement
C.They both require mental relaxation
D.They can help you live an orderly life
小题4:The sentence “ Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything” is close to the meaning of ______
A.Strike the iron while it is hotB.Practice makes perfect
C.More hurry, less speedD.Quietness wins time

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