
            Reasons why people who learn music are more likely to be successful

   I myself became a drummer at around the age of 11 ,and have played ever since. 1 Nowadays,there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that music education is not only good for you,but very important if you want to be successful in life. So why are people who learn music more likely to be successful? Read on.

   They are more creative. Recent research has shown that many successful politicians,businessmen,and people in other fields were trained at a young age to be a musician of some kind. 2 What does matter is that these people credit their music education with making them more creative.

   They connect with others better. 3 Even when you are unfamiliar with a location,you can always use your ability to play music to get to know those around you,and establish connections that may have been impossible to create otherwise.

   They are better at math. I am not sure if this one applies to me,but it has long been known that there is some kind of connection between math and music. 4 If you can get a sense of music and musical language,mathematical concepts should begin to make more sense.

   5 As a drummer,I know how to keep time in a song and play to the beat. In life,I use those same skills to maintain some order in my schedule. Thus,learning how to maintain a steady pace not only makes for a good musician,but a more productive and effective worker as well.

   A. They have more self-control.

   B. They have a better sense of rhythm.

   C. Becoming successful requires that you be a good listener.

   D. Whether they were trained to play the piano or the violin,it doesn't matter.

   E. Music is often thought of as a useful way to connect different cultures and ideas.

   F. Both deal with analyzing puzzles and finding patterns in order to work out solutions.

   G. From my own experiences,I have believed learning how to play an instrument is beneficial.



1. G。本空上一句说的是作者自己学 习音乐的经历,因此作者“根据自己 的经历认为学习演奏乐器有好处”。

2. D. 根据本空上一句中的were trained 及卞一句中的 What does matter亩知D项符合此处语境。

3. E。本段中的 connect 和 connections 提示了本题答案。

4. F。 本段介绍音乐和数学的关系: “两者都是为了找到解决方法而分 析难题、寻找模式”,因此学习音乐 对理解数学有帮助。

5. B. 根据本空后的keep time,beat,steady pace可知,这里是谈“节奏 感”。


   Before one man walked upon a muddy New Jersey riverbank,baseball was a deadly game.

   In 1938,Phillies third-base coach Lena Blackbume happened to step into a stream in the Delaware River,and realized he found a solution for one of baseball's biggest problems.

   Back then balls fresh from the box were slippery and hard to control. Players tried to improve their grips(紧握力) with tobacco juice or shoe polish,but as the balls got dirtier,they just got harder to see. Batting helmets hadn't been invented yet,and players were having trouble keeping their eyes on the errant (无定向的) balls. One batter was even killed.

   So when Blackbume came across the slippery mud near his hometown fishing hole,his mind went straight to the field. The mud was gritty(含砂的) ,with the look and feel of chocolate pudding. He brought some home and found that,sure enough,it coated the ball perfectly,improving the grip without damaging the leather. When Blackbume showed the result to American League umpires(裁判员) ,they gave his mud a thumbs-up. By the 1950s,every major-league team was using it.

   Now,before every major- and minor- league game (as well as many college games) , an umpire or clubhouse attendant wipes a light coat of Blackbume's magic mud on each ball used. The mud hole's location remains a closely guarded secret to this day. Only one person,Jim Bintliff,the mud's farmer,knows where to find it.

1. Before 1938,baseball was .

   A. boring   B. world-famous

   C. unpopular   D. dangerous

2. The magic mud makes baseballs.

   A. easier to control   B. easier to make

   C. look prettier   D. look bigger

3. What did American League umpires think of Blackbume's method?

   A. It was great.

   B. It might work.

   C. It didn’t work.

   D. It could be improved.

4. Which can be the best title for the text?

   A. Baseball stars   B. Baseball rules

   C. Baseball's secret   D. Baseball's origin

   A Canadian study suggests that current sodium (钠) intake levels are relatively safe for most Americans and that reducing them to the very low levels recommended by federal health officials and leading medical groups may harm a significant number.

   The current average sodium consumption in the United States is about 3,400 milligrams (there are 1,000 milligrams in one gram) per day. This is about the amount of sodium in about 1. 5 teaspoons of salt. Dietary guidelines offered by the federal government and leading medical groups recommend reducing the average to 2,300 milligrams for the general population and 1,500 for groups considered at greater risk,like adults older than 50,African-Americans,and people with high blood pressure,among others.

   However,previous studies have found little evidence to support those low recommended sodium targets. There is considerable evidence that lowering sodium can reduce blood pressure,but there is scant evidence that reducing sodium consumption will necessarily reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes(中 风) and death.

   Now a large study by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario,Canada,which tracked more than 100,000 people from 17 countries on five continents,has found that the safest levels of sodium intake are between 3 ,000 and 6,000 milligrams. Consumption below that level showed increased risk of death and cardiovascular(心血管的) events.

Roughly 10 percent of the patients followed in the study fell below 3,000 milligrams,a sizable number to put at risk.

   Brian Strom,honorary head of biomedical and health sciences at Rutgers University,who led a group of experts who reviewed the data on sodium for the Institute of Medicine last year,said that the new McMaster data are among the best available and that no study has shown a benefit from reducing sodium consumption to below 2,300 milligrams a day.

   That does not mean individuals wiiose sodium intake is high should not take steps to bring it down. The McMaster researchers say that if your blood pressure rises beyond the normal level (140/90 or higher) or your sodium intake is high,you should reduce sodium consumption,perhaps even to below 5 ,000 milligrams.

6. For healthy elderly people,the US government recommends sodium intake .

   A. 1,500 milligrams daily

   B. 2,300 milligrams daily

   C. 3,000 milligrams daily

   D. 3,400 milligrams daily

7. The underlined word “scant” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “”.

   A. direct   B. important

   C. limited   D. conflicting

8. According to the study,consuming less than 3,000 milligrams of sodium a day.

   A. is beneficial for most patients

   B. may help prevent heart disease

   C. may be harmful to your health

   D. is especially helpful for Americans

9. What is Strom's attitude towards the research findings?

   A. He is doubtful about them.

   B. He is uncertain of them.

   C. He tolerates them.

   D. He supports them.

10. What is the Canadian scientists’ advice for high blood pressure patients?

   A. Follow the government's dietary guidelines.

   B. Lower sodium intake to a reasonable level.

   C. Join one of the leading medical groups.

   D. Have physical examinations regularly.

   When I first met Bud,I knew we were going to be friends,even though he was white and I was black. We first met at the All-City Chorus. 1 We stood side by side in the chorus,and he always made me look good,even if I missed a note.

   Bud went to an all-white high school in a beautiful,all-white neighborhood. There were very few big buildings in his coiiimunity. As a matter of fact,you would have to walk four or five blocks to get to the nearest shopping center. 2 In his basement,he had a complete mini-gym. In his bedroom,he had a nice desk,complete with reference books and his own little TV on which he could play his video games.

   3 My family lived in a nice apartment in an all-black housing project. Our project housed many families,so we were used to living in small crowded houses. 4 There were all kinds of stores nearby. For beauty,we had basketball courts and the rose garden in front of the project building.

   We were never jealous or looked down on one another,either. We both felt we had lost something because we lived in worlds set apart from others. Bud's only contact(接触) with blacks of his age was in the All-City Chorus. 5 And it was not as interesting as it would have been if he had grown up with people of different groups and races living together. I felt the same way. Both races could learn a great deal from one another,and I knew this because Bud and I surely did learn from each other.

   A. Bud's house was another point of interest.

   B. Because of this,he felt his life was sheltered.

   C. We never had to walk far to the nearest store.

   D. My home and neighborhood were totally different.

   E. People said we both had the same kind of personality.

   F. I could sing a little,but Bud really had a very good voice.

   G. After practice,the two of us would always go to McDonald's.

   It was about ten o’ clock on a Saturday morning and I took my baby daughter Holly,aged eight months to the shops. We lived in a small 1 at the time,and although it only took me ten minutes to 2 to the local shops,I had to go through several narrow lanes(乡间小路) .I had lived in the village all my life,so I knew the road 3 .

   The lanes,in the village were never 4 for heavy goods vehicles,yet truck drivers still 5 using them as a short cut to get to the main road. Over the years,people had tried hard to stop 6 from using them,but I never played a(n) 7 role in it. I just signed many petitions (请愿书) that had been drawn up by other villagers,and the government still 8 trucks to use the narrow roads. So I was always 9 when driving along the lanes,in particular one very tight bend that was almost an  shape and just a little 10 than one car. If another vehicle were coming the other way,one of them would have to drive 11 for a few yards to allow 12 to pass.

   As we approached the S-bend,I put my 13 gently on the brake just in case a car was coming the other way. 14 I drove round the bend,heading straight toward us was a huge red truck. The driver drove so 15 that there was no way he would ever be able to hit his brakes in time to 16 .

   I was so 17 that I yelled,and suddenly I woke up. It turned out to be a(n) 18,but it was so real that it seemed to 19 me that if I don't stop trucks from using the lanes,the dream may come true one day. I think it's time for me to stand up and fight for the 20 of my fellows.

1. A. village   B. town   C. city   D. country

2. A. drive   B. walk   C. run   D. bike

3. A. later   B. well   C. instantly   D. correctly

4. A. used   B. repaired   C. changed   D. designed

5. A. complained of   B. objected to   C. insisted on   D. ended up

6. A. shoppers   B. riders   C. cars   D. trucks

7. A. active   B. parental   C. positive   D. social

8. A. ordered   B. allowed   C. advised   D. forced

9. A. considerate   B. curious   C. cheerful   D. careful

10. A. longer   B. heavier   C. wider   D. higher

11. A. backwards   B. forwards   C. away   D. around

12. A. each one   B. the other   C. another one   D. the next

13. A. leg p. arm   C. foot   D. hand

14. A. After   B. As   C. If   D. Until

15. A. easily   B. anxiously   C. smoothly   D. quickly

16. A. rest   B. continue   C. stop   D. stay

17. A. surprised   B. worried   C. ashamed   D. frightened

18. A. plan   B. dream   C. imagination   D. story

19. A. promise   B. teach   C. remind   D. persuade

20. A. happiness   B. health   C. power   D. safety

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