
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   If you can identify your personal values,your personal goals will not go wrongly. You must write your goals down on a piece of paper. If so,they will only become dreams. After you know your personal values,find out that you really want to achieve in life. Life had many aspects and in order to lead happy life,you should set a goal in every aspect.Nothing which happens just by accidents. Take a look for all of the things that are kept you from accomplishing your goal and develop a plan to overcome them. You also need to find out the people or group you need to work with to reaching your goals.

1. . .. will not go wrongly.   wronglywrong

2. If so,they will...   so not

3. . .. find out that you ...   thatwhat

4. Life had many...   had has

5. . .. lead happy life...   lead 后加 a

6. Nothing which happens …   去掉 which

7. .a just by accidents.   accidents accident

8. Take a look for...   for at

9. . .. that are kept you ...   kept keeping   

10. . .. work with to reaching...   reachingreach


            Reasons why people who learn music are more likely to be successful

   I myself became a drummer at around the age of 11 ,and have played ever since. 1 Nowadays,there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that music education is not only good for you,but very important if you want to be successful in life. So why are people who learn music more likely to be successful? Read on.

   They are more creative. Recent research has shown that many successful politicians,businessmen,and people in other fields were trained at a young age to be a musician of some kind. 2 What does matter is that these people credit their music education with making them more creative.

   They connect with others better. 3 Even when you are unfamiliar with a location,you can always use your ability to play music to get to know those around you,and establish connections that may have been impossible to create otherwise.

   They are better at math. I am not sure if this one applies to me,but it has long been known that there is some kind of connection between math and music. 4 If you can get a sense of music and musical language,mathematical concepts should begin to make more sense.

   5 As a drummer,I know how to keep time in a song and play to the beat. In life,I use those same skills to maintain some order in my schedule. Thus,learning how to maintain a steady pace not only makes for a good musician,but a more productive and effective worker as well.

   A. They have more self-control.

   B. They have a better sense of rhythm.

   C. Becoming successful requires that you be a good listener.

   D. Whether they were trained to play the piano or the violin,it doesn't matter.

   E. Music is often thought of as a useful way to connect different cultures and ideas.

   F. Both deal with analyzing puzzles and finding patterns in order to work out solutions.

   G. From my own experiences,I have believed learning how to play an instrument is beneficial.

                                Taking good notes

   Have you ever stared at your heavy textbook,your piles of handouts and wished you knew just what questions your teacher planned to put on the next big test? Lacking a crystal ball,most students feel they have no choice but to look through all that material,drill it into their brains,and hope they can remember the right parts at test time.

   36 If you learn the best ways to take good notes,you'11 make the job of studying for tests a lot easier from now on.

   Keep up with your assigned textbook reading.Come to class with an intefest in the material and with questions to be answered. You can develop these by thinking about and expecting the lecture and by pre-reading the text. 37 

   Date each day's notes and leave wide margins (页边空白) . Dated notes guide you to the right material to study for a test. At test time,the extra margins give you room to add more information if you need it. 38 

   Write down main ideas and underline or highlight them. Main ideas give you the “big pictureof information,the reasons why events took place. Write out a main idea whenever you think you hear one. 39 This kind of notetaking helps you connect related information,making it easier for you to remember it for a test later on.

   Use abbreviations and symbols to make notetaking easier. Here are a few simple ones:

   + plus,and

   = equal,same as,similar,like eg for example w/o without 

   40 If you write down something that doesn't make sense,talk to someone right away to clear up the problem.

   A. Write out a main idea.

   B. That's the hard way to study.

   C. See your teacher or a classmate about confusing notes.

   D. This gives you an overall sense of what the text is about.

   E. Also,the extra space will make it easier for you to find the material.

   F. When you are prepared,your teacher's comments make more sense.

   G. Then use single words or short phrases to list related details that tie into the big idea.

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