
Much meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

1.In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not for too long. And if he sensed that you are staring at him, he may feel uncomfortable.

The same is true in our daily life. If you are stared at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. 2.. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.3.. If a man stares at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to look away from her, his intentions are obvious. He wishes to attract her attention, and let her know that he is admiring her.

However, when two persons are engaged in a conversation, the speaker will only look into the listener’s eyes from time to time to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking.4.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking as if he trying to control you, you will feel awkward. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim. He wrongly believes that looking straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. 5.

Actually, eye contact should be made based on specific relationship and situation.

A. On the contrary, it will give him away.

B. Do you have such a kind of experience?

C. That’s what normal eye contact is all about.

D. Actually, continuous eye contact is limited to lovers only.

E. After all, everybody likes to be stared at for quite a long time.

F. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex.

G. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel annoyed at being stared at that way.


Below are some best special interesting holidays—all are new for 2016 and have high quality guides and strong programs.

Holland in bloom river cruise with Alan Titchmarsh

Alan Titchmarsh is the star attraction on this river cruise. Alan joins you for a visit to the magnificent Keukenhof Gardens — home to 800 varieties of tulips(郁金香).The Telegraph’s gardening expert will talk about the best new varieties and the garden’s history.

April 19, £149, including flights from the UK and some meals. Telegraph Tours (0161 236 2444; telegraph.co.uk/titchmarshtour).

Morocco Sketchbook

Led by artist Maxine Relton, this tour takes place in Marrakesh helping you develop your drawing skills. Rapid line and figure drawing and colour mixing are all covered and the eight-day holiday is based in Kasbah du Toubkal.

May 8, £2,495, including some meals. Steppes Travel (01285 601 495; steppestravel.co.uk).

Ballroom and Latin American dancing in Tenerife

This travel provides daily dance tuition with David Bowie who’ll be on hand to teach dancing techniques. It is aimed both at the beginners and more experienced dancers looking to improve their skills. There’ll also be time to explore the island on foot or play a round of golf.

April 26, £769 full-board. Saga (0800 096 0084; travel.saga.co.uk).

Fishing in Northern Argentina

This nine-day fly fishing and conservation tour takes place in the Iberá Marshlands, the world’s second largest wetlands. Here expert fisherman, Charles Jardine, is the guide as you fish. Based in Estancia Rincon del Socorro, the holiday also includes opportunities for horse riding and bird-watching.

October 15, £5,095 full-board. Cazenove+Loyd (02038135082;cazloyd.com).

1.Who might be interested in the Morocco Sketchbook holiday trip?

A. Painting learners. B. Bird watchers.

C. Sports lovers. D. Photographic lovers.

2.Which number should you call if you want to improve your dancing skills on the trip?

A. 0161 236 2444 B. 01285 601 495

C. 0800 096 0084 D. 02038135082

3.On which trip can people ride horses?

A. Morocco Sketchbook.

B. Fishing in Northern Argentina.

C. Ballroom and Latin American dancing in Tenerife.

D. Holland in bloom river cruise with Alan Titchmarsh.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A. Maxine Relton is an expert fisherman.

B. Morocco Sketchbook lasts the longest.

C. Two holidays take place in April.

D. The trips led by artist Charles Jardine is the most expensive.

A 10-month-old dog named Picasso is exiting a very blue period in his life, thanks to an Oregon dog rescue group.

Picasso was born with a facial deformity(畸形) that makes it look as if his nose is going right while his jaw goes left. Except for that, Picasso is healthy, according to Liesl Wilhardt, director of Luvable Dog Rescue. “He can eat sideways, but he’s a very messy eater,” she said. “Same with water.”

Picasso was one of the five baby dogs born last year in Porterville, California. But his owner abandoned Picasso because he was unable to sell such an ugly dog, and it was taken to the Porterville Animal Animal Shelter.

It was close to being euthanized (使安乐死)before Wilhardt found out about it from Shannon Corbit, a volunteer at the shelter. “I asked her if she had any dogs with special needs, because I felt we could take some on,” Wilhardt said. “She said, ‘Yeah, there’s a dog with a facial deformity, ’and I fell in love with his picture. ”

That as two weeks ago. Since then, Picasso's unique look has made him widely known online. Even so, there are plans to have that upper canine(犬齿) removed in the near future. Once Picasso’s tooth is fixed, he and Pablo, another dog, will be put up for adoption.

“They are very attached,” she said. “These two have come to rely on each other for security, comfort and support. Both dogs are perfect for an active family with older kids. Picasso is outgoing, happy, curious and lovely. He’s so unaware of how different he is.”

1.Why was Picasso abandoned by its owner?

A. Because of its poor health.

B. Because of its super appetite.

C. Because of its facial deformity.

D. Because of its fierce character.

2.What conclusion ran be drawn from the last paragraph?

A. Picasso is ashamed of his own appearance.

B. Picasso and Pablo are closely bonded.

C. Picasso is a good playmate for young children.

D. Picasso knows the difference between him and other dogs.

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A. What has made Picasso famous is his suffering.

B. Picasso wouldn’t be alive today without Wilhardt.

C. Picasso and Pablo were horn in an animal shelter.

D. Wilhardt was really scared on seeing Picasso1 s picture.

Are Your Clothes Causing Pollution?

Very small pieces of plastic, called microfibers, are polluting rivers and oceans. 1. Clothes worn for outdoor activities and exercise are often made of artificial material, which is useful in keeping warm. But they contain very small plastic fibers, which may also be harming the environment when you wash them. When people wash these clothes, very small pieces go down the drain (下水道) with the wash water.


Pollution caused by plastic is not new, but recent studies have shown the effect of microfibers in the environment.

Studies show very small microfibers are ending up in our waters, which may come from waste water treatment factories. A 2015 study found them in fish from California.

Microfibers,effect on food supplies.

Beyond the waterways, the researchers say microfibers may end up in soil and agricultural lands. 3. This means there is much to be learned about microfibers and the environment.

Some studies have shown that microfibers end up inside sea animals, like oysters. 4. Researchers say that the fibers tend not to move into the tissue of the fish, but it needs more study.

Steps to save or keep microfibers from the environment.

Until more information becomes known, there are steps to take to reduce the amount of microfibers in the environment.

People should use less of the artificial materials. If we already have those in our lives and we’re using them, an important step would be washing them less.

5. A bag is being designed in which to wash these clothes. It traps the microfibers in the bag and it may be available for purchase soon.

A. New technology may also help.

B. Studies on how much of the microfibers is released.

C. The source of these microfibers may surprise you: your clothes.

D. Washing machines keep microfibers from escaping with wash water.

E. Studies on microfibers in the environment.

F. They can also move around the atmosphere.

G. So if these microfibers have been found in fish and seafood, are they safe to eat?

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