
假定你是李华,今年十月份即将去英国的布莱顿大学(Brighton University)留学。请给你在布莱顿的网友Tom写一封英文电子邮件,让他介绍一下布莱顿这座城市,告知他你的租房需求并请他帮忙租房子。



Dear Tom,










Li Hua


I was at a loss for how to handle the fights among my kick- Many activities had been tried, but they didn’t work. After reading What I Know for Sure written by Oprah Winfrey, a thought occurred to me one day.

“Starting with Dora, I want everyone to find the chance to say ‘thank you’.” I declared.

“What?” Ashley asked. “What’s going on?’’

“Just do it.”

Naturally, the kid^ all thought I had lost my mind. I wasn’t sure if they were wrong, but I pressed on.

“Now, we’re going to keep going around and everyone tells what they’re thankful for.”

Clearly doubtful and frustrated, the kids launched in, and I kept them going.

“I’m thankful for our house.”

“I’m thankful for my clothes.”

“I’m thankful for my whole life and everyone in the world.”

“What? What am I supposed to say?”

‘‘Keep going.”

“I’m grateful for my underwear!” Instant laughter erupted, music to my ears!

“Great, lei it out!” I encouraged. “What else?”

And that was all we needed. The gratitude--great and small, serious and funny---came rolling out.

“My backpack.”

“My teachers.”

On and on it went until every face was lit with a new kind of joy and laughter. I could sense a new feeling of peace and comfort in the air a reminder of not only our blessings, but the love we really did have for each other.

“I’m grateful for being grateful!” Dora declared.

“Me, too!” was the unanimous response.

I don’t remember the activities that took place the rest of the day. But it was a day when our family was transformed by two simple words: thank you. Since then, it’s become a family motto.

1.Why did the author ask her kids to find the chance to say “thank you”?

A. To play games among them. B. To kill their free lime.

C. To solve their fights. D. To make them be polite.

2.How did Ashley react when hearing his mother’s suggestion at first?

A. He was puzzled. B. He felt very glad.

C. He supported it. D. He responded actively.

3.What does the underlined word “unanimous” probably mean?

A. Funny. B. Unimportant.

C. Unexpected. D. Agreed.

4.What may be the best title for the text?

A. Mom’s Big Heart B. A Sweet Home

C. Magic of a Family Motto D. A Meaningful Family Meeting

A decade ago, secondary and higher education was listed above all else. Apprenticeships(学徒工作) were considered as a choice for dropouts(辍学者) rather than a brave career choice. Some young men and women didn’t fit into the school system, but preferred to find new starts, so they were allowed to leave school to focus their attention on making a living in the business world.

Now there’re no birds of this year in last year’s nests. Young people are being encouraged to think carefully about whether what they are learning in school is right for them—this trend has been caused by rising university fees and a global shortage of many skills that were ignored in schools in recent years, ranging from web development to sales.

Young people are required to stay in education or training until they are 18, but now learning takes place in different forms. The Government also has its own way to help interested youths find an apprenticeship that suits their skills and ambitions.

Tom Hartley now owns a large business in Derbyshire, who founded his first company at just 12 years old. “I had no school education,” he says. “Running business was how I learned everything. I call it the Hartley University of Life.

His business, 43 years on, turns over £ 200 million, and sells cars to customers all over the world. Many years ago, Hartley was asked to explain why he had chosen to be self-educated and why he had supported his son’s decision to leave school and join the family business.

“I got heavy suspect at the time,” he explains. “you can’t teach gut feelings(直觉) on a blackboard. School is fine if you want to be a doctor or fly a rocket to the moon, but it is not true about experience in business.”

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Education is no more important nowadays.

B. The situation above has changed.

C. Things change for the worse for dropouts.

D. University fees are becoming higher and higher.

2.What does the author say about Tom Hartley?

A. He attaches more value to experience than to education.

B. He was supported in founding his first company.

C. He is well-educated and far-sighted.

D. He is brave and open-minded.

3.How does the author prove his view?

A. By giving an example. B. By making a comparison.

C. By analyzing causes. D. By listing figures.

4.Which statement may the author agree with?

A. Education is the only way to success.

B. Education systems vary from country to country.

C. School dropouts could be future business stars.

D. School dropouts were common among youngsters.

Much meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.

1.In a bus you may look at a stranger, but not for too long. And if he sensed that you are staring at him, he may feel uncomfortable.

The same is true in our daily life. If you are stared at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. 2.. Eyes do speak, right?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive.3.. If a man stares at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to look away from her, his intentions are obvious. He wishes to attract her attention, and let her know that he is admiring her.

However, when two persons are engaged in a conversation, the speaker will only look into the listener’s eyes from time to time to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking.4.If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking as if he trying to control you, you will feel awkward. A poor liar usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim. He wrongly believes that looking straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication. 5.

Actually, eye contact should be made based on specific relationship and situation.

A. On the contrary, it will give him away.

B. Do you have such a kind of experience?

C. That’s what normal eye contact is all about.

D. Actually, continuous eye contact is limited to lovers only.

E. After all, everybody likes to be stared at for quite a long time.

F. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex.

G. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel annoyed at being stared at that way.

A recent study led by researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has found a clear link between the color of a taxi and its accident rate. An analysis of 36 months of detailed taxi, driver and accident data from two fleets of yellow and blue taxis in Singapore suggested that yellow taxis have fewer accidents than blue taxis. The higher visibility (能见度) of yellow makes it less difficult for drivers to avoid getting into accidents with yellow taxis, leading to a lower accident rate.

The study was led by Prof Ho. To test whether there was a relationship between the color of a taxi and the number of accidents the taxi had, the research team analysed data collected by the largest taxi company in Singapore. The researchers found that yellow taxis have about 6.1 fewer accidents per 1,000 taxis per month.

They also studied the economic effect of changing the color of the entire fleet of taxis to yellow. The Singapore taxi company involved in the study owns about 16,700 taxis in a ratio (比例) of one yellow to three blue taxis. If a commercial decision is made to switch from blue to yellow taxis, 76.6 fewer accidents will occur per month or 917 fewer accidents per year.

Assuming an average repair cost of $1,000 per car and a downtime of six days, the color of all taxis to yellow could produce an annual saving of $2 million.

“We are eager to continue to validate(证实) the findings of our study by looking at the use of yellow in other types of public transport, such as school buses. For example, we hope to compare the accident rates of yellow school buses against those of other colors to find out if yellow is indeed a safer color for school buses. Besides, we’re also interested to look at private-hire vehicles and do a comparison of the accident rates of vehicles that are of different colors, ”explained Prof Ho.

1.Why do yellow taxis result in fewer accidents?

A. Because yellow signals a warning of danger.

B. Because yellow can be seen more easily.

C. Because drivers tend to be more careful in yellow taxis.

D. Because people act more quickly in yellow surroundings.

2.What’s Prof Ho’s study based on?

A. Physical risks taxi passengers experience.

B. The economic effect of changing taxi color.

C. Personal reports from taxi drivers worldwide.

D. Data from Singapore's largest taxi company.

3.What do Prof Ho’s words in the last paragraph suggest?

A. School buses should be painted yellow.

B. Their findings are worth popularizing.

C. Their study will be furthered.

D. Yellow should be widely used in public transport.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Safer to ride in yellow taxis

B. Caution: yellow taxis ahead

C. Why are yellow Taxis preferred?

D. How can colors help prevent accidents?

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