1. 团队合作是现代社会中的一项基本能力;
2. 它不仅可以节省时间、精力、资源,还有助于彼此间的理解;
3. 与志同道合的人合作,可以同甘共苦;与差异较大的人合作,从他们的优点和缺点中都可以获益良多。
提示:essential, not only ― but also (可使用倒装句),team up with, cooperate with, of the same belief
One possible version :
Teamwork is an essential ability for each of us in our modern society. Not only can it save us much time, energy and re?sources, but also it can help us to understand each other much better. Teaming up with those of the same
belief, we can share happiness and sorrow with them. Cooperating with those differ?ent from us, we can learn from their advantages as well as their disadvantages.