
【题目】There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.

First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.

Second, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example, they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.

Third, there may occur (发生) the danger of a leak (泄漏) or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two dangers, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection (不赞成,反对) to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.

Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.

【1】【改编】Which of the following is not true?

A. It is likely that a leak or an explosion occurs at a power station.

B. It is not usual for radioactive materials to be conveyed across land.

C. The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.

D. Nuclear wastes remain risky in most cases for many years.

【2】The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are __________.

A. easy B. impossible

C. reasonable D. ineffective

【3】【改编】What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The power station is a place that frees from danger.

B. The dangers of nuclear energy could be prevented.

C. The general public are opposed to the nuclear program.

D. By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to lead to much worry.

【4】What is this passage about?

A. Uses of nuclear power.

B. Dangers from nuclear power.

C. Public anger at nuclear power.

D. Accidents caused by nuclear power.








【1】细节题:根据第一段Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even though, heavily populated areas.说明核材料被运输是很正常的事情,故选B。

【2】推理题。根据文章第2,3,4段since they are sure to pass near, or even though, heavily populated areas.和However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.以及so it does not provide a serious objection to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.说明这三种方法都有很多的危险性,并不是十分的有效。故选D。

【3】推理题。根据最后一段Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.这三种危险单独来看,并不会引起太大的恐慌,但如果把这三种危险合在一起,那么就很危险了。故选D。



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