
【题目】You will never imagine that such a small invention as a kite can【1】 (有益) us so much! Flying kites is a popular hobby in many countries of the Far East where

2 (漂亮) decorated kites appear3 different colors.In China there is a special Kites Day on which children and4 a fly kites together happily.A flat kite is the oldest and 5 (简单的) type of kite.It flies 6b air flows over and under the kite's wing.The pressure under the wing helps the kite lift into the air.Kites have also7 used in experiments.Early scientists 8 s kites up into the air to measure temperature at different 9 (高度). Kites were also used to develop airplanes.【10 is known to us that the Wright Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first airplane.












【解析】本篇短文叙述了小小风筝给我们带来的益处: 使人愉快,也用于科学研究。

【1】benefit 考查动词 。根据前面情态动词 can 确定为动词原形,benefit sb 对某人有益。

【2】beautifully 考查副词。根据后面动词 decorated kites 被装饰的风筝,副词修饰动词,所以用副词形式。

【3】in 考查介词。根据前面动词appear 确定为以不同的颜色出现,故用介词in。

【4adults 考查名词。 根据整个句子In China there is a special Kites Day on which children anda fly kites together happily.在中国有特殊的风筝节,在风筝节这一天孩子们和____在一起高兴的放风筝,根据句意应该是成年人,故用adults .

【5】 simplest 考查形容词。根据句子A flat kite is the oldest and (简单的) type of kite.And连接并列成分,因为前面是oldest 最高级,所以后面简单simple也该用最高级,所以填simplest。

【6because 考查连词。It flies b air flows over and under the kite's wing.前句:风筝飞,后句:空气在风筝翅膀的上下流动,可以判断出前后句之间为因果关系,所以填because。

【7】been 考查被动语态。Kites have also used in experiments风筝也被用于实验,风筝和使用之间是被动关系,现在完成时的被动式的构成:have been done, 所以填been。

【8】sent 考查动词。Early scientists s kites up into the air to measure temperature at different (高度),早期的科学家把风筝发射向空中是为了测量不同高度的温度,根据句意应该是发射,固定短语 :send sth into, send 的过去为sent ,所以填sent。

【9】heights 考查名词。 根据居中at different (高度), 无论介词at 还是形容词 different 都应该填名词高度,所以填height。

【10】It 考查代词。 固定用法:代词it 做形式主语,代替真正主语 that 从句,所以填it .


【题目】In a room at Texas Children Cancer Center in Houston, eight-year-old Simran Jatar lay in bed with a drip (点滴) above her to fight her bone cancer. Over her bald (秃的) head, she wore a pink hat that matched her clothes. But the third graders cheery dressing didnt mask her pain and weary(疲倦的) eyes.

Then a visitor showed up. Do you want to write a song? asked Anita Kruse, 49, rolling a cart equipped with an electronic(电子) keyboard, a microphone and speakers(扬声器). Simran stared. Have you ever written a poem? Anita Kruse continued. Well, yes, Simran said.

Within minutes, Simran was reading her poem into the microphone. Some bird soaring through the sky, she said softly. Imagination in its head…” Anita Kruse added piano music, a few warbling (鸣, 唱) birds, and finally the girls voice. Thirty minutes later, she presented Simran with a CD of her first recorded song.

That was the beginning of Anita Kruses project, Purple Songs Can Fly, one that has helped more than 125 young patients write and record songs. As a composer(作曲家) and pianist who had performed at the hospital, Kruse said that the idea of how she could help came in one flash.

The effect on the kids has been great. One teenage girl, curling (蜷缩) in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written. A 12-year-old boy with Hodgkins disease who rarely spoke surprised his doctors with a song he called I Can Make It.

My time with the kids is heartbreaking because of the severity of their illnesses, says Anita Kruse. But they also make you happy, when the children are smiling, excited to share their CD with their families.

Simran is now an active sixth grader and cancer-free. From time to time, she and her mother listen to her song, Always Remembering, and they always remember the really sweet and nice and loving lady who gave them a shining moment in the dark hour.

【1】 Simran Jatar lay in bed in hospital because ______.

A. most of her hair had fallen out

B. she was receiving treatment for cancer

C. she felt depressed(沮丧的) and quit from school

D. she was suffering from a pain in her back

【2】What do we know about Anita Kruses project?

A. It helps young patients record songs.

B. It is supported by singers and patients.

C. It aims to replace the medical treatment.

D. It offers patients chances to realize their dreams.

【3】What does the case(实例) of a 12-year-old boy suggest?

A. Most children are naturally fond of music.

B. He was brave enough to put up performance.

C. The project has positive effect on young patients.

D. Singing is the best way to treat some illnesses.

【4】 What is probably the best title for the passage?

A. Purple Songs Can Fly

B. Singing Can Improve Health

C. A Shining Moment in Life

D. A Kind WomanAnita Kruse

【题目】There are three separate sources of danger in supplying energy by nuclear power.

First, the radioactive (有放射性的) material must travel from its place of production to the power station. Although the power stations themselves are strongly built, the containers used for the transport of the materials are not. Normally, only two methods of transport are in use, namely road or rail. Unfortunately, both of these may have an effect on the general public, since they are sure to pass near, or even through, heavily populated areas.

Second, there is the problem of waste. All nuclear power stations produce wastes that in most cases will remain radioactive for thousands of years. It is impossible to make these wastes non-radioactive, and so they must be stored in one of the inconvenient ways that scientists have invented. For example, they may be buried under the ground, or dropped into deserted mines, or sunk in the sea. However, these methods do not solve the problem, since an earthquake could easily break the containers.

Third, there may occur (发生) the danger of a leak (泄漏) or an explosion at the power station. As with the other two dangers, this is not very likely, so it does not provide a serious objection (不赞成,反对) to the nuclear program. However, it can happen.

Separately, these three types of dangers are not a great cause for worry. Taken together, though, the probability of disaster is extremely high.

【1】【改编】Which of the following is not true?

A. It is likely that a leak or an explosion occurs at a power station.

B. It is not usual for radioactive materials to be conveyed across land.

C. The containers are likely to be broken by an earthquake.

D. Nuclear wastes remain risky in most cases for many years.

【2】The author thinks that the ways to store nuclear wastes are __________.

A. easy B. impossible

C. reasonable D. ineffective

【3】【改编】What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The power station is a place that frees from danger.

B. The dangers of nuclear energy could be prevented.

C. The general public are opposed to the nuclear program.

D. By itself, none of the three dangers is very likely to lead to much worry.

【4】What is this passage about?

A. Uses of nuclear power.

B. Dangers from nuclear power.

C. Public anger at nuclear power.

D. Accidents caused by nuclear power.

【题目】【原创】第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Recently we held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon every one of us Senior Three students. At the meeting, all of us were very active in the discussion, expressed our opinions on how to relieve pressure.

Pressures comes from many aspects. It may be from the heavy load of learning and from fierce competitions, and it may also come from our teachers or parents. Pressure has too much to do with the result of our studies. Too much pressure has a bad effect to our studies while a proper amount of it may help push us ahead.

Whatever I’m faced with too much pressure, I chose to do some sports or listen to some

music, which is quite beneficial to me. As for the effective way to let go of pressure, I strong recommend that when we feel much too stressed, we stop whatever we are doing, taking a deep breath, and start thinking of something positive.

【题目】Thousands of taxi drivers in Shenyang, Liaoning province, reportedly blocked streets with their vehicles on Sunday in protest against unlicensed vehicles using taxi-hiring apps(打车软件) and apps-based car rental companies providing passenger services, including high-end cars. Although the drivers also complained about the withdrawal of the fuel subsidy by the government, their main complaint was the loss of business because of the rising number of Internet-based car services companies.

On Wednesday, news reports came that Beijing transport authorities will take measures to stop the illegal “taxi business” of private cars through the newly rising Internet apps, following the footsteps of Shenyang and Nanjing.

It is not yet clear how the Shenyang city government will handle the issue and whether it will declare the services offered by market leaders such as Didi Dache, a taxi-hiring app provider backed by Tencent Holdings, and Kuaidi Dache illegal. But Shanghai transport regulators have set a rule, by banning Didi Zhuanche, or car services offered by Didi Dache in December.

Such regulations will cause a setback to the car-hiring companies and investors that are waiting to cash in on the potentially booming business. Just last month, Didi Dache got $700 million in funding from global investors, including Singapore state investment company Temasek Holdings, Russian investment company DST Global and Tencent. Besides, the market is uncertain that Kuaidi Dache is about to finalize its latest round of funding after getting $800 million from global investors.

Regulatory uncertainties, however, could cast a shadow on the future of the Internet-based car-hiring services, which have become popular in most of China’s big cities. To be fair, these companies’ business model is anything but bad. For example, Didi Zhuanche works side by side with established car rental companies to provide high-end car service mainly for businesspeople through the Internet and mobile phone apps.

Every link in this business model chain has legal companies and services. Hence, it is hard to define it as illegal and ban it.

【1】Why did taxi drivers in Shenyang block the streets with their vehicles?

A. Because they wanted the government to increase their driving allowances.

B. Because they wanted to be educated how to use the taxi-hiring apps.

C. Because they wanted to make their main complaints known to the government.

D. Because they wanted to call on passengers not to hire the private cars.

【2】The author’s attitude to banning internet car-hiring service is______.

A. positive B. negative C. neutral D. unclear

【3】Which of the following statements is false according to the passage?

A. The problem referred to in the passage exists in all cities

B. App-based car rental is helpful to some degree

C. The government should regulate the app-based car rental market

D. Didi Dache is a China-foreign joint company

【4】From the passage we learn ___________.

A. Shenyang banned apps-based car rental companies

B. Shanghai is the second city banning Didi Zhuanche

C. some international investment companies have faith in the future of apps-based car rental companies

D. it is easy to describe the apps-based car rental companies illegal

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