
12.Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States.It has been regarded as the beginning of the holiday shopping season.Although it's not an official holiday,millions of employers give their employees the day off,and many people use that day to get a jump-start on their holiday shopping.A similar day in Canada and
Great Britain is called"Boxing Day".
Black Friday has become somewhat of a marketing sensation in recent years.Since 2005,it has been the busiest shopping day of the year.To lure shoppers,retailers (零售商)routinely open their doors as early as 4a.m.and offer special sales and promotions to the shoppers that arrive early.Some of the special deals offered by stores are only available in limited quantities.That is why some shoppers intent on getting the best deals often camp out in front of stores overnight so that they'll be the first in line when the doors open.
But why Black Friday?Historians believe the name started in Philadelphia in the mid-1960s.Bus drivers and police used"Black Friday"to describe the heavy traffic that would block city streets the day after Thanksgiving as shoppers headed to the stores.
Businesses,however,didn't like the negative tone associated with the"Black Friday"name.In the early 1980s,a more positive explanation of the name began to circulate.According to this alternative explanation,Black Friday is the day when retailers finally begin to turn a profit for the year.In accounting terms (会计行业),operating at a loss is called being"in the red"because accountants traditionally used red ink to show negative amounts.Positive amounts were usually shown in black ink.Thus,being"in the black"is a good thing because it means stores are operating at a profit.
Recently,for those who are too busy to shop on Black Friday or who just don't want to fight the crowds,the Monday following Black Friday has become known as Cyber Monday (网络星期一) for the many online deals.

28.On Black Friday,the AmericansC.
A.don't have to go to work as usual 
B.look exactly like the Canadians
C.are usually busy doing shopping 
D.stay at home and relax themselves
29.The underlined word"lure"(in Paragraph 2)probably meansB.
A.protect B.attract C.persuade D.remind
30.How do the retailers understand Black Friday?D
A.It is totally different from Boxing Day.
B.They usually lose some money on the day.
C.It never keeps them very busy.
D.It probably brings them more money.
31.The author writes this passage in order toC.
A.state the development of Cyber Monday
B.tell the difference between red and black
C.introduce Black Friday to the readers
D.explain the meaning of Boxing Day.

分析 本文属于文化类的短文阅读.文章介绍黑色星期五相关的信息和名字的由来,让我们了解了西方文化的特定历史知识和文化习俗等.

解答 28.C.细节理解题.根据文章第一段的句子"Although it's not an official holiday,millions of employers give their employees the day off,and many people use that day to get a jump-start on their holiday shopping."可知,在黑色星期五,美国人经常忙着购物.故选C.
29.B.词义猜测题.根据文章的句子"retailers (零售商) routinely open their doors as early as 4 a.m.and offer special sales and promotions to the shoppers that arrive early."零售商早上4点就开门,给早到的顾客一些特价打折和促销,可知,"lure"是"吸引"的意思.故选B.
30.D.细节理解题.根据文章第四段的句子"According to this alternative explanation,Black Friday is the day when retailers finally begin to turn a profit for the year."可知,零售商认为黑色星期五可以带给他们更多的钱.故选D.
31.C.主旨大意题.根据文章内容和第一段的句子"Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States."可知,文章主要给读者介绍黑色星期五.故选C.

点评 在做阅读理解时,考生可快速阅读短文,通读测试题,明确考察点,在对应细读,加快做题速度.有时间还可以复查校对答案.

2.Central Park,in Manhattan,is (61)a popular place for people in New York to meet,"hang out"and have fun.New Yorkers say that the park is their own"front garden",(62)where they can relax and escape from the noise of one of the busiest cities in the world.There are lots of things to do in the park.You can play games,go jogging,cycling,horse-riding,or(63)simply(simple) lie on the grass.There are outdoor concerts and plays and,if you want something(64)to eat(eat),there are some great restaurants.
Central Park is famous all over the world and around 25million people visit it each year.However,the park hasn't always been so popular.When the park's first area was open to the public in 1858,only rich people used it.Poor people said (65)it was too expensive to get there.When transport became cheaper,the park became (66)more popular(popular) and,in 1926,the first playground (67)was built(build).But in the 1960s and 1970s the park became dirty and dangerous,so people didn't want to go there.Then,in 1980,an organization (68)called(call) the Central Park Conservancy took control and everything changed.They spent millions of dollars on the park.They planted trees and added a lot of new (69)attractions(attract).Now there are 21playgrounds and there's even a skating rink(溜冰场).It costs 20million a year to look after Central Park,(70)but most people say that it's worth it.
20.A new study of 8,000 young people in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior shows that although love can make adults live healthily and happily,it is a bad thing for young people.Puppy love (早恋) may bring stress for young people and can lead to depression.The study shows that girls become more depressed than boys,and younger girls are the worst of all.
The possible reason for the connection between love and higher risk of depression for girls is"loss of self".According to the study,even though boys would say"lose themselves in a romantic relationship",this"loss of self"is much more likely to lead to depression when it happens to girls.Young girls who have romantic relationships usually like hiding their feelings and opinions.They won't tell that to their parents.
Dr Marian Kaufman,an expert on young people problems,says 15% to 20% young people will have depression during their growing.Trying romance often causes the depression.She advises kids not to jump into romance too early.During growing up,it is important for young people to build strong friendships and a strong sense of self.She also suggests the parents should encourage their kids to keep close to their friends,attend more interesting school activities and spend enough time with family.
Parents should watch for signs of depression-eating or mood changes-and if they see signs from their daughters or sons,they need to give help.The good news is that the connection between romance and depression seems to become weak with age.Love will always make us feel young,but only maturity gives us a chance to avoid its bad side effects.

28.What's the main idea of the passage?C
A.Romance is a two-edged sword for adults
B.Parents should forbid their children's love
C.Puppy love may bring young people depression
D.Romance is good for young people
29.Which of the following is more likely to have depression?D
A.Careless parents whose children are deep in love
B.Young people who have a strong sense of selfishness
C.Young boys whose parents watch for their behavior
D.Young girls who always hide their feelings and opinions
30.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Lacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly
B.The older a woman is,the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance
C.Early love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents
D.Parents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression
31.What's the author's attitude towards puppy love?A
A.disapproving   B.confused   C.neutral   D.scared.
7.As the labor market becomes more attractive,more companies are sending their employees to school.Fiat Chrysler Automobiles is the latest company to use tuition assistance for employees--which for decades has been a part of many business'benefits packages--as part of a renewed effort to bring in and cultivate talent.And while the impact of such programs has yet to be fully assessed,many see it as a positive--although gradual-movement.
"For workers,it gives them a better opportunity for development,"says Colleen Flaherty      Manchester,a professor."For firms,they are able to recruit the type of employees who have value education and are less likely to turn over,and thus have a higher level of retention(保留)."
In all,56percent of US organizations offer undergraduate educational assistance while 52percent offer graduate assistance.
Largely driving the trend are Millennials,who happen to be the fastest-growing people in the US workforce today and to whom the idea of tuition support from employers is especially appealing.Nearly 60percent of Millennials surveyed said they would choose a job with strong professional-development potential over one with regular pay raises.Employers are absolutely adapting to Millennials in the workplace.They recognize that they need more experience,more knowledge,more mentoring to be successful.And they're asking for it.
Of more than 140,000Starbucks employees,only about 4,000have signed up for the company's College Achievement Plan.What the long-term effects such programs might have for companies'retention and turnover rates remain unclear.But,the pluses of these programs are more important than the minuses.We're going to see a lot more of this in the future.

32.Using tuition assistance for employeesB
A.has existed for scores of years
B.is a trend that formed recently
C.has attracted a large number of talents
D.is well received by employees
33.What can we learn from what Colleen Flaherty said?D
A.It is merely beneficial to employees.
B.It turns out to be tough for firms to find suitable employees.
C.Valuing education has become a trend for all companies.
D.It is a win-win event for employees and employers.
34.What does the underlined word"it"in Paragraph 4refer to?A
A.Educational support.
B.More chances to be successful.
C.Regular pay raises.
D.Professional-development potential.
35.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the programs?D
A.Employees will benefit more from the programs than companies.
B.The impact of the programs remains to be estimated.
C.The programs can guarantee the employees a good job.
D.It's less likely that employees will remain in the same company after receiving the programs.
17.Researchers at the University of Kansas say that people can accurately judge 90 percent of a stranger's personality simply by looking at the person's shoes."Shoes convey useful information about their wearers,"the authors wrote in the new study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.
Lead researcher Omri Gillath said the judgments were based on the style,cost,color and condition of someone's shoes.In the study,63 University of Kansas researchers looked at pictures showing 208different pairs of shoes worn by the study's participants.Volunteers in the study were photographed in their most commonly worn shoes,and then filled out a personality questionnaire.
Some of the results were expected:People with higher incomes most commonly wore expensive shoes,and flashier shoes were typically worn by outgoing people.However,some of the more specific results are strange enough.For example,"practical and functional"shoes were generally worn by more"pleasant"people,while ankle boots were more linked with"aggressive"personalities.The strangest of all may be that those who wore"uncomfortable looking"shoes tend to have"calm"personalities.And if you have several pairs of new shoes or take extreme care of them,you may suffer from"attachment anxiety",spending lots of time worrying about what other people think of your appearance.There was even a political calculation in the mix with more liberal(主张变革的)types wearing"shabbier and less expensive"shoes.
The researchers noted that some people will choose shoe styles to mask their actual personalities,but researchers noted that volunteers were also likely to be unaware that their footwear choices were showing the deep side of their personalities.

28.What does this text mainly tell us?C
A.Shoes can hide people's real personalities.
B.Shoes convey false information about the wearer.
C.People's personalities can be judged by their shoes.
D.People know little about their personalities.
29.The participants were asked toA.
A.provide pictures of their shoes
B.look at pictures of different shoes
C.design a personality questionnaire
D.hand in their commonly worn shoes
30.Which of the results is beyond people's expectation?C
A.Wealthy people often wear expensive shoes.
B.Pleasant people like wearing uncomfortable shoes.
C.Aggressive people are likely to wear ankle boots.
D.Flashier shoes are typically worn by outgoing people.
31.People suffering from"attachment anxiety"tend toB.
A.wear strange shoes      B.worry about their appearance
C.have a calm character      D.become a political leader.
4.Batteries,as you may have figured out by now,have a few problems,actually.They don't hold nearly enough power.They're very expensive.And above all,they're explosive.That's a real problem for Samsung.
   Isn't anyone going to try to invent a better battery?Fortunately,a Tufts University professor named Mike Zimmerman,is breathtakingly close to cracking the powerful-cheap-safe battery problem.
    Inside every lithium-ion battery on earth,there's a positive electrode (阳极) and a negatively charged one.They're separated by a thin sheet.The rest is filled up with a liquid called the electrolyte(电解质).
    When you charge the battery,positively charged ions(离子)flow through that liquid from the negative side to the positive side.Then,as you use the battery to power your gadget,they flow back again.
    The key here is that electrolyte juice.It's easily lighted.What Zimmerman has done is pretty amazing:He's created a battery that gets rid of the liquid.In its place:A special plastic film,solid and not flammable(易燃的).Yet it allows the free flow of the ions,just as the electrolyte does.Zimmerman's plastic doesn't catch fire even if you try to light it with a lighter.
    We call them lithium ion batteries because they do not,in fact,use actual lithium metal.That's too bad,because lithium metal batteries can store at least twice as much power!The only reason why we don't use lithium-metal batteries is that they're even more dangerous than lithium ion.
    But if there's no flammable liquid,there's no risk of fire.So Zimmerman's batteries do use actual lithium metal,and therefore hold twice as much charge.Imagine:Three days of life on every phone charge instead of one and a half.Four hundred miles in an electric car instead of 200.And so on.It's a big,big deal.

41.Why do Zimmerman's invention use actual lithium metal?B
A.Lithium metal are not easy to light.
B.Zimmerman's batteries include no liquid.
C.Lithum-metal batteries are safer than lithium-ion.
D.Ordinary batteries use the safe lithium metal.
42.What can we know about Zimmerman's batteries?A
A.They are safe and hold large power.
B.They are risky but store much power.
C.They are unsafe but hold much charge.
D.They are unsafe but convenient.
43.What can we know from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7?D
A.We can make a big deal with Zimmerman.
B.Zimmerman's batteries sound nice but unrealistic.
C.Zimmerman wants to make a deal with producers.
D.Zimmerman's batteries will make a difference to our life.
44.How is the passage mainly developed?C
A.By giving descriptions.
B.By listing examples.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By following time order.
45.What does the passage mainly present?D
A.An introduction to Tufts professor.
B.Information on using the old type of batteries.
C.The author's interview with Tufts professor.
D.Tufts professor's invention of a non-exploding battery.
15.LONDON(Reuters)-Oxford University has introduced confidence classes for female students to get them to compete for jobs in future and win chances to work in best companies.
They may be young and gifted,but research at the excellent institution has found that female undergraduates(大学生) are shying away from applying for jobs in banking,finance,management consultancy,engineering and resource management.Partly as a result,starting salaries for women when they graduate are on average£2,000to£3,000lower than their male peers.
"Women are earning less on leaving Oxford University.It is ridiculous,"said Jonathan Black,director of the Careers Service at the university."We have high quality,high achieving students of both genders.But it appears that women are selecting lower-paid jobs.They accept more prejudice(偏见) in certain industries and are saying‘I won't struggle for that really high-paid job'.We are not trying to push loads of women but trying to say they should feel able to apply for these sorts of jobs.Men seem to have more self-confidence and see the bigger picture generally,even when their self-belief is not necessarily based on any greater academic advantage."
The four-day programme at Oxford University will help 45female undergraduates improve their self-confidence and decision-making,think positively and build on their strengths.Confidence training will teach them how to deal with challenging situations.
Successful female employees from RBS(苏格兰皇家银行) and BP(英国石油公司),which are supporting the course,will talk about their lives and careers.RBS's involvement follows a promise by the bank to increase its national percentage of female graduate applications from 35percent to 50percent by 2014.
Sophie Kelley,20,studying law at Oxford University,is hoping the course will make her more confident in courses and interviews."I am applying to London law firms for vacation schemes and it is so competitive,"she said."The rejection letters don't give any real feedback(反馈的意见),so I'm expecting the programme might give me a hand and advice."

24.Oxford University brings in confidence classes in order to helpC.
A.female undergraduates build on their strengths in daily life
B.male undergraduates make friends with females at the university
C.female undergraduates find higher-paid jobs with more confidence
D.female undergraduates fight against challenges in the face of danger
25.What is the worrying situation for female undergraduates?B
A.They are looked down upon by most companies.
B.Their opportunities are limited and their salaries are lower.
C.Fewer of them are admitted to Oxford University.
D.They are refused to work in banking and finance fields.
26.What can we learn from Paragraph 5?B
A.Females from RBS and BP are very successful.
B.RBS will create more job chances for female undergraduates in future.
C.RBS will be the only choice for female undergraduates.
D.All female undergraduates from Oxford University can apply for RBS.
27.What can we learn about Sophie Kelley?A
A.She hopes to benefit more from the programme.
B.She has been refused by the programme at Oxford University.
C.She feels the programme is ridiculous in modern society.
D.She isn't fit for the world of competition and challenges.

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