

How can we do something for the environment? A Dutchman will tell you.

Tommy Kleyn is an 【1】 (art) from Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Last year on his way to ' work, he would pass by a river bank where rubbish 2 _(collect). Seeing it, he made up his

mind to start to pick up the rubbish. 3 he spent 30 minutes every day filling one garbage bag with rubbish,4 (post) the pictures onto his Facebook , he got some help 5 .his friends. On his Facebook page, Tommy said, "Take 30 minutes out of your day 6 (fill)a trash bag with litter. It really makes a difference and you will be amazed at 7 good you feel afterwards."

Now Kleyn is receiving 8 (photo) and stories of people beginning to clean their waterways from places as far as Taiwan, China. And back along the river bank, Kleyn, gets a reward9 (expect) birds start nesting at the river~ bank he 【10 (clean).

Every day is an Earth Day. What can you do for our planet'?



【2】was collected


【4】Having posted


【6】to fill




【10】has cleaned


【1】artist 考察名词。文意是Tommy Kleyn是一位来自爱尔兰的艺术家。

【2】was collected考察被动语态。垃圾是被人们收集起来的,所以要用被动语态。文意是去年他在工作的路上经过了一条河,在河的两岸有被收集起来的垃圾。


【4】Having posted考察时态。文中他得到朋友的帮助是发生在过去的事情,而发照片这件事发生在得到朋友的帮助之前,所以要用完成时。

【5】from 考察介词。文意是他得到了朋友的帮相

【6】to fill考察不定式。Tommy 说每天花粉30分钟去捡一袋子垃圾。To表示目的。




【10】has cleaned考察时态。鸟儿筑巢这件事发生在过去,而清理干净海岸这件事发生在鸟儿筑巢这件事之前,所以要用完成时。


【题目】Why is setting goals important? ___【1】___ Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen. Successful people imagine how their life should be and set lots of goals.

By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It's like having a map to show you where you want to go. Think of it this way. There are two drivers. One has a destination in mind which can be found on a map. She can drive straight there surely without any wasted time of wrong turns. ___2___ She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere, just using up gas. Which driver do you want to be?

Winners in life set goals and follow them through. They decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals. ___3___ Goals aren't difficult to set and they aren't difficult to reach.

___4__ You are the one who must decide what to achieve and in what direction to aim your life.

Research tells us that when we write a goal down we are more likely to achieve it. ___ 5__ Like a contract(合同) with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also when you write your goals in a particular way, you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goal.

A.Because everybody should have a goal in his mind.

B.Unsuccessful people usually just let life happen by accident.

C.The other driver has no goal, or destination or map.

D.It's difficult for a driver to reach his destination without a map.

E.It's up to you to find out what your goals really are.

F.Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life.

GWritten goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power.

【题目】I got invited to go with some friends to a game at another school. A senior will be driving us, and I think she’s a good driver, but it’s someone my parents don’t know. I want to tell my parents where I’m going, but what if I ask and they say “no”? I’ll end up wishing I never mentioned it and just went ahead and did it anyway.

If you want more privileges, it’s best to build a track record of honesty and trust. Letting a parent know where you’re going is always a good idea.

You may worry that telling your parents puts you at risk of getting “no” for an answer. But there’s a good chance your parents might be OK with you going. If you go but don’t tell them, you risk losing something more important — your parents’ trust.

Parents who find out their kids did something behind their backs may be less likely to give permission to do things in the future. When trust is broken like this, parents wonder if teens are trying to hide something — and what they imagine can be far worse than the reality.

Before you talk to your parents about the game, think about which approach will help them feel most comfortable with giving you more freedom. Maybe they’d like to meet the person driving or talk to friends who have driven with her in the past. If your parents have questions or hesitate about letting you go, find out what their worries are and then do your best to answer them.

【1】From Paragraph 1 we know that the writer _________.

A. appears nervous B. feels confused

C. looks worried D. seems discouraged

【2】What is the best way to get parents’ permission according to the passage?

A. To get more privileges from them.

B. To risk gaining their permission.

C. To keep off the track of reality.

D. To be honest and win their trust.

【3】What does the writer really want to tell us?

A. Which effective approach to use.

B. How to deal with strict parents.

C. How to win over parents.

D. How to get freedom from parents.

【4】Who do you think the passage is intended for?

A. Parents. B. Friends. C. Drivers. D. Teenagers.



Do maths problems 15 through 25. State the different forms of the verbs on page 50 of your French workbook. Read pages 12 through 20 of the Shakespeare play, and don’t forget to fill in the missing chemical symbols on the worksheet.

Sound like a list of your homework for the next few nights — or maybe even just for tonight? 1It’s your teachers’ way of evaluating how much you understand what’s going on in class. And it helps strengthen important concepts. Here are some tips on how to do your homework.

2It’s inviting to start with the easy things to get them out of the way. However, you’ll have the most energy and focus when you begin, so it’s best to use this mental power on the subjects that are most challenging. Later, when you’re more tired, you can focus on the simpler things. If you get stuck on a problem, try to figure it out as well as you can — but don’t spend too much time on it because this can mess up your homework schedule for the rest of the night. 3But don’t pick someone whom you’ll be up all night chatting with, or you’ll never get it done!

Most people’s attention spans aren’t very long, so take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without relaxing will make you less productive than if you stop every so often. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.4

Once your homework is done, you can check over it if you have extra time. Be sure to put it safely away in your backpack—there’s nothing worse than having a completed assignment that you can’t find the next morning or that gets ruined by a careless brother or sister. 5Now you’re free to hang out.A. Luckily, you can do a few things to do less homework.

B. Homework is a major part of going to school.C. No one is expected to stay long, and people have very different learning styles.

D. If you need to, ask an adult for help or call or email a classmate for advice.

E. But if you’re really concentrating, wait until it's a good time to stop.F. And no teacher still believes that “chewed by the dog” line—even when it's true!

G. When you start your homework, deal with the hardest tasks first.

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