
【题目】Older people with hearing loss may suffer faster rates of mental decline. People who have hearing trouble suffered meaningful impairments(损伤) in memory, attention and learning about three years earlier than people with normal hearing, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals.

The finding supports the idea that hearing loss can have serious consequences for the brain, says Patricia Tun of Brandeis University, who studies aging. “I’m hoping it will be a real wake-up call in terms of realizing the importance of hearing.”

Compared with other senses, hearing is often overlooked, Tun says. “We are made to interact with language and to listen to each other, and it can have damaging effects if we don’t.”

Frank Lin of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and colleagues tested the hearing of 1, 984 older adults. Most of the participants, who averaged 77 years old, showed some hearing loss--1, 162 volunteers had trouble hearing noises of less than 25 decibels(分贝), comparable to a whisper or rustling leaves. The volunteers’ results reflect the hearing loss in the general population: Over half of people older than 70 have trouble hearing.

Over the next six years, these participants went through mental evaluations that measured factors such as short-term memory, attention and the ability to quickly match numbers to symbols. Everybody got worse at the tasks as time went on, but people with hearing loss had an especially sharp decline. On average, a sudden drop in performance would come about three years earlier to people with hearing loss.

Lin cautions that the study has found an association between hearing loss and mental abilities. Those who can’t hear well might avoid social situations and isolation(孤立) is known to be bad for the brain. “You gradually become more socially disconnected,” Lin says. “Social isolation is a major factor for dementia and cognitive decline.”

Lin and his team hope to study whether improvements in hearing brought about by hearing aids or other treatments can transform into improvements in mental functioning. “The ultimate question is, can we do anything about it?” he says.

1According to Patricia Tun, this research will probably______.

A. presentthementaldecline of old people

B. make the public attachmore importancetohearing

C. reveal some unknown secrets of aging

D. call on people to listen to and interact with each other


A. Theoutcomeofthetest.

B. Theprocessofthetest.

C. Theparticipantsofthetest.

D. Thepurposeofthetest.


A. memoryloss B. hearingloss

C. socialisolation D. speechimpairment

4What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Hearing aids can completely solve the hearing loss problem.

B. The exploration between hearing loss and mental decline will be carried on.

C. No effective treatment can really improve hearing loss.

D. Lin and his team are confident that their research will help slow down mental decline.








推理判断题。根据第一段Older people with hearing loss may suffer faster rates of mental decline. People who have hearing trouble suffered meaningful impairments(损伤) in memory, attention and learning about three years earlier than people with normal hearing, a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals.可知这项研究可能会使公众更加重视听力故选B。




细节理解题。根据倒数第二段提到Social isolation is a major major factor for dementia(痴呆)and cognitive decline.社会的孤立是老年痴呆和认知下降的主要因素,故选C。


推理判断题。根据最后一段中Lin and his team hope to study whether improvements in hearing brought about by hearing aids or other treatments can transform into improvements in mental functioning.可知听力损失与智力衰退之间的关系将继续进行。故选B。


【题目】While Jennifer was at home taking an online exam for her business law class, a monitor a few hundred miles away was watching her everymove.

Using a web camera equipped in Jennifer’s Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in Phoenix tracked how frequently her eyes moved from the computer screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was locked-remotely-to prevent Internet searches, and her typing style was analyzed to make sure she was who she said she was: Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?

In the battle against cheating,this is thecutting_edgeand a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education. The technology gives trust to the entire system,to the institution and to online education in general. Only with solid measures against cheating, experts say, can Internet universities show that their exams and diplomas are valid—that students haven’t just searched the Internet to get the right answers.

Although online classes have existed for more than a decade, the concern over cheating has become sharper in the last year with the growth of “open online courses.” Private colleges, public universities and corporations are jumping into the online education field. spending millions of dollars to attract potential students, while also taking steps to help guarantee honesty at a distance.

Aside from the web cameras, a number of other high-tech methods are becoming increasingly popular. Among them are programs that check students’ identities using personal information, such as the telephone numbers they once used.

Other programs can produce unique exams by drawing on a large list of questions and can recognize possible cheaters by analyzing whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as easy ones. As in many university classes, term papers are scanned against some large Internet data banks for cheating.

1Why was Jennifer watched in an online exam?

A. To correct her typing mistakes.

B. To find her secrets in the room.

C. To prevent her from slowing down.

D. To keep her from dishonest behaviors.

2The underlined expressioncutting edge in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to________.

A. advanced technique B. sharpening tool

C. effective rule D. dividing line

3Some programs can find out possible cheaters by________.

A. producing a large number of questions

B. scanning the Internet test questions

C. checking the question answering speed

D. giving difficult test questions

4The author of this passage wants to tell us______.

A. what the Internet education is

B. the importance of the who camera today

C. when the students can cheat

D. how to beat students exam cheating online

【题目】How to keep a journal

Keeping a journal can be a way of giving your feelings an outlet like no other.1But it can be helpful to read suggestions for making the most of your journal,as well as some ideas about getting one started.

Find a journal medium that's perfect for you.2Both methods have advantages and drawbacks,so you'll need to weigh up what works best for you.For example,a paper based journal can be taken anywhere,never needs electricity.However,typing can be faster and easier in the electronic format.

Decide what kind of journal you'd like to keep.You could simply use your journal to write down all the thoughts that come to you at any particular time,randomly,or you could make your journal more focused on a specific theme to draw out something that you're trying to develop more of in your life.3

Find sources of inspiration.It's often easiest to start with your current feelings.4There are no rules at all about journal writing and you may find that your starting points vary every time you begin a new entry.Sometimes it is easier to begin with a narrative about something that happened to you during the day.Writing down the facts and events can open up a whole stream of consciousness as you're writing.

5Think about what things have become clearer to you from one journal entry to the next,and think about what hopes and dreams once written in your journal have now turned into reality.Use your journal to assess your life's journey.

A.Write down your feelings on paper and see where this takes you next.

B.Reflect over what you've written now and then.

C.Keep in mind that a journal is not about using a fancy book.

D.Decide how you want to keep your journal,either on paper or in electronic form.

E.Journal writing is a personal journey,determined wholly by your own thoughts.

F.It's fun to glue in little things of your life,like pictures you took of a breathtaking sunset.

G.And there is nothing saying that you can't keep both a random and a specific journal at the same time!

【题目】The term "healthy obesity" has gained value over the past 15 years,but scientists have recently questioned its very existence."Our new findings suggest that health measures may be necessary for all obese(肥胖的)individuals, even those previously considered to be metabolically(代谢的)healthy,"says study first author Mikael,"Since obesity is the major driver changing gene expression in fat cells,we should continue to focus on preventing obesity."

Obesity has been a global problem,affecting approximately 600 million people worldwide and increasing the risk of heart disease,stroke,cancer,and so on.But in the 1970s and 80s,experts began to question the extent to which obesity increases the risk for these disorders.Later studies in the late 90s and early 2000s showed that some obese people show a relatively healthy life.

However,there are no accepted measures for measuring metabolically healthy obesity,and whether or not such a thing exists is now up for discussion."Our study suggests that the idea of metabolically healthy obesity may be more difficult than thought,"Mikael says,"There doesn’t appear to be a clear line that separates obese subjects with high or low insulin(胰岛素)sensitivity,indicating that obesity is the major driver explaining the changes in gene expression."

One limitation of the study is that it examined gene expression only in white fat cells,not other types.Moreover, all of the obese subjects were scheduled to experience obesity operations,so the findings may only apply to people with severe obesity.In future research,Mikael and his group will track the study patients after surgery to determine whether weight loss normalizes gene expression responses.They will also look for specific genes linked to improved metabolic health in these people.

In the meantime,the study has an important take-home message."Obese people may not be as metabolically healthy as previously believed,"Ryden says.

1What does the underlined phrase "healthy obesity" mean?

A. It can be healthy with obesity.

B. Obesity is necessary to be healthy.

C. Unhealthy people have no obesity.

D. Health has something to do with obesity.

2What leads to healthy obesity failing to prove true?

A. Lack of related patients.

B. Lack of genetic evidence.

C. Lack of research funding.

D. Lack of needed standards.

3What advice can readers get from the passage?

A. People should have a healthy lifestyle.

B. People should accept obesity in a way.

C. People should keep a balanced weight.

D. People should avoid obesity operations.

4Which can best describe the author's intention in writing the passage?

A. Compare,analyze and conclude.

B. Show,appreciate,and persuade.

C. Introduce,argue and advertise.

D. Present,inform and inspire.

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