
3.Looking back on the three-year life in the mountain village,Thomas _______ it as a milestone in his personal development.(  )

分析 回顾在乡村的三年的生活,托马斯评价它是个人发展的里程碑.

解答 答案:A.
根据句意"回顾在乡村的三年的生活,托马斯评价它是个人发展的里程碑"以及"____it as a milestone"可知此处应该用value"评价"来构成value sth.as"评价…是…",B.confirms证实,C.declares宣布,D.assumes假定,均不符合句意,故选A.

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13.The time of year a baby is born can shape what profession they will embark on in later life,a new study has suggested.Being born in a certain month appears to indicate the possibility of what job a person will end up with,the study by the Office for National Statistics found.
Researchers have uncovered that the month in which babies are born could also affect everything from intelligence to length of life.A child born in December is more likely to become a dentist while someone whose birthday falls in January will tend to a debt collector,they found.
A February birth appears to increase the chances of being an artist while March babies appear to go on to become pilots.Meanwhile,April and May are said to have a fairly even spread of professions,births in the summer months mean a much lower chance of becoming a high-earning football player,doctor or dentist.The study was gained by researchers who analyzed the birth months of people in 19separate occupations using information from the last census (人口普查),the Daily Mail reported.Although these trends may be difficult to explain,relations between birth months and specific health problems have a scientific basis.
Spring babies are at greater risk of illnesses including schizophrenia,Alzheimer's disease,asthma and autism.They may also be less clever than classmates born in other parts of the year.

31.What does the underlined phrase"embark on"refer to?D
A.land on         
C.keep in touch with   
D.be occupied in
32.According to the researchers,a child born in March is likely to becomeA.
A.a pilot        
B.a dentist  
C.a debt collector   
D.an artist
33.We can learn from the text thatD.
A.the month babies are born could only affect his intelligence and length of life
B.People born in the summer months are more likely to get highly paid
C.the choice of profession for April and May is very narrow
D.Spring babies may have the bigger chance to get ill
34.What can be included from the passage?B
A.The fate has been already decided when people are born
B.There exist connections between birth date and occupations
C.People born in Autumn would be more successful than those born in  Spring
D.The time of year one is born decides which specific health problems one has
35.According to the passage,which of the following statement is WRONG?C
A.March babies are more likely to be pilots when grown up.
B.If born in December,a person is more likely to become a dentist
C.Summer babies may be less clever than those born in other seasons
D.As in the research,health problems have something to do with birth months.
14.One of the most important recent medical breakthroughs has been the impact of gut flora(肠道菌群)on overall health.This dynamic mix of bacteria in the digestive tract(消化道)may affect everything from obesity to asthma(哮喘).
The Gut-Mood Link
Anyone who's ever experienced"butterflies"in his or her stomach knows that the gut and the brain are connected.But until recently,scientists hadn't realized that the trillions of bacteria in our digestive tract may be driving the relationship.
One recent experiment suggests that you can control calm.Canadian researchers gave healthy mice a mixture of antibiotics,which change the makeup of GI-tract(胃肠道)bacteria.Over two weeks,some animals became more anxious and some less,depending on which drugs they received.
In another study,when gut bacteria from calm mice were transferred to anxious mice,the jittery(紧张的)creatures seemed less nervous.
UCLA professor Kirsten Tillisch,doctor of medicine,recently had healthy women eat a yogurt rich in certain types of"good"probiotic(益生菌的)bacteria.Two'Control groups ate yogurt without such bacteria or ate nothing.Brain scans of the probiotic-yogurt eaters indicated changes in regions that could be associated with a less-anxious response in fearful or stressful situations compared with the control groups.
Scientists are even exploring whether gut microbes(微生物)might treat some brain disorders.
A new study in Cell found that mice with features of autism(自ICJ症)given a type of bacteria in healthy human GI tracts exhibited less autism-like behavior.In a recent case report,a Boston ps} chiatrist says a course of certain probiotics and antibiotics helped relieve a patient's compulsive disorder.
-We tend to focus on how your mood affects your body from the top down,not the bottom up,"says Dr.Tillisch."Now we know that the gut affects how your brain responds to the environment-it's a remarkable change in thinking."
How Bacteria Talk to the Brain
Scientists aren't sure how gut flora affect brain chemistry.One theory is that the bacteria access pathways along the nerve,the main highway in the nervous system that links the brain to the gut.
Another is that the bacteria influence the immune system,releasing chemicals that affect conditions like depression.Finally,researchers believe that bacteria produce or affect the metabolism(新陈代'i) of chemicals,which change brain function.
Dr.Tillisch told me that patients always ask which probiotics will lift their mood.Her answer:
"We don't know yet,but we hope to one day."In the future,patients might receive probiotics or transplant(移植) in which bacteria from the gut of a healthy person are transferred to the gut of a sic':one-to prevent or treat mental health issues.But these approaches are years away from primary time.Until then,a diet rich in fruit and veggies helps cultivate(培养)better-balanced microbes than a typical Western diet high in animal and processed products.Avoiding unnecessary antibiotics,particularly in early childhood,may also establish healthier gut bacteria.

63.According to the passage,gut bacteria might help us in many ways EXCEPTD.
A.lightening our mood 
B.treating autism
C.relieving depression 
D.transplanting gut flora
64.The missing sentence"Everyday foods may also affect the composition of gut bacteria,and in turn,brain chemistry."could be put beforeC•
A.Paragraph 2   B.Paragraph 3   C.Paragraph 4   D.Paragraph 5
65.Which of the following can be the best subtitle for the last paragraph?A
A.Cultivating a Happier Gut B.Growing Bacteria in the Future
C.Balancing Microbes and Diet D.Living a Happy Healthy Life.
7.Climate change could affect food supplies,water resources,human health and homes.
If greenhouse gas emissions keep increasing at the current rate,global temperature is expected to rise between 2°C and 6°C by 2100.This doesn't sound much,but a 5°C change is the difference between the current warm period and an ice age.
Global warming leads to other changes in the climate:melting ice,more evaporation(蒸发),changes in geographical patterns of rainfall,heavier downpours separated by longer dry spells,more frequent heat waves,more intense hurricanes,and sea level rise.
These changes could affect crop growth as drought,increased evaporation and shrinking glaciers(冰川)disrupt water supply.Some crops could suffer heat stress.While there may be benefits in some regions,overall climate change is likely to have a negative impact on global food supplies.The impacts of climate change on agriculture will vary widely around the world.A global temperature rise of 1-2°C is expected to increase food production in some regions,particularly mid-latitude areas.But in tropical regions even a small amount of warming could reduce crop yields.A temperature rise of 3°C or more could threaten global food resources,as all regions are likely to experience negative impacts overall.
Freshwater resources could also diminish,especially in tropical regions,as rain patterns change and evaporation speeds up.Some communities could lose essential melt water as glaciers disappear,while more intense rainfall and hurricanes could cause more flooding,leading to water pollution and bacterial diseases such as cholera(霍乱)becoming more widespread.
Climate change could lead to a variety of health impacts-both positive and negative.On the negative side,scientists anticipate more cases of malnutrition,heatstroke and waterborne diseases such as cholera.Although some populations will benefit from a reduced risk of cold-related illnesses such as hypothermia,overall a warming world is likely to have negative effects on human health.
Scientists also expect damage to homes and buildings from more intense hurricanes,heavier rainfall and rising sea levels.Climate change is likely to affect infrastructure by increasing the risk of both coastal and inland flooding around the world,owing to a combination of heavier rainfall,rising sea levels and increased storm damage.Homes and buildings could also be affected by the thawing of frozen ground and greater risk of forest fires.
The consequences of climate change will have an impact on people around the world.

67.With global temperature increased by 1-2°C,D.
A.crops yields could be increased in tropical regions
B.food production could rise throughout the world
C.chances are that food resources would be threatened overall
D.mid-latitude areas are likely to experience positive impacts
68.The underlined word"hypothermia"in Paragraph 6 possibly means a serious medical condition caused byA.
A.lower temperature than normal       
B.higher temperature than normal
C.more cases of malnutrition               
D.cases of waterborne diseases
69.According to the passage,climate change has both positive and negative effects onC.
A.food supplies and buildings         
B.freshwater resources and homes
C.human health and food supplies      
D.human health and homes
70.The passage is mainly meant to tell usB.
A.how global warming leads to changes in the climate
B.how climate change affects people worldwide 
C.why climate change affects our crop growth
D.why climate change contributes to all bad results.

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