
11.What a lot of rubbish!I just        how people can deal with these things every day.(  )

分析 这么多的垃圾啊!我想知道他们每天是怎么处理这些垃圾的.

解答 答案:B
A:conclude断定,决定;B:wonder怀疑,想知道;C:realize意识到,了解;D:decide决定 根据题干"how people can deal with these things"中"how"可判断"我"想知道他们是如何处理这些垃圾的,"wonder how"为固定搭配,表示"想知道如何做某事",符合句意,故正确选项为B.

点评 此题考查动词的词义辨析,根据对动词词义的了解并结合句意,可选出正确选项.

1.Some people think if you are happy,you are blind to reality.But when we research it,happiness actually raises every single business and educational outcome for the brain.How did we miss this?Why do we have these social misunderstandings about happiness?Because we assumed you were average.When we study people,scientists are often interested in what the average is.
Many people think happiness is genetic.That's only half the story,because the average person does not fight their genes.When we stop studying the average and begin researching positive outliers-people who are above average for a positive aspect like optimism or intelligence-a wildly different picture appears.Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success.
Scientifically,happiness is a choice.It is a choice about where your single processor brain will devote its limited resources as you process the world.If you scan for the negative first,your brain really has no resources left over to see the things you are grateful for or the meaning embedded(嵌入) in your work.But if you scan the world for the positive,you start to acquire an amazing advantage.
I wrote the cover story for the Harvard Business Review magazine on"Happiness Leads to Profits."Based on my article called"Positive Intelligence"and my research in The Happiness Advantage,I summarized our researched conclusion:the single greatest advantage in the modern economy is a happy and busy workforce.
A decade of research in the business world proves that happiness raises nearly every business and educational outcome:increasing sales by 37%,productivity by 31%,and accuracy on tasks by 19%,as well as a number of health and quality-of-life improvements.
25.The underlined word"this"in the first paragraph refers toB.
A.the fact that people are happy
B.the connection between happiness and educational outcome
C.the fact that people often misunderstand happiness
D.the fact that most people are average
26.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Scientists are only interested in what the average is.
B.You can choose to be happy or not.
C.The average are not happy at all.
D.Our decisions and habits have nothing to do with happiness.
27.Why does the writer mention his articles and research?C
A.To advertise himself.
B.To arouse the readers'interest.
C.To support his point about happiness.
D.To attract the readers to read his articles.
28.What is the author's purpose of writing this article?D
A.To explain what is happiness.
B.To describe the misunderstandings about happiness.
C.To show people the importance of happiness.
D.To make the point that happiness promotes business and educational outcome.
2.In order to increase their job chances after college,Chinese students are turning to a special practice-Eiffel Tower nose jobs (鼻整形术).The latest trend in plastic surgery promises to create a nose that is classic,slim and sloping,similar to the sweeping curve of the Eiffel Tower.
     Surgeon Wang Xuming said:"We are influenced by the beauty of the Eiffel Tower,we are not content to just add something to the nose,we reconstruct it."The surgery costs about US $ 10,000 and involves the enlarging of the nose using tissue from the forehead.
     Hundreds of posters advertising the procedure are put up all over Chongqing city,where surgeon Xuming runs his practice.They show a Westem-Iooking woman with an almost-too-perfect nose,against an outline of the Eiffel Tower.
     Interestingly,many young women in China are eager to achieve a western appearance,as they  believe it will give them an advantage in the highly competitive job market."Some students face a lot of employment pressure after graduation.If their facial features are good,they'II have more chances of finding a job,"said surgeon Xuming."We've had students getting the Eiffel Tower nose; it's helped them a lot."
     Apparently,Chinese employers are quite particular about appearances and prefer attractive candidates.Some of them even go as far as putting height and weight requirements in their employment ads.Plastic surgeons across the country are reporting an increase in the number of students choosing beauty"improvement".
     According  to a Mr.Li,hospital manager at surgeon Xuming's clinic,most of their customers are female and the bill is taken care of by the family."They usually come in with their mothers,and tend to be from well-off backgrounds,"he said.

51.Chinese college students choose to have a nose operation toC.
A.marry well                           
B.look cool
C.have a good job                        
D.look like westerners
52.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A
A.The posters
B.A nose job.
C.The Eiffel Tower
D.A plastic surgery procedure.
53.It can be inferred from Paragraph 5 thatD
A.employers are potential customers
B.ads promote the plastic surgery
C.appearance is as important as height and weight
D.attractive appearance seems to increase job chances
54.From what Mr.Li said we can learn thatD
A.most families can't afford the surgeon
B.the number of plastic surgeons is increasing
C.patients can be well looked after at the clinic
D.their customers are usually from wealthy families
55:What's the author's attitude towards Eiffel Tower nose jobs?B
19.Easy ways to get healthy
    I always hate the first few weeks of the new year,mostly because I-m sick to death of people in commercials who are all."Let's diet!It's a new year!"
You can always choose to switch it up!(36)EHere are some simple ways to get your healthy on all year around.
Switch out bad habits for good ones.(37)GDo something as simple as swapping nighttime cookies for nighttime vitamins.
    Catch some sleep.One of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies is to make sure.we're getting enough sleep on a regular schedule.(38)F     Feed your mind.Keep your mind flexible and smart.Do crosswords,sudoku(数独).Start a new hobby,read a book about something you don't understand-anything that challenges you to think differently and exercise that brain of yours.
    (39)AI'm not suggesting you take on a brand new fitness quest,but take the stairs,park farther away,and find a hobby you enjoy that allows you to be active.
Get organized.I'm not saying a whole repair of your entire world; start small.Organize a kitchen  cabinet.Purge (清除 )yourself of stuff you  don't need.
     Get rid of the mess.That means your mind is included too!Make lists.Get a calendar and mark down important days.Clear your mind and your home.(40)C    
Smile.Overlook some of the bad things that are going on in your life.and focus on the good.There are positives in nearly every situation,even if it doesn't feel like it.Staying positive can help in nearly every aspect of your life!

A.Change your activity up.
B.Try exercising your brain too.
C.You'll find it improves your mood.
D.You are the one to improve yourself.
E.lt's time to take charge of your health!
F.Sounds boring,I know,but trust me---sleep is amazing for you.
C.Start small,and don't plan to change your entire life in a week.
6.A man was charged with first••degree murder of a 79.-year-old woman whom police said he scared to death.In an attempt to escape after a bank robbery,the 20.year-old Larry Whitfield broke into the  home of Mary Parnell.Police say he didn't touch Parnell but that she died after suffering a heart attack that was caused by terror.Can the guy be held responsible for the woman's death?Prosecutors(公诉人) said that he can under the state's murder rule,which allows someone to be charged with murder if he or she causes another person's death while committing or fleeing from a felony crime like robbery---even if he or she doesn't kill someone on purpose.
But,medically speaking,can someone actually be frightened to death?
Absolutely,no question about it.
The body has a natural protective method called the fight-or-flight response(战或逃反应),which was originally described by Walter Cannon,the chairman of Harvard University's physiology department from 1906to 1942.If,in the wild,an animal is faced with a life.threatening situation.the autonomic nerve system responds by increasing heart rate,increasing blood flow to the muscles,and slowing digestion,among other things.All of this increases the chances of succeeding in a fight or running away from an aggressive beast.This process certainly would be of help to ancient humans.However,in the modem world there is obvious decline of the fight-or-flight response.
The autonomic nerve system uses the chemical messenger to send signals to various parts of the body to activate the fight-or-flight response.This chemical is toxic(有毒的1in large amounts;it damages the organs such as the heart,lungs,liver and kidneys.It is believed that almost all sudden deaths are caused by damage to the heart.There is almost no other organ that would fail so fast as to cause sudden death.Kidney failure,liver failure,those things don't kill you suddenly.
By the way,any strong positive or negative emotions such as happiness or sadness can cause the same result.There are people who have died in strong emotions.There was a case of a golfer who hit a hole in one,turned to his partner and said,"I can die now"一and then he dropped dead.For about seven days after the 9-11terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.there was an increase of sudden cardiac death among New Yorkers.

31.Why was the man charged?B
A.Because he was trying to kill an old woman.
B.Because he caused an old woman's terror and she died.
C.Because he beat an old woman and caused her heart attack.
D.Because he murdered an old woman while robbing a bank.
32.The underlined word felony in Para.1most probably meansB.
A.new    B.severe    C.deadly   D.organized
33.Which of the following about the fight-or-flight response is true?C
A.The fight-or-flight response was not raised or proved yet.
B.It is a natural protective method that can only be found in humans.
C.The ancient humans had a better fight-or-flight response than modem ones.
D.The fight-or-flight response is beneficial to both our actions and organs.
34.What activity can we infer is less likely to damage the organs?D
A.Winning a big lottery.    B.Missing a dead family.
C.Watching a horror movie.  D.Listening to a sweet song.
35.The purpose of the passage isD.
A.to explain why people will die of a heart attack
B.to offer some advice on protecting us from heart failure
C.to compare different kinds of feelings to cause a death
D.to show strong emotions can cause a sudden death.
12.Dear David,
I'm glad you would like to share your feelings with me.It's hardly surprising that your feelings of not being"grown up"have come on strongly at this point in your life,just before you're about to become a father.You are asking:Will I make a good father?How will I cope?I think nearly every man must have the occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy before the birth.
It's difficult,honestly,to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to.The boss with a hen-pecking wife may feel like a seven-year-old when he's at home.But as he walks through the office door,and knows he's going to be surrounded by staff for advice,he grows into a fully mature man.And I think it's a mistake to imagine that we all feel,as we age,a kind of progress of states,from the baby to the adult.Most people feel,on Tuesday,about three years old,and on a Wednesday,around 80.
There's a common remark that"all men are little boys",but it's not true.It's more true that men often behave like little boys.But nearly all people,at some moments in their lives,are able to be greatly mature..Once your baby arrives,you'll soon feel less childlike.When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug,the adult in you will rise up to prevent it.
Comfort yourself,David,with two truths.One is that your friends laugh when they talk about this subject because they,like you,feel frightened.And remember that people who haven't grown up don't go around talking about the fact.
    Good luck to you and your little one.
Sincerely Yours,
Miss Advice 28.According to the passage,Miss Advice thinks David's self-doubtC.
29.From Paragraph 2,we can learn that people's sense of maturityC
A.will increase with age
B.is obviously seen at home
C.changes with different situations
D.becomes stronger with familiar people
30.Miss Advice holds thatC.
A.all men behave like little boys
B.people tend to laugh at the subject
C.men with a baby feel more grown-up
D.people enjoy talking about their immaturity
31.Miss Advice wrote the letter toA.
A.offer suggestions to a future father    
B.teach people how to grow up
C.encourage people to be responsible  
D.solve problems of the less grown-up.
15.Recently a study,led by Pedro Hallal of the Federal University,suggests that nearly a third of adults,31%,are not getting enough exercise.That rates of exercise have declined is hardly a new discovery.Since the beginning of the industrial revolution,technology and economic growth have helped to create a world in which taking exercise is more and more an option rather than a necessity.But only recently have enough good data been collected from enough places to carry out the sort of analysis Dr Hallal and his colleagues have engaged in.
There are common themes in different places.Unsurprisingly,people in rich countries are less active than those in poor ones,and old people are less active than young ones.Less obviously,women tend to exercise less than men-34% are inactive,compared with 28% of men.But there are exceptions.The women of Croatia,Finland,Iraq and Luxembourg,for example,move more than their male countrymen.
Malta wins the race for most slothful country,with 72% of adults getting too little exercise,and Swaziland and Saudi Arabia are in close behind,with 69%.In Bangladesh,just 5% of adults fail to exercise enough.Surprisingly,six Americans in ten are active enough according to Dr Hallal's study,compared with fewer than four in ten British.
 These high rates of inactivity are worrying.Human beings seem to have evolved(进化) to benefit from exercise while deliberately avoiding it whenever they can.In a state of nature it would be impossible to live a life that did not provide enough of it.But that is no longer the case.Actually lack of enough activity these days has nearly the same effect on life span(寿命) as smoking.
29.We may learn from Paragraph 1 thatD.
A.the decline of exercise rates is newly discovered
B.the study suggests 31% of female adults get too little exercise
C.the good enough data has been collected from only one country
D.the industrial revolution has changed the way people live to some degree
30.According to the study,women of LuxembourgD.
A.have little time to exercise
B.hate to get regular exercise
C.take more exercise to lose weight
D.exercise more than men in their country
31.The underlined word"slothful"in Paragraph 3 most probably meansC.
A.powerful         B.rich         C.lazy         D.unpopular
32.What can be the best title for the text?A
A.Worldwide Lack of Enough Exercise           
B.New Health Discovery
C.Evolvement of Human Beings              
D.Benefits of Taking Exercise.

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