
Positive thinkers admit when they feel frustrated or depressed,they don't ignore it.But they don't blame themselves either.1.They counter(反击)them with more positive ones.

So how do you stay positive,maintain motivated and sustain healthy behaviors?Here are some tips:

Look for a good role model.There is always someone who seems to be doing just what you want to be doing. Maybe they've scheduled exercise into their workday and switched from coffee to green tea.2.Ask them how they keep healthy and follow their footsteps.

3.Take a minute to give yourself an ego boost(自我吹捧).Repeat some motivational words out loud to yourself.Negative talk such as "I can't do it." "I'm fat." is dangerous for your well-being and healthy goals.Try to avoid the negative self—talk before it harms you.Remind yourself that you deserve happiness and can make positive changes.

Get support.Tell your friends and family about your healthy habits.It helps to have an encouraging network.

Reward yourself.4.Take a nice bath,get a massage,and enjoy a new DVD or CD.

Have a plan.Making a plan to exercise or eat healthy lunches with a friend can mean the difference of sticking with your goals or falling off rack.If you've planned for an activity,you'll like stick with it.You may even find that writing down your goals and steps to achieve them can help you stay on track.Take it day by day or week by week.5.

A.Try some positive self-talk and avoid negative talk.

B.Stay with your parents and relatives and you can avoid frustration or depression.

C.Treat yourself to something for your healthy efforts.

D.They try to understand the negative thoughts and feelings,instead.

E.Learn from a successful friend,family member or colleague.

F.The process of writing down your personal action plan is a good way to watch your progress or failures.

G..Believe in yourself and do as others do.

11.Helsinki is offering young people the chance to rent a cheap apartment in an old people's home,if they agree to spend time socializing with the elderly residents.
The city council is seeking applications from renters under the age of 25 who will commit to spending between three and five hours each week with their older neighbours,at a care home in the eastern Laajasalo district.In exchange,they'll get a studio flat measuring 23 square meters with a private kitchen,bathroom and balcony for 250 euros per month.
Currently only three flats are available,but the scheme is part of a wider effort to deal with a lack of accommodation for young people in the capital.Ordinarily a studio costs about 600 euros a month,depending on the area,one local university advises.
Those who apply don't need any specific care experience."There are staff to look after the elderly,"project manager Miki Mielonen tells Yle."We are looking for young people who maybe have a different perspective on everyday life,who will bring variety and recreation to the elderly residents."
More than 60 people have applied for the spaces in less than a week,and the idea has also been widely recognized by Finns on social media."Great project,hopefully it will spread to other areas,"writes one person on Facebook,while another applauds the scheme for bringing different generations together.
But some wish it were open to more people,with one user saying:"It's a shame that the flats are so small.It would have been nice if the elderly had a small family with children or a single parent as their neighbour."And one person has a different opinion about the cut-off age,writing:"What a shame I'm too old for this-I would have surely applied."

28.One can probably get the cheap apartment if heC.
A.reaches the age of 25
B.has financial problems
C.promises to accompany the elderly
D.agrees to share it
29.Why is the new rent scheme accepted?A
A.It can benefit both the young and the old.
B.It doesn't need any professional training.
C.The flats are well-equipped.
D.Big apartments are in short supply.
30.What does the underlined sentence suggest?C
A.He doesn't want to grow up.
B.He has a chance to apply again.
C.He disapproves of the age limit.
D.He applies for the flat without hesitation.
31.What would be the best title of the text?A
A.Young Finns offered cheap flats at a care home
B.New apartments designed for the elderly
C.A new approach to caring for the old
D.A good chance for the needy families.
9.I stopped at my bank last week to deposit a check.I could have used the ATM,but I am so glad that I didn't because if I had,I probably would not have met Harold.
There were 3 or 4 people ahead of me in the line-up,so I amused myself by watching TV,just waiting my turn.Moments passed.Then,directly in front of me,a tiny elder woman,who was now first in line,started toward one of the counters.But the customer before her didn't finish,so she had to step back.Her backward movement caused my attention to be drawn to the customer directly ahead of us.As he was facing the counter,I could see only his white hair and the bright red team jacket.I heard him say to the teller in a deep,strong voice…"Have a Great Day!"and the teller replied,"You too,Harold-see you next week!"
The impatient woman again made her move,heading for the counter.As she passed him,Harold looked up,directly at me,saying,"You are a handsome man,sir."I was so surprised by his statement and struck by the genuine warmth and generosity that filled it that I blurted out"Thank you,sir."instantly reaching out to shake his hand,out even realizing that he was walking with a walking stick.He switched it to his left hand and took my hand in his warm and firm grip."I really care about you!"He spoke again.Then he reached out to the next person in line and said,"I really care about you,too!"
I was so overcome by his innocent and sincere gift!He was like a 4-year-old,who walked up to everyone,inviting them to play with him.I wondered to myself afterwards.How was he attained this state of grace?Imagine the warm feeling he leaves behind his as he sails through this world,touching people for just a moment.He dropped a stone into the peaceful ocean of my reality that is still rippling outward as you hear and hopefully,some of what Harold so unselfishly pass on to me,that In attempt to pass on to you-I really care about you!

25.What made the author notice Harold?C
A.The woman's impatience.
B.Harold's deep and strong voice.
C.The woman's backward movement.
D.Harold's white hair and bright red team jacket.
26.Why did Harold say"I really care about you!"to the author?B
A.To express appreciation for his help.
B.To pass on his warmth and generosity.
C.To praise him for his being handsome.
D.To greet his old friend in a special way.
27.What can we learn from the last paragraph?D
A.Harold gave a gift to the author.
B.Harold liked to play with others.
C.Harold's words attracted people.
D.Harold's words touched the author.
     Born in America,Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.He was once thought to be a boy who was not worthy educating.Later,however,he turned on to be a man full of imagination.
     I admire Edison a lot because his great contributions to the world.He had more than 1,000 invention.In his life time,he was always eager to know how things worked,that helped him to have the nickname"the Wizard of Melo Park".He was also so diligent that he worked day and night.And this explained how he had so many great inventions.
     What impresses me much is his famous saying,"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percents perspiration."Probably I cannot be an Edison by myself,but I can be a hardworking teammate.From him,I realize the secret to success is not when or where you were born,and what you are doing and how you do it in your life.

“Privacy”is translated as“yin si”in Chinese.Traditionally,in the Chinese mind,“yin si”is associated with that which is closed or unfair.If someone is said to have“yin si”,meddlers(好事者)will be attracted to pry(打探)into his or her affairs.So people always state that they don't have“yin si”.

On the contrary,Americans often declare intention to protect their privacy.Their understanding of privacy is that others have no right to pry into things which belong to themselves alone and have nothing to do with others.One who is too curious and who spreads rumors is said to violate the right to privacy.

In the evening,Sonia and I went to a bar for dinner.In China,when people mention bars,something bad usually comes to mind.But here,the bar was a quiet and tastefully laid?out place.People spoke quite softly,afraid of interrupting their neighbors,and sat face to face as they drank,sometimes three or five persons sitting together.

This sort of atmosphere was totally different from my preconception(传统观念),so I wanted to take a picture.Sonia stopped me,“Don't you see these people are pouring out their hearts?Maybe they are colleagues,friends,secret lovers.They came here looking for a peaceful place free from interruption by others.They wouldn't want to leave any trace of their having come here.So taking their pictures would be a serious violation of their right to privacy.”

Is there privacy between husband and wife?One of Sonia's friends married a talented Chinese man,but recently she became so angry that she wanted a divorce(离婚).The reason was that her husband had opened one of her letters and looked through her purse.The husband didn't realize that this is not tolerated in the U.S.. He thought that being a couple was like being one person;why couldn't he see the letter or the contents of the purse?Truly,everyone,even those living as a couple,needs room—not only in three?dimensional(三维)space,but in the heart.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

A. The understanding of“privacy”is different in China and America.

B. There is privacy between husband and wife in America.

C. Everyone has the right to privacy.

D. Everyone in every country needs room for himself.

2.One of Sonia's friends wanted a divorce because____.

A. she thought her husband was not clever enough

B. her husband didn't respect her right to privacy

C. her husband always looked through her purse

D. her husband always opened her letters

3.Which of the following statements is NOT the American's understanding of privacy?

A. Privacy is connected with something that is unfair and bad.

B. Other people have no right to pry into his or her affairs.

C. There is privacy even between couples.

D. The right to privacy shouldn't be violated by others.

Do Actions Speak Louder than Words?

Our society is fast paced.We are all rushing from one place to the next,blowing our horn(喇叭)at slow drivers who may be singing songs in the car with their children or pointing out some interesting sights.We don't have time for that silliness today.But we try to say to ourselves that we will make time for fun tomorrow.It is time to take a few deep breaths and think about our actions and our words.1.

Have you ever really thought about the saying "Actions speak louder than words?" Think about it now.If you say one thing and act in an opposite way,will the words be ignored and just the actions remembered?I don't think so.2.It is also equally important to use words to show appreciation,love,approval and happiness and then follow those words with a hug,pat on the back or smile.

3.What about that saying?True?Yes!Words carry a lot of weight and will be remembered for years especially when they are written down.Mean words can hurt for that moment and for a lifetime.I am sure that each of us remember a time when a friend made an unkind comment.4.Let's not be a member of that "club".When was the last time that you hid a love note in a lunch box or in your mate's coat pocket? If you want to see a bright smile, that will do it!

The power of this written note will be remembered for many days,even years."I can live for two months on a good compliment(夸奖),"said Mark Twain.Children grow stronger when they feel appreciated and understood.5.

A perfect way to turn a bad day around is to praise your child."I noticed that your hair looked very nice today.Did you hang your coat up all by yourself? "It is amazing how those few words can change a child's outlook...almost immediately.Don't stop there...One of my sisters ended a phone conversation with three words-"I love you!" Boy,that put a spring in my step!Mark Twain is right.I still feel the positive effect of those three little but very powerful words.

A.The pen is more powerful than the sword.

B.Is it really reasonable to do something like that?

C.Do they show the attitude that we want to convey?

D.It is important to have your words match your actions.

E.Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image(映像).

F.Those words did lasting damage to you,the relationship or both.

G..Don't be afraid to shower your child with encouraging words all day long.

8.How can a person stand out in a country of 1.35billion?One safe,inexpensive and relatively stress-free way is to choose a(n) (61)unusual (usual) English name.
Chinese people usually get (62)an English name in high school or college English class.Others get one once they start working and regularly deal with (63)foreigners (foreign),who often have trouble (64)pronouncing (pronounce) their Chinese names.
Many students (65)are given (give) traditional English names by their teachers,or end up with common ones that sound like their Chinese names (for example,David for Dawi and Tracy for Cui Li).
The rest go with whatever word appeals to them,(66)including (include) adjectives (Vivid),verbs (Happen),animals (Dolphin),brands (KFC) and common nouns (Tears).
Then there are the creative types like Cereal,a kind of main food more commonly (67)found (find) on breakfast tables than business cards,but (68)there is no doubt that an English name makes an impression.
What's more special,the parents of 3-year-old Arwenry came up with the name of a character in the novel The Lord of the Rings (Arwen) with part of (69)their (they) daughter's Chinese name (Rui).
But nothing screams unique like Uniqueen.The combination of"unique"and"queen"comes from a Beijing teenager who wanted a name more unforgettable (70)than Angel.

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