
19.Companies trying to market products to mothers need to head onto the Internet with a survey showing the mothers today are online daily,using Facebook to connect to friends and Google to diagnose(诊断)illnesses.
A survey by parenting website BabyCenter.corn found 63% of online mothers now use social media networks such as Facebook regularly,compared to only 11% three years ago."They don't watch TV as much,they are not reading magazines as much,but instead they check Facebook where people are really drawn together over parenting questions,"BabyCenter's Editor-in-Chief Linda said."One of the major activities is looking for comments on products.They are information seeking,particularly when it comes to babies,and companies need to realize this."
Companies also need to know their market well as mothers are sharing information-and complaints-online regularly.
A drug company learned the hard way last November when online mothers found an ad targeting moms to be offensivedl(冒犯的),which result in a hot debate on the micro-blogging site Twitter.The company had to take the video ad down from its website and apologized for any offense caused.
The online survey also found that mothers aren't going to the doctor as often.Instead they are using the Internet to find out what is wrong with their children and,when they do go to the doctor,asking which drug they should use rather than for a diagnosis.In online communities children's health issues are the leading topic of interest rating as high as 91 percent followed by childhood development tips at 79 percent and product reviews at 72 percent.

72.The survey by parenting website BabyCenter.corn mainly intends toD.
    A.better understand some parenting questions
    B.help mothers how to find the products they prefer
    C.provide best online services for children's growth
    D.find out what mothers today do when they're online
73.What Linda has said suggestsC.
    A.mothers online prefer product quality
    B.mothers often seek opinions before buying
    C.companies should take mothers'comments seriously
    D.companies should focus on mothers'likes and dislikes
74.The writer takes the drug company's lesson as an example toA
    A.discuss the influences of online mothers
    B.advise companies not to advertise online
    C.persuade more mothers turn to the Internet
    D.make mothers realize the importance of ads
75.According to the last paragraph,mothers onlineD
    A.don't trust the doctors any more
    B.still go to the doctor's for a diagnosis
    C.become their children's family doctors
    D.prefer surfing online for children's illness.

分析 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项调查显示现在的母亲们上网主要是在facebook上进行网络社交以及利用谷歌诊断疾病.母亲们极为关注网络上的育婴信息以及孩子的健康和成长教育信息.同时也举例说明了她们在网络上有很大的影响力,提醒公司应当注意母亲们的评价以及意见.

解答 72.D.目的意图题.由第一段段意,调查发现现在的母亲上网用facebook联系朋友和用google诊断疾病,可推知调查的目的是弄明白现在的母亲们上网的主要目的.故选D.73.C.推理判断题.由第三段句意,公司需要定期了解母亲们反馈的信息和投诉意见,可推出C选项公司应当认真考虑母亲们的评价."take sth seriously",意为认真、严肃对待某事.故选C.
74.A.推理判断题.第四段段意,一个母亲发现有个公司的广告冒犯了妈妈们,因此引发了一场热议,最终,"The company had to take the video ad down from its website and apologized for any offense caused"公司不得不从网上撤下了广告并道歉.由此可推断现在网上的妈妈们影响力很大.故选A.
75.D.细节理解题.由最后一段内容可知母亲们在孩子生病的时候会在网上查找确定孩子们是什么病,应当什么时候求诊以及吃什么药,rather than for a diagnosis(而不是去医院诊断).故选D.

点评 本篇阅读难度一般,主要是考察学生对文章大意的理解以及对细节的把握.考生应尤其注意文章的首段、尾段以及各段的首句,它们往往是段意的归纳,读懂了这些句子,就可以更快把握全文大意以及迅速对题干选项做出判断.

12.Our world is a noisy place,but quiet places remain.Eight years ago,audio (声音的) engineer Gordon Hempton identified the quietest place in the continental United States.He calls the place"One Square Inch of Silence."He has used his symbolic spot in a northwestern rain forest to campaign against noise pollution.But the self-described"Sound Tracker"is now going deaf.
    For Gordon Hempton,it started with an experience known to many people."I was lying in the bed in the springtime about a year ago.The sun was shining.The birds could be singing.They should be singing.But I was hearing none.I knew my life was going to be different."
    Hempton's eyes get watery as he describes his cruel situation.More than 20 years ago he trademarked his nickname as"The Sound Tracker."Sharp hearing defined his career as an Emmy award winning sound recordist.It also led to his activism against noise pollution.He has circled the globe three times in search of the perfect sounds of nature.
    Hempton says his hearing loss is quickly getting worse but he has to finish his project.
"I am running a race to finish the Quiet Planet collection."That's the title of a planned 19-volume set of nature recordings.The sound tracks could be licensed for use in movies,video games,exhibits,plays and the like.Volunteer assistants now help Hempton review and edit sound files and identify imperfections.
    The exact cause of his hearing loss is not clear.Doctors say it may be the result of an infection,or a tumor (肿瘤) or a combination of things.Hempton is self-employed.His health care plan does not pay for hearing loss treatment.So,for now,he's directing his attention to completing his"greatest hits"album."After I get it finished,I have an economic cash flow to get my hearing back.That's the first thing on my to-do list."He's hopeful his hearing loss can be recovered.
61.What do we know about Gordon Hempton according to the text?C
A.He never won an Emmy award
B.He fights against air pollution.
C.He works as an audio engineer
D.He likes living in the United States.
62.How did Gordon Hempton feel when he knew his ears were going deaf?D
63.What contributed most to his successful career?A
A.His sharp hearing
B.His reliable assistants.
C.Travelling experiences
D.The sounds of nature.
64.What is Gordon Hempton doing now?D
A.Listening to the birds in the forest
B.Receiving medical care in the hospital.
C.Doing activities for noise pollution
D.Working on the Quiet Planet collection.
65.What may be the best title of the text?B
A.Searching for the sound of nature
B.Successful Sound-Tracker going deaf.
C.Deaf fighter against noise pollution
D.Hoping to get the hearing back.
14.Teofilo Stevenson was born in 1952 and grew up in a small town in Cuba.He started boxing as a teenager and,when he was 13,went to Havana to train at the national sports complex."I lost 14 of my first 20 fights,"said Stevenson."I hated getting hit.What happened was that I decided I hated losing even more."
When he was just 20,Teofilo went to the Olympic Games in Germany and won a gold medal.He was tall and powerful with a long"reach".His long arms could hit opponents (对手) before they could hit him.At the Games in Canada in 1976 he won the gold again.In the ring,boxers were afraid of Teofilo,they tried to stay away from him and not get too close to his powerful punches (拳).He won another gold medal in Moscow in 1980.Only two of the fights he had at the Olympic Games lasted for the full three rounds.That means he either knocked his opponents to the floor and they were counted out or the referee stopped the fight because it was dangerous for the other boxer.
Stevenson was such a good boxer that people wanted him to turn professional.After he had won his first gold medal,managers and famous promoters started to offer him money to fight around the world.Teofilo turned them all down.He wanted to stay in Cuba and didn't want to fight for money or fame.
Lots of people think that Teofilo Stevenson was as good as the famous boxer Muhammad Ali,but the two fighters never fought each other.They did meet outside the ring and the two men are now friends.Teofilo thinks"it would have been a draw"if they had fought.
Teofilo now works for the Cuban Ministry of Sport and he is also the vice president of the Cuban Boxing Federation.He likes spending his time with his family and he is still regarded as a legend (传奇) around the world.
56.We can learn from Paragraph 1 that StevensonC.
    A.was an excellent boxer as a teenager
    B.hated boxing very much when he was young
    C.lost most of his fights when he started boxing
    D.refused to fight because of getting hit as a teenager
57.What does Paragraph 2 aim to tell us?B
    A.Stevenson's way of winning fights in the Olympic Games.
    B.Stevenson's great success in Olympic Games.
    C.The number of fights that Stevenson had in the Olympic Games.
    D.Stevenson never lost a fight after he was 20 years old.
58.Stevenson refused to turn professional becauseD.
    A.he was afraid of being defeated
    B.he hated the managers and promoters
    C.he was not short of money
    D.he didn't want to fight for money or fame
59.From Stevenson's words"it would have been a draw"in Paragraph 4 we can infer that StevensonA.
    A.was a boxer as great as Muhammad Ali
    B.was eager to have a fight with Muhammad Ali
    C.thought the fight with Muhammad Ali would be dull
    D.predict that he would lose the fight with Muhammad Ali
60.What can be a proper title for the text?B
    A.Teofilo Stevenson-the most successful boxer
    B.Teofilo Stevenson-Olympic boxing legend
    C.Teofilo Stevenson's way of Olympic successes
    D.A boxer star who failed to turn professional.
4.Beijing,April 2----Starting from this year,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will begin to promote a home medical service.With this service a medical team which is made up of a doctor,a nurse and a medical health worker will be sent to some communities in the city.They will set up a medical filing recorder for every resident in community and publicize their contact information to them.If people in the community feel sick,they can consult their community doctor first.If community doctors cannot treat their illness,they will then be transferred to large hospitals.Liang Wan,deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau,made the statement last Friday.
   In addition,the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau will set up some funds to train home medical service workers for families whose members suffer either from high blood pressure,diabetes,cerebral apoplexy,or coronary heart disease.The home medical service workers will remind patients to take pills on time and lead the patients to follow some health tips in their daily life.They will also learn some practical knowledge to save patients in case of an emergency.
The work will first begin in the medical service room in the 25 community centers and spread to all communities in Beijing.The disease prevention and control centers at various counties and districts in Beijing will be responsible for teaching community doctors and giving home medical service lectures,or advice.These workers will not be able to work until they pass related examination and obtain the work certificates.It is expected that by the end of this year,there will be 10000 home medical service workers in Beijing.
31.Where does a person go to see first if he gets sick according to the passage?A
A.The community clinics
B.Large hospital.
C.Private clinic
D.Small hospital.
32.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?D
A.The medical team which is made up of a doctor,a nurse and a medical health worker will set up a medical filing record for every resident.
B.The home medical service workers not only give some healthy suggestions to the patients,but also learn practical knowledge about first aid.
C.Some funds will be provided by Beijing Municipal Health Bureau for home medical service training.
D.The government aims to offer the home medical service for free.
33.If you want to work as a home medical worker,you need toD
A.receive the training about medical service.
B.pass related examinations.
C.obtain the work certificates.
D.All the above.
34.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.All communities in Beijing have started home medical service.
B.People in Beijing will not easily get ill.
C.Medical service in Beijing will be promoted greatly in the future.
D.The other cities in China should learn from Beijing.
35.The main purpose of the passage isB
A.to introduce community service in Beijing.
B.to report home medical service available in Beijing.
C.to provide some efficient treatments for diseases in community.
D.to describe a special medical team in Beijing.
11.Developed and developing nations can learn from each other seeking a low-carbon economy,a Chinese government official said in Shanghai yesterday.
China doesn't lag developed nations in terms of energy saving and green economy,said Zhou Changyi,director of the energy saving department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
"While we can learn many aspects from developed nations,they also should learn something from us,such as water conservation,"Zhou said in a speech during the new Path of China's Industrilization forum at the ongoning China International Industry Fair 2009.
He said industrilized nations and China are dealing with different issues to combat climate change.The United Kingdom,for example,is concerned about transport,buildings and new energy in reducing carbon emmissions.For China,the most urgent task is how to realize new-type of industrilization and avoid mistakes that other countries made when they industrilized.
As such,overseas exhibitors at this year's fair are showing ways to help China achieve low carbon emissions in the industrial section.
Swiss power and automation technology group ABB called for a stronger focus on product life-cycle assesment,or LCA,which is used to study the environmental impact of a product fromthe research  and manufaturing stage through its usage and recycling.
Tobias Becker,head of ABB'S process automation division for North Asia and China,said LCA is an effective tool in helping manufacturing industries to reduce carbon emissions.
LAC shows that industrial customers should focus on a product's environmental impact throughout its life cycle instead of on its initial investment or ready-to-use stage.For example,a motor's initial investment accounts for only 3percent of its life-cycle cost,while 94percent goes to fuel consumption and the rest to maintenance.
Richard Hausmann,North East Asia CEO of Siemens,said,"The color of future industrilization is green."
The Germany Company recently announce it wants to receive orders worth more than 6billion Euros (US 8.8billion) for intelligent net power networks,Smart Grid,over the next five years.Siemens has set a 20percent market share target for the global smart grid business.
A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology,advanced sensors speicialized computers that save energy,reduce costs and increase reliability.The United States and China are considered the two biggest markets for smart grid.

66."A"can replace the underlined word"lag".
A.fall behind          B.be superior to
C.attack               D.fear
67.Which of the following about LCA is correct?B
A.LCA is used to study the impact on a product.
B.LCA can help manufacturing industries decrease carbon release a lot.
C.LCA shows industrial sustomers should focus on a product's environmental influence on its initial investment.
D. LCA was one of the exhibitions at this year's fair.
68.We can inferD from the eleventh paragraph of this passage.
A.Siemens has has occupied 20percent market share for the global smart grid business.
B.Siemens received orders worth 6billion euros recently.
C.Siemens will earn US$ 8.8billion from intelligent power networks.
D.Siemens'plan about Smart Grid may come true in the future.
69.D about Smart Grid isn't mentioned in the passage.
A.Energy-saving      B.Low-cost        C.Rely           D.Small in size
70.The the best title for the passageB.
A.Developed and Developing Nations Can Learn From Each Other.
B.Low-carbon Economy-a Shared Goal.
C.Intelligent Power Networks.
D.Two Biggest Markets for Smart Grid.

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