
8.The film's message,_______ Damon told The Guardian last month,is that"art is important and,
sometimes,art is worth dying for."(  )

分析 正如达蒙上个月告诉《卫报》的,这部电影的消息是:"艺术是很重要的,有时,艺术是值得追求的."

解答 答案:B.
分析句子结构以及逗号可知,"_______ Damon told The Guardian last month"是非限制性定语从句,what、one不能引导定语从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故排除A、C、D,所以选B.

点评 考查非限制性定语从句.做这类题型时,首先要判断从句是否是定语从句;然后分析从句的句子成分,缺主语、表语、宾语、定语用关系代词,缺状语时用关系副词;最后看先行词,根据句意,得出答案.

19.Companies trying to market products to mothers need to head onto the Internet with a survey showing the mothers today are online daily,using Facebook to connect to friends and Google to diagnose(诊断)illnesses.
A survey by parenting website BabyCenter.corn found 63% of online mothers now use social media networks such as Facebook regularly,compared to only 11% three years ago."They don't watch TV as much,they are not reading magazines as much,but instead they check Facebook where people are really drawn together over parenting questions,"BabyCenter's Editor-in-Chief Linda said."One of the major activities is looking for comments on products.They are information seeking,particularly when it comes to babies,and companies need to realize this."
Companies also need to know their market well as mothers are sharing information-and complaints-online regularly.
A drug company learned the hard way last November when online mothers found an ad targeting moms to be offensivedl(冒犯的),which result in a hot debate on the micro-blogging site Twitter.The company had to take the video ad down from its website and apologized for any offense caused.
The online survey also found that mothers aren't going to the doctor as often.Instead they are using the Internet to find out what is wrong with their children and,when they do go to the doctor,asking which drug they should use rather than for a diagnosis.In online communities children's health issues are the leading topic of interest rating as high as 91 percent followed by childhood development tips at 79 percent and product reviews at 72 percent.

72.The survey by parenting website BabyCenter.corn mainly intends toD.
    A.better understand some parenting questions
    B.help mothers how to find the products they prefer
    C.provide best online services for children's growth
    D.find out what mothers today do when they're online
73.What Linda has said suggestsC.
    A.mothers online prefer product quality
    B.mothers often seek opinions before buying
    C.companies should take mothers'comments seriously
    D.companies should focus on mothers'likes and dislikes
74.The writer takes the drug company's lesson as an example toA
    A.discuss the influences of online mothers
    B.advise companies not to advertise online
    C.persuade more mothers turn to the Internet
    D.make mothers realize the importance of ads
75.According to the last paragraph,mothers onlineD
    A.don't trust the doctors any more
    B.still go to the doctor's for a diagnosis
    C.become their children's family doctors
    D.prefer surfing online for children's illness.
16.There was a time when we thought humans were special in so many ways.Now we know better.We are not the only species that feels emotions,or follows a moral code.Neither are we the only ones with personalities,cultures and the ability to design and use tools.Yet we all agree that one thing,at least,makes us unique:we alone have the ability of language.
It turns out that we are not so special in this aspect either.Key to the revolutionary reassessment of our talent for communication is the way we think about language itself.Where once it was seen as an unusual object,today scientists find it is more productive to think of language as a group of abilities.Viewed this way,it becomes apparent that the component parts of language are not as unique as the whole.
Take gesture,arguably the starting point for language.Until recently,it was considered uniquely human-but not any more.Mike Tomasello of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,Germany,and others have collected a list of gestures observed in monkeys and some other animals,which reveals that gestures play a large role in their communication.Ape (猿) gestures can involve touch,vocalising or eye movement,and individuals wait until they have another ape's attention before making visual or auditory gestures.If their gestures go unacknowledged,they will often repeat them.
In an experiment carried out in 2006by Erica Cartmill and Richard Byrne from the University of St Andrews in the UK,they got a person to sit on a chair with some highly desirable food such as banana to one side of apes and some undesirable food such as vegetables to the other.The apes,who could see the person and the food from their enclosures,gestured at their human partners to encourage them to push the desirable food their way.If the person showed incomprehension and offered the vegetables,the animals would change their gestures-just as humans would in a similar situation.If the human seemed to understand while being somewhat confused,giving only half the preferred food,the apes would repeat and exaggerate their gestures-again in exactly the same way a human would.Such findings highlight the fact that the gestures of the animals are not merely inborn but are learned,flexible and under voluntary control-all characteristics that are considered preconditions for human-like communication.

73.Compared with all the other animals,we agree that humans aloneB.
A.own the ability to show their personalities
B.are capable of using language to communicate
C.have moral standards and follow them in society
D.are intelligent enough to release and control emotions
74.According to the passage,humans are not so special in language ability because languageC.
A.involves some abilities that can be mastered by animals
B.is a talent impossibly owned by other animals
C.can be divided into different components
D.are productive for some talented animals
75.Which of the statements can be concluded from the passage?A
A.Some animals can try to use body languages as communication methods.
B.Gestures,the starting point for language,are considered uniquely human.
C.Some animals such as apes and monkeys share some common gestures codes.
D.When gestures are misunderstood,apes will often try to express in a new way.
76.What can we learn from the experiment by Cartmill and Byrne?C
A.Apes can use language to communicate with the help of humans.
B.Repeating and exaggerating gestures is vital in language communication.
C.Some animals can learn to express and communicate through some trials.
D.The preferred food stimulates some animals to use language to communicate.
77.What is probably the best title of the passage?B
A.Language involves gestures!
B.Animals language-gestures!
C.So you think humans are unique?
D.The similarity between humans and apes.

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