
Incontemporary society,it's not what we say but what we dothatcounts/matters.

分析 在当代社会,重要的不是我们所说的话,而是我们所做的事情.

解答 答案:contemporary; that counts/matters.
考查强调句式.句子里contemporary表示"当代的",修饰名词society;it's…that是强调句式,强调主语not what we say but what we do,表示"不是我们所说的话,而是我们所做的事情".count/matter"重要,有意义".

点评 考查汉译英.
强调句,是基本语法,是一种修辞,是人们为了表达自己的意愿或情感而使用的一种形式.英语常用的强调结构是"It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that)…".

14.Motorists who used to listen to the radio or their favorite tunes on CDs may have a new way to entertain themselves,after engineers in Japan developed a musical road surface.
A team from the Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute has built a number of"melody roads",which use cars as tuning forks to play music as they travel.
The concept works by using grooves(凹槽).They are cut at very specific intervals in the road surface.The melody road uses the spaces between to create different notes.
Depending on how far apart the grooves are,a car moving over them will produce a series of high or low notes,and designers are able to create a distinct tune.
Paten documents for the design describe it as notches"formed in a road surface so as to play a melody without producing simple sound or rhythm and reproduce melody-like tones."
There are three musical strips in central and northern Japan-one of which plays the tune of a Japanese pop song.Reports say the system was invented by Shizuo Shinoda.He scraped some markings into a road with a bulldozer before driving over them and found that they helped to produce all kinds of tones.
The optimal speed for melody road is 44kph,but people say it is not always easy to get the intended sound.
"You need to keep the car windows closed to hear well,"wrote one Japanese blogger."Driving too fast will sound like playing fast forward,while driving around 12mph[20km/h]has a slow-motion effect,making you almost car-sick."
28.We can learn from the passage that the highness of notes is depended on.A
A.how far the grooves are        
B.how big the grooves are
C.the number of the grooves
D.the speed of the car
29.The underlined word"optimal"in the passage might meanC
A.fastest    B.possible      C.best      D.slowest
30.In order to hear the music well,you have toD
A.drive very fast
B.drive slowly    
C.open the windows wide
D.keep the windows closed
31.What's the best title of the passage?B
A.A New Type of Music
B.Melody Roads in Japan
C.A Musical Road Surface
D.A New Invention in Japan.
3.1 If your in-box is currently reporting unread messages in the hundreds or thousands,you might have a hard time believing the news:e-mail is on the decline.
At first blush,that might seem to be the case.The incoming generation,after all,doesn't do e-mail.Oh,they might have an account.They use it only as we would a fax machine:as a means to communicate with old-school folks like their parents or to fulfill the sign-up requirements of Web sites.They rarely check it,though.
Today's instant electronic memos-such as texting and Facebook and Twitter messages-are more direct,more concentrated,more efficient.They go without the salutation(称呼语)and the signoff;we already know the"to"and"from."Many corporations are moving to messaging networks for exactly that reason:more signal,less noise and less time.This trend is further evidence that store-and-forward systems such as e-mail and voicemail are outdated.Instead of my leaving you a lengthy message that you pick up later,I can now send you an unobtrusive,easily-consumed message that you can read-and respond to-on the go.
The decline of e-mail corresponds neatly to the dawn of the mobile era.Instantaneous(及时)written messages are different.These are neatly tailored to fit in just about any time:before a movie,in a taxi,waiting for lunch.And because these notes are invariably brief,they're a natural for smartphone typing.With these formats,you also have control over who can correspond with you,which you usually don't in e-mail.And especially on Facebook,instant messaging can take on the character of a chat room,where several people can talk at once.
Does this mean e-mail is on its way to the dustbin of digital history?Not necessarily.E-mail still has certain advantages.Whereas tweets and texts feel ephemeral-you read them,then they're gone,into an endless string,e-mail still feels like something you have and that you can file,search and return to later.It's easy to imagine that it will continue to feel more appropriate for formal communications:agreements,important news,longer explanations.
So,e-mail won't go away completely.Remember,we've been through a transition like this not so long ago:when e-mail was on the rise,people said that postal mail was dead.That's not how it works.Postal mail found its smaller niche,and so will e-mail.Technology rarely replaces an institution completely; it just adds new avenues.
E-mail down,messaging up.Now go clean out your in-box.
62.What would the incoming generation like to do with their e-mail accounts?C
A.Contact close friends
B.Send long messages
C.Fill in some forms
D.Communicate with their colleagues
63.Paragraphs 3-4 are important to the passage in that theyB.
A.illustrate the preferences of the young generation
B.explain the possible reasons behind the decline of e-mail
C.reveal the rapid development of e-communication channels
D.offer evidence about the uncertain future of easily-consumed messages
64.What does the underlined word"ephemeral"in paragraph 5 mean?D
A.Conveniently-sent          B.Randomly-written
C.Hardly readable               D.Short-lived
65.What does the author think of e-mail being replaced?A
A.Negative            B.Indifferent         C.Ambiguous        D.Doubtful.

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