
3.1 If your in-box is currently reporting unread messages in the hundreds or thousands,you might have a hard time believing the news:e-mail is on the decline.
At first blush,that might seem to be the case.The incoming generation,after all,doesn't do e-mail.Oh,they might have an account.They use it only as we would a fax machine:as a means to communicate with old-school folks like their parents or to fulfill the sign-up requirements of Web sites.They rarely check it,though.
Today's instant electronic memos-such as texting and Facebook and Twitter messages-are more direct,more concentrated,more efficient.They go without the salutation(称呼语)and the signoff;we already know the"to"and"from."Many corporations are moving to messaging networks for exactly that reason:more signal,less noise and less time.This trend is further evidence that store-and-forward systems such as e-mail and voicemail are outdated.Instead of my leaving you a lengthy message that you pick up later,I can now send you an unobtrusive,easily-consumed message that you can read-and respond to-on the go.
The decline of e-mail corresponds neatly to the dawn of the mobile era.Instantaneous(及时)written messages are different.These are neatly tailored to fit in just about any time:before a movie,in a taxi,waiting for lunch.And because these notes are invariably brief,they're a natural for smartphone typing.With these formats,you also have control over who can correspond with you,which you usually don't in e-mail.And especially on Facebook,instant messaging can take on the character of a chat room,where several people can talk at once.
Does this mean e-mail is on its way to the dustbin of digital history?Not necessarily.E-mail still has certain advantages.Whereas tweets and texts feel ephemeral-you read them,then they're gone,into an endless string,e-mail still feels like something you have and that you can file,search and return to later.It's easy to imagine that it will continue to feel more appropriate for formal communications:agreements,important news,longer explanations.
So,e-mail won't go away completely.Remember,we've been through a transition like this not so long ago:when e-mail was on the rise,people said that postal mail was dead.That's not how it works.Postal mail found its smaller niche,and so will e-mail.Technology rarely replaces an institution completely; it just adds new avenues.
E-mail down,messaging up.Now go clean out your in-box.
62.What would the incoming generation like to do with their e-mail accounts?C
A.Contact close friends
B.Send long messages
C.Fill in some forms
D.Communicate with their colleagues
63.Paragraphs 3-4 are important to the passage in that theyB.
A.illustrate the preferences of the young generation
B.explain the possible reasons behind the decline of e-mail
C.reveal the rapid development of e-communication channels
D.offer evidence about the uncertain future of easily-consumed messages
64.What does the underlined word"ephemeral"in paragraph 5 mean?D
A.Conveniently-sent          B.Randomly-written
C.Hardly readable               D.Short-lived
65.What does the author think of e-mail being replaced?A
A.Negative            B.Indifferent         C.Ambiguous        D.Doubtful.

分析 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,属于议论文,如果您的收件箱目前正在报告数百或数千的未读邮件,您可能很难相信这个消息:电子邮件的使用正在下降.本文以此展开谈论,主要讲述了电子邮件使用下降这一现象.

解答 62.C.细节理解题.根据The incoming generation,after all,doesn't do e-mail.Oh,they might have an account.They use it only as we would a fax machine:as a means to communicate with old-school folks like their parents or to fulfill the sign-up requirements of Web sites.They rarely check it,though.可知,他们喜欢用他们的电子邮件帐户填写一些表单.故选C.
63.B.推理判断题.根据Today's instant electronic memos-such as texting and Facebook and Twitter messages-are more direct,more concentrated,more efficient.以及The decline of e-mail corresponds neatly to the dawn of the mobile era.可知,三四两段主要讲述了今天的即时电子备忘录(如发短信,Facebook和Twitter消息)更直接,更集中,更有效率,以及移动电话的普及造成电子邮件使用的下降.故选B.
64.D.词义猜测题.根据上下文内容可知,Whereas tweets and texts feel ephemeral-you read them,then they're gone,into an endless string,e-mail still feels like something you have and that you can file,search and return to later.句意为而推文和短信很短暂,你读了他们,然后他们走了,成为一个无尽的字符串,电子邮件仍然感觉像你有的东西,你可以提交,搜索和返回到从前.故ephemeral意为短暂存留的.故选D.
65.A.推理判断题.根据文章内容,尤其是So,e-mail won't go away completely.可知,作者认为电子邮件不会消失,他对此持消极反对态度.故选A.

点评 本文是一篇社会文化类阅读,题目涉及多道主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

11.Dreams are expressions of thoughts,feelings and events that pass through our minds while we are sleeping.People dream about one to two hours each night.We may have four to seven dreams in one night.Everybody dreams.But only some people can remember their dreams.
The word"dream"comes from an old word in English that means"joy"and"music".We dream in color.Our dreams often include all the senses-smells,sounds,sights,tastes and things we touch.Sometimes we dream the same dream over and over again.These repeated dreams are often unpleasant.They are bad dreams that sometimes frighten us.
Artists,writers and scientists sometimes say they get ideas from dreams.For example,the singer Paul McCartney of the Beatles said he awakened one day with the music for the song Yesterday in his head.The writer Mary Shelley said she had a very strong dream about a scientist using a machine to make an animal come alive.When she woke up,she began to write her book about a scientist named Frankenstein who made a frightening monster(妖怪).
In China,people believed that dreams were a way to visit with family members who had died.Some native American tribes(部落) and Mexican civilizations believe dreams are a different world we visit when we sleep.

28.How do people feel when they dream the same dream?D
29.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?C
A.Dreams are boring.
B.Dreams are scary.
C.Dreams are helpful.
D.Dreams are real.
30.What do Chinese people think of the dream?B
A.Dreaming is bad for life.
B.They can visit their dead family members.
C.Dream is another world for them.
D.Dream means good luck.
31.What may be the best title of the passage?B
A.Useful dreams.
C.Bad dreams.
D.New ideas from dreams.
18.Feet help us walk,run,dance,and jump.The wards feet and foot are also used in everyday speech.
To be under someone's feet means to be troublesome.In other words,you are standing too close to someone and are getting in their way.Some adults criticize(批评)children for being under foot.
Speaking of children,if someone says their home will soon have the pitter-patter of tiny feet,it means the family is expecting a baby!
Now,people who are active do not let grass grow under their feet.They are never in one place for very long.People who can think and take action at the same time are said to be able to think on their feet.
Some people appear to have it all.They have money,a good education,good looks,a great family and a large circle of friends.You could say they have the world at their feet.This means whatever they want seems to be there for them.
People who have both feet firmly on the ground are realistic and practical.They are not dreamy.You might say such a person is well grounded.If you are a bad dancer,you might be described as having two left feet.To dance well,it is better to have a right foot and a left foot.
Sam loves skiing.He thinks that it would be fun to own a ski resort(滑雪场)high in the mountains.But he knows nothing about running a business.So,he decides to get his feet wet.In other words,he wants to get used to a new situation.
He joins an organization for resort owners and attends their meetings.He travels to ski areas all over the United States.This helps Sam get his foot in the door.Having a foot in the door is a starting point.This expression comes from people selling things door-to-door.They would block the door with their foot so people couldn't close the door on them.

31.What would you say to someone who is"under your feet"?D
A.Oh,I'm terribly sorry.
B.Take off your feet!
C.Sorry for the trouble.
D.Excuse me,you are in the way.
32.Which of the following describes people who keep moving about?D
A.They are always under foot.
B.They can think on their feet.
C.They have the pitter-patter of tiny feet.
D.They never let grass grow under their feet.
33.What should you try to avoid if you want to succeed in doing something?A
A.Having two left feet.
B.Getting your feet wet.
C.Getting your foot in the door.
D.Having both feet firmly on the ground.
34.What do we know about Sam's new business?B
A.It's a big success.
B.It's not started yet.
C.It lies high in the mountains.
D.It opens only in winter.
35.What may be the best title for the passage?A
A.Use your feet properly.
B.Feet help us walk and run.
C.How to be a good dancer.
D.Ready for a new business.
15.It is interesting to see that the force of only 6 or 7 people pushing in the same direction can cause up to 1,000 pounds of force-enough to break brick walls.During a deadly stampede(逃奔),people can even die standing up.People die when pressure is put to their bodies in a front to back direction,causing them not to be able to breathe.
If you are in a crowd,the first and most important thing is to make yourself familiar with your surroundings and find different exits.No matter where you are,make sure you always know how to get out.
Make yourself aware of the type of the ground you are standing on,and know that in a crowd of moving people wet ground can cause you to fall.
When in danger,a few seconds can make a difference,giving you the possibility of making use of your escaping route.Always stay closer to the escape route.If you find yourself in the middle of a moving crowd,do not fight against the pressure,do not stand still or sit down,because you can easily get trampled(踩踏).Instead,move in the same direction of the crowd; make use of any space that may open up to move sideways to the crowd movement where the flow is weaker.
Keep your hands up by your chest,like a boxer-it gives you movement and protects your chest.If you fall,get up quickly.If you can't get up because you are injured,get someone to pull you up.If you have kids,lift them up.
If you fall and cannot get up,keep moving in the same direction of the crowd,or if that is not possible,then cover your head with your arms; do not lie on your stomach or back.

32.In a stampede people may die standing up mainly becauseA.
A.they can't breathe freely
B.they push in the same direction
C.they are not able to get up
D.they aren't familiar with the surroundings
33.What does the word deadly underlined in the first paragraph probably mean?C
A.harmful.B.shocking.C.deathly    D.hateful.
34.When in danger,to make a difference,you shouldD.
A.fight against the pressure
B.stand still where you are
C.sit down covering your head
D.move along the escape route.
35.In the passage the write mainly wants to tell usB.
A.how to stay far away from a crowd
B.what to do when you are in a crowd
C.where to go when you are in danger
D.how to get along with a big crowd.
12.Fantasies for young readers really began with the fairy tales of writers such as the Brothers Grimm.Of course,all the children who grow up reading these books and tales never,at heart,really grow up at all,for such wonderful stories are forever carved in their minds.And fairy tales are as much fun to read when we are fifty,only for memorable reasons,as they are when we are children.
But it's obvious these days that fantasies aren't only for the little ones.In 1977,23years after The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien was published,Terry Brooks published his first novel,The Sword of Shannara.It became the first work of fiction ever to appear on the New York Times Trade Paperback Bestseller List,where it remained for over five months.Following the release of Tolkien's work,earlier works of fantasy,like T.H.White's Once and Future King and Eric Eddison's The Mezentian Gate (in 1958)came out before The Sword of Shannara,but neither had an influence quite like The Sword of Shannara.Fantasies were truly reborn.
As the popularity of fantasies began to grow quickly,the film and television industry climbed aboard the bandwagon.During the eighties,the fantasy/adventure movie was born.Conan is a classic to the eighties.The lack of really good fantasy movies in the recent past can be blamed on substandard special effects.However,now,in an age of post-modern computer technology,the impossible is no longer a concern.Since the release and popularity of The Lord of the Rings,cinema screen production rights have been bought for scores of fantasy novels,from Terry Brooks to Robert Jordan.
The future of fantasies has never looked so assured.Even children's cinema has had its own successes through the big screen release of the Harry Potter series and the classic Peter Pan.While there remains a choice to go beyond the reality we know,there will always be fantasies.

65.What can we learn from the first paragraph?B
A.Children reading fairy tales never grow up.
B.Fantasies are attractive to persons of all ages.
C.Fantasies appear earlier than fairy tales.
D.The Brothers Grimm is famous for The Sword of Shannara.
66.Why were earlier fantasy movies less attractive to people?A
A.The special effects in the movies are not good enough.
B.They are not good stories.
C.The actors in the movies are poorly-skilled.
D.There are not big theaters for them.
67.What does the passage mainly talk about?C
A.Types of fantasies.
B.Famous fantasy works.
C.The development of fantasies.
D.The popularity of fantasies.
13.How to Do Man-on-the-Street InterviewsThe man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the sport.(36)D But with these tips,your first man-on-the-street interview experience can be easy.
●When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the-street interviews for a story,think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it.For example,if your topic is about environmental problems in America,you might ask,"Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?"(37)G●Hit the streets with confidence.(38)BSay,"Excuse me,I work for XYZ News,and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic."This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.
Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not inter
Don't get discouraged.
●(39)AEach interview that you get on the street shouldn't be longer than ten minutes.As soon as yo get the answer you need,move on to the next person.Make sure that as you go from interview to interview,you are getting a variety of answers.If everyone is giving you the same answer,you won't be able to use it.A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten.(40)F
●If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air,don't leave work without them.

A.Limit your time.
B.As you approach people,be polite.
C.If you don't own a camera,you can buy one.
D.For new reporters,this can seem like a challenging task.
E.To get good and useful results,ask them the same question.
F.That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.
G.With a question like this,you will get more than a"Yes"or"No"reply.

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