
【题目】 Once I had a student called Jamal. He would squirm (扭来扭去)in his chair during independent work, and he would never stay still for more than three or four minutes. Students like Jamal can confuse brand new teachers because they’re not quite sure how to support young people like him. I took a direct approach. I negotiated with Jamal. If he could give me focused work, then he could do it from anywhere in the classroom: from our classroom rug, from behind my desk, or from inside his classroom locker, which turned out to be his favorite place.

Jamal’s least favorite subject was writing, and he never wanted to read what he had written out loud in class, but we were still making progress. One day, I decided to host a mock (模拟的)2008 presidential election in my classroom. My third graders had to research and write a speech for their chosen candidate: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or John McCain. The favorite candidates were obvious, but one student chose John McCain. It was Jamal. Jamal finally decided to read something that he had written out loud in class, and sure enough, Jamal stunned all of us with his brilliance. Just like Jamal’s dad, John McCain was a veteran, and just like Jamal’s dad protected him, Jamal believed that John McCain would protect the entire country. He wasn’t my candidate of choice, but it didn’t matter, because the entire class erupted into applause for our brave friend Jamal who finally showed up as his most confident self for the first time that year.

A lack of confidence pulls us down from the bottom and weighs us down from the top, crushing us between a flurry of can’ts and won’ts. Without confidence, we get stuck, and when we get stuck, we can’t even get started. Instead of getting mired in what can get in our way, confidence invites us to perform with certainty.

1Which of the following best describes Jamal?

A.Naughty and stubbornB.Determined but shy

C.Smart but unfocusedD.Confident and generous

2Why did Jamal choose John McCain in the mock 2008 presidential election?

A.Because John was the least popular among the three choices.

B.Because John had written something about him before.

C.Because John shared some similarities with Jamal’s father.

D.Because John was a soldier who could protect the country.

3What does the underlined word “stun” mean?


4What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To introduce the change of the authors student.

B.To show how to deal with problem students.

C.To stress the importance of encouragement.

D.To encourage us to be confident.









细节理解题。根据文章第一段Once I had a student called Jamal. He would squirm (扭来扭去)in his chair during independent work, and he would never stay still for more than three or four minutes(以前我有个学生叫Jamal。当他独立工作的时候,他会在椅子上扭动,而且他从来不会静止不动超过三、四分钟)和第二段Jamal stunned all of us with his brillianceJamal以他的才华震惊了我们所有人)可知,Jamal聪明但无法专注。故选C项。


细节理解题。根据文章第二段Just like Jamal’s dad, John McCain was a veteran, and just like Jamal’s dad protected him, Jamal believed that John McCain would protect the entire country(就像Jamal 的父亲一样,John McCain也是老兵,就像Jamal的父亲保护他一样,Jamal相信John McCain会保护整个国家)可知,Jamal选择John McCain是因为他和Jamal 的父亲有很多共同之处。 故选C项。


词义猜测题。根据第二段because the entire class erupted into applause for our brave friend Jamal who finally showed up as his most confident self for the first time that year(因为全班都为我们勇敢的朋友Jamal鼓掌,他终于在那一年第一次以最自信的姿态出现了)可知,大家都被Jamal的聪明才智所惊艳到了。由此可知“stun”意思是使吃惊,A.Amaze使吃惊;B.Cheer欢呼;C.Awake觉醒;D.Entertain娱乐。 故选A项。


推理判断题。根据最后一段A lack of confidence pulls us down from the bottom and weighs us down from the top, crushing us between a flurry of cant’s and won’ts. Without confidence, we get stuck, and when we get stuck, we can’t even get started. Instead of getting mired in what can get in our way, confidence invites us to perform with certainty(缺乏信心会把我们从底部拉下来,从顶部压下去,在一连串的“不能”和“不会”之间把我们压垮。没有信心,我们会陷入困境,当我们陷入困境时,我们甚至无法开始。信心并没有让我们陷入阻碍我们前进的泥潭,而是邀请我们坚定地行动)可知,作者之所以描述学生Jamal的变化就是为了鼓励大家 要有自信,没有自信将寸步难行。这篇文章的主要目的是鼓励我们自信。故选D项。


【题目】 Therapeutic (治疗性的) writing involves participating in writing activities to deal with emotional issues. People work under the direction of a therapist (治疗学家) for most of the time. 1 In both cases, participants adopt expressive writing to put down thoughts, emotions, and other experiences.

Therapeutic writing can be useful in cases where people have difficulty communicating by other means. A client who is having trouble with a situation, for example, might write a letter to the people involved as part of therapy. 2 Besides, it works on how to approach the people in real life to settle the issue.

Exercises in therapeutic writing typically encourage people to write for a block of time, such as 15 minutes. They may be asked to write about their days or issues coming up in their lives. In guided therapy, the therapist may review the writing and discuss it with the patient. 3

Some people keep writing regular journals to share with their therapists and others. 4 Therapists can also use electronic journals to help patients between sessions, looking at what they’re writing about and identifying specific issues to discuss in therapy.

5 People may keep personal journals or diaries intended for their private use, where they can describe events and explore emotions. Some add a self-directed group therapy aspect as well by sharing their writing with friends who can provide advice.

A.Some of us think that writing is only for writers.

B.There are informal approaches to writing as therapy.

C.Participants can benefit from therapeutic writing exercises.

D.Sometimes they can start a writing program independently.

E.Of course, patients can talk about the emotions that come up while writing.

F.This writing can help him or her express goals and a desired result clearly.

G.Others may keep an online writing journal and only allow his or her therapist to read.

【题目】 Bert Kate, my grandfather, celebrated his 90th birthday in November 2016. Bert loved sports and was an enthusiastic Yankees (an American professional baseball team based in the New York City) fan, so it was no wonder that over the years, he was an avid (热切的) listener to WFAN radio and, in particular, the afternoon show hosted by Mike Francesa.

Bert had health issues in his later years that limited his mobility, and when he lost his vision three years ago, his attachment to his radio and Francesa became more pronounced. He just loved listening to Mike talk about sports and his Yankees each afternoon. Those hours brought him so much pleasure.

Of course, Mike will be leaving Dec.15,2017 after 30 years at the station. Mike lives in the same community where I work on Long Island, and I have gotten to know him over the past 20 years. So when my grandfather was approaching his special birthday the year before last year, I asked Mike for a favor: to call Bert and wish him a happy birthday.

Mike agreed without hesitation. Two days before the special day, Mike stopped at my workplace. I called Bert at his nursing home and put Mike on the phone. It was a complete surprise to Bert. Mike spent more than 10 minutes wishing Bert a happy birthday and, of course, talking about the Yankees.

When my family celebrated Bert’s birthday two days later, he couldn’t stop talking about the phone call. Over his lifetime, he said it was one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him.

Unfortunately, Ben’s health declined last year and he passed away July 13,2017. But even in his final months in the hospital and nursing home,he always had a radio set to WFAN to listen each afternoon to Mike Francesa.And he also had the memory of that special phone call for his 90th birthday.

1Why did Bert listen to WFAN radio for many years? ( no more than 10 words)


2What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph2? (1 word)


3What happened two days before Bert’s birthday? ( no more than 10 words)


4What is the best title for the text? (no more than 5 words)


5What do you think of the author? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)


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