
【题目】In 1970, a cyclone(旋风)hit the southern coast of Bangladesh(孟加拉国). So severe and deadly were its effects that it’s______listed as the world’s worst-ever reported natural disaster. The______had a big impact on two Swedish men from Mission Aviation Fellowship(MAF). They traveled ______to Bangladesh for the purpose of seeing what they could do to______. They journeyed south by boat for several days, throughout the country’s vast _____ network to reach the worst-affected area and began to envision(预想)MAF using an aircraft that would _____direct access to large areas of the country that were almost out of_______.

Throughout the 1980s, MAF Australia, along with other MAF groups, sent staff to_______assistance and their patience and dedication _____since they built trust in the countries that had been ____.

In 1997, MAF could______start a flight program within Bangladesh. At that time, besides transporting doctors to hospitals located in _____parts of the country, MAF also _____an on-call emergency medevac(前线急救直升机)service in Bangladesh.

On November 15, 2007, Cyclone Sidr hit southern Bangladesh. MAF’s________response and emergency procedures were seriously_______as the office received over 200 phone calls in one day from aid agency personnel in urgent need of _____to and from the disaster zone. For the next two months, MAF______solidly, seven days a week. The float plane became known by______locals as “The Sea Angel(天使)”---the only aircraft in the country of its type having such a(n) ______.

In 2009, “The Sea Angel” was sent again for rapid assistance_______Cyclone Alla struck. Today, in Bangladesh, MAF makes over 750 flights and transports around 2,500 passengers annually.

1A. just B. still C. soon D. often

2A. history B. failure C. burden D. event

3A. separately B. occasionally C. immediately D. fortunately

4A. help B. limit C. research D. avoid

5A. air B. bus C. river D. rail

6A. reduce B. prevent C. change D. enable

7A. focus B. danger C. order D. reach

8A. seek B. provide C. promise D. receive

9A. ran out B. came back C. paid off D. kept on

10A. noticed B. untied C. assisted D. traveled

11A. properly B. secretly C. suddenly D. finally

12A. secure B. crowded C. remote D. coastal

13A. request B. began C. restore D. continue

14A. rapid B. natural C. appropriate D. unexpected

15A. followed B. tested C. forecasted D. established

16A. transport B. message C. funding D. encouragement

17A. accelerated B. flew C. appealed D. searched

18A. reasonable B. grateful C. outgoing D. respectable

19A. destination B. application C. decoration D. reputation

20A. once B. if C. when D. until























1B考查副词。A. just刚刚;B. still仍然,更;C. soon很快;D. often经常。此处指1970年孟加拉国的旋风影响是严重的致命的,被列为世界最坏自然灾害。表示程度递进,故选B

2D考查名词。A. history历史;B. failure失败;C. burden负担;D. event事件。此处指旋风事件对两个瑞典人造成了很大影响。指这件事,故选D

3C考查副词。A. separately分别地;B. occasionally偶尔;C. immediately立即;D. fortunately幸运地。此处指灾难发生后这两个人立即赶往孟加拉国去实施帮助。根据情境选C

4A考查动词。A. help帮助;B. limit限制;C. research研究;D. avoid避免。他们去往灾区的目的是看能帮助做些什么。故选A

5C考查名词。A. air空气;B. bus公共汽车;C. river河流;D. rail铁轨。根据句中的by boat可知,是沿河流坐船,故选C

6D考查动词。A. reduce降低;B. prevent阻止;C. change改变;D. enable使能够。他们设想用飞机能够直接到达目的地,故选D

7D考查名词。A. focus焦点;B. danger危险;C. order命令;D. reach范围。out of reach“够不着,超出范围”,此处指到达交通不便的区域,故选D

8B考查动词。A. seek寻找;B. provide提供;C. promise允诺;D. receive接收。此处指整个80年代MAF公司都致力于派人员提供帮助来解决这一问题。故选B

9C考查固定短语。A. ran out耗尽;B. came back回来;C. paid off得到回报;D. kept on坚持。此处指MAF公司的帮助、耐心和奉献得到了回报,取得了被帮助国的信任。故选C

10C考查动词。A. noticed注意;B. untied团结;C. assisted协助;D. traveled旅游。此处指MAF公司取得被帮助国家的信任,故选C

11D考查副词。A. properly适当地;B. secretly秘密地;C. suddenly突然;D. finally终于。此处指1997年MAF公司终于在孟加拉国开始了一个航班计划。故选D

12C考查形容词。A. secure安全的;B. crowded拥挤的;C. remote遥远的;D. coastal沿海的。指那时候飞机已经能运送医生去偏远地区的医院,故选C

13B考查动词。A. request要求;B. began开始;C. restore恢复;D. continue继续。此处指MAF公司也能在孟加拉国开始随时待命的前线急救直升机服务,故选B

14A考查形容词。A. rapid迅速的;B. natural自然的;C. appropriate适当的;D. unexpected意外的。此处指November 15, 2007孟加拉国再次发生旋风时,MAF公司的快速回应和应急操作得到了验证,回应速度较快,故选A

15B考查动词。A. followed跟随;B. tested实验;C. forecasted预测;D. established建立。此处指快速回应和应急操作得到了验证,故选B

16A考查名词。A. transport运输;B. message消息;C. funding提供资金;D. encouragement鼓励。此处指一天接到200多通紧急救援运送到灾区的电话,指飞机运输,故选A

17B考查动词。A. accelerated加速;B. flew飞;C. appealed呼吁;D. searched搜寻。此处指MAF公司全天飞行服务,救援灾区。故选B

18B考查形容词。A. reasonable合理的;B. grateful感激的;C. outgoing对人友好的;D. respectable值得尊敬的。水上飞机被当地人感激的称为海上天使,指其作用之大,故选B

19D考查名词。A. destination目的地;B. application应用;C. decoration装饰;D. reputation名声。此处指水上飞机是在孟加拉国唯一享有盛誉的类型,故选D

20C考查连词。A. once一旦;B. if 如果;C. when当……的时候;D. until直到……才。2009年当旋风Alla袭击时,海上天使被再次派遣运输紧急救援。故选C


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