Last weekend£¬I went to visit my uncle in Oingdao with my parents£®They took the train and got here on Friday afternoon£®It was comfortable train ride and we enjoyed the wonderful view along the railway£®
On Saturday£¬it rains a lot£¬so we had to stay at home£®While the adults were chatting£¬I played card with my cousins£®Unluckily£¬it was sunny on Sunday£®We went to the beach together but played in the water£®The beautiful sea and fresh air made us very happily and relaxed£®
How a wonderful experience!I hope for to be close to the sea again£®
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6£®Unluckily--Luckily 7£®but--and 8£®happily--happy 9£®How--What 10£®È¥µôfor
1£®They--We ¿¼²é´ú´Ê ¸ù¾ÝÇ°ÎÄI went to visit my uncle in Oingdao with my parents£¬Ó¦ÓÃwe´úÌ棬¶ø·Çthey£¬Òò°üÀ¨×÷ÕßIÔÚÄÚ£®
2£®here--there ¿¼²é¸±´Ê£®Ó¦Êǵ½´ï"ÄǶù"£¬Ö¸ÎÒÊåÊå´¦£®
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9£®How--What ¿¼²é¸Ð̾¾ä£®a wonderful experienceÊÇÃû´Ê¶ÌÓÓÃwhatÒýµ¼¸Ð̾¾ä£®
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In India£¬almost all marriages are arranged£®Even among the educated middle classes in modern urban India£¬marriage is as much a concern of the families as it is of the£¨51£©B£®So customary is the practice of arranged marriage that there is a special name for a marriage which is not £¨52£©D£ºIt is called a"love match"£®
On my first trip to India£¬I met many young men and women whose parents were in the process of"getting them married"£®In many cases£¬the bride and groom would not meet each other before the marriage£®£¨53£©C they might meet for a brief conversation£¬and this meeting would take place only after their parents had decided that the match was £¨54£©C£®Parents do not force their children to marry a person who either marriage partner finds unacceptable£®But only after one match is refused will another be sought£®
As a young American woman in India for the first time£¬I found this custom of arranged marriage £¨55£©D£®How could any intelligent young person £¨56£©A to such a marriage without great reluctance£¿It was£¨57£©D to everything I believed about the importance of romantic love as the only basis of a happy marriage£®It was also in conflict with my strongly held beliefs that the choice of such a close and permanent relationship could be made only by individuals £¨58£©A£®If anyone had tried to arrange my marriage£¬I would have been £¨59£©C!
Sita£¬one of my young friends£¬was a college graduate with a degree in political science£®She had been £¨60£©C for over a year while her parents were arranging a match for her£®I found it difficult to accept the obedient£¨Ë³´ÓµÄ£© manner in which this well-educated young woman awaited the outcome of a process that would £¨61£©D her spending the rest of her life with a man she hardly knew£¬a total stranger£¬£¨62£©A by her parents£®
In frustration and distress£¬I asked her£¬"Don't you care who you£¨63£©C£¿""Of course I care£¬"she answered£®"This is why I must let my parents choose a boy for me£®My marriage is too important to be arranged by such a£¨n£©£¨64£©C person as myself£®In such matters£¬it is better to have my parents'£¨65£©B"£®
51£®A£®classes | B£®individuals | C£®society | D£®country |
52£®A£®matched | B£®decided | C£®concerned | D£®arranged |
53£®A£®After all | B£®In addition | C£®At most | D£®On average |
54£®A£®comfortable | B£®imperfect | C£®suitable | D£®dissatisfying |
55£®A£®acceptable | B£®amazing | C£®depressing | D£®strange |
56£®A£®agree | B£®turn | C£®exchange | D£®devote |
57£®A£®customary | B£®remarkable | C£®similar | D£®contrary |
58£®A£®involved | B£®present | C£®informed | D£®available |
59£®A£®ambitious | B£®proud | C£®rebellious | D£®puzzled |
60£®A£®fighting | B£®protesting | C£®waiting | D£®dreaming |
61£®A£®profit from | B£®hold back | C£®act out | D£®result in |
62£®A£®picked out | B£®picked up | C£®taken up | D£®taken out |
63£®A£®encounter | B£®favor | C£®marry | D£®join |
64£®A£®intelligent | B£®unfortunate | C£®inexperienced | D£®careless |
65£®A£®blessing | B£®guidance | C£®fortune | D£®promise |
36£®A£®unkind | B£®polite | C£®normal | D£®proper |
37£®A£®frequently | B£®truly | C£®necessarily | D£®angrily |
38£®A£®broken | B£®destroyed | C£®wounded | D£®disturbed |
39£®A£®appreciation | B£®pride | C£®regret | D£®admiration |
40£®A£®impressions | B£®symptoms | C£®injuries | D£®movements |
41£®A£®physical | B£®mental | C£®facial | D£®psychological |
42£®A£®recognized | B£®denied | C£®admitted | D£®realized |
43£®A£®assistance | B£®direction | C£®treatment | D£®forgiveness |
44£®A£®reputation | B£®relation | C£®health | D£®strength |
45£®A£®fell silent | B£®burst into anger | C£®burst into tears | D£®burst out laughing |
46£®A£®apology | B£®greeting | C£®welcome | D£®excuse |
47£®A£®makes | B£®expresses | C£®receives | D£®deserves |
A£® | made | B£® | to make | C£® | to be made | D£® | making |
A£® | concerned | B£® | restricted | C£® | compared | D£® | associated |
A£® | gave away | B£® | gave in | C£® | gave up | D£® | gave off |