
"He who can have patience can have what he wants," said Benjamin Franklin. They say patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men. This may or may not be true, but it's fair to say that there is nobody on the earth who couldn't benefit from more patience.
Patience is necessary for success.
It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". Many of the great scientists have remarked that their scientific discoveries came only through patient perseverance (坚持). Edison said, "Genius was 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration." Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.
Patience brings peace of mind.
When we desire certain outcomes (结果), we'll have no peace of mind. Even if one desire is filled, the nature of desire is that more will appear in its place. There is no end to human desires. Patience means we will work with an attitude of detachment (超然).
Patience can transform suffering into joy.
Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience. Through being patient and accepting our situation, it's quite possible for our suffering to be transformed.
Sri Chinmoy said, "If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy."
小题1:Whose saying supports the idea that patience makes a person joyful?
小题2:In the writer's opinion, _____ .
A.human desires will easily be filled
B.patience is a virtue seldom found in a person
C.happiness can only be obtained through success
D.patience is the best medicine of suffering
小题3:How is the whole passage organized?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.We All Need PatienceB.Patience Means Success
C.Benefits of PatienceD.We Should Not Be patient


小题1:C考查细节理解。根据文章最后一段中的patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy.可知,耐心有使你的生活变成最甜美幸福的力量。故选C。
小题2:D考查细节理解。根据文章中的Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience.可知,生活中我们会遭遇不公正,爱心是最好的治疗的方法。故选D。根据文章中的There is no end to human desires.可知A错误;根据文章中的patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men.可知B错误;根据文章中的Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.可知C正确。
小题3:B考查文章的结构。根据文章的整体内容可知:第一段总写He who can have patience can have what he wants;第二段分写Patience is necessary for success.第三段分写Patience brings peace of mind.第四段分写Patience can transform suffering into joy.由此可知选B。
It’s such a shame to lose a free throw. Playing in the court has pressure from the opponent, time, your teammates, the audience, and yourself. You have to shoot the ball despite all the pressures around. But with a free throw, you have the ball, no one will try to get it from you, and you have all the time to shoot the ball. But why is it that many players, even good shooters, miss most of their free throws? Maybe they need more practice or maybe they need to apply more ways to improve their free throw.
Improve your player or your free throwing skills by following the tips below:
Make it personal. The truth is, there is no rule on how one should handle and throw the ball in a free throw. What matters is that the player should shoot the ball from the free throw line no matter how he does it. So when trying to improve your free throw shooting, better stick to what works the best for you. Do not copy other people’s techniques. Make it your own and leave those techniques as theirs.
Formulate (公式化) a repetitive way of shooting the ball. A free throw should be personalized. But it should also be repetitive. You should be able to repeat your free throw techniques whether you are in your court or in another court, whether you are energized or tired. You can’t say you have a personal free throw technique if you can’t repeat it over and over again.
Shoot at the same position and distance for every free throw. Basketball courts may be located in different places or maybe marked with different paint colors. But all of these courts maintain the same distance from the ring to the free throw line. Familiarize your perfect position when making your free throws. That should help you do your perfect throw.
小题1:Why do so many players fail to make a successful free throw?
A.Because they don’t have any special skills
B.Because they are lacking in practice and tips.
C.Because they are not so familiar with rules
D.Because many of them are green hands.
小题2:What can you do if you want to be a wonderful free thrower?
A.Learn from others.
B.Form your own throwing skills.
C.Keep active in the court.
D.Learn to throw in different locations.
小题3:The underlined word “ring” in the last paragraph may most probably mean “________”.
小题4:Which of the following might serve as the best title of the above passage?
A.How to play basketball successfully in the court.
B.How to improve your basketball throw skills.
C.How to gain more points in throwing.
D.How to improve your basketball free throwing.
Fans of US television dramas watch their favorite series for different reasons: some want to improve their English skills, others just want to kill time.
Some TV series are more than pure entertainment―they have a certain depth. Mad Men, which returned with a sixth season recently; Monday Mornings, which just finished its first season; and Modern Family, which sweeps the awards every year, are just a few examples.
Why do these shows stand out among so many similar ones? TV critics Raymond Zhou will give you an idea of why some shows are better than others.
Period drama—More than time travel
Period dramas are intended to capture the ambience (气氛) of a particular era. Directors must therefore attract audiences as much by their recreation of a historical setting as by an interesting storyline.
Mad Men is an excellent example of this balance being struck. Set in New York during the 1960s, it accurately shows US attitudes in the workplace through the alcoholism and chain-smoking common of the time, and places an absorbing plot right in its center.
But rather than merely presenting a past decade, Mad Men’s subtle (微妙的) description of the struggles of white-collar workers at the time, both male and female, makes it stand out.
“The series’ attention to detail is superb,” Raymond Zhou said. “For example, creator Matthew Weiner makes Don Draper―the leading role of the series―drive a Buick instead of a Cadillac, because Weiner thinks the ad man lacks the self-pride to buy a luxury car. It’s this kind of attentiveness that raises the show’s artistic value.”
Critics also recommend
Another period drama that works is Broadwalk Empire, set during the prohibition period of the 1920s and 1930s in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Heather Havrilesky at Salon magazine noted how the show “revels in the oddities(怪事) of its time, peeling back the layers of polite society to reveal a shadow world of criminals and politicians working together to keep the liquor flowing.”
Why does it appeal to viewers? Because they know that the “liquor” is a metaphor (暗喻) for today’s political scandals (丑闻).
小题1: How many US TV series are mentioned in this passage?
小题2: The following statements are the reasons why many people are attracted by US television dramas EXCEPT that __________.
A.US television dramas merely present a past decade
B.directors recreate a historical setting and adopt interesting storylines
C.the dramas can improve their English skills, and help people kill time
D.some TV series are more than pure entertainment, and they have a certain depth
小题3: According to Raymond Zhou, Don Draper’s driving a Buick instead of a Cadillac shows __________.
A.Mad Men attaches much importance to details
B.Mad Men places an absorbing plot right in its center
C.the director wants to raise the show’s artistic value
D.Mad Men’s description of the struggling white-collar workers makes it stand out
小题4: What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Directors of US dramas.B.US dramas and their storylines.
C.US period dramas to kill time.D.US dramas and their magic touch.
Peer pressure can be a powerful force, and sometimes a positive one. For example, hanging out with active peers may lead kids to       more, making a child’s social network a vehicle for promoting healthy habits and        obesity unconsciously.
The scientists studied networks of a group of students aged 5 to 12 and       how the youngsters’ made and dropped friends, and        effect these changing relationships had on their physical activity level.
In fact, children        their exercise level little by little to better      those in their circle; children who    with more active students were more       to increase their physical activity levels,        those who befriended more sedentary(久坐不动的) children became        active. The children were mirroring, following or adjusting to be        to their friends before they knew it.
The encouraging        suggest a potentially effective way to change children’s behavior.        relying only on organized exercise programs to get moving, perhaps introducing sedentary kids to more active ones — might help more kids        the couch.
It’s believed that this is a possible novel approach to obesity       . The social environment does carry more power than we have given it        for, so we should make use of that intentionally to influence kids.
     that children are increasingly connected to one another,        through face-to-face interactions or virtual ones, their        networks can clearly have a deep effect       many aspects of their behavior-help kids in the long run by turning them into healthier adults.
A.left outB.hung outC.made outD.figured out
A.More thanB.Less thanC.Other thanD.Rather than
A.get downB.get offC.get onD.get over

Is veg food healthier than non-veg food? I feel this is a very common topic that people speak on.Please give me your opinions on this topic.
So far as veg food is concerned, it is also proved to be a healthy and nutritious diet, but has very few items which can provide us with proteins, but if you see non-veg food like eggs, chicken, and many more, such foods have a large content of proteins in them.
Man basically is herbivorous(食草的). If we look at the animal kingdom
We can see that all the herbivorous animals have the similar dental(牙齿的)
structure, which clearly shows that the human being also ought to be vegetarian by birth. It is only the living conditions that make man carnivorous(食肉的).
The vegetarian foods are easily digestible.
Non-veg food items are better than veg items. A healthy person requires complete diet and veg + meat makes the diet complete. The only caution that needs to be taken is not to have non-veg items on a daily basis. Once in a week or couple of weeks will be best.
When we eat non-veg, we are all veg by nature. The chicken that we eat feeds on grains, the mutton that we eat feeds on grass, and the fish that we eat feeds on simple plants. So non-veg food by logic(逻辑)is better and suited for hauman beings.
Non-veg food is equally important in our diet as it helps in many ways, especially fish and other seafood as fish contains omega 3 which makes our immune system(免疫系统)stronger. Do you know that most of the veg food put together does not contain as much omega 3 as fish alone contains!
小题1:According to Rao, what is the problem with veg food?
A.It damages our immune system.B.It has few nutrients.
C.It contains too much omega 3.D.It is lacking in protein.
小题2:In the opinion of Sai, humans are born vegetarian because humans        .
A.have the same teeth structure as plant-eating animals
B.believe that veg foods are good for their teeth
C.belong to the plant-eating animal family
D.can adapt to the living conditions like plant-eating animals
小题3:What advice is given by Santos?
A.To have a daily veg + meat diet.
B.Not to eat non-veg food every day.
C.To eat digestible food every day.
D.Not to eat food without protein.
This year some twenty-three hundred teenagers (young people aged from 13 to 19) from all over the world will spend about ten months in US homes. They will attend US schools, meet US teenagers, and form impressions of the real America. At the same time, about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.
Here is a two-way student exchange in action. Fred, nineteen, spent last year in Germany with George’s family. In turn, George’s son Mike spent a year in Fred’s home in America.
Fred, a lively young man, knew little German when he arrived, but after two months’ study, the language began to come to him. Schools were completely different from what he had expected—much harder. Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room. They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that are usual in the United States. There were almost no outside activities.
Family life, too, was different. The father’s word was law, and all activities were around the family rather than the individual(个人). Fred found the food too simple at first. Also, he missed having a car.
“Back home, you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time. In Germany, you walk, but you soon learn to like it.”
At the same time, In America, Mike, a friendly German boy, was also forming his idea.“I suppose I should criticize(批评) American schools,” he says. “It is far too easy by our level. But I have to say that I like it very much. In Germany we do nothing but study. Here we take part in many outside activities. I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens(公民). There ought to be some middle ground between the two.
小题1:The world exchange programme is mainly to ________.
A.help teenagers in other countries know the real America
B.send students in America to travel in Germany
C.have teenagers learn new languages
D.let students learn something about other countries
小题2:Fred and Mike agreed that ________.
A.American food tastes better than German food.
B.Americans and Germans were both friendly
C.German schools were harder than American schools
D.There were more cars on the streets in America
小题3:What is special in American schools is that ________.
A.there is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings
B.students go outside to enjoy themselves in a car
C.students usually take fourteen subjects in all
D.there are a lot of after-school activities
小题4:After experiencing the American school life, Mike thought _________.
A.German schools trained students to be better citizens
B.A better education should include something good from both America and Germany
C.American schools were not as good as German schools
D.The easy life in the American schools was more helpful to students
By 2050 there will have been an extra 2.5 billion people on earth. And what will they eat?
To solve the problem, we should have to double our food production. We can also develop a diet of algae(海藻), insects and meat grown in laboratories.
Algae can grow very quickly at sea, in polluted water and in places that would normally kill food crops. They are already eaten widely in Japan and China and they are eaten by almost everything from shrimps to blue whales. They can fix CO2 in the atmosphere and provide fats and sugars.
Man-made meat looks like meat, feels like meat and it is meat, although it’s never been from a living, breathing animal. Instead, it is grown from cells in big containers. Moreover, studies show that producing man-made meat will use far less water, energy and land.
China has developed “green super rice”, a series of rice types which produce more grain and have stronger ability to fight against floods, salty water, insects and disease. We used traditional plant breeding(作物育种)techniques to cross-breed more than 250 rice types. Green super rice, which is enough to feed an extra 100 million people, will be planted widely in the coming years.
Insects like ants are not on most European menus but at least 1,400 kinds are eaten across Africa, Latin America and Asia. Now, with rising food prices and worldwide land shortages, such insects are getting more and more popular. Not only are many insects rich in protein(蛋白质), low in fat and high in Ca and Fe, but insect farms need little space. And they can grow well on paper, algae and industrial wastes.
小题1:In order to exist in the future, people have to _______.
A.move to other planets
B.produce rain in laboratories
C.build new laboratories for food research
D.increase the food production or look for other food sources
小题2:From the second paragraph we know that _______
A.algae have a strong life force
B.few people eat algae now
C.algae have few values for human beings
D.algae can pollute our environment
小题3:Green super rice _______
A.has to be watered with salty water
B.can grow even in a bad environment
C.includes no more than 250 rice kinds
D.was developed with new technologies
小题4:What can we learn from the passage?
A.Green super rice is delicious but high in price.
B.In Asia about 100 million people may be faced with food shortages.
C.Man-made meat doesn’t look like meat but has the same taste as real meat.
D.One of the reasons why many people begin to eat insects is their rich food value.
Sure, it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.
And yes, it’s good to get along with your teacher because, in general, it’s smart to learn how to relate to (理解)the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.
But really, there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher. When you do, “learning bursts right open,” says Evelyn Vuko, a longtime teacher who writes an education column(专栏) called “Teacher Says” for the Washington Post newspaper.
In fact, kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school issues, such as bullying(欺负人). 
As a kid in a primary or middle school, you’re at a wonderful stage in your life. You’re like a sponge(海绵), able to soak up lots of new and exciting information. On top of that, you’re able to think about all this information in new ways. Your teacher knows that, and in most cases, is very excited to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you put it together. Remember, teachers are people, too, and they feel great if you’re open to what they’re teaching you. That’s why they wanted to be teachers in the first place --- to teach!
Some kids may be able to learn in any situation, whether they like the teacher or not. But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher, and if things aren’t going well, they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.
小题1:The passage mainly talks about _____.
A.how to get along well with teachers
B.the importance of a good relation with teachers
C.how much the students are expected of to get along with teachers
D.how to make the time in the classroom more pleasant
小题2: “Learning bursts right open” in the third paragraph really means _____.
A.learning becomes easier for you at once     
B.you find an opening to learning     
C.there’ll be more problems with learning     
D.there’ll be no problems with learning.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.You are getting on well with your teachers, so you have more questions than others.
B.You find it comfortable to ask questions, so you can build a good relationship with teachers.
C.You have a good relationship with teacher, so you can turn to him/ her when in trouble.
D.You are in trouble, so you can build a good relationship with teachers.
小题4:Which of the comments is FALSE on teachers and their work according to the passage?
A.Teachers are excited even if you wouldn’t like to accept their teaching.
B.Teachers sometimes have the same feelings as students do.    
C.Though few there are still some students who can learn even if they don’t like the teacher.  
D.Having a bad relationship with your teachers does more or less harm to your studies.

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