
Sure, it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.
And yes, it’s good to get along with your teacher because, in general, it’s smart to learn how to relate to (理解)the different types of people you’ll meet throughout your life.
But really, there’s one super-important reason why you should get along with your teacher. When you do, “learning bursts right open,” says Evelyn Vuko, a longtime teacher who writes an education column(专栏) called “Teacher Says” for the Washington Post newspaper.
In fact, kids who get along with their teachers not only learn more, but they’re more comfortable asking questions and getting extra help. This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests. When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems, such as problems with learning or school issues, such as bullying(欺负人). 
As a kid in a primary or middle school, you’re at a wonderful stage in your life. You’re like a sponge(海绵), able to soak up lots of new and exciting information. On top of that, you’re able to think about all this information in new ways. Your teacher knows that, and in most cases, is very excited to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you put it together. Remember, teachers are people, too, and they feel great if you’re open to what they’re teaching you. That’s why they wanted to be teachers in the first place --- to teach!
Some kids may be able to learn in any situation, whether they like the teacher or not. But most kids are sensitive to the way they get along with the teacher, and if things aren’t going well, they won’t learn as well and won’t enjoy being in class.
小题1:The passage mainly talks about _____.
A.how to get along well with teachers
B.the importance of a good relation with teachers
C.how much the students are expected of to get along with teachers
D.how to make the time in the classroom more pleasant
小题2: “Learning bursts right open” in the third paragraph really means _____.
A.learning becomes easier for you at once     
B.you find an opening to learning     
C.there’ll be more problems with learning     
D.there’ll be no problems with learning.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.You are getting on well with your teachers, so you have more questions than others.
B.You find it comfortable to ask questions, so you can build a good relationship with teachers.
C.You have a good relationship with teacher, so you can turn to him/ her when in trouble.
D.You are in trouble, so you can build a good relationship with teachers.
小题4:Which of the comments is FALSE on teachers and their work according to the passage?
A.Teachers are excited even if you wouldn’t like to accept their teaching.
B.Teachers sometimes have the same feelings as students do.    
C.Though few there are still some students who can learn even if they don’t like the teacher.  
D.Having a bad relationship with your teachers does more or less harm to your studies.


小题1:B考查文章的主旨和要义。根据文章第一段中的it’s good to get along with your teacher because it makes the time you spend in the classroom more pleasant.可知,这是文章的中心句。也是文章的主旨要义。故选B。
小题2:A考查猜测句意。根据文章第四段中的This makes it easier to understand new material and do your best on tests.可知,好的师生关系能使你学习更容易。故选A。
小题3:C考查细节理解。根据文章第四段中的When you have this kind of relationship with a teacher, he or she can be someone to turn to with problems,可知,如果你和老师有良好的关系,他或她就是你寻求帮助的人。故选C。
小题4:A考查推理判断。根据文章倒数第二段中的Your teacher knows that, and in most cases, is very excited to be the person who’s giving you all that material and helping you put it together.可知,你的老师会很兴奋,当他讲给你所有的知识。故选A。
"He who can have patience can have what he wants," said Benjamin Franklin. They say patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men. This may or may not be true, but it's fair to say that there is nobody on the earth who couldn't benefit from more patience.
Patience is necessary for success.
It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". Many of the great scientists have remarked that their scientific discoveries came only through patient perseverance (坚持). Edison said, "Genius was 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration." Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.
Patience brings peace of mind.
When we desire certain outcomes (结果), we'll have no peace of mind. Even if one desire is filled, the nature of desire is that more will appear in its place. There is no end to human desires. Patience means we will work with an attitude of detachment (超然).
Patience can transform suffering into joy.
Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience. Through being patient and accepting our situation, it's quite possible for our suffering to be transformed.
Sri Chinmoy said, "If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy."
小题1:Whose saying supports the idea that patience makes a person joyful?
小题2:In the writer's opinion, _____ .
A.human desires will easily be filled
B.patience is a virtue seldom found in a person
C.happiness can only be obtained through success
D.patience is the best medicine of suffering
小题3:How is the whole passage organized?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.We All Need PatienceB.Patience Means Success
C.Benefits of PatienceD.We Should Not Be patient
Q: My problem is computer gaming. I do it day and night, averaging four hours of sleep. I can't control of this, and I don't know where to go for help. Do you?                            —Player
A: Dear Player,
You have an addiction. For some people playing video games releases dopamine, a powerful brain chemical that makes you feel good. You'd toss your cigarettes if you were ready to quit, right? To kick the habit, get help from a health professional. And don't look for help on line; that would be like an alcoholic going to the bar for advice.
Q: My brother's wife just had triplets(三胞胎). This is such a joy! Yet every time I share the news with co-workers, they ask me if she was on fertility pills. I think this is rude—or has society just become so talk-show numbed (麻木的)that you can ask anyone anything?                     —No Show Host
A: Dear Host,
Yes. Our society has become increasingly disrespectful of privacy. But don't blame it all on the talk-shows. Continue to celebrate and greet impolite questions with stony silence. Their fertility history is nobody's business but their own.
Q: I work at an amusement park, and my manager steals supplies. She has a catering business on the side, and we've seen her load up her van at the back gates. The big bosses think she is the best thing since buttered bread, and we're all afraid that if we say anything, we'll lose our jobs. What can we do?   —Righteous
A: Dear Righteous,
Be sure you're right. You must have evidence about what and why things are going out the back gates. Once you know for certain, it's time to go to the bosses and report what you have seen.
Q: My stepson's wife sometimes leaves their eight-year-old home alone for "a short run to the store." That may be an hour or so. I believe by law we should report it. What do you think?
—The In-laws
A: Dear Laws,
I don't know what the child-protection laws in your state are, but I do know that children need care and attention. This child may be able and unafraid, but kids aren't always careful. It also sounds like there is stress in your family relationship. One thing you can do to help this situation is offer to baby-sit when Mom needs to step out.
小题1:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Dopamine is a powerful brain chemical good to our health.
B.Looking for help on line is like getting help from a health professional.
C.Player is a video game addict who smokes and sleeps few hours.
D.Player is advised to stay clear of the screen.
小题2:According to the Q&A,        .
A.Host's colleagues are insensitive
B.The talk-show is to blame
C.Somebody's business is everybody's
D.Host's sister-in-law was on fertility pills
小题3:What we can infer from the Q&A is      .
A.The Mom is not to blame because she needs a short run to the store
B.Children need care and attention, though not for all of them
C.Laws, the old lady, wants to report what she sees to the child's father
D.Laskas doesn't seem to approve of Laws' trying to report what she sees
小题4:Which Q&A mentioned transport?
A.The firstB.The second.C.The third. D.None.
I woke up this morning. There is an empty feeling that I have had so many times before and it seems to be coming back into my mind. What is it? I can’t figure it out.
I got ready for work. On the way I decide to stop and get a cheese from the little shop just down the road. I have never been there before but I was hungry and it would be 5 hours before I got off work.
The owner of the store took my order. He asked me what I wanted and I told him I heard he made a great cheese. He seemed pleased to hear that.
As I was sitting in the small space,there was an elderly gentleman finishing his breakfast. He paid the waitress, received this change and made a small joke. As he turned to get up, which was quite a difficult feat for this gentleman, he looked over at me. I gave a small smile.
He looked again in my direction for a moment and said to me, “Has anyone ever told you, you have the most beautiful brown eyes?”
Seeing as I have blue eyes, I can’t say I have ever heard that before. I humored him and said, “No, I can’t say anyone has ever told me that before.”
He smiled, and said,“Well since they are blue you wouldn’t have heard that, but you have beautiful blue eyes.”
I laughed and said thank you very much. He began to tell me a few one liner jokes so I smiled and laughed at his jokes.
He tried to get up to leave again and looked at me and said“Your smile really brightens a room, do you know that?”I said,“Thank you very much.”
He proceeded to get up, which took him quite some time. As he got up he said,“Take care of that smile.”
I felt a sense of comfort wash over me and I reflected on my morning and that empty feeling I had. For a moment in time it seemed to be filled.
小题1:Before the writer went to work, he felt________.
小题2:From the text, we can infer the old man __________.
A.was optimistic about lifeB.liked to play a joke on others
C.was unwilling to leaveD.had difficulty in hearing
小题3:By saying“since they are blue”, the old man meant“_____________”.
A.because they feel coldB.because they are sad
C.because they have blue eyesD.because they are hungry
小题4:What lesson can we learn from the story?
A.We should find comfort from stranger.
B.We should pay attention to our own business.
C.We should laugh off our worries in life
D.We should show respect to the old people.
Yawning sends out certain messages---either “Oh, this movie is boring”or I probably need to get some sleep”. But did you know that a yawn can also help your brain to cool down when it is so overheated?
A new study, led by a research team of Princeton University, has indicated that yawning could be the brain’s natural way of regulating temperature. People yawn more often when the temperature outdoors is lower than their body temperature but are less likely to yawn when it is hotter outdoors, according to Sciencedaily.com.
The research team did an experiment on 160 people , 80 in summer and 80 in summer and 80 in winter, to examine how often they yawned at different air temperatures. The study found that people yawned more often in winter than in summer. Scientists say that when the air temperature is lower outside the body, there is heat exchange between the overheated brain and the cool air. But when the air temperature is higher than or equal to the body, people are less likely to yawn because the hot air they breathe in will make the brain even hotter.
When people yawn, their jaw is also stretched, which increases blood flow and may also help cool the brain.
The study showed that the amount someone yawned could be related to the amount of time they spent outside. The longer they spent outside in summer, the less they yawn. Nearly 40 percent of participants yawned within their first five minutes outside, but after that the percentage was reduced to less than 10 percent.
However, the result was the opposite in winter. The number of people who yawned increased when they spent more than five minutes outdoors. But the change was only slight compared to summertime.
According to Gallup, this is the first report to show that yawning frequencies change depending on season. This could help us to understand better the way our brains work. It may also help us understand the reason why frequent yawning can sometimes be a sign of brain disease.
小题1:The purpose of the experiment is ________.
A.to prove people yawn in winter and in summer equally.
B.to indicate brain can regulate temperature naturally
C.to find the frequency of people’s yawning
D.to show the real reason why people yawn
小题2:The information we get from Paragraph 5 and 6 is that_______
A.longer outdoor summertime results in more yawns.
B.yawning frequency changes with outdoor time
C.yawning frequency increases with outdoor time
D.longer outdoor wintertime leads to fewer yawns
小题3:According to the text, people yawn more often________.
A.when the air temperature is lower outside the body
B.when the hot air breathed in makes the brain hotter
C.when the air temperature is higher than the body
D.when the air temperature is equal to the body.
小题4:What could be the best title for the text?
A.Yawning is a Sign of Brain Disease
B.Yawning Carries Some Information
C.Yawning Benefits Your Body
D.Yawning Cools Your Brain
You have a nice salary, but you still feel short of money. At the end of each month, you often ask yourself, “Where has all my money gone”? To help you better run your salary, here come some money-saving tips.
First, you need to set goals to encourage yourself to save money. For example, you plan to have a good dress in one year, to have a car in two years’ time or to buy a house in five years.
Second, form money-saving habits and stay away from the ones that waste money. Learn to keep a diary of how much you spend and what it’s for. Think twice before using money on expensive skin care products(护肤品). The best way to keep your skin in good condition is enough sleep.
Third, pay attention to your daily things. Leave no more than one light on when you leave home. Buy vegetables from a market where vegetables are less expensive and fresher, not a supermarket. When going to a supermarket, take a notebook with you. Write down what you want to buy.
Fourth, save your social life. Take the dishes that haven’t been eaten up away for next day when you have dinner in a restaurant. When it’s your turn to offer a meal, invite your friends to your home, and cook the dinner yourself. If you are to attend a party and an expensive present is needed, ask several friends to go together to share a present.
小题1:The passage is mainly about          .
A.four ways to save money
B.how to set goals to save money
C.where to keep money
D.how to live well with little money
小题2:Which of the following does the author favor?
A.Have some good skin care products.
B.Enough sleep does good to skin.
C.All things in supermarkets are expensive.
D.Vegetables in a market taste good.
小题3:If you want to save money, you should           .
A.have dinner in a restaurant
B.buy dishes in a restaurant and eat at home
C.invite friends home and cook yourself
D.attend a party alone
小题4:Which of the following is NOT suggested by the author?
A.Making a plan saving money.
B.Forming habits of saving money.
C.Cutting down the prices when buying things.
D.Leaving few lights on when you leave home.
Have you ever picked a job based on the fact that you were good at it but later found it made you feel very uncomfortable over time? When you select your career, there’s a whole lot more to it than assessing your skills and matching them with a particular position. If you ignore your personality, it will hurt you long-term regardless of your skills or the job’s pay. There are several areas of your personality that you need to consider to help you find a good job. Here are a few of those main areas:
Do you prefer working alone or with other people? There are isolating(使孤立)jobs that will drive an outgoing person crazy and also interactive jobs that will make a shy person uneasy. Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency that they prefer. There are also positions that are sometimes a combination of the two, which may be best for someone in the middle who adapts easily to either situation.
How do you handle change? Most jobs these days have some elements of change to them, but some are more than others. If you need stability in your life, you may need a job where the changes don’t happen so often. Other people would be bored of the same daily routine.
Do you enjoy working with computers? I do see this as a kind of personality characteristic. There are people who are happy to spend more than 40 hours a week on a computer, while there are others who need a lot of human interaction throughout the day. Again, these are extremes and you’ll likely find a lot of positions somewhere in the middle as well.
________________________________? This can range from being in a large building with a lot of people you won’t know immediately to a smaller setting where you’ll get to know almost all the people there fairly quickly.
How do you like to get paid? Some people are motivated by the pay they get, while others feel too stressed to be like that. The variety of payment designs in the sales industry is a typical example for this.
Anyway, these are a great starting point for you. I’ve seen it over and over again with people that they make more money over time when they do something they love. It may take you a little longer, but making a move to do what you have a passion for can change the course of your life for the better.
小题1:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Isolating jobs usually drive people mad
B.Interactive jobs make people shy easily.
C.Extreme people tend to work with other.
D.Almost everyone has a tendency in jobs.
小题2: What does the underlined sentence in paragraph one mean?
A.Before you select your job, you should assess your skills and match them with your position.
B.There are more important things than assessing skills and match them with the position when you select a job.
C.Nothing is important than assessing skills and match them with the position when you select a job.
D.You should ignore your skills when you select a job.
小题3: Which of the following sentences is suitable for the blank?
A.What type of work environment do you enjoy?
B.What kind of people do you like to work with?
C.How can you fit in with your workmates?
D.Do you want to be a big fish in a small pond?
小题4:What is the best title for this passage?
A.Lifestyles and Job PayB.Jobs and Environment
C.Job Skills and Abilities D.Personalities and Jobs
小题5: What is the missing word about a job search in the following chart?
It might have been a really bad stressful day, feeling trapped inside by the cold and snow which surrounded us. My husband got dressed and  36  that he was going outside to build a giant snowman.
At first he stood alone, 37  massive amounts of snow. Soon after a neighbor joined in. Then we reluctantly put on our snow gear(装备) and  38  outside. It wasn’t long  39  we were smiling and enjoying the  40  of snow that Mother Nature had provided. Others came to our yard one by one to give a  41  in the making of our giant snowman.
In the end we all stood back and  42  at what we had created. He was eleven feet high, twenty-five feet around at the base and  43  with many household items supplied by various  44  .People drove by and smiled. Some even stopped just to enjoy his  45 .
With the passing of time, the spring made its  46  back into our yard and the snowman changed form  47  .In a final effort to save what we created for just a little bit  48  ,somebody stopped by and changed the snowman’s  49  to look like a rabbit.
As I prepared for the start of another week, I decided to  50  my email before going to bed. I found a  51  message that contained the subject line: 52  the snowman.
The email said:… your neighbor looks on in disbelief! Now you people are relishing(享受) the sounds and smells, along with  53  of spring. But I am sure people will never forget the  54  energy displayed in Mr Snow-man. You and your family keep it up, as this is what the world needs now. More power to you and your loved ones, keep  55  with the world around!
小题5:A. softness     B .flexibility    C whiteness      D .abundance
For many     36   in the US, earning some money gives them a sense of    37    . By making their own money they can buy whatever they want . It also develops a sense of responsibility and independence .
Most teens I know have a small sum of money . Their   38     give them an allowance (零用钱). For some ,an allowance is given every week ; for    39    , every month or so . Usually they can get 10 to 30 dollars a month from their parents . An allowance is typically based on the    40    of chores (家务), such as washing the dishes , cleaning up one’s room, taking out the trash , and    41    the floor .   42    to younger siblings (兄弟姐妹) is also regarded as worthy of extra cash ,   43    some cases .
Many teens also work to get    44    .Since most of my peers (同伴) are not     45   for a formal job , many choose part-time positions . These require relatively     46   time and basically no training . They can have these jobs like babysitting ;   47    younger students , offered by most schools    48    a small fee ;   49    bagging groceries at local supermarkets .
   50    spending habits , most teens spend their money in a relatively carefree style . Often , a month’s allowance can be spent in just a few hours . I’m not saying that teens in US are   51     saving money . Indeed , in many situations , teens can be quite level-headed (头脑冷静) in   52     money towards college or other    53    plans . The way teens manage their money should not be seen as a   54     . It may just be a defining characteristic of their carefree    55   .
A.adults B.teens C.babies D.elders
A.freedom B.pride C.happiness D.excitement
A.parentsB.teachers C.friends D.schools
A.the others B.another C.the otherD.others
A.completion B.performance C.end D.success
A.watering B.washing C.sweepingD.removing
A.Cruelty B.ColdnessC.Usefulness D.Kindness
A.inB.on C.by D.for
A.dollarsB.money C.cashD.fees
A.satisfied B.ready C.qualifiedD.allowed
A.little B.much C.more D.no
A.helping B.trainingC.tutoring D.informing
A.in need ofB.in return forC.with the purpose of D.as a result of
A.and B.but C.so D.yet
A.As for B.Because of C.in spite of D.But for
A.used toB.expert atC.looking forward toD.incapable of
A.spending B.earning C.saving D.collecting
A.futureB.present C.pastD.last
A.characteristicB.weakness C.merit D.symbol
A.lifestyle B.attitude C.habit D.thinking

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