
Is veg food healthier than non-veg food? I feel this is a very common topic that people speak on.Please give me your opinions on this topic.
So far as veg food is concerned, it is also proved to be a healthy and nutritious diet, but has very few items which can provide us with proteins, but if you see non-veg food like eggs, chicken, and many more, such foods have a large content of proteins in them.
Man basically is herbivorous(食草的). If we look at the animal kingdom
We can see that all the herbivorous animals have the similar dental(牙齿的)
structure, which clearly shows that the human being also ought to be vegetarian by birth. It is only the living conditions that make man carnivorous(食肉的).
The vegetarian foods are easily digestible.
Non-veg food items are better than veg items. A healthy person requires complete diet and veg + meat makes the diet complete. The only caution that needs to be taken is not to have non-veg items on a daily basis. Once in a week or couple of weeks will be best.
When we eat non-veg, we are all veg by nature. The chicken that we eat feeds on grains, the mutton that we eat feeds on grass, and the fish that we eat feeds on simple plants. So non-veg food by logic(逻辑)is better and suited for hauman beings.
Non-veg food is equally important in our diet as it helps in many ways, especially fish and other seafood as fish contains omega 3 which makes our immune system(免疫系统)stronger. Do you know that most of the veg food put together does not contain as much omega 3 as fish alone contains!
小题1:According to Rao, what is the problem with veg food?
A.It damages our immune system.B.It has few nutrients.
C.It contains too much omega 3.D.It is lacking in protein.
小题2:In the opinion of Sai, humans are born vegetarian because humans        .
A.have the same teeth structure as plant-eating animals
B.believe that veg foods are good for their teeth
C.belong to the plant-eating animal family
D.can adapt to the living conditions like plant-eating animals
小题3:What advice is given by Santos?
A.To have a daily veg + meat diet.
B.Not to eat non-veg food every day.
C.To eat digestible food every day.
D.Not to eat food without protein.


小题1:考查细节理解。从文章第二栏中but has very few items which can provide us with proteins可知Rao认为素食缺乏蛋白质。选D
小题2:考查细节理解。根据第三栏的all the herbivorous animals have the similar dental structurewhich clearly shows that the human being also 0Ilght to be vegetarian by birth可知食草动物的牙齿结构于人类的牙齿结构相似所以Sai认为人类天生是素食的。选A
小题3:考查细节理解。根据第四栏的The only caution that needs to be taken is not to have non-veg items on a daily basis可知Santos建议不要天天吃肉类食物。所以选B。
Statuses are marvelous human inventions that enable us to get along with one another and to determine where we “fit”in society.As we go about our everyday lives,we mentally attempt to place people in terms of their statuses.For example,we must judge whether the person in the library is a reader or a librarian,whether the telephone caller is a friend or a salesman,whether the unfamiliar person on our property is a thief or a meter reader,and so on.
The statuses we assume often vary with the people we encounter,and change throughout life.Most of us can,at very high speed,assume the statuses that various situations require.Much of social interaction consists of identifying and selecting among appropriate statuses and allowing other people to assume their statuses in relation to us.This means that we fit our actions to those of other people,based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.Although some of us find the task more difficult than others.most of us perform it rather effortlessly.
A status has been compared to ready-made clothes.Within certain limits the buyer can choose style and fabric.But an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince.We must choose from among the clothing presented by our society.Further more,our choice is limited to a size that will fit,as well as by our pocketbook.Having made a choice within these limits,we can have certain alterations made,but apart from minor adjustments.We tend to be limited to what the stores have on their racks.Statuses too come ready made,and the range of choice among them is limited.
小题1:In the first paragraph the writer tells us that statuses can help us_________.
A.protect ourselves in unfamiliar situations
B.make friends with other people
C.determine whether a person is fit for a certain job
D.behave appropriately in relation to other people
小题2:According to the writer,people often assume different statuses ________.
A.in order to identify themselves with others
B.as the situation changes
C.in order to better identify others
D.as their mental processes change
小题3:The underlined word“appraisal”in the 2nd paragraph most likely means_______.
小题4:In the last sentence of the second paragraph,“it”refers to“_________”.
A.identification of other people’s statuses
B.fitting our actions to those of other people appropriately
C.selecting one’s own statuses
D.constant mental process
小题5:By saying that“an American is not free to choose the costume of a Chinese peasant or that of a Hindu prince”,the writer means___________.
A.different people have different styles of clothes
B.ready-made clothes may need alterations
C.our choice of statuses is limited
D.statuses come ready made just like clothes
On October 12, 1987, some Chinese scientists were working at the computers to look for information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright spots(点 )crossing the computers’ screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror(恐惧), they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of( 除掉) by computer viruses! Obviously all these computers had been infected(感染 ) by computer viruses.
It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young man fond of playing tricks. They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence.(才智)These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem( 耶路撒冷 )Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack the computers by lowering the function(功能), damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information.
We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Fridays and that they are spreading(传播) to a list of computers. Among the countries that suffering computer viruses are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the U.S. But till now, how to get rid of the terrible remains a problem.
小题1:The group of young men created the viruses to __________. 
A.damage the computers
B.test their ability
C.play a trick on operators of the computers
D.tell the world that they were intelligent
小题2:According to the passage, computer viruses seem to _______.
A.have been in nature for years
B.be difficult to get rid of at present
C.exist(存在) in any computers
D.be able to be got rid of in the near future
小题3:The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _______.
A.all the information stored in the computers is gone
B.the computer’s functions are lowered
C.the normal programs are damaged
D.the computers infected by the viruses can no longer be used
小题4:According to the passage, which of the following is true?
A.Four countries found their computers were infected by viruses.
B.The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some time
C.The Jerusalem Viruses are a great harm to human health.
D.Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses
We all know that theme parks are places to have fun and amuse ourselves, but among so many exciting rides there are also some dangers, Make sure you know what the safety standards are for all the attractions at the park. If you do that , you will be safe and have fun.
Drink water. Believe it or not , dehydration-- when your body doesn’t have enough water--is the commonest cause of injuries at theme parks. Drinking water while you are at the park is not enough.You must make sure that you drink enough water before your visit.
Use your “common sense”. There are lots of people around , so make sure where your friends or family are .Also ,if you are walking and want to stop , make sure nobody is walking behind you. First step aside,then look behind and if you aren’t in anybody’s way,then stop.It might sound exaggerated(夸张的),but crashes between people can cause accidents.
Follow the instructions. The majority of theme parks have instructions for each ride. Some rides only allow people of a certain height. So make sure you are not too tall or too short before boarding any ride. Also, people with certain diseases or conditions are advised not to go on some rides. Do remember : If you are told not to go on a ride, then DON’T.
Do not ride with a bad atomach or if you’ve just eaten. Rides can make you ill because of their violent changes of direction and your lunch may end up on someone else’s head: surely not a very pleasant experience.
Have fun, relax, and be a little brave!
Some rides might look scary but theme parks are very safe places.
小题1:What is the leading reason for injuries at theme parks?
小题2:According to the author,____.
A.it doesn’t pay to go to theme parks
B.people can have lots of fun in theme parks
C.men are more interested in theme parks than women
D.shy people should not go to theme parks
小题3:Which of the following will the author accept?
A.Children should notplay in theme parks.
B.One shouldn’t eat anything before riding.
C.One must always stay with his friends or family in theme parks.
D.One must read the instructions before playing in theme parks.
Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge(知识).If you remember the following information,your life will be much safer.
Always notice the environment around you.You shouldn’t walk alone outside.Make sure where the public phones are.If anything dangerous happens,you can find them easily.
Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back.When a bus is full of people, it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.
If you are followed by someone whom you don’t know, cross the street and go to the other way,let the person understand that you know he or she is after you.Next,don’t go home at once.You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯).
If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves.This stops other people from studying you.On the bus,don’t sit alone.Sit behind the driver or with other people.Don’t sleep.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out?
A.Go home alone late at night.
B.Make sure where the public phones are.
C.Don’t get to the bus stop too early.
D.Always notice the environment around you.
小题2:When you are followed by someone on your way home,you should  to make yourself safe.
A.run home
B.find a lift and go in
C.turn back and walk towards him or her at once
D.cross the street and go to the other way
小题3:What can you learn from the text?
A.How to notice the environment around you.
B.How to be safe in your everyday life.
C.How to cross the street.
D.How to use the public phones.
"He who can have patience can have what he wants," said Benjamin Franklin. They say patience is a virtue (美德) seldom found in women and never in men. This may or may not be true, but it's fair to say that there is nobody on the earth who couldn't benefit from more patience.
Patience is necessary for success.
It is said that "all good things come to those who wait". Many of the great scientists have remarked that their scientific discoveries came only through patient perseverance (坚持). Edison said, "Genius was 99% perspiration and only 1% inspiration." Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success. It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be obtained through achievements.
Patience brings peace of mind.
When we desire certain outcomes (结果), we'll have no peace of mind. Even if one desire is filled, the nature of desire is that more will appear in its place. There is no end to human desires. Patience means we will work with an attitude of detachment (超然).
Patience can transform suffering into joy.
Throughout life we suffer injustice; the best healer is patience. Through being patient and accepting our situation, it's quite possible for our suffering to be transformed.
Sri Chinmoy said, "If failure has the strength to turn your life into bitterness itself, then patience has the strength to turn your life into the sweetest joy."
小题1:Whose saying supports the idea that patience makes a person joyful?
小题2:In the writer's opinion, _____ .
A.human desires will easily be filled
B.patience is a virtue seldom found in a person
C.happiness can only be obtained through success
D.patience is the best medicine of suffering
小题3:How is the whole passage organized?
小题4:Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.We All Need PatienceB.Patience Means Success
C.Benefits of PatienceD.We Should Not Be patient
This is a true story of how my car got stuck in water and how a stranger helped me during the worst rain storm.
Last Sunday, the sky was grey when I woke up. The weather report said rain was coming, but I couldn’t stay home just because of rain.
Around 8:00 am I had a doctor’s appointment. It wasn’t raining then. At 9:00 I left the doctor’s office to drive to work, and it was raining hard. I just had to go about 5-6 miles down one main road to get to a nearby school, where I could stay until the rain ended. Unfortunately, the road in front of the school was flooded, and my car stopped in the middle.
“Who is going to save me?” I wondered. I shut off the engine and turned on my flashers (车灯). I called 911. They were not helpful. I called my husband, even though he couldn’t come and help me. I was also very close to a police station. But I never saw even one police car. I decided to get out of the car, since it was still pouring.
My best decision of the day had been to wear rain boots. I took my umbrella and quickly got out and ran across the street to a shelter.
Before long, a tow truck(拖车) happened to pass by the street. The driver kindly offered to help me. At that moment, I really needed car pulled out quickly, so I trusted the stranger. He pulled my car and drove me home. After he had dropped my car off, he also helped me check the engine. He said the engine was most likely flooded, but fortunately there was no water inside the car.
Although many years have passed, I still remember that stormy day and the warm-hearted stranger clearly.
小题1:How was the weather when the author got up?
小题2:Which of the following is the correct order about the things that the author did?
① Drove to work.                      ② Drove to the doctor’s office.
③ Ran to a shelter.                      ④ Called 911 for help.
小题3:What did the author do after her car had got stuck in the water?
A.She turned off her flashers.
B.She tried to restart the engine.
C.She went to the police station nearby.
D.She got out of her car.
小题4:How did the stranger help the author?
A.He lent his car to her.
B.He pulled her car out of the water.
C.He drove her to school.
D.He helped her fix her engine.
Until the twentieth century cigarettes were not an important threat to public health. Men used tobacco mainly in the form of cigars. They chewed tobacco, piped tobacco, and snuffed. Most women did not use tobacco at all.
The cigarette industry began in 1870s with the development of the cigarette manufacturing machine. This made it possible to produce great numbers of cigarettes very quickly, and it reduced the price.
Today cigarette smoking is a widespread habit. About forty-three percent of the adult men and thirty-one percent of the adult women in the United States smoke cigarettes regularly. It is encouraging to note, however, that millions of people have quit smoking. Seventy-five percent of the male population and forty-six percent of the female population have smoked cigarettes for some time during their lives, but twenty-six percent of these men and eleven percent of the women have stopped smoking. The number of persons who have given up smoking is increasing. Men as a group smoke more than women. Among both men and women the age group with the highest proportion of smokers is the age group 24—44.
Income, education, and occupation all play a part in determining a person’s smoking habit. City people smoke more than people living on farms. Well-educated men with high incomes are less likely to smoke cigarettes than men with fewer years of schooling and lower incomes. On the other hand, if a well-educated man with a higher income smokes, he’s likely to smoke more packs of cigarettes per day.
The situation is somewhat different for women. There are slightly more smokers among women with higher family incomes and higher education than among the lower income and lower educational groups. These more highly educated women tend to smoke more heavily.
Among teenagers the picture is similar. There are fewer teenager smokers from upper-income, well-educated families, and also fewer from families living in farm areas. High school students who are preparing for college are less likely to smoke than those who don’t plan to continue their education after high school. Children are most likely to start smoking if one or both of their parents smoke.
小题1:The underlined word “picture” in the last paragraph probably means _____________.
小题2:Which group of people smoked more according to the passage?
A.The group of women.B.The group of teenagers.
C.The group of men.D.The group of old people.
小题3:Which of the following factors will be likely to decide whether a person smokes or not?
A.Income and sex.B.Education and occupation
C.Sex and age.D.All the above.
小题4:According to the passage, if a teenager doesn’t plan to go to college, and if his parents both smoke, he will ________________.
A.probably not smoke in the future.
B.probably start to smoke in the future.
C.persuade his parents to give up smoking.
D.hate his parents as well as other smokers.
小题5:Which of the following isn’t true?
A.It wasn’t until the twentieth century that cigarettes became an important threat to public.
B.More and more people are giving up smoking.
C.A poorly-educated woman with lower income is more likely to smoke than a well-educated woman with high income.
D.There are the most smokers in the age group of 24-44.
Yawning sends out certain messages---either “Oh, this movie is boring”or I probably need to get some sleep”. But did you know that a yawn can also help your brain to cool down when it is so overheated?
A new study, led by a research team of Princeton University, has indicated that yawning could be the brain’s natural way of regulating temperature. People yawn more often when the temperature outdoors is lower than their body temperature but are less likely to yawn when it is hotter outdoors, according to Sciencedaily.com.
The research team did an experiment on 160 people , 80 in summer and 80 in summer and 80 in winter, to examine how often they yawned at different air temperatures. The study found that people yawned more often in winter than in summer. Scientists say that when the air temperature is lower outside the body, there is heat exchange between the overheated brain and the cool air. But when the air temperature is higher than or equal to the body, people are less likely to yawn because the hot air they breathe in will make the brain even hotter.
When people yawn, their jaw is also stretched, which increases blood flow and may also help cool the brain.
The study showed that the amount someone yawned could be related to the amount of time they spent outside. The longer they spent outside in summer, the less they yawn. Nearly 40 percent of participants yawned within their first five minutes outside, but after that the percentage was reduced to less than 10 percent.
However, the result was the opposite in winter. The number of people who yawned increased when they spent more than five minutes outdoors. But the change was only slight compared to summertime.
According to Gallup, this is the first report to show that yawning frequencies change depending on season. This could help us to understand better the way our brains work. It may also help us understand the reason why frequent yawning can sometimes be a sign of brain disease.
小题1:The purpose of the experiment is ________.
A.to prove people yawn in winter and in summer equally.
B.to indicate brain can regulate temperature naturally
C.to find the frequency of people’s yawning
D.to show the real reason why people yawn
小题2:The information we get from Paragraph 5 and 6 is that_______
A.longer outdoor summertime results in more yawns.
B.yawning frequency changes with outdoor time
C.yawning frequency increases with outdoor time
D.longer outdoor wintertime leads to fewer yawns
小题3:According to the text, people yawn more often________.
A.when the air temperature is lower outside the body
B.when the hot air breathed in makes the brain hotter
C.when the air temperature is higher than the body
D.when the air temperature is equal to the body.
小题4:What could be the best title for the text?
A.Yawning is a Sign of Brain Disease
B.Yawning Carries Some Information
C.Yawning Benefits Your Body
D.Yawning Cools Your Brain

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