

A Swiss airplane powered only by energy from the sun left from Abu Dhabi early on March 9. Its creators hope the plane will make the first around-the-world journey without any fuel.

The plane is called Solar Impulse 2. It has one seat and is made from carbon fiber. The plane weighs only as much as a car but its wings are wider than a Boeing 747. The plane's wings stretch 72 meters across.

Those wings include 17,000 solar units, or cells, that capture the sun's energy. The energy allows the plane to fly day and night.

Two Swiss scientists built the plane. Bertrand Piccard is also an explorer who made the first non-stop flight around the world in a balloon. Andrew Borschberg is an engineer and trained fighter pilot.

The scientists say they are not trying to change the airplane industry. Instead, they want to show that new energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible.

"We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel,' Mr. Piccard said.

Some parts of the trip will require the pilots to be in the tiny plane for five to six days and nights in a row. So it is good that the pilot's seat is also a toilet.

The plane's route begins in the United Arab Emirates. The pilots also plan stops in Oman, India, and China. They will cross the Pacific Ocean, stop in the United States, and continue over southern Europe or North Africa. They plan to arrive back in the United Arab Emirates in late July or early August.

Internet viewers can go to the Solar Impulse website to see the plane's location and listen to broadcasts from the pilots.

【1】What does the passage mainly discuss___________?

A. A new airplane-Solar Impulse 2

B. A Swiss airplane

C. The first around-the-world journey

D. The airplane industry

【2】Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2___________?

A. the weight of Solar Impulse 2

B. the material of Solar Impulse 2

C. an introduction of Solar Impulse 2

D. the wings of Solar Impulse 2

【3】Form the passage, what do we know about Bertrand Piccard__________?

A. He made the first non-stop flight around the world.

B. He is a trained fighter pilot.

C. He is from the United Arab Emirates.

D. He built the plane alone.

【4】Which one is NOT true_________?

A. New energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible.

B. The scientists are trying to change the airplane industry.

C. The plane's route begins in the United Arab Emirates.

D. The pilots plan to arrive back in the United Arab Emirates

【5】In which part of newspaper can you most probably find this passage____________?

A. Health B. Life C. Travelling D. Technology







解析由瑞士科学家设计的太阳能飞机Solar Impulse 2将于3月9日开启环球之旅,全程均以太阳能为动力。此次飞行大约将耗费5个月的时间,全程达21748英里,将分12段来完成。

【1A 主旨大意题根据A Swiss airplane powered only by energy from the sun left from Abu Dhabi early on March 9....The plane is called Solar Impulse 2...Those wings include 17,000 solar units...that capture the sun's energy...Two Swiss scientists built the plane...The plane's route begins in the United Arab Emirates.可知,文章主要介绍了一种全新的以太阳能为动力的飞机--Solar Impulse 2

【2C 段落大意题。根据It has one seat and is made from carbon fiber. The plane weighs...The plane's wings可知,第二段主要介绍了Solar Impulse 2的材质、重量和机翼等信息。

【3A 推理判断题。根据第Bertrand Piccard is also an explorer who made the first non-stop flight around the world in a balloon.可知,Bertrand Piccard还是一个探险家,他曾经乘坐热气球环游了世界,期间没有降落过。

【4B 推理判断题。根据第五段The scientists say they are not trying to change the airplane industry.可知,科学家研制新型飞机不是为了试图改变航空业

【5D 文章出处题文章主要介绍了一种由瑞士科学家研制的新型飞机,根据第五段new energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible可知,这种新型飞机的成功研制,得益于科技的发展,因此,文章最有可能来自报纸的科技板块。


【题目】Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future ? While express mail representing efficiency and speed is prevalent(盛行的)in China , there is another type of mail appearing as a new business : Future Mail . Future Mail service can make people slow down and let them understand the meaning of time in another way . And Future Mail letters are reminders of affection , friendship and love ”.

Lin Xiaofan , a senior high school student in Hefei , wrote a letter to her mother in advance to express her love to her mother for next Mother’s Day . Feng Xiao , a youth who feels pressure despite of some achievements in her career decided to write a letter to herself on her 25th birthday and have it delivered five years later on her 30th birthday through a Future Mail . She expressed her thoughts about her present life and her expectations for the future to encourage herself to face up to the challenges of her life with courage .

While Future Mail is gaining popularity , some people are concerned about what happens if the postal address of the receiver changes or if the company goes broken before letters are delivered . Actually , customers required to complete an acceptance form and make an assessment so they can be compensated if their letters or goods are lost or damaged .

Most of the business’s customers are college students and young white-collar workers . Psychologists said young Chinese might be given a vent(发泄)to their negative feelings through the service . Most people put their hopes and wishes in the letters so they can experience the connection between past and present while they receive the letters . It can help people reunderstand the meaning of time .

【1】The underlined word in Para . 3 probably means .

A. paid B. changed C. bought D. repaired

【2】Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. People can express their thoughts and feelings to themselves or others through a Future Mail .

B. The Future Mail business is not perfect .

C. Only young people accept the new Future Mail service .

D. Future Mail ”service can let people reunderstand the meaning of time .

【3】You can read this article in newspaper’s part .

A. sports . B. science

C. leisure(闲暇) D. policy

【4】Which is NOT the purpose of Feng Xiao’s letter ?

A. To encourage herself to face up to the challenges .

B. To express her thoughts about her present life .

C. To express her expectations for the future .

D. To remind herself of something she must do .

【5】The best title of this article should be .

A. The Different Kinds of Letter

B. Future Mail Business Taking off in China

C. The Advantage of Future Mail

D. The Letter in Future


Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. It was the final quarter. The score was two to one, my son’s team 【1 the lead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering encouragement.

With less than ten 【2 (remain) seconds, the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son’s teammate, Mickey O’ Donnel. With shouts of “Kick it!” echoing across the playground, Mickey turned around and gave 【3 everything he had. All around me the crowd erupted (沸腾). O’Donnel had scored!

Then there was 【4 (silent). Mickey had scored all right, 【5 in the wrong goal, ending the game in a tie. For a moment there was a total hush. You see, Mickey has Down Syndrome(综合症)and for him there is 【6 such thing as a wrong goal. All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey. He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.

The silence was finally 【7 (break) when Mickey, his face filled with joy, hugged my son 【8 (tight) and shouted, “I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would react. I need not 【9 (worry). I watched, through tears, as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, “Way to go Mickey!” Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.

Later that night, when my daughter asked 【0 had won, I smiled as I replied, “It was a tie. Everybody won.”

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