
【题目】Marco Polo is said to have sailed on __________ Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in __________ thirteenth century.

A. the; a B. a; /

C. /; the D. the; the


【解析】句意:据说马可波罗在13世纪经太平洋航行到爪哇。太平洋为独一无二的事物,故前用定冠词 the;特指某个世纪时需用定冠词。故答案为D。


【题目】According to the Ministry of Health, 260 million Chinese people have chronic(慢性)diseases, and 85 percent of all deaths in China are caused by such diseasesAmong them, cardiovascular(心血管的)disease has bothered more people than any other kind of chronic disease

According to the WHOWorld Health Organization), salt consumption(消耗), one of the key causes of high blood pressure that can lead to cardiovascular disease, is much higher in China than in other countries

Douglas Bettcher, the director of the WHO’s Tobacco Free Initiative, says, “The average Chinese person consumes about 12 to 14 grams of salt) per day, while the suggestion of the WHO is consumption of less than 5 grams per dayHigh salt consumption is a major cause of cardiovascular disease and high pressure in China

Changing the way that food is prepared could reduce salt consumption in China

Another major risk factor in China is smokingDr Michael O’Leary, a representative of the WHO, says, “We know already that one million deaths in China are related to smoking, This is an enormous numberIt means that we are seeing nearly 3000 deaths a day in China, or two deaths every minute, related to smoking

According to O’Leary, about 26 percent of men who die from smoking-related diseases in China die before the age of 60People who can still contribute a great deal, in other words, are dying too young

China has tried to ban smoking , but more efforts are needed

More than half of chronic diseases are preventable by changing lifestyles and reducing risksThe four key risk factors are: smoking, diets high in fats, salt and sugar, environments that prevent physical activities, and alcohol consumptionThese are the areas on which efforts to make changes need to concentrate

1Which of the following is more in China than in other countries?

A. The amount of salt consumed

B. The number of deaths caused by high blood pressure

C. The number of people with cardiovascular disease

D. The number of people with high blood pressure

2According to the WHO, how much salt should a Chinese person consume?

A. About 12 to 14 grams per day

B. Less than 5 grams per day

C. About 17 to 19 grams per day

D. About 7 to 9 grams per day

3Why does O’Leary mention “26 percent of men” in Paragraph 6?

A. To show China needs to try to ban smoking

B. To show smoking causes the deaths of elderly people

C. To show smoking causes the deaths of too many young people

D. To show the number of smoking-related deaths in China is large

4What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. There are four causes of chronic diseases

B. The change in lifestyles can prevent some chronic diseases

C. No smoking or alcohol means no chronic diseases

D. If we do physical activities, we will have no chronic diseases


A Swiss airplane powered only by energy from the sun left from Abu Dhabi early on March 9. Its creators hope the plane will make the first around-the-world journey without any fuel.

The plane is called Solar Impulse 2. It has one seat and is made from carbon fiber. The plane weighs only as much as a car but its wings are wider than a Boeing 747. The plane's wings stretch 72 meters across.

Those wings include 17,000 solar units, or cells, that capture the sun's energy. The energy allows the plane to fly day and night.

Two Swiss scientists built the plane. Bertrand Piccard is also an explorer who made the first non-stop flight around the world in a balloon. Andrew Borschberg is an engineer and trained fighter pilot.

The scientists say they are not trying to change the airplane industry. Instead, they want to show that new energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible.

"We want to show we can fly day and night in an aircraft without a drop of fuel,' Mr. Piccard said.

Some parts of the trip will require the pilots to be in the tiny plane for five to six days and nights in a row. So it is good that the pilot's seat is also a toilet.

The plane's route begins in the United Arab Emirates. The pilots also plan stops in Oman, India, and China. They will cross the Pacific Ocean, stop in the United States, and continue over southern Europe or North Africa. They plan to arrive back in the United Arab Emirates in late July or early August.

Internet viewers can go to the Solar Impulse website to see the plane's location and listen to broadcasts from the pilots.

【1】What does the passage mainly discuss___________?

A. A new airplane-Solar Impulse 2

B. A Swiss airplane

C. The first around-the-world journey

D. The airplane industry

【2】Whats the main idea of Paragraph 2___________?

A. the weight of Solar Impulse 2

B. the material of Solar Impulse 2

C. an introduction of Solar Impulse 2

D. the wings of Solar Impulse 2

【3】Form the passage, what do we know about Bertrand Piccard__________?

A. He made the first non-stop flight around the world.

B. He is a trained fighter pilot.

C. He is from the United Arab Emirates.

D. He built the plane alone.

【4】Which one is NOT true_________?

A. New energy sources and technologies can achieve what some say is impossible.

B. The scientists are trying to change the airplane industry.

C. The plane's route begins in the United Arab Emirates.

D. The pilots plan to arrive back in the United Arab Emirates

【5】In which part of newspaper can you most probably find this passage____________?

A. Health B. Life C. Travelling D. Technology

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